If You Let Me, I’ll Love You Like You Deserve

If I had to pick a single reason why I loved you there would be no possible way, because reasons  can fade away. What I have for you can’t fade away so I’d have to say that it’s because of who you are.That’s why I can love you this way.”- Audi Anderson

If there is one thing I’ve learned in life, it is unpredictable. Things can seem to being going so well before it knocks you over and you’re lying on your back looking at the stars wondering how you got there. It’s that moment when you feel like the world is against you, when you feel like you’re all alone.That is the moment that I’m here to remind you that you really are never alone, because I’ll always be on your side.

These aren’t empty promises, I’m not going to take them back, I’m giving you my word.

I promise you not to rush things. Relationships can be scary, especially when you start to open yourself up to the possibility of someone knowing everything about you. I promise to go at whatever pace makes it easier and more comfortable to you.

I’ll be there even when you drive me ten shades of crazy.

I’ll pull when you push me away.

I’ll love the things you hate about yourself.

When you think you are sucking at life I’ll remind you you’re excelling.

When the skies are grey, I’ll be there to help you see the rainbow.

I’ll love you when you don’t like yourself.

I’ll love you even when you don’t understand why.

I’ll stick around even if you expect me to run.

I’ll face your demons with you; you’ll never have to go alone.

I’ll kiss away your fears, and wipe away any tears.

I can be the strong one when you’re feeling weak.

Even if we fight and argue I’ll still be there.

I won’t let you go to bed upset, I’ll always remind you I care.

I’ll keep you safe.

I promise to guard your heart.

I’ll believe in us even when it seems impossible.

I’ll be honest with you, no matter what.

I’m not afraid to disagree with you, but it doesn’t mean I won’t listen.

I’ll appreciate you for all your imperfections, because they are what make you who you are.

I’ll cherish all the memories we make, it’ll be my favorite movie.

I’ll trust you enough that I can open my heart to you.

I’ll be by your side and push you to achieve your dreams, even if I don’t understand them.

I’ll do all of this not because you ask me to, or because it’s expected but because I want to.

Through the good, the bad, the ugly, the silly, the messy and everything in between. As long as you’ll have me, you’ll never have to go through life alone, because life is better when you share it with someone else.

And if you let me, I’ll love you like you deserve. 

To see more of Audi’s work check out her facebook page.

25 Things Great Guys Do That Girls Absolutely Love

Alright gentleman I’m going to let you in on a little secret, girls aren’t as hard to please as you think. So men grab a pen and paper and take notes or take a screenshot to remember this when you’re struggling.

It’s not always the presents or the flowers, (though we like those from time to time) but it’s the smaller more personal things you do that we absolutely love.

1. Good morning texts– It lets us know when you wake up that we’re on your mind.

2.  Holding our hand randomly– There’s just something when my hand fits perfectly in yours.

3. Running your fingers through our hair– There’s just something about it that calms you down every time.

4. Letting us choose what movie to watch– It’s subtle but we enjoy it time to time.

5. Letting us drive– I know this doesn’t happen very often but it does show you trust us.

6. Letting us pay– We appreciate everything you do for us but it feels nice to treat you sometimes.

7. When you dance with us– Especially the slow songs, we enjoy getting close to you.

8. When you offer up your coat– You know I’m always cold and I never leave the house prepared.

9. When you call us beautiful– The second you say it, it’s hard not to believe it because of how you look at me.

10. Never letting us go to bed angry– Even when I’m so mad at you, you remind me that we can’t go to sleep angry at one another.

11. The way you think you’re not romantic but then you say something super sweet– Please keep doing it even if you don’t realize you’re doing it.

12. When you call us “your girl???– We know we are independent but it still brings a smile to our faces.

13. When you introduce us to other girls as your girlfriend– It doesn’t mean we’re jealous and don’t trust you but we love the fact you want others to know you’re off the market.

14. When you put your phone down and focus on us– We know you chat with the guys and there are fantasy leagues to watch and sports to keep up with but it’s nice you’re willing to detach for awhile.

15. When you say, “I love you???- *smiles* *heart melts*

16. When you make future plans– Silently we’re ecstatic that you see this as something long term.

17. When you take selfies with us– We get it, you hate photos but the fact that you indulge in them for our sake is so sweet.

18. Back rubs– They feel great.

19. When you grab our chins right before you kiss us– *swoons*

20. Hang out with our friends– You don’t only attend events but you also enjoy yourself and have started to make them your friends as well.

21. When you listen– Sometimes we just need someone to listen to us ramble on without interrupting.

22. For being a shoulder to cry on– Even when I’m crying and you don’t have any idea of what to do, just being there is enough.

