His Soul Is The Fire My Heart Needs

“You’re the light of my life, you’re the fire in my heart when I’m lost and guides me back home. Every star in the sky shines brighter when you’re at my side. You are the light of my life” 

I thought my heart knew what real love felt like but I was so wrong. I met you and my heart was exposed to a whole different level of love. Being with you is pleasantly intoxicating because the love that you share with me is the kind that helps me see the beauty in imperfection, including my own imperfections, allowing me to see a better world, a better me and I just can’t get enough of it

I could not for a second imagine that someone could have such a hypnotizing effect on me.

You show me that loving is something you do, that actions are better than saying “I love you” and you make it a point to show me how much I mean o you through actual effort. You make my needs your needs, you make my happiness your priority.

Effort Is All She Wants From Him

The truth is, the sexiest and most attractive thing a guy can do is give a shit. In other words, all a guy has to do to sweep us off our feet is put in the effort. Show that you care. Don’t waste our time being a douche or pretending to be something you’re not. It’s really not that hard, if you put in the effort, you’ll be the most desirable guy in our eyes.

You got it wrong if you think that playing games are going to get you far with me.

On the contrary, none of your “playing hard to get” actions and attitudes really fly. I know they’re total bullshit and don’t really add anything to your efforts to appear attractive, interesting or mature. I can see right through your bs; like when you intentionally wait to answer my texts hours later or cancel our plans last minute or how you always leave it up to me up to make plans to hang out.

To Every Girl Who Hides Her Anxiety Behind A Smile

“Smile, breathe, and go slowly.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh

Just the fact that you’re able to carry a smile on your face when your whole body feels tense and apprehensive, is a sign of strength. You might not even know it, and you might refuse to believe that you’re brave, but trust me, you are.

You’re coping with your anxiety as best you can, so please be gentle with your soul.

I bet you didn’t know that your best would be considered and unbearable, a monumental task to someone who doesn’t have to deal with anxiety on a daily basis. You’re a courageous, sweet and beautiful soul who happens to suffer from fear, apprehension and irrational thoughts, so please believe that you’re so much more than your anxiety.

Yes, more often than not, you have to come face to face with all the fears that you mind constructs and spits at your soul, but you fight back. You put on a smile and at the same time try to talk yourself out of the darkness in your mind by doing your best at being rational, after all, it’s your best weapon against irrational thoughts.

What To Know Before You Fall For The Girl Who’s Used To Being On Her Own

“A strong woman builds her own world. She is one who is wise enough to know that it will attract the man she will gladly share it with.” Ellen J. Barrier

The girl who’s used to being on her own is a complex beautiful being. She’s a walking paradox because she’s tough but sweet as can be. Her unique way to take life by the horns is attractive and hypnotizing. She’s the type to make you want to open up to life and get your shit together. She won’t put up with bullshit or anything less from you and that’s gonna challenge you to be the best version of yourself, so you can be with her and enjoy life together to the fullest.

1. She will keep you in line, but not in the controlling type of way, that’s not her style.

She’ll be supportive and caring in every possible way but she’ll expect you to be self-sufficient, strong-willed and independent. She basically wants to find and be with someone who’s her equal. Because for her, being in a relationship means living separate lives together.

2. She doesn’t need a man to define her, she just wants a man to love and share her ups and downs with.

She wants to be with someone who can challenge her emotionally and intellectually and can also accept her for who she is and not for what you want her to be. She’s not the girl for you if you try to change her in any way. It’s important to her that you respect her goals, dreams and life choices but most of all, her independence. She’ll respect yours as well, after all, she’s the girl who’s used to being on her own and understands that love has nothing to do with owning someone. Love is about accepting someone wholeheartedly for who they are

3. She’s fun and witty but also sensitive and enigmatic.

An independent girl like her who knows where she stands in every aspect of her life doesn’t need to play games. She knows what she wants and how to get it, so if you’re into her and want to have a chance with her heart, don’t bother playing with her emotions.

