TV Guys We Would All Love To Go Out With

Like it or not, TV shows have completely ruined relationships for us. There are a number of TV guys who we would love to go out with, because we’re pretty sure they will pick out something special and match our idea of the perfect date.

Whether it is saving their girlfriends from a horrible villain, singing a romantic song for them in a goofy voice or surprising them with a somewhat burned breakfast in bed, these TV guys sure know how to be a perfect boyfriend. Check out the list below and choose your favorite TV date!

Marshall Eriksen From How I Met Your Mother – The Perfect Husband

Lily got really lucky when she came across Marshall Eriksen. We can’t fathom what would have happened if she had met Ted instead, like she had actually intended to. Not only is Marshall funny, supportive and loyal, he is a hopeless romantic like us as well.

Why do we love Marshall? He loves to cuddle, he understands the passion of food, he will totally go along with the idea of wearing matching Halloween costumes and he won’t definitely bore you on long road trips (anyone feels like singing 500 miles? ‘Well I know I’m gonna be…’). The only fault we can see in him is that he simply cares too much.

Ted Mosby From How I Met Your Mother – The Guy Who Won’t Be Scared To Say ‘I Love You’

Well, to be honest, Ted did make things awkward when he told Robin he loves her on the very first date, but one can’t help but adore the guy’s romantic notions and his never ending search for an ideal soul mate. Good things don’t end here. He will literally do anything to make you happy, even if it’s stealing a Blue French Horn from a restaurant! We actually hope that one day Barney Stinson comes up to one of us in a bar and says,’ Haaaaaave you met Ted?!’ That would be legendary!

Chandler Bing From Friends – The Guy Who Avoided The Friend Zone

While Chandler will surely mess up the date by either accidentally throwing a drink on your dress or passing a sarcastic comment on your hair, the poor guy will certainly do his best to keep you happy and entertained. We love Chandler’s sarcastic one liners, but we also love how he is honest about his feelings. How can anyone forget the famous line I’m hopeless and awkward and desperate for love? Don’t we all feel that way?

Ben Wyatt From Parks And Recreation – The Patient Boyfriend

We will all hesitate to name Ben Wyatt for the next mayoral election, but we will walk a thousand miles to go on a date with him. Why? Ben Wyatt is a perfect package. Apart from his human disaster mode on television and radio, Ben has all the great qualities and he completely understands the girl’s needs. Whether it’s resigning from a job for you, trying to cheer you up when you get fired, bringing homemade chicken soup when you are sick or pretending to be interested in tiny ponies, Ben Wyatt will patiently and very happily go along with your crazy ideas, and he will support you through thick and thin.

James ‘Sawyer’ Ford From Lost – The Bad Guy

In the beginning of Lost, Sawyer was portrayed as a selfish jerk who was always getting into trouble. We were supposed to hate his guts and inconsiderate acts. So it was funny how we all rooted for him when things began to heat up between him and the good guy Jack. Yes, the love square between Kate, Jack, Sawyer and Juliet was super annoying, but it was great to see how Sawyer ‘grew up’ in such a short time and became one of the most loved characters of the show. And of course the best boyfriend to Juliet, as well!

Desmond Hume From Lost – The Guy Who Will Be Your Constant

Another perfect boyfriend from Lost has to be Desmond Hume. Who wouldn’t want someone to be their constant forever? He spent three years in solitude on a creepy island, went back and forth in time to get the love of his life back, fought with crazy dudes to keep Penny alive and waited for Penny’s boat patiently. And who can resist his amazing accent? It will be heartbreaking if he called us ‘brotha’, but it’s one of the main reasons we all swoon over him!

Ross Geller From Friends – The One Who Will Say Your Name

Not everyone likes Ross Geller… We mean Dr. Ross Geller. He can bore you with his scientific talks and dinosaur craze, but the guy doesn’t run away from marriages. If you want a relationship with someone who won’t be scared to settle down, is great with kids, knows how to scare bad people away with his serious Unagi moves and is truly in love with you, then Ross Geller will be perfect! However, it will be best to stay away from him if he has a Rachel, or should we say his ‘lobster’.

Damon Salvatore From The Vampire Diaries – The Boyfriend Who Will Love You To Death

Literally, Damon Salvatore will love you to death. While his charming smile will certainly make your day a lot better, it will be his persistence and patience that will get you in the end. Sure he is a little twisted (a little?!) and somewhat masochist, but the way he gives everything up for Elena is absolutely endearing.

Matthew Crawley From Downton Abbey – The Boyfriend Who Will Accept You As You Are

Didn’t we all shed buckets of tears when Matthew Crawley died all of a sudden and left Mary alone with a child? Matthew might belong to the early twentieth century, but he sure knows how to charm a girl. Mary is a total ice queen with a spoonful of compassion (we still adore her). Despite all of the stupid things Mary said and did, Matthew accepted her as she is. If it turns out he is alive, we would love to go on an old fashioned date with him!                                                

4 TV Shows That Need to End

When a new TV show starts, you feel apprehensive to befriend it, and approach it warily. Usually the pilot of the show is enough to tell you if the show is going to be worthy of your time or not. You gingerly watch the first few episodes, Google the cast to confirm where you have seen them before, sometimes come across interesting spoilers, and if you end up loving the pilot and the characters, the next few weeks are wonderful. Most of the time, the first few seasons of the TV shows are highly addictive and wild.

Take Lost for instance; weren’t we all dying to know what was in the hatch, what was up with Walt and who were the mysterious Others? Not to mention the crazy smoke monster! The first season was undeniably the best one of the series. Although we adore the whole show and its characters, Lost stumbled and lost its way a bit during the latter seasons. Then we have How I Met Your Mother. It’s better if we don’t talk about it. It gets us really worked up. Then there was Breaking Bad. It’s exemplary. The show didn’t bore the viewers with tedious and monotonous plot twists. The epic show had a perfect ending at the perfect time.

