A guy doesn’t really have to do something over the top to show his affection and love for her. He just has to understand that nine out of ten times a girl’s heart is easily fulfilled by paying attention to the little things. So, these are the little acts of love a guy will do if he truly loves her.
A guy will do the things that don’t cost money but rather hold a higher place in a girl’s heart than anything that money can buy. So if you want to win in your relationship with her,,,
Say good morning before checking your phone every morning.
Give her a kiss when she least expects it
Or give her a big long hug just because…
Be the one to propose putting the phones down when you’re together…
Because you want to give her your undived attention.
Send her a random text letting her know that you’re thinking of her…
Or send her a funny meme or a joke just to get a laugh out of her in the middle of the day
Add an element of surprise whenever you take her out. She’ll appreciate how well you’ve gotten to know her and the things she likes.
Look at her, and if she catches you doing so, even better.
Remind her how much you love her quirks…
Because they’re part of her and you love everything about her
Listen to her rants…and then give her a kiss and a hug when she’s done
Be present when you’re with her…
And when you’re not, let her know how much you miss her
When you come home, ask her how her day was without talking about yourself first.
Play her favorite song as loud as you can…
And introduce her to a song that made you think about her
Take pictures, lots and lots of pictures…
Because you want to make sure you can look back at all the good moments that you’ve shared together
To put this in simple terms… women desire intention, they desire consistency.
Yes, sometimes girls might want flowers and dinner dates. But the majority of times all a girl wants is little acts of love that will speak louder than words. When you truly love her, you’ll do the little things consistently. It means more to them than some large gesture.
If you are consistent she will have a healthy, happy glow knowing her worth in the relationship because you show it to her.
Nothing kills more relationships than unmet expectations. Meet them, exceed them by being consistent with your words and your actions.
She’ll love and appreciate you immensely for doing so.