24 Stages of Going out to Sunday Brunch with Your Girlfriends  

We already understand how it’s about to go down because going out to brunch is one of your favorite activities. It’s something you’ve looked forward to all week because you know that once Sunday comes around it’s time to indulge in a delicious meal and drink some mimosas with your best friends.

  1. Sleeping is the best because it’s like a time machine to finally eating breakfast.
  2. It’s so fun to dress up and look super trendy with your friends.
  3. You have to make sure you schedule a reservation at the cutest brunch spot.
  4. Sure, by now you already have your favorite location.
  5. You know the one where the waiters already know your order and know to spoil you with drinks? Yes, that one.
  6. It’s never a walk of shame if you stop for brunch on the way home, so don’t even worry about it.
  7. You’re always telling yourself that you’re only going to drink two mimosas.
  8. That’s never the case. Come on, don’t make things too difficult for yourself now.
  9. Whether you’re drinking a mimosa, a bloody mary, or a screwdriver…as long as there’s alcohol involved than all is well.
  10. Turn down for…brunch. You know you want to…day drinking is your favorite.
  11. You don’t need your coffee strong, but you need the drinks to keep on coming.
  12. You didn’t choose the brunch the life…let’s be real, the brunch life chose you.
  13. It’s such a memorable experience as long as you make sure you don’t drink so much that you end up forgetting most of it.
  14. It’s a perfect excuse to go out with your friends once more and catch up on your long week.
  15. You’ll feel a lot better for the week that’s about to begin.
  16. The endless amount of joy brunch with your girlfriends will bring you is the absolute best.
  17. Sunday Funday is totally a thing, who cares what anyone else thinks?!
  18. Because please step aside coffee, this is a job for alcohol.
  19. All of a sudden, you’ll have multiple mimosas and suddenly everything turns into a blur.
  20. But, at least you know that it was everything you could’ve ever wanted and more.
  21. At the end of the day, there’s nothing better than brunch with your girlfriends.
  22. Sundays are a gentle reminder that you have approximately 24 hours to get your life together…
  23. So why not go brunch so hard?

24— Straight outta brunch.

22 Signs You’re a Proud Supporter of the Messy Hair and Sweatpants Life

Let’s face it. After a long day at work, you’re exhausted. As soon as you arrive home, you’re ready to put your hair up in a messy bun or whatever works best for you and put on some comfortable sweatpants.

1. At this point, you just want to be comfortable.

2. Looking good is your last priority right now after the day you just had.

3. You find more enjoyment in buying cute and soft sweatpants than buying sleek (see: uncomfortable) clothes.

4. It shouldn’t matter what you wear because you can rock pretty much anything.

5. Just let it be. It’s the ideal way to chill out and stop worrying about the things that don’t matter, like your hair.

6. Especially when you’re in the comfort of your home, it’s impossible to avoid the comfy lifestyle of messy hair and wearing sweatpants all the time.

7. You need to just lay on the couch and be lazy for once in your life. You’ve been productive all day. Give yourself a nice break.

8. It’s extremely difficult for you to understand why other women are constantly dressed up 24/7.

9. Natural beauty is always the way to go, am I right? You just have to enjoy being yourself.

10. Your room is where you feel calm and to release all of the negative energy.

11. When you take off your normal person outfit, it’ll help you detox from the day.

12. Leave the stress for tomorrow because you need to rest.

13. If you don’t have to go anywhere, it’s automatically assumed that your friends will come over and you’ll be lounging in your sweats.

14. You’ll even confess to buying designer sweats because that’s just way more your style.

15. And you even have a shirt that claims you’re a proud supporter of messy hair and sweatpants. There’s no shame!

16. You’re openly proud looking like you just rolled out of bed. If people judge you for it, you simply don’t have enough time to care.

17.  Sometimes your casual clothes are looking way too casual, but at the end of the day it’s better than being grouchy in uncomfortable clothes.

18.  Some people have mistaken your sweats for pajamas. They just have bad sight, though, so don’t you worry about a thing.

19. It’s not because you’re extremely lazy or anything, you just like being comfy.

20. There are just some things in life that need to be done and wearing sweatpants and you hair being pretty messy doesn’t matter at all.

21. As long as you look semi-presentable when that kind of thing is necessary and appropriate, it’s all good.

22. You dress for yourself and your own happiness – not to impress others.

You can pull off whatever you want to wear.

28 Signs Tonight’s Forecast is a 99% Chance of Wine

It’s been a long day, and let’s face it when the clock strikes five you’re ready for some wine time.


Red or white, it doesn’t matter. When it comes to wine the last thing you are is picky.


Olivia Pope from Scandal totally understands your obsession for a good glass of wine after a day at the office.


You could easily drink a whole bottle to yourself. You’ve done it too many times. Why not one more time?