Right now, there are several used-to-be-great shows airing on the TV that are way past their expiry. It would be awesome if they end now. Check out the list below and let us know what you think!

The Big Bang Theory

The things that we used to love about The Big Bang Theory have now become unbearable. Yes, we get it that Sheldon Cooper has OCD, he can’t live without Leonard, he doesn’t drive, he doesn’t think Howard is smart enough, he doesn’t like to cuddle with Amy (or do anything physical, for that matter) and he can’t go inside Penny’s home without knocking on the door and saying her name out loud thrice. We also know that Howard Wolowitz is not a doctor, Penny is cooler than the rest of them, Raj’s love for his dog is somewhat unhealthy, Amy can’t help but pin after Sheldon and the whole group is immune to Bernadette’s shrill voice. There, we said it!

It’s high time for the show to end. There are probably lots of fans out there who wouldn’t want that, but admit it, it has gotten repetitive. Even the vanity cards at the end are dull. The director can easily wrap up the story. We have some ideas. Penny and Leonard get married and continue being a boring couple, Bernadette and Howard have a baby that looks and sounds just like Mrs. Wolowitz, Amy gives up on Sheldon and finds a love of her life, Sheldon gets adopted by Leonard and Penny and Raj lives happily ever after with his dog.

The Good Wife

We love the show, and we don’t want it to end, but we don’t want it to get boring either. The first few seasons were awesome, addictive and interesting. The courtroom drama could have been boring, but it wasn’t at all. We loved to watch how Alicia took charge of her life, worked hard to become a great lawyer, the way she drilled her opponents, her ‘will they or won’t they’ chemistry with Will and Peter, her friendship with Kalinda and Cary, and her humorous quarrels with Peter’s mother. How can we forget Eli Gold and Diane! Even the guest actors are quirky and interesting. The show is filled with good stuff.

However, when The Good Wife decided to kill off one of the main characters in the middle of season 5, it went downhill. Kalinda has become irrelevant, Cary is slowly turning into another Will Gardner, there is no more thrilling courtroom drama, instead there is a lot of politics going on, Peter has become an annoyance and Eli is clearly losing his charm. And where did the kids go? It will be sad to see the show end, but the time is right. 

2 Broke Girls

2 Broke Girls was never a brilliant show. Every week you get a good dose of tacky jokes, racist comments and poor performances. Every year you thought the show has been cancelled, but then you switch on the TV and guess what’s on air? It’s 2 Broke Girls! Whether it’s the cupcake business, Max’s loathing for generally everything, Caroline pearl necklace, Oleg’s dirty jokes or an applause round for Sophie, everything about the show is boring and unoriginal. Then there’s a low budget set up, ugly uniforms and a story line that has been used by every sitcom in the world. It is just terrible.

The first season was not great, but it was okay and tolerable. Max and Caroline made an odd but nice team, and it was fun to see how they became friends and tried various ways to earn money. Season two onward, the show became stale and nauseating to watch. We heard there is a season 4? We sure hope there won’t be a season 5! Does anyone even watch 2 Broke Girls? Whatever the case may be, no one will miss the show. The lead cast has potential and they can do a lot better.

Honorable Mentions

There are plenty of more shows that need to end now. Two and a Half Men has lost one and a half men. Ashton Kutcher doesn’t really count, does he?

Grey’s Anatomy simply kills off characters and brings in new ones. We’d rather watch Game of Thrones!

The love triangles and squares in The Vampire Diaries are a pain to watch now. Everyone is slowly moving to The Originals.

Let’s not even talk about Revenge and Glee… The point is they are all pretty much stalling and we are ready to bid farewell.

On the other hand, we are saying goodbye to so many amazing shows this year! Parks and Recreation will end this month. Sigh… Well, let’s hope we get to see some interesting plot twists and fun storylines!

10 Sexy Ways to Turn On Your Partner

Raise your hand if you agree that physical intimacy should be alive, whether you have been together with your partner for ten weeks or ten years. Physical intimacy is an important part of any relationship, and all couples must work hard to keep the fire burning. We know it’s easier said than done, especially when work, personal stuff, and kids get in the way. It’s definitely a challenge to keep the kinky going when all you want to do when you hit the bed is just sleep.

But you know what? You don’t need to come up with mind-boggling, Fifty Shades of Grey-ish ideas in the bedroom just to please your partner. We appreciate grand gestures, of course, so we won’t knock it until we’ve tried it. But to be perfectly honest, it’s the small things that spell the difference.

That’s just us, and like what everybody says, different strokes for different folks. If you want to channel Christian Grey or unleash your inner dominatrix, go for it! If role-playing or BDSM is not your thing, that’s okay, too. Continue reading and take note of these ten simple but foolproof ways that promise to make you hot and heavy 24/7.

1. Look and Smell Fantastic

If you look good and smell good, oh, you’re walking on dangerous territory. Just a whiff of your perfume can make pulses quicken, and make you remember past passionate romps in bed with your partner. Whether it’s a new aftershave or a new hairstyle, we appreciate our partners taking the time and putting the effort to look extra special for us

2. Tease And Give Your Partner A Sneak Peek

Sometimes, even just red lipstick, or a spritz of the perfume he loves, is enough to drive him mad with lust. Even the lingering scent of his soap in the shower can be enough to harbor dirty, lusty thoughts. Expose a little bit of midriff or a little bit of cleavage. If you work hard at the gym, show off those oblique muscles, or wear your boxers low and tease with that V-line. This show of skin is actually more effective than taking all your clothes off. Trust us on this.

