These Are the Little Acts of Love A Guy Will Do if He Truly Loves Her

A guy doesn’t really have to do something over the top to show his affection and love for her. He just has to understand that nine out of ten times a girl’s heart is easily fulfilled by paying attention to the little things. So, these are the little acts of love a guy will do if he truly loves her

A guy will do the things that don’t cost money but rather hold a higher place in a girl’s heart than anything that money can buy. So if you want to win in your relationship with her,,,

Say good morning before checking your phone every morning. 

Give her a kiss when she least expects it

Or give her a big long hug just because…

Be the one to propose putting the phones down when you’re together…

Because you want to give her your undived attention.

Send her a random text letting her know that you’re thinking of her…

Or send her a funny meme or a joke just to get a laugh out of her in the middle of the day

Add an element of surprise whenever you take her out. She’ll appreciate how well you’ve gotten to know her and the things she likes. 

Look at her, and if she catches you doing so, even better.

Remind her how much you love her quirks

Because they’re part of her and you love everything about her 

Listen to her rants…and then give her a kiss and a hug when she’s done 

Be present when you’re with her…

And when you’re not, let her know how much you miss her

When you come home, ask her how her day was without talking about yourself first. 

Play her favorite song as loud as you can…

And introduce her to a song that made you think about her 

Take pictures, lots and lots of pictures…

Because you want to make sure you can look back at all the good moments that you’ve shared together  

To put this in simple terms… women desire intention, they desire consistency.

Yes, sometimes girls might want flowers and dinner dates. But the majority of times all a girl wants is little acts of love that will speak louder than words. When you truly love her, you’ll do the little things consistently. It means more to them than some large gesture. 

If you are consistent she will have a healthy, happy glow knowing her worth in the relationship because you show it to her. 

Nothing kills more relationships than unmet expectations. Meet them, exceed them by being consistent with your words and your actions.

She’ll love and appreciate you immensely for doing so. 

Bestie, I Promise that Your Heart Will Get Past This

You thought you were going to love him forever, but he broke your heart and broke your spirit. I want you to know I feel what you’re going through and I know it’s not easy.

I know right now that it seems that you won’t get back on your feet and that you could never love again and as your best friend it’s my job to remind you that you will.

You will feel happiness again. Because your happiness doesn’t depend on him and there is so much more to fulfill your heart and make you smile and laugh hard.

You will trust again. Because you have a warrior spirit and what you’re going through is making you wiser and stronger.

You will love again. Because your heart is worth finding true love.

But the most important thing to remember is that you’re not alone. I’m here to walk alongside you to pick up the pieces he left behind. I’m here to cheer you no matter how long it takes you to get back on your feet and pick up the pieces of your broken heart.

As your life starts to move on without him it will be difficult but I know you and I know you’re strong and that you can do it. You’ll slowly start to realize that somehow life is much better without him. It’s much better without the arguments, the tears and the pain.

You know, as well as I, that he doesn’t deserve you. Even though I know you won’t admit it right now. I know you’ll admit it soon because I know in my heart that you’re able to put the painful past behind.

You’re beautiful and perfect. You deserve the world and it’s my job to never let you settle for any less.

Here’s to the future, new beginnings, and a new found happiness.

If you like Ally’s writings like her Facebook page! Click Here.

Thanks to You I Believe in Love Again

I was leaving work on New Year's Eve. It was about 11:45 at night and I came to a stop light and I broke down.

As I sat, makeup running down my face, I couldn't help but think how I'm ringing the new year  in a new city, completely alone.

At the time it had been about 8 months since a horrible breakup brought me Atlanta and I felt like all the walls I had built would keep me from ever fully loving someone again.

I told myself on that December night that I was completely and utterly okay with being alone. That if I didn't let anyone in, no one could hurt me the way I had been so hurt before.

As the new year came around my focus was on working and school. I wasn't really interested in dating as the guys I had dated previously were all pretty boring. They just weren't worth it.