23. For being open and honest– Relationships can be tough, life can be tough but when you’re willing to talk about everything it makes us feel safe.

24. For going through life with us– Life is an adventure and we couldn’t think of anyone better to enjoy it with.

25. For being our best friend– It’s possible we can annoy you, drive you crazy but we love you like crazy and you’re the best friend we could ever ask for.

To see more of Audi’s work check out her facebook page.

36 Little Things We Should Thank Our Boyfriends For

Grateful Girlfriend

When you first start dating you usually go out of your way to thank your new boyfriend for all the wonderful things he does for you. They dedicate a day to them national boyfriend day, however we know they deserve to be thanked more than just one day of the year.


1) For  always letting me lay my head on your chest. I know ten minutes in your arm has fallen asleep yet you are such a champ through it.


2) For not getting mad when I can’t make up my mind on what I want to eat.


3) For waiting for me to get ready, because we’ve both learned that 5 minutes is actually 10.


4) For always calling me beautiful even after I just woke up and yesterday’s makeup is running down my face.


5) For dealing with the fact that whenever we cuddle my hair usually ends up everywhere, including your mouth. I’m really sorry about the amount of shedding I do.


6) For encouraging me to chase my dreams and standing beside me when that journey doesn’t always make sense and for pushing me when I want to throw in the towel.


7) For taking all the selfies I ask for even though I know that isn’t your favorite activity.


To My Bestie, My Life Would Be Totally Empty Without You

“Who can say if I’ve been changed for the better but because I knew you, I have been changed for good.”— Wicked

A soulmate isn’t always the person you’re going to marry and spend the rest of your life with. Yes, secretly the majority of us are looking for that someone but there’s an equally exciting and important moment in your life when you find out that your bestie is meant to be your soulmate.


I should probably apologize to you for that fact that I’ve chosen you to be mine.

But fate sealed the deal and you are absolutely stuck with me. I know that secretly you know you couldn’t live without me either at this point.


There is one person who understands what you’re saying when there are no words coming out of your mouth, the person who doesn’t judge you for the faces you make or things that you like. There’s a person who knows your flaws and your quirks and will still claim you in public…that person is me.

A Sunday Kind of Love is the One You Should Want

Loving You Like A Sunday Morning

You’re probably reading this and thinking to yourself, “Why Sunday”? When Friday’s and Saturday’s seem to the more exciting days, the one’s that bring excitement and adventure all in one.

Yes those are great and those relationships can be extremely meaningful but when it comes down to it don’t settle unless it’s that Sunday kind of love.


Comfort of A Sunday

A Sunday kind of love is comfortable. It’s the love you don’t have to try for, it just comes natural. It doesn’t have to be dolled up and constantly in motion. It’s the kind of love where you can be doing nothing and it is still the best thing out there.

It’s the kind of love where you get to focus on each other. You don’t need anyone else; you enjoy the company of each other. It’s recouping, it’s refocusing, it’s the kind of love that allows you to take a deep breath and enjoy the moment.

It’s the kind of love that is transposed in a movie. The head over heels, couldn’t picture your life with anyone else kind of love.


I Want To Be The One Whose Heart Beats Perfectly With His

We always talk about the kind of love we think we deserve, and what it takes to get it. Perhaps we should be focusing on how we’re going to love someone. You see, when it comes down to it, I want to be the one whose heart beats perfectly with his.


The kind of love that makes a person feel like home, a safe haven and protector of their secrets. I want to be nervous before dates, worrying about making sure they have a good time and I want to soak in every emotion that goes with it.


I don’t expect them to try too hard to impress me, I’ll want them to be themselves and I want to let myself be me because that’ll be the best person to love them.


Once I find that person I will love them with every fiber in my soul because it’s not only what I do, it’s what they deserve. A day won’t go by that you won’t know that I care, and you’ll never have to second guess my feelings for you. There won’t be any worries about my motives because they’ll be clear.


45 Things I Don’t Tell My Mom Enough

I don’t know about yours but my mom is pretty much one of the greatest human beings out there. I know as a daughter we’re supposed to say those things but it is so true. Life gets in the way sometimes though and there are so many times that I forget to remind her of how important she really is.

1. Firstly I should tell you thank you in general. Thank you for always being there for me when no one else is around. Thank you for answering the phone at all hours of the day, for making sure I always have what I need and that I know that I’m never truly alone.

2. Thank you for the little things you do, like cooking my favorite food when I come home, sending me a text asking how my weekend is going and always answers my questions no matter how silly they are.

3. Thank you for the big things you do in my life as well. Thank you for setting examples of what it’s like to be a woman who has achieved her goals and never stopped until she got what she wanted. Thank you for showing me what a genuine, compassionate woman looks like.