3. Flirt Outrageously

Stare at her when she’s not looking. And then when she does, hold her gaze until she blushes and looks away. Exchange text messages that are not suitable for work. Call and tell them you can’t wait to get them out of their clothes. Ask each other where you want to be touched, and make sexy sounds to express your agreement. Tell them about that sexy dream you had and how you can’t concentrate on anything else. Let him know you’re thinking about him while you’re enjoying an ice cream cone. Confess how he made you hot and bothered when he came home from that morning jog. Make them happy and horny by sending hilarious memes brimming with sexual innuendo.

4. Touch Each Other

Hug her from behind while she’s preparing dinner. Smell her hair and let your fingers graze her neck, her breasts, and her back. When he steps out of the shower, run your hands over his body and show him that you’re really enjoying yourself. Squeeze his butt when he gets up from the couch. Better yet, sit on his lap, and move your body at just the right moments, brushing against parts of his body that you know will drive him crazy. Hold hands in the car. Play footsie with him under the table while waiting for your order to arrive. Touch each other, even when you don’t have to.

5. Kiss A Lot

Kiss them on their napes, behind their ears, on their collarbones. Kiss to tease, and kiss until you’re both out of air. Use your hands when you do, it’s incredibly erotic. Hold their faces and play with their hair. Graze your hands on her breasts, or run your fingers across his chest. It’s okay to lick and nibble, too. You can kiss with your eyes closed, and with your eyes open. Kiss them all over, period.

6. Stroke And Seduce

Treat your partner to a relaxing and titillating massage. Get the blood going and relax tired muscles with the help of your hands and essential oils. Men like scents that remind them of their women, and vice versa. If you want some hot lovin’ after the massage, try using scented oils like cinnamon, vanilla, jasmine, or lavender. Coupled with delicious-smelling candles and soft mood music, you will have them like putty in your hands.

7. Watch Porn Together

Women don’t like hardcore stuff, though. Women still prefer to watch R-rated movies, or soft porn with decent storylines, good cinematography, and good-looking actors. Watch while you give her a foot rub. When the action starts, follow suit.

8. Focus On The Foreplay

There, there. No need to rush. Enjoy each other’s bodies and just concentrate on giving one another pure, unmitigated pleasure. Don’t be too quick to undress. Take turns taking everything off. Spend time kissing and stroking other erogenous zones like the inner thighs, the nape, and the back of the knees. Helpful tip: put on music when things get heated up. Every time the music changes, do something else, and don’t stop until the next track begins.

9. Pay Attention And Communicate

Listen to the sounds the other makes and take note of body movements. Know what your partner likes, and what they really like. Don’t be afraid to ask if you’re doing it right, if they like this kind of pressure, if they want you to go faster. It’s better to communicate than go at it blindly, don’t you think?

10. Take Charge

Ladies, when you want sex, initiate sex. And do it when he least expects it. Nothing turns men on more than women who know what they want in bed. Unleash your inner bad girl and do it with confidence. Talk dirty if you must. Dress up and act out a fantasy. You can be gentle, you can be rough – it’s all up to you. You can use props, or you can even film it, if you’re both into having a sex diary or something.

It’s normal to lose interest in sex every now and then; truth is, we won’t be feeling sexy and attractive all of the time. Try not to get in a rut and devote quality sexy time with your partner. Clear a day on your busy schedules and make time to make love. Hopefully, these ten simple tips will boost your relationship and put that much needed spice in your sex lives.

If You Loved Reading 'Gone Girl', You'll Probably Love These Books!

When the movie hit the theaters, Gone Girl, based on the book by Gillian Flynn, created a lot of hype and excitement. The book readers were skeptical, and non-book readers couldn’t care less. While the movie didn’t turn out to be that thrilling for those who have already read the book (perhaps because we had already knew the awesome plot twist!), it was up to par.

Thank God we didn’t have another Great Gatsby on our hands. Well, since we have read the book (and watched the movie); some of us have been looking for something to fill the void. Here is a little list of books similar to Gone Girl that you can’t help but read in one sitting!

Dark Places by Gillian Flynn

What’s the best way to fill the Gone Girl void? Delve into more Flynn fiction! Put Dark Places on your next-to-read shelf

You will be gripped by the book right from the beginning. How could you not? The first line read, “I have meanness inside me, real as an organ. Slit me at my belly and it might slide out, meaty and dark, drop on the floor so you could stomp on it.” Creepy, isn’t it? Similar to Gone Girl, Dark Places has a set of very shady characters. The protagonist, Libby Day, is imperfect, average looking, lazy, mean and selfish. She does things that are very questionable. As Libby takes you back and forth to her past and present, you will come across a number of twisted characters and horrendous scenes that will make your stomach churn. A lot of readers don’t like Libby, but we loved her. She is the epitome of human nature.

We recommend that you read Dark Places alone in the dark to create the mood of tension. Keep a cup of tea and some chocolates on the bedside because you will need some comfort now and then. Once you have completed the book and found out the horror it contains, run outside and soak up the sun.

By the way, don’t delay reading Dark Places because its movie is coming out soon starring Charlize Theron as Libby Day!

Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn

Not many people are aware that Sharp Object is Gillian Flynn’s very first novel. The general mood of the book is deeply unsettling and terribly sad. It’s far creepier and darker than Gone Girl. We have got the heroine of the book Camille Preaker, a disturbed reporter who goes back to her deviant hometown to do a story on the murders of two preteen girls, her narcissistic and hypochondriac mother who is obsessed with her health and house, an indifferent step-father and a wild half-sister with a sadistic sense of humor. Well, we won’t tell you more, but Sharp Objects is a must-read if you like your books gory and wicked. Again Sharp Objects is best read alone in the dark. However, if you find the book too disturbing for your taste, we urge you to go to the beach for a much needed dose of sunshine and happiness.

