Like it or not, TV shows have completely ruined relationships for us. There are a number of TV guys who we would love to go out with, because we’re pretty sure they will pick out something special and match our idea of the perfect date.
Whether it is saving their girlfriends from a horrible villain, singing a romantic song for them in a goofy voice or surprising them with a somewhat burned breakfast in bed, these TV guys sure know how to be a perfect boyfriend. Check out the list below and choose your favorite TV date!
Marshall Eriksen From How I Met Your Mother – The Perfect Husband
Lily got really lucky when she came across Marshall Eriksen. We can’t fathom what would have happened if she had met Ted instead, like she had actually intended to. Not only is Marshall funny, supportive and loyal, he is a hopeless romantic like us as well.
Why do we love Marshall? He loves to cuddle, he understands the passion of food, he will totally go along with the idea of wearing matching Halloween costumes and he won’t definitely bore you on long road trips (anyone feels like singing 500 miles? ‘Well I know I’m gonna be…’). The only fault we can see in him is that he simply cares too much.
Ted Mosby From How I Met Your Mother – The Guy Who Won’t Be Scared To Say ‘I Love You’
Well, to be honest, Ted did make things awkward when he told Robin he loves her on the very first date, but one can’t help but adore the guy’s romantic notions and his never ending search for an ideal soul mate. Good things don’t end here. He will literally do anything to make you happy, even if it’s stealing a Blue French Horn from a restaurant! We actually hope that one day Barney Stinson comes up to one of us in a bar and says,’ Haaaaaave you met Ted?!’ That would be legendary!
Chandler Bing From Friends – The Guy Who Avoided The Friend Zone
While Chandler will surely mess up the date by either accidentally throwing a drink on your dress or passing a sarcastic comment on your hair, the poor guy will certainly do his best to keep you happy and entertained. We love Chandler’s sarcastic one liners, but we also love how he is honest about his feelings. How can anyone forget the famous line I’m hopeless and awkward and desperate for love? Don’t we all feel that way?
Ben Wyatt From Parks And Recreation – The Patient Boyfriend
We will all hesitate to name Ben Wyatt for the next mayoral election, but we will walk a thousand miles to go on a date with him. Why? Ben Wyatt is a perfect package. Apart from his human disaster mode on television and radio, Ben has all the great qualities and he completely understands the girl’s needs. Whether it’s resigning from a job for you, trying to cheer you up when you get fired, bringing homemade chicken soup when you are sick or pretending to be interested in tiny ponies, Ben Wyatt will patiently and very happily go along with your crazy ideas, and he will support you through thick and thin.
James ‘Sawyer’ Ford From Lost – The Bad Guy
In the beginning of Lost, Sawyer was portrayed as a selfish jerk who was always getting into trouble. We were supposed to hate his guts and inconsiderate acts. So it was funny how we all rooted for him when things began to heat up between him and the good guy Jack. Yes, the love square between Kate, Jack, Sawyer and Juliet was super annoying, but it was great to see how Sawyer ‘grew up’ in such a short time and became one of the most loved characters of the show. And of course the best boyfriend to Juliet, as well!
Desmond Hume From Lost – The Guy Who Will Be Your Constant
Another perfect boyfriend from Lost has to be Desmond Hume. Who wouldn’t want someone to be their constant forever? He spent three years in solitude on a creepy island, went back and forth in time to get the love of his life back, fought with crazy dudes to keep Penny alive and waited for Penny’s boat patiently. And who can resist his amazing accent? It will be heartbreaking if he called us ‘brotha’, but it’s one of the main reasons we all swoon over him!
Ross Geller From Friends – The One Who Will Say Your Name
Not everyone likes Ross Geller… We mean Dr. Ross Geller. He can bore you with his scientific talks and dinosaur craze, but the guy doesn’t run away from marriages. If you want a relationship with someone who won’t be scared to settle down, is great with kids, knows how to scare bad people away with his serious Unagi moves and is truly in love with you, then Ross Geller will be perfect! However, it will be best to stay away from him if he has a Rachel, or should we say his ‘lobster’.
Damon Salvatore From The Vampire Diaries – The Boyfriend Who Will Love You To Death
Literally, Damon Salvatore will love you to death. While his charming smile will certainly make your day a lot better, it will be his persistence and patience that will get you in the end. Sure he is a little twisted (a little?!) and somewhat masochist, but the way he gives everything up for Elena is absolutely endearing.
Matthew Crawley From Downton Abbey – The Boyfriend Who Will Accept You As You Are
Didn’t we all shed buckets of tears when Matthew Crawley died all of a sudden and left Mary alone with a child? Matthew might belong to the early twentieth century, but he sure knows how to charm a girl. Mary is a total ice queen with a spoonful of compassion (we still adore her). Despite all of the stupid things Mary said and did, Matthew accepted her as she is. If it turns out he is alive, we would love to go on an old fashioned date with him!