Sports Physiotherapy to Keep Your Hips Strong

Have you wondered if your hips are weak or tight? What can you do to help out tighten your hips in a way they do not look too bulky? Sports physiotherapy professionals help in keeping your hips strong and mobile. This blog covers everything you need to know that can help you have beautiful legs and strong muscles around your hips.

#1. Foam Rolling

You cannot have a magic fix to have a shortterm relief for anything. You can try applying pressure in the area or do some foam rolling. Doing so can increase the blood flow on the muscles and provide them with extra oxygen. This delays the onset of muscle soreness and helps you recover soon. You can follow the videos online to get some tips from sports physiotherapy professionals on healing soreness.

#2. Take Care of your Feet

The natural position of your pelvis can be affected if you have relatively flat feet. If you compare it with people who have higher arches, flat feet can cause the pelvis to get forward. Sometimes the muscles of your hip can also end up working more than normal, making it difficult for you to walk easily. Your flexor can give out even while doing a simple exercise as advised by sports physiotherapy professionals.

You can manage it somehow by wearing an orthotic insole to provide support and stability in the running shoes. It’s effective if you are wearing it for your day-to-day footwear. A podiatrist will let you know if footwear is enough to help you out with your hip problems.

#3. Move Your Hips

Sometimes the pelvis is naturally tilted forward. However, you don’t have to worry about this. There are some exercises to do that can help you with getting your service to become more flexible. What you do usually is tilt the pelvis subtly, and it makes you feel you’re circling the lower back by folding the tailbone you have in your back. That is why it is better for you to do exercises that make you feel natural. You just have to hold for 10 seconds and repeat it 10 times.

#4. Glutes Need Your Attention

You might sometimes feel irritated in the hip flexors, as the nearby muscles are not performing well. It would be a better option to talk to a sports physiotherapy professional who can help you with strengthening your glutes. However, there are a few exercises such as single-leg bridges and forward lunges that can help you with that.

You can just aim for 15 stations of such exercises and do it in two to three sets. It would be even more effective if you repeat it three or four times a week. You can start from easier steps and go to more difficult ones with more dumbbells. It will get easier for you to repeat it the 15th time.

#5. Muscles in your Stomach

Another aspect that can help you flex your hips is focusing on your stomach muscles. If you feel tightness in your hip flexors, consider that the abs aren’t supporting your hips. Sports physiotherapy professionals provide you with a lot of exercises to help you move your core easily. Two of the most effective exercises are stability ball rollouts and bicycle crunches. The routine of these exercises is also the same: repeating two to three sides until you’re tired.


Following a common set of routines every day with a perfect training plan developed by sports physiotherapy professionals can help you stay healthy and keep your hips strong.

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About The Author

I am Amelia Varley. I love to write on different topics, like health, home décor, automotive, business, food, lifestyle, finance, flowers, beauty, and more. 

Dentist’s Advice on Replacing your Toothbrush

Most people are aware of the fact that toothbrushes don’t last for a long time. However, figuring out the last date of a toothbrush is even harder for someone who knows nothing. You won’t even realize when you are bristles end up getting useless that ends the lifespan of a particular toothbrush. That’s when a dentist can provide you with information and guidelines on replacing a toothbrush. Truthfully, the recommended time for this replacement varies between 12 to 16 weeks.

The way to determine the lifespan of a toothbrush is discussed below:

What Does the Dentist Say?

A dentist always advises the patients to use a toothbrush twice a day. However, the bristles accumulate bacteria that are harmful for your health. These bacteria accumulate over time from the surrounding area in your bathroom on the toothbrush. That is why people are recommended to wash the toothbrushes every time before using them. Even after being careful like this, it is important to change the toothbrush every four months. After you do this, according to the dentist, you will be considerably safe. However, if you are not using a toothbrush every day, you can change it within six months.

#1. Bacteria on Your Toothbrush

Brushes end up going through several changes, becoming less effective. Various studies have shown that the quality of the bristles deteriorates in a span of three months, resulting in a useless toothbrush. This is because the bacteria and germs like to stay in the bristles and hide for a long time. When you are going through an infection or cold, it is possible that you have your infection bacteria accumulated in a toothbrush. If you use the same repeatedly, you might get infected a second time.

However, that is not the only problem that you will face if you use an old toothbrush. Even fungus can become a common resident on your toothbrush, residing permanently. A professional dentist will always advise you to clean your toothbrush thoroughly before hanging it in your bathroom above the basin.

#2. Importance of Timing

As per a dentist, it is important to remember how long you have used your toothbrush. It helps you in saving yourself from using the toothbrush that has virus and bacteria accumulated inside the bristles. However, not many people have the capability of remembering the time period of the toothbrush that they have used. If that is the case with you, the solution is simple: just look at the condition of your toothbrush. The worn-out toothbrushes have useless bristles that are frayed or fanned out. You can also check the symptoms of the presence of mold under the toothbrush if you are not so sure about the timing.

#3. The Demerits of Not Replacing the Toothbrush on Time:

There are many risks involved when you fail to replace your toothbrush according to the dentist. One of the things that happens to your mouth is damaged gums. The worn-out bristles do not replace the plague in your teeth that also ends up giving you gingivitis. Your teeth may even fall because of such problems if left untreated.


It is important to replace your toothbrush, according to the dentist. If not, you might end up damaging your teeth. That is why the professionals state that you have to replace your toothbrush once every three months. There is a reason why it is necessary to replace your toothbrush periodically. Bristles are damaged because of accumulated virus and bacteria. This is why you are recommended to replace the toothbrush used twice a day within three months.

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About The Author

I am Amelia Varley. I love to write on different topics, like health, home décor, automotive, business, food, lifestyle, finance, flowers, and beauty.

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