Now You See Me (Lacey Flint #1) By S.J. Bolton

Don’t confuse it with Mark Ruffalo’s movie Now You See Me. This wonderfully savage little book is about Jack the Ripper on the loose who seems to be fond of our protagonist, Lacey Flint, an inexperienced detective who is a suspect herself. Don’t look so disappointed. It’s true that there are many novels and movies influenced by Jack the Ripper, but this one’s a different with a unique style of its own. Throughout the book, the readers are baffled with the ongoing murders, Lacey’s stalker as well as Lacey Flint herself, a mysterious and withdrawn character with a lot of flaws and troubles. Then there is Mark Joesbury, the handsome hunk of the series, and his complicated love-hate relationship with Lacey. Although the crime novel can do without the romance, it certainly makes things interesting. Moreover, you got to love Bolton’s Jack the Ripper. Thanks to the copycat murderer and his obsession with Lacey, we have the bestseller crime novel on our hands!

Moving on, the complete Lacey Flint series is just as amazing. If you love the first book, you definitely need to read the others.

The Talented Mr. Ripley By Patricia Highsmith

It does not matter if you have seen Matt Damon’s adaptation of The Talented Mr. Ripley; we highly recommend you this book. Tom Ripley is a charming and dapper sociopath who yearns to be richer and handsome. Like all of us in the world, he simply wants to fit in and be someone who matters. However, he takes a more unusual path to make his mark. He is a sick freak with a sadistic mind, and we hate his guts, but we all root for him as he climbs on a social ladder by killing off people like ants. Does he get caught, though? Tom is brilliant, but not exactly perfect. It’s evident that he is a phony who fumbles and mumbles and makes mistakes under pressure. That’s what makes him so sympathetic to the readers. The best part is that it is a series! So if you loved the first book, you can always read more!

Battle Royale By Koushun Takami

If you are a fan of The Hunger Games and Lord of the Flies, then you must have heard of Battle Royale. It’s about a group of crazy high school kids thrown together in a deserted island forced to kill off each other in order to survive. Sounds familiar, right? Although there are some similarities between the three books, the novel Battle Royale is way different from The Hunger Games and a lot more violent and spooky. Wait, there is a glorious movie out there as well, but there is no denying that the novel is a lot more.

We hope you found the list helpful and brutal enough! Happy reading!

10 Out of This World Nutella Recipes You Need in Your Life Right Now

Just the other day I was thinking, in the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be the five food items I will stash away in some secret room? Apparently, deciding wasn’t as hard as I thought: bottled water, rice, energy bars, canned meat, and Nutella. Yes, loads and loads of Nutella. The world is about to end and I can be eaten by zombies any minute, so I might as well die eating my most favorite thing in the world!

Although Nutella is chocolate, did you know that it also contains important nutrients that our body needs to function well? Its hazelnut ingredient contains fiber that helps lower our cholesterol. Plus it has iron and calcium that help our body’s immune system. So don’t feel bad if you love Nutella so much, because it’s actually good for your health, too! (Aside from all the sugar, that is…)

To all Nutella diehard fans out there, we have rounded up some of the easiest to prepare and most delicious Nutella recipes that you can make in minutes. You can make these as snacks for the little ones, or as a sweet treat after a grueling day at work or at school. These recipes are sure to make you addicted to Nutella even more.

Nutella Chocolate and Banana Toasties

This is an easy and delicious breakfast or afternoon snack that both kids and adults will love. What’s even more awesome about this recipe is that you only need four things to make it: sliced bread, bananas, butter, and Nutella! First thing you need to do is to toast some of your bread slices on your sandwich maker. Spread butter on one side, and some Nutella on the other side. Toast the bread for about 2 minutes, with the buttered side facing down. Top the Nutella side with your sliced bananas and top again with another slice of bread. Cut the toasties in quarters for that ultimate bite-size pleasure!

Nutella, Bacon and Peanut Butter Sandwich

You really don’t need a recipe to make this next Nutella food idea. You can make this in minutes, and the satisfaction is guaranteed! Just spread some peanut butter, add some crispy bacon, and then some Nutella on your favorite sliced bread, and you’ve got yourself a delicious Nutella peanut butter bacon sandwich! I know the combination sounds a little weird, but don’t knock it ‘til you’ve tried it. 

Nutella Milkshake

Raise your hand if you like milkshakes. Raise your other hand if you like Nutella and milkshakes. I know, right? Just hearing the words Nutella and milkshake makes my mouth water. What do you need to make this yummy cooler? Vanilla ice cream, Nutella, milk, and a blender. Blend everything together and voila! Smooth and cool Nutella goodness in every sip. 

Nutella Cheesecake Dip

Having a few friends over but lacking in amazing culinary skills? Grab your jar of Nutella and make this delicious Nutella cheesecake dip that’s guaranteed to impress your guests. You just need about ¾ cup of Nutella, a cup of heavy cream, a package of cream cheese (that’s about 8oz), and about three tablespoons of powdered sugar. Just mix everything together, and you have yourself a yummy chocolatey dip for your strawberries (or other fruit slices). You can even use graham crackers with this dip and it sort of tastes like a cheesecake. 

Nutella Oreos

If you’re a sweet tooth looking for delicious and instant comfort food, we highly recommend the Nutella Oreos. Just by the name itself, it’s a powerhouse combination of two of the world’s most loved snacks. Sometimes licking the white filling just won’t do. Sometimes you need a little Nutella to enjoy your Oreos, too.

Nutella Peanut Butter Apple Nachos

There’s something so sinfully delicious about fruits and Nutella, and this next dish is no exception. If you love apples, you’ll definitely love Nutella Peanut Butter Apple Nachos! Just slice up your fresh apples thinly, drizzle them with some lemon juice, and toss in some peanut butter morsels and marshmallows. Finally, drizzle generously with Nutella! How easy is that?