Weeks go by and I'm doing my own thing and someone mentions that you were interested and I shut that idea down quick. I told myself, no time for boys. Besides my schedule was too busy how would I ever make time for a boyfriend, I wouldn't.

The funny thing is, you didn't go away. Not like stalking but once someone mentioned you, for some reason I couldn't stop thinking about the idea. I let my mind wander a little bit and possibly consider the idea. I didn't know you but I knew that I wanted to.

Perhaps putting down the outside walls was possibly the greatest thing to ever happen. I not only let in my, now, boyfriend.. but rather I let in my best friend.

I'm not going to lie it took me a while to trust you. Well to trust you with my heart. My heart was fragile and unexplainably guarded. You, with ease broke through that pain and showed me I can trust you with the most precious and delicate thing about me.

In the time we've spent together I've transformed into the best possible version of myself and for that I am forever grateful.

You took the time to gently tear down those walls that I spent so long putting up. Your patience and your grace amazes me and I couldn't think of someone better than to do life with.

You taught me the most important thing that seemed impossible 7 months ago. You taught me how to love again. You taught me how to trust again and you taught me how to be myself again.

For me, I gained a travel buddy, a best friend and the love of my life all rolled into one.

I hope you read this and understand that you are an answered prayer. I've been praying for a guy like you all my life. Although I've been through a lot, it brought me to you and I would do it 100 times over if I had to.

I like you, I love you and I'm forever gratefmul for you.

Here's to our old adventures and new adventures.

To the moon and back.

Yes, Dog Moms are Real Moms

First off, dog moms are real moms.

YES, REAL moms .

If you have ever been around a puppy for more than an hour you understand that they are all literally psychotic.

1. They eat everything.

  • It was 2 a.m and I had just taken her out and I went to plug my phone in the piece that the goes into my phone was gone. literally gone. My shoes also seem to be a popular choice of snack every day. As soon as I take my eyes off her it’s like she knows and immediately will pick something she’s NOT supposed to chew all the while I have bought her a nice array of toys and bones to chew on. but no. shoes and chords.

2. You can’t take your eyes off them.

  • I’m not lying, I walked out of the room for MAYBE 30 seconds and I walked back in and she literally disappeared. Seriously my room is not that big so where the heck could she have went, the door was shut and she wasn’t in the closet. All of a sudden I heard rustling under my bed and she was running, don’t ask me how, but she was having a good old time. That’s where she likes to hang out but she’s going to be really sad in about a month when she’ll be too big to fit.

3. They follow you everywhere.

  • She loves to take a nap on my bed so when she does that’s when I can sneak away to  get something done, like showering or going downstairs to eat a snack. But every time without fail she is always under my feet. It doesn’t matter if she’s dead asleep, she knows. It’s like she has a sense of when I leave, if she can see me leaving she’ll stare me down until I come back. Honestly she’s a weirdo. 

4. They have no motor skills, whatsoever.

  • That girl loves to play, let me tell ya. If we’re being honest, she has absolutely no sense of how big her paws are. She prances and tries her best to not fall over herself but she really can’t help it. I should have made her middle name clumsy. 

5. She’s a strong independent puppy who don’t need no man.

  • She takes the stairs like a champ even though she’s not very good at them. She also loves jumping off my bed but she can’t get back on so she’ll try and try but she’ll never make it back up. She hates her leash and being told where to go. She’s got a feisty little attitude.

6. They have NO personal space. 

  • This is the perfect example, One morning I woke up and she was sleeping on the side of my face. If I’m working on my computer she has to be sitting on top of my keyboard or biting the screen. When I’m walking around she likes to be under my feet at all times. She’s crazy but it’s so cute.

The biggest thing that I’ve learned is a puppy makes the greatest companion. They are also like toddlers. I have the utmost respect for moms but don’t forget about us dog moms, especially those with puppies. 

For anyone looking to rescue a puppy, DO IT! 