The number of decorative cork-filled-jars you have around your house is concerning…


At least you always recycle your wine bottles, so your neighbors can’t judge you for once.


You wake up to 20 unread “Where the hell are you” text messages after a wine night.


Unfortunately, being wine drunk made you do it. You can’t help it, there’s nothing more fine than wine.


You were so ecstatic when you found out that you could drink wine while shopping at Target. How perfect for you.


People tend to disappoint you, but wine never fails to make your day better.


Wine Wednesday is every day in your life. A glass of wine is supposed to be good for you… right?


A glass of wine a day keeps the sadness and daily life struggles away.


Your favorite type of “Girl’s Night Out” is when you all get wine drunk and stay in.


You have no shame in drinking straight outta the bottle.


If only you loved exercising as much as you thoroughly enjoy drinking.


FUN FACT: The word for “happiness” in French is “rose” aka rose-aaaayyy.


Screw beer, wine makes pizza even better.


It’s your favorite hello, and your hardest goodbye. You always look forward to its company.


The only aisle you’ll be walking down anytime soon is the one that contains all of the wine bottles.


Your weekend plans consist of: Buy a bottle of wine. Drink it all. Repeat.


You’ll have a glass of wine to mourn all of the clothes you added to your shopping cart but never bought.


30 Things You Never Thanked Your Grandma for

A grandma truly has a heart of gold. She’s one of the biggest inspirations in your life by just being herself. The one person you know you can to turn to who keeps you grounded when life gets messy and chaotic. And just for that you owe her a few thousand thank you’s.

She gives the best hugs.

And always knows just what to say to make things better.

You can always count on her to be there for you, even in the worst of times.

She gives you a unique perspective on life.

And her advice is genuine and wise.

She taught you how to have self-respect just from leading by example.

She’s one of your biggest fans.

And she’s the greatest listener.

She always makes you feel special and good about yourself.

 A grandma teaches you to be brave even when you’re scared.

And strong when you feel weak.

 Because she’s one of the strongest women you know.

 She taught you how to speak your mind when necessary and to stand up for what’s right.

Her voice and contagious laughter will always lift your spirits.

She is the classiest woman.

Her stories are one of a kind.

 She told you were beautiful even when you didn’t feel like it.

 A grandma never forgets your birthday.

  If you’re ever feeling sick or in danger, she will take care of you.

Let’s be honest, you’ve never left your grandma’s house hungry or empty-handed.

 Her cooking is absolutely delicious.

40 Things Your Mom Did That Made Your Childhood One of a Kind

When you think about growing up, you remember all the things that your mom’s done for you over the years. She gave you everything, she’s the reason you are who you are.

Now that you’re older, you take a step back and realize you appreciate her so much.

  1. She gave you the gift of life.
  2. She’s the kind of mom you can truly look up to.
  3. She’s your biggest supporter and has always wanted you to follow your dreams.
  4. She always tucked you into bed.
  5. And she brushed your hair helping you always look your best.
  6. Even to this day she never fails to give you unconditional love.
  7. She made many sacrifices for you to have a happy life.
  8. Her patience is unlike anyone else’s.
  9. She taught you how to treat people the way you want to be treated.
  10. You can’t even begin to count the amount of times she’s been there for you.
  11. She’s seen you at your worst and still loves the real you.
  12. She helped you feel comfortable in your own skin.
  13. When you were a little girl, she changed your diapers and cleaned up your messes.
  14. She always stopped what she was working on and listened to you.
  15. She taught you how to lend a helping hand to those in need.
  16. A mom made you understand how to use your manners.
  17. Whenever she needed something for herself, she put you first instead.
  18. She was always there to catch you when you fell.
  19. She’ll be there for you no matter what regardless of how old you are.
  20. Let’s be honest, she really didn’t want to wake up that early to take you to school in the morning but she always did with a smile on her face.
  21. She helped you pick out the perfect outfit for your first day of school.
  22. And bought you the perfect dress to go to your prom.
  23. Even though she consistently worries too much she’s always looking out for your best interest.
  24. She taught you the definition of the “work hard, play hard” lifestyle.
  25. She’s always stuck to her word and wants you to never give up hope.
  26. She’ll be extremely blunt with you even when you don’t want to hear it.
  27. There’s nothing better than your mom’s homemade cookies.
  28. She filled out a crazy ton of paper work for you.
  29. A mom is there for children to dry their tears and help them face their fears.
  30. She instilled values in you and taught you right from wrong.
  31. She was constantly waiting for you, whether it was at your practice, the doctor’s office, or outside the dressing room.
  32. No complaints ever came out of her mouth. Ever.
  33. She was there at every school event you participated in.
  34. She took care of you whenever you were sick even when she suspected you were faking sick, so you wouldn’t have to go to school.
  35. Even now she always knows how to cheer you up and build up your confidence.
  36. She put up with you on your bad days and your bratty teenage phase.
  37. And even bigger thank you to your mom for making you a meal every single night.
  38. And even surprised you with cute little notes in your lunch box.
  39. She raised you as a little girl to become the strong woman that you are now.
  40. And even at the age you are now she’s still your number one fan.