No-Bake Nutella Cheesecake

I’ve never really learned how to bake and I always keep putting off learning how. Thank heavens there are no-bake cake and cheesecake recipes out there that I can still make without the need of an oven. Just like this No-Bake Nutella Cheesecake that only requires you to prepare the crust and the filling. For the crust, you just need to crush about twelve pieces of Oreo cookies into bits, and then mix them together with some melted butter. For the filling, with the use of an electric mixer, mix the Nutella with some softened cream cheese. Add a little vanilla, then fold the mixture until everything is blended together. You can spoon the filling onto individual cups with the crust that you prepared earlier already set. Refrigerate for at least two hours and it’s ready to be served. 

Nutella Stuffed Pancakes

Add a delicious twist to ordinary pancakes by making Nutella Stuffed Pancakes. Yes, they’re so easy to make even your kids can help out. Put your pancake batter in the pan and just add some softened Nutella on top. Add some more pancake batter to seal the Nutella. So simple, so yummy! You can top some strawberries or bananas for more yumminess! 

Nutella Popsicles

Nutella popsicles, oh yes, please! But first you have to get those really cute popsicle moulds. We won’t judge you if you get the animal-shaped ones. Just mix a cup of full cream milk and 1/3 cup of Nutella and blend well. Pour the mixture in your popsicle moulds and freeze until they’re hard enough to eat. Delicioso!

Nutella Instant Iced Coffee

I’m crazy about iced coffee. I drink it every day regardless of the weather. So when I found this recipe for Nutella iced coffee, I knew I had to make it and share it with other Nutella freaks. You can make your own mocha frappuccino and you won’t believe just how easy it is to make. To make four glasses, you will need 2 cups of chilled milk, 2 ½ teaspoons of instant coffee powder, 4 tablespoons of Nutella, 3 teaspoons of vanilla essence, lots of ice cubes, and sugar to taste, although this one is optional. Blend everything together in a blender until smooth and frothy. Pour into glasses. Serve and enjoy!

There are soooo many ways we can enjoy Nutella. If your idea of a Nutella snack consists of just two slices of bread, you are missing out on a lot, my friend! Try these easy and delicious recipes stat! Your life will be all the better for it. Okay, maybe not calorie-wise, but definitely still better.

10 Guys Every Girl Needs To Date Before Living "Happily Ever After"

In this cutthroat world of dating, you gain some and you lose some. To be totally honest, you not only lose some, but you lose a lot. Can you blame us if we get jaded and cynical, especially if we’re on a losing streak, with no signs of stopping? Believe me, I’ve been there.

Before I met my husband, I dated my fair share of guys whom I thought were just there to fill some hole in my life. Okay, hole in a figurative sense. And every time the romance fizzled out, it left me heartbroken, lost, and terrified. I, too, thought the same thing you’re thinking now: What if I’m destined to date forever and not ever find The One?

But the hopeless romantic in me won. I didn’t stop believing that there’s this one guy who’ll come into my life and make me realize why all the other relationships I’ve had in the past did not work out. And I was right! I did find the right guy, and he is everything all my exes aren’t. Looking back, I realized that if I hadn’t dated my exes, I wouldn’t have been the girl that I was when I met my husband. Being in those relationships actually shaped me and prepared me to be the wife that my future husband had been looking for. And it’s exactly the same reason why you need to date these guys before you finally say yes to your happy ever after.

  1. The Funny Guy: Because you need to learn how to laugh at life. Because anyone can make you cry, but not everybody can make you laugh. Funny guys are intelligent and sensitive. They know how to take the edge off with no effort. They make you feel better with just a joke, criticize without sounding mean, argue without wanting to shoot each other in the head. Fights are easily forgotten, there’s never a dull moment, and it’s always a laugh fest even if it’s just the two of you in the room.
  2. The Intelligent Guy: Because more than good looks and washboard abs, a girl needs a guy who will make her more intelligent, and not the other way round. Your conversations are always stimulating and eye opening, your arguments heated and passionate. They will teach you things – another language, a new exotic dish, a new hobby. They will ask a lot of questions and will not stop until they are satisfied with your answer. They challenge you every chance they get and open your mind to new and amazing things. The mental calisthenics are actually better than the sex, and you really don’t mind.
  3. The Romantic Guy: Because they love serendipity and all things that go with it. Having quiet dinners at quaint restaurants, kissing in the rain, dancing to a jukebox song, gazing at the stars from the roof top – you name it, the romantic guys love it. They like to kiss and snuggle, call you just to tell you they miss you, open doors for you. They write you love letters on stationary, sing you love songs on their ukulele, bake you a chocolate cake from scratch. You are their queen, and they make sure that every day you are treated like one.
  4. The Older Guy: Because there is stability and security, both emotionally and financially. There is less relationship drama. They are done with all-night partying and casual hook-ups. They have their fair share of romantic and sexual experiences, so they know how to love you and make you happy. They are more generous and love grand gestures. They know what they want when they chose you, so no more second-guessing and no more coasting though life.
  5. The Polar Opposite: Because they challenge you. They get you out of your comfort zone. They are unpredictable and spontaneous, and they show you the other side of life. Because you guys are so different, they teach you to communicate to reach a compromise. Hence, you discover new experiences and become all the more interesting for it.
  6. The Emotionally Unavailable Guy: Because they live on the edge, keep you on your toes, sweep you off your feet, and then disappear for days without a call or a text. The heady feeling and the butterflies in your tummy only they can give inspire you to write that love song, start that novel in your head, or finally finish that sculpture that has been sitting around your studio for months. All that moping and waiting around for them actually charge you up emotionally, and it’s not a totally bad thing.
  7. The Casual Guy: Because there are no strings attached. They are there when you need to feel less alone, without the encumbrance of a relationship. You have fun when you’re together, but a relationship is clearly not in the works. And you’re both totally fine with it, because sometimes people need someone to just be there.
  8. The Artsy Guy: Because they spin magic and immortalize their love for you. You are the muse to his New York Times Bestseller, his Grammy-winning record, his much-talked-about nude sculpture, or his critically acclaimed romantic comedy. The artsy guy will have no qualms having your name tattooed on his chest. The more they love you, the more creative they become.
  9. The Younger Guy: Because sometimes it’s better to travel light. When you date a younger guy, it’s usually light and fun. They’re not cynics – yet. They take a lot of risks, are so driven to succeed, and they easily bounce back when things don’t go their way. They are energetic and enthusiastic, and they make you feel and look young. You are the boss, and they are only so eager to please.
  10. The Best Friend: Because the romance dies, the friendship doesn’t. There’s chemistry, sure, but no spark. Having them in your life makes you feel happy and safe. You can be yourself around them, and you don’t have to worry if they think it’s gross when you chew with your mouth open, or you look unattractive without your face made up. Your conversation flows freely and you can tell each other almost everything. They adore you and worship the ground you walk on. It’s just the kind of relationship that you wish can become romantic.