4. She’s very confident of herself but warming up to people might not be her greatest quality.

Just be patient with her and eventually she’ll realize that your intentions are pure and she’ll allow herself to be more trusting and open with her emotions.

5. The girl who’s not used to needing anyone has many layers, but that’s just her way of selecting who’s worth getting close to her heart.

Just be yourself, be honest and kind. When you feel like you can’t figure her out she’ll show you how to get through her guarded heart.

6. Don’t let her complexities fool you, trust that she’s observing all of you and slowly letting you into her life.

Her love is as strong as her fear to feel that for once she’ll allow herself to need you. But that fear will go away once you prove to her that you’re what her heart needs.

This girl is a keeper and you wanna take the time to experience every bit of her complexities.

Just Wait for Someone that Feels Like Home

“When you find true love, home is no longer a place. It’s the person you love. And wherever they are, you are home.”

When you least expect it, you’re going to find yourself in front of the person that will not only take your breath away in that split second, but that will also feel like home. It’ll be an encounter you might not be prepared for but it’ll immediately feel like it was destined, everything about it will feel right and you’ll know in your heart that it’s meant to last.

You’ll feel that your soul gravitates towards him and you’ll feel the need to be around him and explore everything about him. And he’ll feel the same way about you.

Something about him will lure you in but in a good way.

You’ll just know he’s the one capable of breaking all the walls that you’ve meticulously built around your heart. And you won’t hesitate to embrace the way he makes your heart skip a beat.

He’s the one that’ll be able to see right through you and will accept every inch of you. Because he has the ability to see beauty in your flaws and embrace your imperfections. He appreciates every part of you because for him all of you is what he wants and needs, nothing less and nothing more.

The connection that you share will be so strong, you won’t have to really understand it to know that your bond is unbreakable.

You’ll just be overflowed with the joy this person has brought into your life.

You’ll both share the same feeling, so you’ll want to share each other’s world. You’ll want to be an open book and talk about your fears and dreams. Because you know you’ll never be judged for any of it. You can be as raw and real with this person because what they give back are compassion and understanding. And you’ll surrender to his love and acceptance.

 Everything about this feeling will be proof that he’s the one. So you’ll look at him and embrace him with the same acceptance. Because in your eyes he’s beautifully imperfect.

You’re each other’s soulmates because every second you spend together feels like an eternity.

Being apart would be a terrible mistake, he feels right, he feels like home and you couldn’t see it any other way.

He becomes a part of you, so everything they feel and go through feels like it’s happening to you too.

You become one and you can imagine your life without him.

You realize they’ve become your reason to be, your reason to breath.

Because you’ve finally found each other, you’re home for each other and you’ve promised to grow through what you go through in life together, forever.

One day soon, you’ll find someone like this, so when you do, embrace it, be grateful and enjoy experiencing love fully.

“Don’t think. It complicates things. Just feel and if it feels like home then follow its path.” 

I’m Still Praying Our Hearts Will Find Their Way Back To Each Other

“I was made and meant to look for you and wait for you and become yours forever.”  –  Robert Browning

Sometimes it seems unreal for our hearts to love so much. Your life seems senseless without them by your side and it seems impossible to rationalize the fact that they’re completely gone now.

Even though every part of my being craves his presence, his warmth, his touch. I’ve done it all to put our history behind me, but no matter what I do, the memory of him continues to creep into my existence.

To fall for him felt instant and everlasting, so to rid me of this love for him seems impossible.

It’s very easy to love him, it’s also very addictive to think of him and the memories we shared without craving him one last chance.

I know that I should do my best to give up the hope that our hearts will somehow find their way back to each other, but in all honesty, I just can’t.

There’s something in me that resists the need to turn my back at him and walk away. Deep in my heart, there’s something that holds on to the belief that he and I belong together. I might not understand that feeling but it haunts me and I can’t ignore it.