4. You are hands down one of the best things in my life.

5. My siblings and I are lucky to have such an incredible woman in our lives.

6. You are my role model.

7. You’re beautiful. Even when you’ve had a long day and you’re stressed to your limits.

8. I miss you.

9. I cherish all the time we spend together.

10. I’m so proud of you.

11. You’re a bad ass.

12. I’m sorry you have to listen to my venting and whining.

13. I’m sorry my siblings and I can be challenging at time.

14. Your love for God is amazing.

15. For all the times we have all screamed “MOM” at the same time you’ve never failed to help each of us even when we’re being absolutely ridiculous.

My Heart Is Too Big to Be Your Lonely Call

I am not the girl that you just keep on speed dial for the nights you are lonely. I’m not the girl who caves when she’s lonely or caters to your schedule.

If it’s three am and you feel lonely, I hate to break it to you but I’m not the girl that is going to answer no matter how many times you call. I’m not here to satisfy some late night need or to sleep next to you till the morning. I’m not your lonely call.


I deserve more than that. I have a big heart that is full of love and I’m not settling for less than I deserve. I’m not going to continuously give my heart to guys who use it till they get their fill and toss it to the side.


Desperate times don’t call for desperate measures, which means when you don’t know what you want and you still can’t figure out commitment I’m not going to give into you. You see I would have been the girl who was your shoulder to cry on, a listening ear when you needed to vent but I won’t do it because you don’t respect me as a person. You see me as something that can be put on a shelf until further notice.


I Don’t Need You To Rescue Me, I Just Need You To Stand Beside Me

I’m not looking for Prince Charming, because I’m not the princess that needs saving. I’m not looking for you to be my everything, to save me or change my life. I’m not looking for you to sweep me off my feet right away, to answer my every beck and call and drop everything on a dime to be there if I call.

You see all these things would mean you’d be absolutely perfect and that I’m a little damaged and we already know there isn’t anything perfect and I wouldn’t want you to be that way. Perfect exists in fairy tales and Hollywood romances and if that’s all you’re looking for it’ll set you up for failure.

I don’t want you to be my everything; I just want you to be there for me.


To The Girl Who Feels Like She’s Easily Replaced

It’s tough feeling replaceable. It’s even worse when it’s by people that should never put you in that situation. It seems like a never-ending cycle, that eventually everyone replaces you and you begin to wonder, “What is wrong with me?”

“Am I doing something that makes people decide I’m convenient one moment and disposable the next?” Is the reality of my life that I’m going to always be a stepping stone or a stop in the road instead of a destination?

There isn’t anything wrong with you, there is so much wrong with the people who treat you the way they do. It’s what happens though when you try to see the good in everyone and give endless chances.

You’re so much more than a convenient stop, so don’t ever let yourself begin to believe this.

You’re always the go-to when someone needs something but they aren’t always there when you need them.

It’s not just boys that make you feel this way, though you’ve had your share of heartache because of them. It’s also friends and family. The family is what stings the worst because they’re supposed to be there for you always.

All you want is someone to stay; something so simple but seems like a far-off notion.

You want to be able to let down your guard to a person that opens their arms to you and catches you when you fall. You need to be loved as you love.

Let me fill you in on something extremely important. There is a man out there for you, waiting to show you what a real gentleman is like. He’s not going to lead you on, make you fall in love. When the feelings start to become real, he isn’t going to let you fall through the cracks and walk away.

He’s going to prove to you that he’s going to stick around. He’s going to stay.

He’s going to love you unconditionally because it’s what you deserve. You don’t deserve to be scared of being left behind, discarded like yesterdays lunch. You’ll be treated like the queen that you are.

When you tell him about your fears, he’s going to hold you close, let you cry and reassure you that he couldn’t fathom hurting you that way. He’s going to thank the idiots who didn’t realize your value because they made it possible for him to be there to catch you.

He’s going to curse them though for breaking your heart, because someone as sweet as you don’t deserve it, and he’s going to help protect you from further hurt.

The waiting isn’t easy, but it will be worth it.

I know the thought that there is a guy out there like this seems farfetched. It’s hard to think someone’s going to treat you different when every man in your life has made you feel this way.

I promise you though, someone as wonderful as you won’t be lonely forever. Someone will value you and once this happens, all the pain you’ve endured will make sense.

So wipe away those tears, and brush those terrible thoughts away because one day you’re going to realize that these heartbreaking moments were just stepping stones. They were not only making you a stronger individual but they are also directing you on the path towards the right person.

To see more of Audi’s work check out her facebook page.

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