They say that people walk into our lives for two reasons only: to be a blessing or to be a lesson. If you’ve already met that special guy you want to spend the rest of your life with, congratulations! Cherish him and never let him go. If you haven’t, that’s perfectly fine, too. Maybe it’s timing. Maybe you’re not yet ready. Maybe they’re just shy. Maybe you still haven’t kissed enough frogs to find Prince Charming.

The Five People You Should Not Waste Your Time On

Ever had one of those days when you just want to stay in all day and, well, avoid people?

Days when a whole afternoon of Netflix sounds so much more appealing than going to work and seeing your boss?

Days when you just want to go offline and catch up on sleep rather than have brunch with that old friend from high school who just moved in town?

Newsflash! If you’re feeling more and more this way lately, toxicity surrounds your life. And by toxicity, we mean the living and breathing kind.

You don’t easily spot these toxic people. They come in various shapes and forms and infiltrate your existence slowly but surely. When you do spot them, either you’re already in too deep or you can’t wait until you’re free of them. They can be an acquaintance or a really close relative. Regardless of how close they are to you, you should try your best to avoid them and stay away from all the bad vibes.

In case you’ve missed it, here are the five types of people that you should not be wasting your time on.

1. The Negatrons

They bring others down. They burst your bubble, squish your dreams, and hate with all their hate. They put others down to make themselves feel better about themselves. They want everyone to know why they’re unhappy and, consciously or not, they want everyone to feel the same kind of unhappiness.

They like to whine and complain even about the smallest things. They like to think of themselves as victims and will not hesitate to tell you why they are. Their feelings of dissatisfaction are immense, and they can take their displeasure to scolding the waiter to trolling the internet.

Problem is, they never really do anything to change or improve things. They are an angry and bitter lot, and they will rain on your parade every chance they can get. Definitely not the glass half full kind of people.

2. The Gossip Girls (or Guys)

The gossip takes gossiping to a whole new level. Gossips have an underlying problem with envy, jealousy, and insecurity. They are quick to judge, and they are quick to point out your faults and your flaws just to be mean, or just to spite.

They like to dig up the past just to prove their point. They are self-righteous and often ignorant. They spread lies and talk about you behind your back. They cannot be trusted with your secrets for they will share them to the next available person. Remember, if they gossip to you, they will gossip about you.

3. The Attention Seekers

The attention seekers are people who are so full of themselves. They go through life thinking that the whole world revolves around them and that you were all put here on earth to be of service to them. A healthy dose of self-love is necessary in order to be happy, but these people take self-love a little too far. They are arrogant and narcissistic.

The proliferation of these attention seekers is made manifest on social media. They manipulate conversations and turn the focus on them. They update their Facebook or Twitter statuses more regularly than a famous Hollywood celebrity. They like to post selfies so much you have no choice but to unfollow and filter them from your newsfeed. They can turn on their charm anytime to forge a friendship with you, but sooner or later, you realize that they only befriend people to build a fan base. They are drama kings and queens who like tension and drama, and they like to share all the bits and pieces to anyone who would listen.

4. The Sharks

The sharks will do anything to move up, even if it means resorting to dirty tactics. They will be your best friends if they feel like you can help achieve the goal, and then toss you aside like dirty laundry when they’re done with you. They will lie their way to that promotion. They will hustle their way to close that deal. They are insincere and they lie to get to your good side.

They want all the credit for a job well done, but will put the blame on others when things go south. They intimidate and monopolize, and they find it difficult to praise or congratulate others. If you are in their way, they will do everything in their power to remove you from the equation. They talk so much but actually do so little.

5. The Happy Go Luckies

At first it seems they lead very happy, adventurous lives.

Couch surfing and backpacking their way all around the world while writing blogs and taking fantastic photos of their trips? Cool.

Living in their cars because they refuse to pay rent and quitting jobs to pursue their dreams at the moment? Even cooler, right?

But then you realize that underneath all that spontaneity and adventure, they’re just regular people who refuse to grow up and take responsibilities. They have no clear plans for their futures and are comfortable enough coasting through life on a day-by-day basis. It sounds like the ultimate dream, but when there are bills to pay and mouths to be fed, being happy go lucky just won’t cut it.

Steer clear of these people if you don’t want to spend your whole life getting them out of financial troubles, or rescuing them every time a personal crisis comes up.

We cultivate relationships through the years without thinking about whether we need them in our lives or not. Maybe you’ve been living with the people mentioned above for too long you have become immune. Reading this should wake you up and get a move on it. Avoid these people as much as possible. Better yet, cut off all ties with them. As we grow older, we need more positive influences who will bring out and celebrate the best in us. These people act as anchors that weigh us down and keep us from getting where we want to be.


