
I Do My Thing. You Do Yours.

“I do my thing and you do your thing. You are you and I am I, and if in the end we end up together, it’s beautiful.” Topanga 

I know you don’t think we can be together. While I respect your opinion, I also would appreciate you respecting mine. It’s not going to be easy. There’s going to be risks. We’re each taking chances here, and gambling a bit. But I’ve always been someone who plays for keeps. 

I know you feel it too. I don’t think I’d feel things so deeply, if it weren’t true or mutual. And I don’t think we’d continue to find our way back to one another, if there wasn’t a reason for it. So I’m asking you to stop fighting this. I’m asking you to just go with this feeling and trust it blindly, because it’s all I’ve ever known. I won’t ask you to stay put. If I did, I know you’d resent me. But I’m always gonna hope it’s us in the end. I don’t care who we each date. I don’t care, if I fall head over heels for someone. I may even say I love you. But my heart has and will always be yours, if you should choose to take it. 

I do my thing. 

I’ll keep living my life. Just as I am your biggest fan, I know you are mine. You’ll keep watching me from afar, silently rooting for me. And I’ll do the same. 

I won’t need to look over my shoulder. I won’t need to look back. The beauty in us is that we can walk separately, but even if we’re far, our paths somehow are intertwined.  

The wonderful thing about soul mates, you can go as far as you’d like and do whatever you want. But when you’ve exchanged pieces of one another’s heart, all you have to do when you miss one another, is look down and that’s where they will be. You can feel them, even in their absence. And you blindly trust, they will find their way back to you. 

You do yours. 

Individually we’re each our own person. We each have experiences that have shaped us. We have secrets only one another may know. There’s always been a trust I have in you, I’ve never known with anyone else. And it’s that trust that doesn’t shake me, when we part ways as we do often. 

Neither of us are supposed to stay in one place. On this journey we walk alone, we are each trying to find ourselves. We each live our own lives, with different schedules. We each have our own friends. But somehow even in the midst of you doing you and me doing me, we always make time for one another. We always somehow even for a moment or two, fit each other into our busy lives. Because just maybe we’re supposed to be there. 

I think that’s what makes it so great, despite where we’ve gone, or who we’ve met, or mistakes we’ve made, the one consistent part about all of this, is us. 

If in the end we end up together, it’s beautiful. 

I don’t know if we’re destined to continue to run in circles. I don’t know if it’ll be us in the end. And if I had the choice to see down the line where we each would end up, I don’t know if I’d want to know. Because there is something fun about not knowing. There’s something about holding onto blind faith. 

Of the many things we cannot control in life are fate. And sometimes we’d like to. We’d like to have answers. We’d like to know. But there is such beauty to uncertainty. There is such beauty to this journey we walk alone and along the way we meet people who join us.   

I can’t control our fate, but I can blindly believe in it. You’re kind of the only one I’ve ever wanted and it’s a feeling I can’t seem to shake. 

So if it’s us in the end, I look forward to saying I told you so. 

If it’s us in the end, I look forward to loving you, as much today as always. 

And if it’s us in the end, I look forward to waking up next to you every day and just being happy to be alive. Because that’s what you do for me. You ignite this fire within me, that never seems to die. 

But if it isn’t us in the end, if by chance fate does not bring us together and connect us as one, I think there’s beauty in that too. Because sometimes soul-mates don’t end up together. Sometimes they are passengers along the way, leading us to another soul who can give us forever. 

I will never force this. I will never make this difficult. In fact, I’ll be whatever you want of me. All that is within my control is blind fate and hope that we make it. Because I can’t seem to accept a story where it isn’t us in the end of all of this.  

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