25 Things To Do To Reduce Election Anxiety

This election season has been like no other. If you are like me it has been one filled with anxiety. As I sit her thinking about the things that could play out. My anxiety is running rampant. Here are something I have been doing to help myself through this time.


Turn off the TV

(this one has been so important) every time I turn on the tv I feel like I am being assaulted with words and opinions. There is so much negativity coming out of the news outlets. I have had to shut it off. My house is becoming an no cable TV zone.

Get off Social Media

This is another place where people are fighting about the election as well as another place where the numbers from the election are constantly coming at you. STOP the madness and just let it go take a break and unplug.


Family Movie Night

My boyfriend, dog and I are currently planning family movie night for tomorrow. We need something funny that will get us laughing. Everyone else in my family has Christmas on the brain and is currently watching The Santa Clause. Whatever your pick is make it something that will make the evening light and make you laugh. We have enough seriousness going on in the world.


Get Out of the House

When I get bored Facebook is my got too. So today it was time to get out of the house. It is very hard to be miserable in the sun. My pup and I played outside and it was the best thing that I have done for myself.



One of my biggest outlets is writing. So with the election that is making me a little crazy, I decided to write all of my frustrations out on paper. For either way this election goes. It felt good just to get everything off of my chest. It is out of me and now I can focus on other things.



Go for a walk. Lift some weights. Put all of your energy into something else. Make your body feel good and get your heart racing for something good for you not the stress that you are feeling right now.


Comfort Food

Grab something that you enjoy or cook something that you enjoy. We all need that right now. We all need to feel good and what else could make you feel better then some good old fashion fired chicken with buttery mashed potatoes and creamy man n cheese with chocolate chip cookies and milk for desert. NOTHING that’s what It is not like we eat like this all the time. Indulge this has been a long election and an even longer ballot count.


Call A Friend

When you do this I stress DO NOT TALK POLITICS!! Talk about something good that is happening in your life. Hey friends just wanted to let you know I am getting a A in that psychology class I thought that I was not going to do well in. See it feels good to share something great.


Dance in the Kitchen

You know that you are in there anyway making something that is going to make you feel better. Take your speaker in there and have a dance party. Or turn your song on and slow dance with your partner. I can hear that Jason Aldean song now “Got What I got.” It puts everything back to where it is supposed to be.


Read Your Favorite Book Again

I love Rachel Hollis and all of her books I am starting over with “Girl Wash Your Face,” again. She’s right you know!


Listen To A Podcast

Again nothing with politics!!!! How about Listening to the wisdom of Brene Brown. She has two out right now that are fantastic!!!


Read a Puckermob Article

When I find that I have anxiety reading something to take my mind off of everything else is so helpful. Go to the homepage of Puckermob and find something fun to read. Something wholesome. Maybe even something that will make you laugh.


Make a playlist

My boyfriend and I did this together serval months ago. It is such a combination of the love songs that make us thing of each other. My hiphop (Which I recently added) and his rock and roll. It is very us and when I listen to it I smile. Especially when his songs come one I can just see him singing along in the car.

Car Ride

My dog loves car rides and so do I. I turn on the music and we just drive usually to no where or the river whichever we feel like we need at the time. Just listening to music with the windows down can be so helpful.


Color or Draw

I am in now way a drawer. However, I love to color. My favorite thing to do with my little sister. We sit cross legged on floor and the whole world goes away! Sometimes you just need to do something that you loved as a kid!


Game Night

Pull out Sorry and Twister put on some old music like a little Whitney Huston and Micheal Jackson. Dance around and be goofy together. Love each other and laugh.



Use a guided meditation and help yourself breath. Yes, all of this is a lot. Yes everyone is feeling it right now. Let’s try to come back down with some breathing and mindfulness.


What are you Grateful for?

No it’s not Thanksgiving yet but take out a piece of paper and write down everything that you are thankful for! It will help you see what is important in life right now we all need to remember that.


Take A Hot Shower (or Bath)

This is always something that I do to relieve some anxiety. I sit with a face mask on after I have used my favorite body scrub and breath. After I wash off the face mask I try to have a good cry and leave it all there. Let it all wash down the drain.


Get Comfy

Go put your favorite pjs on get into bed and just relax. Be still for a few minutes. Put nothing on and just breath!!


Hug a loved one

I am not a hugger and everyone knows this. However, sometimes it is just nice to be in someone’s arms who you know loves you no matter what for your faults and strengths. They love it all. We all need to feel that love and we all need to give that love right now. The world needs some more love!!



I know it sounds crazy. However, I find that getting my space cleaned up and organized makes me more productive and takes my mind off of the world around me. I am focused on something that is going to make me feel good.


Make a to-do List

Tomorrow is a new day with new possibilities regardless of what is going on in the world. What do you want to accomplish?



It is all a lot and very exhausting. Give yourself a break from it all and the world. Lock yourself in your room get into your bed because it is so cozy, turn off your phone, and rest. You don’t even have to sleep.



This is the most important so I saved it for last. Breathe, we are all in the same boat. We are all worried about what is going to happen due to the out come of this election. Worrying yourself sick is not going to help. Please put your phone down and Breathe. Take slow, deep breaths.

This has been a tough year. The election has made it that much harder. I think that it can be very easy to look at social media and the news and see the worst in people. So stop for a while give yourself a break. Let’s also try to remember no matter what we are all in this together whether we want to believe it or not!!


Published by

Emily Anne

Hi, my name is Emily and I am 26. I spend a lot of my time being a dog mom to my Irish setter, Annie and trying to be the very best girlfriend to my very best friend. I am a full time student and although I am not sure what I want my career to look like, I do know that I want to help people. I also work full time as a teaching assistant. Writing is one of my hobbies, which is what brought me to Puckermob. I love having a place where I can share my stories, the good and the bad. I love that I can share the things that have helped me through the hard times, as well as, all of the good things that are happening. I also love to read. Some of my favorite books right now are “Didn’t see that coming,” by Rachel Hollis and “Daring Greatly,” by Brene Brown. You can find me on Instagram where you can see all of my adventures with Annie, my boyfriend, and my baby-sister.

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