Getting Out Of Your Box and Making It Happen

So have you been binge eating your favorite food and binge watching your favorite show while curled up on your couch under a thick bundle of blankets? Things have been very cozy and it wouldn’t be wrong to say that nothing really loves you like your comfort zone. Or is it the other way around?

The bubble that envelops you is hard to let go… but perhaps it’s time to pop that bubble and move on. Before you shoot me down with your glares, hear me out.

Bleak Days Of De-motivation

A few years ago, I was totally out of luck. Broke, single and unemployed. I was living with my parents and feeling incredibly ashamed and unmotivated. While I wanted to go out there and conquer the world, my childhood room and homemade food would not set me free. My parents even gave me ‘pocket money’.

As I was living in my hometown, I frequently saw old faces. I would hear about the achievements of my high school classmates that would range from getting engaged to getting a high paying job in a very reputable company. Things were bleak for me, and they did not get any brighter until a few months later. One such bleak day, I was having my free breakfast when my dad suddenly asked me to move out. I was shocked by his bluntness. After two weeks of tantrums, resentments and tears, I finally moved out and got a job. It was a push that I badly needed, and even though I hated him then, I am glad my dad kicked me out.

Crack the Box, Stretch a Bit

It’s really easy to forget that we are all creative in our own way and, unless we decide to never test our own selves, it won’t be hard to prove it.

Question Yourself

Take a little time and ask yourself what you would like to do. What are you capable of doing? Where do you expect to be in next five years? How do you want others to see you? Do you even really care about what others think? Obviously, you won’t have all the answers at the end of the day, but these thought provoking questions can eventually fire you up and get you started.

 Not All of Us Have a ‘Dream’

Dream job, dream car, dream house, dream spouse… It’s nice to have dreams. They motivate you and even push you out of your bubble. However, not all of us have a specific dream. After I graduated I realized that I had been fooling myself. Throughout the four years of college, I kept telling myself that ‘it is my dream career’ and my friend and I would have long talks about our bright future, successful careers, sun kissed days and rainbows. Little did I know that I had zero interest in the field I had chosen.

Find Your Motivation

It was disappointing at first. I had the degree and I was clueless what to do with it. There was no rush of adrenaline. But so what? I know that there is nothing I ‘really’ want to do right now, and it‘s alright.

Your job does not always have to be fulfilling and amazing, and you can’t always like your boss and hours. I have to make an honest living and I like money. As long as you are doing honest work, there is nothing wrong with being motivated by money until something greater reveals itself.

If It’s Not Money, Then What Is It?

For some of us, money does not matter. That is actually quite awesome! I am sure that there is at least one thing a person really, really likes to do. List out your options. Whether it’s traveling, dancing, gardening or running a pet shop, spark up your creativity and make something out of it.

Turn Your Dreams Into Goals

While I don’t have a single HUGE dream I would like to work on, I have plenty of ideas. From running an online clothing store to selling books for one dollar apiece, new ideas keep coming in. I have done nothing about them… yet.

Don’t forget dreams or ideas are nothing but thoughts unless you decide to do something about them. Keep working on them on a daily basis. Have you ever played that game called The Sims? (Google it) When you tell your Sims to do something, they do it. Try this out in your real life. Want to bake a cake? Do it. Want to get fit? Do it. Want to ask a boy/girl out? Do it. What’s stopping you anyway? Laziness and fear – cut them out of your life gradually.

Discuss It With Your Loved Ones

Talk to your friends and family when you are not sure about what to do. Our friends are often going through the phase as we are, and with a little brainstorming, inspiration might just hit the both of you.

Parents can be annoying with their ‘do this and do that’, but the truth is they are more experienced than us. Their help won’t be ideal in all cases, but if you have a good relationship with your parents then it won’t hurt to talk to them.

Learn To Face Challenges And Keep Calm through Trials

Your boss might hate you, and you might hate your boss. Your colleagues will be annoying. You will make a mistake. You will be yelled at. You will get fired or laid off. Not very ideal scenarios, but these things happen. They are a part of life and they should never be the reason for you to jump back in your little box. Hold your head up and tell yourself that life is a bed of roses with thorns. Who knows, perhaps your new boss will be super cool!

Life Is Indifferent

Life is indifferent, but that does not mean your goals and dreams are pointless. It only goes to show that a setback should not dishearten you, and a big achievement should not make you overconfident. If you stop worrying about the future and focus on making your day to day life better, life will be way more enjoyable.

Now stop crunching on the chips, switch off the TV, leave the couch and find your motivation. Go!

A Good Book Vs. Everything Else

Book lovers all over the world will agree: a person will never get bored when he has a good book in his hands. Reading a book certainly beats staring at strangers from across the coffee shop. Less awkward, less creepy. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but have you ever seen a person that looked bad while reading a book? Pretentious, maybe, but never bad. They may be genuine bookworms or just hipster wannabes; still they know a book is always a terrific idea.

I count myself lucky because I learned to love to books at such a young age. Whenever I feel like shutting out the rest of the world, I immerse myself in books. It’s the perfect way to relax and get stimulated at the same time. Still not convinced? Here are all the wonderful reasons why reading a book stumps a night at the club, or an evening out with a terrible date.

You Don’t Need To Dress Up

Or comb your hair, or wash your face, or brush your teeth. When you cozy up with a book, you can be in your rattiest clothes and still have a grand time. In the morning when I wake up, I say my daily prayers, check my phone for urgent emails or messages, and then read a chapter or two. And then I get out of bed. In the end, I spend about an hour or two just lying there reading. I’m not a morning person, but reading a little bit before I get up helps perk me up for the day ahead. It’s actually one of my favorite moments every morning.