She’s the best mom you could ever ask for. 

35 Things You Should Hear Just in Case No One Told You Today

Every morning you wake up, remind yourself of these words.

1. Don’t forget to remember that you are good enough.

2. You don’t need to have everything figured out right this second.

3. You have a beautiful soul. Don’t cloud it with judgment.

4. Trust the process. It all takes time.

5. You deserve the absolute best.

6. Find what makes you happy and hold onto it.

7. You’re unique in every way.

8. Your smile is beautiful.

9. Ask yourself today will this matter a year from now?

10. You have survived your entire life up to this point.

11. You’re extremely important to many people.

12. Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box.

13. Your dreams are not out of reach.

14. Stay focused on what’s truly meaningful.

15. You’re only as young as you are right now.

16. You are valued and worthy of love.

17. You’re simply the best at being you.

18. Don’t let anyone tell you differently.

19. You are appreciated more than you know.

20. Never change for somebody else.

21. Honestly, you can do anything you set your mind to.

22. You’re stronger than you think.

23. If not now, when?

24. It will get better if you try to persevere through the more difficult times.

25. Your past is your past. Leave it there.

26. You were put on this earth to make a positive difference in someone’s life.

27. Without taking the risk, there would be no reward.

28. Find a way to make yourself happy today.

29. Your smile can light up a whole room.

30. Protect your heart and only fill it with goodness.

31. You’re not just beautiful on the outside, but on the inside as well.

32. Believe in yourself enough to trust your gut and follow through.

33. Stay passionate.

34. Don’t be afraid to say yes every once in a while.

35. There’s only one of you in this whole universe.

20 Reasons Why You Need to Let Go of the Ones That Are Holding You Back

Find the strength to stray away from people who exert negative energy. As we get older, it’ll become more evident each day that you should keep in your life and those you should leave in the past.

You’ll be able to be the person you’ve always wanted to become if you let go of the ones holding you back.

If they want to be in your life, they'll prove it. 

  1. There’s no reason to keep your ex significant other at an arm’s distance. Close that chapter in your life fast before it comes back and bites you.
  2. Say goodbye to the flaky friend. She’s not worth your time.
  3. The superficial friend who always is putting you down has to go ASAP. You don’t need anyone putting you down. Life’s already hard enough and to add a “friend” who makes you feel bad about yourself is just too much.
  4. You also don’t need to hang around the friend who’s constantly talking about her diet and weight. Embrace your body. You’ve only got one.
  5. The less you keep anyone in your life that makes you feel lazy and incapable of accomplishing anything the better.
  6. For your own good make time for people who build you up.
  7. Find someone who makes you jump out of bed early in the morning and start your day.
  8. It’s time to let go of a relationship if isn’t giving you what you truly need.
  9. Because at this age you need to start reevaluating who you dedicate your time to because you only have so much to give.
  10. If you hang out with someone who’s consistently negative, you’ll start to accept their bad vibes. Run away fast while you still can.
  11. Surround yourself with people who believe in you and want only the best for you.
  12. There’s not enough time in your life to be unhappy because of someone’s actions or words. Trust me, the goodbye will be easier than you think.
  13. Protect your heart enough to not let anyone keep hurting you.
  14. If you’re around someone toxic, respect yourself enough to walk away.
  15. Don’t be around people who take you for granted. They don’t know what they’re missing out on.
  16. If they don’t listen to what you have to say, it’s time to stop talking to them.
  17. You’ll be more focused on accomplishing your dreams if you stop believing the harsh comments from your so-called best friend. 
  18. Get rid of anyone in your life who doesn’t make you feel like you’re capable of doing anything you set your mind to.
  19. Stop making effort for the people who always make up excuses. 
  20. Be with the kind of person who shows you why spending time with them is worth every second.                   

Praise Jesus, I Finally Saw the Light and Got Rid of the Fuck Boy

At one point and time in your life, you’ll come across a major f*ck boy.

God forbid he stays around for a long time.

But, it’s too bad you’ve already figured out his game.

He can’t fool you twice.

No matter how great you are he will always get bored and move on. It’s just his type of lifestyle.

You’ll feel a hundred times better if you leave him behind.

The longer you stay with him he’ll continue to tell you every sugar coated lie that comes to his little brain.

Remember you should never be considered second best. Find a guy who always puts you first.

The guy who truly cares about you will make his feelings evident.

Shortly after you end things with him, you’ll soon realize that there’s actually a reason why there’s good in goodbye.

Don’t mess with the f*ck boys that are less than you deserve. 

You should never settle with a f*ck boy.