23 Signs You're Definitely a Hot Mess but You're Killin' It

Let’s be real, everyone one in their own way is a mess. Naturally, as humans, we can’t help but lose our minds at times. 

But there’s a difference between a mess and a hot mess. 

1. You can’t find anything. ever. You may have put it down 5 minutes ago and you could’ve sworn you put it there… or did you?

2. You’re clumsy – is there any other word to describe you?

3. You have to set at least 9 alarms in the morning – because the first 5 won’t do it and let’s be real neither with the last 4.

4. You’re injury prone – basically, you should come with a warning sign.

5. Being emotional about everything is normal. The homeless puppy commercials will do you in every time. 

6. You can’t avoid spilling something on you every time you eat… stain remover might be your best friend.

7. Your room is always a perfect representation of your life: a mess. You could’ve taken 5 hours to clean and organize but your clothes always have a permanent home on the floor.

8. There are at least 5 water bottles on the floor of your car at all times. At least 5.

9. Speaking of your car, when’s the last time it was washed?

10. Sometimes speaking is difficult, how many times have you lost your place telling a story?

11. Your shoes are always untied, ALWAYS.

12. Your phone is pretty much always dying or dead – falling asleep with your phone in your hand is a reoccurring thing. 

13. Heels.. well walking is a challenge, don’t get too ambitious girl, save your ankles. 

14. Getting up is a struggle let alone taming the beast on your head known as your hair – sometimes you have to leave to house with wet hair.

15. The extent of your makeup skills is a slightly winged eyeliner left over from the night before.

16. You lose track of time. Work is at 4:00, it’s 2:30 you have more than enough time. 3:45 rolls around and you’re still naked in your bed with a towel on your head re-watching ‘The Office’ for the 5th time. 

17. You are never on time – mostly from your incredible ability to lose track of time so easily. 

18. People need to remind you of everything – more than once a day.

19. You drop LITERALLY everything – it’s amazing your phone screen hasn’t cracked yet. 

20. You almost run out of gas, all the time – honestly you just forget, wake up late for work get in your car and realize that you’ll run out of gas buy the time you pull out of your driveway. 

21. The positions you come up to sleep in to avoid the huge pile of clothes on your bed are quite impressive.

22. You go to the gym about once a month – no shame girl.

23. People are always telling you that you’re a hot mess.

There’s no way to escape it, it’s apart of who you are. Embrace it. 

Share and tag someone who is a hot mess! 

If you like Ally’s writings like her Facebook page for more!

Why I Left

I wish you had understood why I did what I did. 

I didn't leave because I didn't love you, I left because I didn't love myself. 

For so long, everything I did was what you wanted to do and everything I was passionate about was because you were passionate about it. 

Over time, I started to realize that loving you made me completely lose sight of who I was. 

I forgot what I wanted and forgot what I deserved.

I deserved a dozen sunflowers because they were my favorite. I deserved someone to look at me like I was earned instead of someone who was just there. 

I started to remember what I always wanted growing up, what I loved. 

I didn't leave you for him, I left you for me.

I didn't leave you because you weren't enough; I left because for once in my life, I had the courage to believe that I could be anything I wanted to be and go anywhere my heart desired. 

I fell in love with the idea of being a more strong, independent me, rather than continuing to love you more than you loved me. 

I always want you to know that no matter what this world brings or what happens, I'll always be here. But for now, I have to be me. 

I have to follow my heart and do what I love.

That's the beautiful thing about the world we live in now — we can be whoever and do whatever we want. We can define ourselves, instead of letting others make our decisions for us.  

We can choose our own destiny.

In that moment, that was the most selfish I had ever been in my entire life and I don't regret it…not one bit. I'm not sorry. 

I just hope you're finding yourself like I did.

Goodbye 2016, You Won't Be Missed

As a whole I think everyone can agree that 2016 being almost over is the best thing to happen all year. 