A Good Book Relaxes You

When we go to bed after a long day, we don’t usually fall asleep right away. This is because our bodies are still thrumming with unspent energy. Some listen to music, others play games or check Facebook, others watch a movie. I like to read. I’ve been doing it since I was a kid, and it has become a bedtime ritual. The moment I start enjoying my book, my body falls into a rhythm, and before I know it, my eyes are getting heavy, and I’m softly snoring, dreaming of unicorns and men in tights…

A Good Book Makes You Feel More

Oh, yes, a good book brings on the feels. When you read a book, you are exposed to different worlds, time periods, languages, and characters. There are so many emotions waiting to be unleashed at every turn of the page. A good book makes you read faster than usual, because you can’t wait to get to the end of it. And then when it’s all over, you don’t know what to do next. You can’t seem to leave behind that world.

How many times has a book made you shout out in rage, fling it across the room in frustration, or clench your teeth in anxiety? How many times has a book made you choke up or laugh out loud? How about all those times you highlighted lines from a book and said them to your good-for-nothing ex, even if it was only in your head? And honestly, how many times have you wished that Narnia and Hogwarts were real?

Because Of Books, Your Vocabulary Is Something You Can Be Proud Of

Why say impressive, when you can say notable, or arresting? Why say amazing when clearly the word you’re looking for is marvelous? Reading one book doesn’t make you a wordsmith overnight, just like a piece of brick doesn’t make a house. You have to collect bricks until you have enough to build a wall. And then another and another, until you have yourself a house. My advice? Read while you’re young, and don’t ever stop. One day you’ll realize that you always have a word for something, and you always can express yourself perfectly. It is because of your wealth of words.

Reading Good Books Also Makes You A Pretty Brilliant Writer

When you read a lot of books, you are exposed to different voices and styles of writing. Two authors can write about exactly the same subject but come up with completely different books. Sophie Kinsella and Cecelia Ahern are two of my favorite authors who write women’s fiction, Chick Lit mostly, but their styles are so distinct. The more books you read of different genres and different authors, the more you know what style appeals to you, which helps you find your own writing style.

Reading Good Books Makes You More Creative

Great books inspire you, simple as that. How many songs have been written inspired by books? How many movies and TV shows have been adapted from books? Did you know that the 1980 song ‘Don’t Stand So Close To Me’ by The Police was inspired by Vladimir Nabokov’s book Lolita? Did you know that there are hundreds of movies inspired by books? Epic reads like The Lord of the Rings and the Harry Potter series, and more popular fare like The Maze Runner, The Hunger Games, even Fifty Shades of Grey, have all been made into movies. It just goes to show that some books are so good (maybe with the exception of Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey) they just have to be experienced by more people.

Reading Is Good Mental Exercise

Reading forces our brains to work, imagine, think, comprehend, remember, and process thought and speech. Reading improves our focus and concentration. When we read a book, our brains are stimulated. In other words, reading makes you smarter! I know that reading is not for everybody, but don’t you think it’s a better choice than, say, watching TV?

According to Stephen King, books are uniquely portable magic. We couldn’t agree more, Mr. King. For something so small and light, books truly pack a punch. They truly are an effective and inexpensive form of information, education, and entertainment. Think books are expensive? Hit the library. Swap books with friends who share the same passion for reading. It’s not too late to get reading.

If you want to get into the habit, sign up for a free account on Goodreads. It’s a very helpful site devoted to book lovers. Upon registration, you’ll be asked what books you enjoy, and you’ll be given tons of book suggestions. Picking your next read has never been easier. You can even interact with other readers and authors! And once you find your reading rhythm, I guarantee you will develop that passion for the written word. So here’s to books and the magic they bring.

College Friendships Are The Best Friendships

If someone asks you today how many friends from college you still see or speak to on a regular basis, what would your reply be? Yeah, thought so, too. We’re all still in touch with our college friends. It’s actually not that surprising.

When we look at high school, it just feels like a lifetime away. College, on the other hand, feels more reachable, more recent, more fun, and more meaningful. No wonder the friends we make in college also end up our lifelong friends.

College is a transition period. In college, there’s an instant affinity formed among students, owing to the fact that we’d all just been kids taking the next big step to adulthood. Friendships forged in college are the solid kind of friendships every human being needs in their life. College friendships are the best friendships to have because they lay the foundation of all your future friendships, and yes, even personal relationships.

Time To Bond In College

Our college friends and I are bonded for life, because we have lived together in a tiny, cramped space for four years or so. Day in, day out, we’d seen their faces, but still found a way to coexist and live peacefully together. We’d shared hundreds of cup noodles and microwavable pizzas with them, shared a bed and a bathroom with them, borrowed clothes from them, spent all-nighters with them, and gotten piss drunk with them. Now that’s a lot of bonding time.

Also, we’d witnessed one another’s messes, both the personal and physical kinds. We had been there for each other when we were dealing with family problems back home. We had patiently sat through all those TV marathons with no shower nor toothbrush, as a gesture of solidarity. We’d seen each other without make-up, heard each other burp so loud, (smelled each other’s farts! Intentionally or unintentionally), and we still remained friends. If this is not the best kind of friendship, I don’t know what is.

Our Second Family

And even before Facebook and Instagram, we had known each other’s entire dating history. We’d witnessed how that break-up broke them, and we’d known how to cheer them up and make moving on so much easier. They’d known how we stalked our then girlfriends or boyfriends around campus, but they still did not alert the authorities. They’d adored the new person we were dating, and they’d been there when we got married, too.

All those years away from home have made our college friends our second family. We have done a lot of growing up together. It had been them who were with us during the really tough days studying for exams and meeting deadlines. It had been them who cheered for us when we aced that History final, or who had kept our spirits up during that big music audition. We had figured out together what we want to do with our lives after college. Now, looking back, we realize that we are still friends as we continue pursuing our life plans. This, my friend, is how you know they are friends for keeps.  

Share this with those college friends that have been there for you!

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