He keeps showing up in my life that makes it even harder for me to give him up. I know that I no longer have any power over his heart’s desires. I just wish he would just make it easier on my heart to ignore his scent, his smile, the way he looks directly into my eyes.

Everything about him feels connected to me and I just want to scream off the top of my lungs “Please, come back to me!”

My heart longs for his absolute surrender to my love. Can he realize how good we are for each other? I wish he knew that I could give him exactly what he needs to make him feel complete. We are undoubtedly soulmates that must share life and love as one.

All I have is for now is every prayer I make to have him back into my life and the hope that one day my wish will be manifested.

I want to believe that I’ve fought hard enough for this love.

All I can do now is leave it to his heart to decide how our love story is supposed to continue. I’m not sure how this is supposed to end but I strongly believe in our happy ending. I hope your heart finds its way back to mine, so we can be happy forever.

“If you love a person, don’t give up. Just wait on that person. And if that person won’t love you back, wait until your heart voluntarily quits”

This Is How God Shows Me I’m Deserving of His Love

I don’t believe I’m worthy of your infinite love and compassion, God. I don’t appreciate fully the blessings my life has received and I take for granted the lessons hidden in every moment that I experience as I walk the path of life. The life that you’ve given me. Yet, you are persistent in keeping light ignited in my heart, you continue to show me the way. Everything that happens to me, good or bad, is the way that you lovingly speak to me.

But I sin, I can be selfish, jealous, resentful and ungrateful. And yet, heavenly father, you shower me with grace and forgive all my sins. You accept my remorse. You don’t give up on me, you encourage me to repent my lack of good judgment. Your unconditional love gives me endless chances to repair my wrongdoings once and once again.

I couldn’t possibly be worthy of you. I’m quick to give up by resenting the lessons that you put on my path. I insist on doubting your power to guide me. I’m insecure about your ability to be merciful because my faith is weakened by my doubts. But you don’t let me drown in my uncertainties. You stay close to me, guarding me as I try to navigate my way out of my own darkness.

And I ask myself, how can you still love me? How can you stick by my side? I sin again and again and your love seems forever merciful, boundless, limitless. There is no darkness in you, you’re light and that infinite light propels the good in me to rise and live up to your standards.

Even when I doubt, your influence in me is so strong, it calls my heart to your embrace. So why is my faith so frail at times?

You gave me life, you fill my path with what I need to grow and evolve. Am I really deserving of your love? Life is a miracle, this life you gave me is a miracle, so why am I so quick to discard it as such with my ungrateful selfish acts.

You die for me god, but I feel so small, so insignificant, so unprepared to honor the life that you’ve given me. I call myself a sinner, you call me your child and always protect me with your light. You refuse to leave me stranded.

Your infinite love continues to show me the way and reminds me every day that I’m worthy of your love and that I’m deserving of the life that you’ve given me. Because I am loved and I am precious. Chosen and blessed by your grace.

If You Keep Forgiving Him And He Doesn’t Change, This Is For You

There’s no easy breakup and nobody wants to go through it unless it’s necessary, especially when we’ve been so invested in the relationship.

I tried absolutely everything to never experience the end.

The truth is, there comes a point where enough is enough. You shouldn’t keep fighting for someone who’s not learning from past mistakes and is comfortable being less than what you truly deserve.

You might conjure up every possible rationalization for his lack of effort to continue staying with him, but nothing can change the fact that he’s not going to change.

The relationship won’t change. It’s over and the best thing for you to do is walk away and move on.

Yes, It’s hard to admit that no matter how much you loved this person, it didn’t seem to be enough for him to love you back. He had endless chances to do the right thing, to change his ways and be fair to you and the relationship, but he didn’t.

You even took some of the responsibility because you didn’t want to seem pushy or overly dramatic.

You catered to his needs because you thought that your unconditional love would change him. He was worth trying your hardest to make things work, at least that’s what you thought.

You gave him the benefit of the doubt, you were patient, kind and understanding.

The thing is, the relationship might have been doomed from the beginning.