Despite everyones political views and social stand points there was a lot the 2016 took from us.

How dare you take an innocent gorilla's life, Harambe you will be missed greatly by our entire nation. 

Pokemon essentially brain washed every single person with a smart phone.

Also who said it was okay to bring the chokers back from our middle school days?

We learned this year that anyone can get famous from the internet.

Seriously why was that "damn Daniel" video popular anyway?

Remember PawPaw? How dare his grandkids not eat with their own grandfather.

Jacob Sartorius was actually a thing: don't lie.. sweatshirt was actually your favorite songs of 2016.

How many guys did taylor swift date this year? Too many, that's what.

Drake and Rhianna broke up. 

Beyonce and Jay-Z Broke up.

Let's be real, memes are out of control.

Phone batteries are exploding.

We lost Bowie, Prince and Gene Wilder.

Vine was shut down… or was it???

Let's never forget the clown epidemic that terrorized the entire nation.

But one good thing did happen:

Leo DiCaprio finally won an Oscar… or did he unknowingly start the unwanted apocalypse known as this year.

2016 it's over, you are blocked, reported, and unfollowed.

From all of us to you,

Boy Bye.

The Reason For The Season

As the Holiday’s are quickly approaching and the shopping begins, it’s easy to lose sight of what the holiday season is all about. 

No matter what your religious or non-religous background is, we can all agree that the holiday’s are for family and friends. 

It’s for celebrating relationships and being thankful for everything you have.

It’s having a chance to give back to others who don’t have the means of celebrating this season. 

It’s spreading love and cheer to others who need it the most.

It’s calling those friends and family members to mend the broken relationships because life is fragile and short and every moment counts.

It’s not losing sight of what’s important.

It’s remembering that it doesn’t matter what you receive but rather what you give.

You don’t have to give gifts but give the gift of love, acceptance and warmness.

Be the change you want to see this season.

Call those people, fill the hearts of others and show love unconditionally to everyone.

You may even change a couple lives.

The reason for the season is not shopping or receiving it’s about giving more than just gifts but your joy to the ones you love, the ones around you and to everyone in between.

I Got You Bro

A letter to my favorite little brother:

Hey buddy, before anything I want you to know I love you so much and I’m so blessed to be your big sister.

Here are a few things I want to remind you of..

Just because you’re my little brother doesn’t mean I’m going to tease you forever (Only sometimes)

You mean the world to me and I would do absolutely anything and everything for you.

No matter what happens I’ll always have your back, every step of the way.

I’ll always be here to listen to everything that you have to say.

You are a little turd, no doubt about that but I love you anyway.

Despite how far away I live, please know that even if I’m not at any of your games, know that I’m cheering you on.

As you get older and girls start coming around, I promise I will embarrass you.

Yes I will bring out all the embarrassing pictures and stories of course. 

Even though that’s not for a while I’ll still tease you about all your little girlfriends… why? Because I love you. 

As your older sister I promise to always protect you even when you think you don’t need it. 

I want to remind you that you are so loved and so cared for.

I also want to remind you that I pray for you constantly and think of you often.

Please remember I’m always one phone call, text or FaceTime away.

I love you buddy, please never forget that.

He's Too Good For You Anyway

I remember him telling me he didn’t know what to do.

That no matter what he did he never felt good enough for you.

After hearing the pain in his voice I’ll never forget

I knew he needed to make a change that he wouldn’t regret.

Sometimes when things are bad they need to come to an end so they can get better. 

I remember reading your messages, down to every single letter. 

The things you said were nasty, that’s true

but nothing you said was as nasty as you.

I don’t write this because I don’t like you but because you hurt my best friend

and the time you’ve spent in his life has officially come to an end.

You try to weasel your way in, but your time here is done,

seriously go away, you’re no fun.

You decided to lose him when you hurt him the way you did,

and seriously, please, stop calling him kid.

I don’t have anything left to say

well except for

He’s too good for you anyway.

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