Women On Twitter Are Straight Up Fighting Over The Right Way To Put On A Bra

A hot new debate has sprung up on Twitter: What is the correct way to put on a bra?

Twitter user @nakaimosu posed this monumental question alongside a graphic listing two double-step methods: The blue approach is clasping the bra in the front, then swiveling it around and threading your arms in last, whereas the red approach is putting a bra on frontwards, and reaching behind your back to do the clasp up, sight unseen.

“hey y’all how do you put on a bra??” asked aki. “I GOTTA KNOW.”


She followed up the initial tweet with other options: “people who put it on as a t-shirt, wear no bras, or wear sports bras /bralettes are also in the equation.”


Listen, I, too, gotta know. And so do you. As with every other topic imaginable, Twitter was divided. The consensus among Team Red seemed to be the blue way is “weak.”

This comment from user @Namjooniased, who says she is a “blind girl” seems to verify that nobody out here needs to be practicing the blue method.

However, team blue called those who clasped inthe back “androids” and “sociopaths,” citing ease of use for their preferred approach.

Then there were those who fell outside of the bra-wearing dichotomy imposed by the graphic. Some women, apparently, put on bras like they would a t-shirt.

Others wear sports bras, or my personal favorite, no bras.

Then there was this legend, who blessed us with the following revolutionary knowledge:

(Was I the only one who didn’t know this?)

h/t Twitter

Doctors Found 27 Contact Lenses In This Woman’s Eye And I’m Literally Gagging

When it comes to having some “fears” in life, putting things in my eye is definitely up there. While I need glasses to see, I’m one of those people who outright refuses to wear contact lenses because sticking anything in my eyeball just seems insane to me. Nope, won’t do it. And, even though my own mother is an eye doctor—who constantly reminds me I’m being an immature child—I still cringe at the sight of people doing it themselves.

But, it seems as though my fears may have some validation, as a study revealed that putting contacts in your eye can lead to some horrifying complications. According to a report in the British Medical Journal, a U.K. surgeon discovered a mass in a 67-year-old patient’s eye that was bothering her, and when they checked out what it was, it turned out that it was 27 contact lenses. 27 CONTACT LENSES STUCK IN HER EYE. AT THE SAME TIME.

Now, I know you’re wondering one thing—how the hell can someone not realize they had all of these contact lenses in their eye? According to the report, the patient had worn “monthly contacts” and had no issues—but, it seems as though the discovery was made when she was getting cataract surgery.

British Medical Journal

The mass was reportedly blue and “hard.” No sh*t it was hard…imagine having all 27 contact lenses glued together in your eye-socket?!? How on earth this woman not remember to take out her contacts? It turns out, she thought she dropped them, every time she couldn’t find the one to take out. Oh. Okay. No problem.


The doctors in the study and report say that it’s record-breaking—they’ve had patients who have lost a contact or two, but never 27.

Let this be a warning for you all who love to stick things in your eyes—take the damn things out!

20-Something Sex is Definitely the Best

At the ripe age of 34 (almost 35), I think I’m a little older than most of the bloggers/readers here. I am also a wife, and mother of twins, so you can affectionately call me Nana, Auntie, or even just Old Lady.

There are a few lessons I wish my 34 (almost 35) year old self could go back and tell my 24-29-year-old self about sex, so I thought I should share these lessons with you, and hopefully spare you any regrets.

Have as Much Sex as You Can in Your 20’s…

There is this magical age right after school, and just before marriage, that should be the most amazing time of your life. Ideally, you are starting to have some financial freedom, and you are not yet married.

YOU WILL NEVER BE THIS FREE AGAIN. This is the best time for you to figure out what you like, and explore everything you have ever wanted to when it comes to sex.

Don’t let your Friends  C*ck Block…

There is always that friend who “cares about you” and, is going to tell you not to sleep around, or call you a slut if you do. Don’t listen to her. She is literally robbing you of your youth.

Lose your inhibitions… 

Give up the rules. If there is ever anything you have wanted to try, or even thought about for a fraction of a second, try it! Again, YOU WILL NEVER BE THIS FREE.

Be Confident… 

Being confident is sexier than any lingerie you could ever wear. Be happy with who you are, because honestly… your 35-year-old self-prays every day that she can be you again.

Don’t Keep a List… 

Keeping a list of everyone you have ever slept with is a dumb thing we ALL do in our 20’s.  Take it from me- that list will haunt you one day. Someone will read it, or you will lose it and it will reappear at the WORST possible time in your life. Perhaps while you are moving into your new house with your new husband, or perhaps when you are scrapbooking with your kid.

Please, just don’t keep a list.

I am sure after reading these tips you are assuming that I have had sex in every city, and in every orifice. I didn’t. Well, I did a few things (that I am totally proud of) that I’ll never admit to, but my point is that I should have done more with my “freedom”. Trust me, when I tell you that every married woman I know wishes she could go back in time and teach herself a few of these lessons.

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