
Lessons on Heartbreak, From Your Favorite Aunt

There is plenty of heartbreak to go around, and that means that you won’t be spared from your share in your life. 

As my niece, you deserve better than anything that I have experienced in my own lifetime. 

  1. Everyone’s heart gets broken a few times.

  2. Boys will break your heart, even when you think they won’t.

  3. If he doesn’t call, he isn’t interested.

  4. It’s better to move on before he does, even if it’s just for show.

  5. You’ll fall in love with at least one person who will never love you back.

  6. The first guy to hurt you will always have a special place in your heart.

  7. The person who cares less will always have the power.

  8. Of course, being the person who cares more opens your heart.

  9. If you ever find yourself with the wrong person, leave.

  10. If you aren’t immediately attracted to someone, don’t waste your time.

  11. Don’t continue to date someone you don’t like just because you’re lonely.

  12. The grass always seems greener on the other side, but it usually isn’t.

  13. It’s always better to be lonely by yourself than lonely with someone else.

  14. You’ll have sex with boys who don’t love you even though you thought they did.

  15. You’ll have sex with boys you don’t love even though you thought you could.

  16. There will be an emptiness inside you after your first breakup.

  17. The person who can fill that hole? Hold on to him.

  18. Boys are not the only people who will break you heart.

  19. Mom and Dad will disappoint you.

  20. Hell, even I’ll disappoint you a few times. 

  21. Someone disappointing you doesn’t mean that they don’t love you.

  22. No one is perfect, and that includes everyone who will ever love you.

  23. You’ll break hearts just as much as your own heart gets broken.

  24. Anyone who judges you for something you can’t control isn’t worth your pain.

  25. Pain does not last forever.

  26. It hurts just as much to break a heart as it does to have your heart broken.

  27. You’ll realize how strong you are after you survive a few broken hearts.

Even though you’ll experience the heartbreaks of your lifetime, I hope that I can help prevent a few, or at least make them more understandable. 

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