He is who he is, who he wants to always be and he never had the intention to change. You loved this person so much, you became blind to all the signs that were clearly telling you that he was going to step all over your heart. Unfortunately, he was never going to be the one for you.

You were in love with the idea of him, you were not in love with him.

So, everything that you think you’re missing about him is not real. The truth is, he couldn’t possibly be the man of your dreams if he didn’t measure up to your ideal.

He didn’t appreciate you, so he didn’t treat you with the loyalty and respect that you deserve. So, when you think of him, remember that he was never capable of changing. He was never going to be able to be the person that was going to make you feel whole.

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She’s Not Emotionally Unavailable, She’s Just Guarding Her Heart

“Her heart was a secret garden and her walls were very high”

The guarded girl is basically a girl with a big heart who’s been hurt way too many times. Her beautiful, sweet essence is not gone, it’s just hiding underneath the strong shell that protects her heart. At her core, she’s a sweet, warm-hearted, passionate and an extremely loving individual. 

She’s built strong walls around her heart but deep down, she just wants to be understood and loved.

She also wants to give her heart away deeply and intensely. It just takes a real man to see right through her and love her for who she really is.

She might seem emotionally unavailable but she’s far from lacking emotion, if anything, she feels too much. Her true nature craves passion, she wants to love hard and unconditionally, so be patient with her heart.

This type of girl is not going around playing games, she’s unapologetically honest and direct.

She’s not going to put up with any bullshit, so any signs that your intentions might be potentially harmful to her soul, and she won’t even bother giving you the time a day.

She’s not cold-hearted, she’s just guarded and there’s a difference.

Her trust issues prevent her from being fully open about her emotions at first, but that doesn’t mean she won’t eventually open up and allow you to see her for who she truly is.

She’s a great listener and also highly observant, so don’t try to deceive her in any way.

She pays attention to everything around her because she knows that there’s always more than meets the eye. Remember, she’s been fooled and hurt a lot so, she’s a master at reading people.

She’s super selective with people and she will never apologize for protecting her heart.

The girl with a guarded heart takes a while to commit, but once she knows that her feelings for you are real and that they’re reciprocated, she’ll slowly become more and more trusting, open and loving.

Don’t doubt her feelings, just be honest, gentle and patient with her emotions. Her heart is in the right place and she just needs to be certain that you’re deserving of her love. She might seem tough and intimidating but she’s really a sweet soul, so be sure that once she knows that you’re the right person for her, she’ll love you with her whole being.

To My Ex’s Mom, Thanks For Your Kindness

Your son and I had a special relationship and I will always consider it an amazing chapter in my life. Part of how great it was is the fact that you welcomed me into your family and made me feel like one of your own. You were far from the typical mom who doesn’t like any of their son’s girlfriends. Not you, you genuinely liked me, so it was definitely an added bonus to the already special relationship your son and I had.

You were non-judgmental, nice and treated me like a daughter.

You supported me, always looked out for me, and truly cared about me. Also, you always went out of your way to make sure I was okay, even after your son and I decided to put an end to the relationship.

The breakup was hard, but I think it was harder for me because I not only had to part ways with your son but also with everything related to him, including his mom. I understand that the dynamic of our relationship has to change, it’s just how it works. Even if your son and I decide to continue being friends down the line, it wouldn’t make sense for me now to be around like I used to.

I’m truly going to miss you.

Our long conversations about life, your stories and especially your good advice. You always knew the right things to say to me and I’m so grateful for all the knowledge that you were always so willing to share with me.

I hope you know that regardless of how my relationship with your son evolves in the future, I still have the same love and respect for you.

I’m extremely grateful for all the guidance that you’ve provided me with while I was around and for your infinite kindness.

Thank you for welcoming me into your family and for also being so understanding throughout the process of your son and I breaking up.

I know that if we ever cross each other’s path, you will greet me with a big smile and a big hug, that’s how amazing you are and that’s why the love and respect that  I have for you will never change.

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