You’ll find out that once he’s out of your life you won’t be disappointed anymore.

It will be easier to replace him with someone who actually earns a spot in your life.

You’ll eventually see the light again and discover that you deserve so much more than you’ve been putting up with.

It may not seem like it at first, but your life will go on without him. 

The temporary happiness you found with him will help you find a love that lasts.

You’re outlook on life will be brighter. You’ll be able to focus on either yourself…

or someone who wants you to be the first girl he wakes up to. 

You are good enough and will make some other boy very happy.

Finally, you’ll see that you are worthy of the best kind of love.

You’re a one of a kind gem. 

There’s a reason why he hasn’t been able to keep any girl for a long period of time.

You’ll raise your standards and your glass to finally stop chasing f*ck boys.

You’re a catch and should be with a boy who makes you feel like you’re everything he could possibly need and more.

26 Times We Can't Fully Commit to Getting Our Shit Together

It’s easy to feel like you’re falling behind in your 20’s. After all, you’re an adult now – you should be figuring out what a 401k is, not waking up in last night’s makeup again.

Overwhelming as they may be, you should embrace the struggles of your 20’s. As you get older, you’ll realize you were actually benefiting from all of these little disasters.

  1. Watching a whole series on Netflix in one day.
  2. Spending all your money on restaurants even though you have groceries at home.
  3. Never taking the time to make your bed.
  4. Eating leftover pizza for breakfast. 
  5. Struggling to get out of bed in the morning and make it to work or class on time.
  6. Not getting enough sleep because there’s always something more fun to do.
  7. Not having your whole life together. You’ll figure it out in your own time and very few of the people who have solid plans will actually end up sticking to them.
  8. Drinking a whole bottle of wine in one sitting.
  9. Taking a day off from all of your responsibilities. Mental health days are so important.
  10. Not texting people back until you feel up to it.
  11. Not filling up your gas tank until you’ve reached empty.
  12. Complaining about random stuff just to vent.
  13. Not doing your assignment until the day it’s due.
  14. Drinking too much coffee. Every. Single. Day.
  15. Not cleaning your room.
  16. Taking a power nap instead of being productive.
  17. Cutting out people in your life who no longer make you happy.
  18. Not eating clean enough and indulging in junk food.
  19. Lounging around instead of going to the gym.
  20. Drinking a lot more margaritas than you should have on Taco Tuesday.
  21. Being too tired to go out to the bars with your friends.
  22. Not wanting to fully commit to the adulthood lifestyle.
  23. Ignoring all the pressure to settle down with your significant other. You’ll know when you’re ready.
  24. Realizing you’d rather stay in than communicate with other humans.
  25. Not doing your laundry until you’ve run out of underwear.
  26. Recognizing that your 20s are the best years of your life and all you want to do is enjoy them.

27 Things Independent Women Need to Stop Worrying About

At the end of the day, you have pretty much everything in your life all organized. You don’t need to stress about the little things anymore. Despite whatever happens, you still have your independence. Don’t feel like you need to be ashamed about anything.

  1. If you want a relationship, go for it.
  2. It’s completely worth it to spend your own money on traveling.
  3. After all, you deserve to reward your hard work.
  4. Don’t stress if you need a roommate because you can’t afford to live by yourself.
  5. It’s totally fine if the guy you’re seeing buys you dinner every once in awhile.
  6. Stop apologizing for wanting to be a girl boss.
  7. If you buy yourself your own flowers, you deserve them.
  8. You don’t have to be a founder of a successful company yet. You have plenty of time.
  9. Feel free to let someone buy yourself a drink.
  10. If you have to ask your parents to lend you some money from time to time, don’t be worried about it.
  11. Going alone to the party is completely acceptable.
  12. Don’t be afraid to voice your own opinion. Your voice should always be heard.
  13. If you need advice, ask for it. You’re not supposed to figure out everything on your own.
  14. You don’t need to check your email every few seconds. You deserve a break.
  15. If you call into work sick, take a rest.
  16. If you aren’t being productive, keep relaxing. There’s a reason why you need to chill.
  17. Spending a whole day watching Netflix is perfectly satisfying. Some r&r is much needed.
  18. Make some exceptions for yourself, so you can take a breather.
  19. Order take out instead of cooking yourself a meal. Because you can.
  20. Don’t feel bad about wanting the guy you’re dating to spend the night.
  21. Or if you’d rather kick him out and have the bed to yourself.
  22. Not cleaning you room all the time is not necessary. You’re a busy girl.
  23. If you scored that promotion over someone else, you earned it.
  24. Don’t feel guilty about wanting to spend a night in alone.
  25. If you’re more focused on your career than your love life, keep doing you.
  26. If something goes wrong, cut yourself some slack. You can handle whatever comes your way.
  27. A woman with ambition and her independence should never apologize.

Sorry not sorry.

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