11 things you can do this Labor Day weekend to feel like you still rocked your summer

It happens every year. You make plans for “the best summer ever” in May, lounge around in June, party a little too hard in July & then BAM. August rolls around, and the Sunday of summer leaves you with regrets of the summer that passed you by & you didn’t take advantage of.

Here are 11 things you can do this Labor Day weekend that will make you feel like you still did summer right:

1. A water balloon fight. Childish? Maybe. But that’s the point. Summer is an ode to the school years when this was your freedom & running around chasing your friends with the thrill of getting hit with a water balloon? Sounds like summer to me.

2. Read a book outside in the park. Sure, nothing beats cozying up under the blankets on the couch in the fall with a good read, but an outdoor book sesh can’t be beat. Find a tree with lots of shade, pack a little snack (and maybe a bottle of Rose) and call it a day.

3. Go on a bike ride.  This may seem simple, but I would put money many of us still have our wheels collecting dust in the garage.

4. Grill a burger. Or better yet, host a BBQ. Nothing says summer like the smell of a full grill & a few charred weenies.

5. Get a pedicure. Your toes thirst to be seen! And truly, they’re kept hidden year-round until summer sandals are your staple. Those little piggies need to look their best.

6. Create a “Summer playlist”. Even if you don’t listen to it. Go through your recently played from the past few months (hello Old Town Road!) and combine them for the ultimate “Summer Jams” list. In a few months, you’ll be glad you did Even if you were lame all summer, these tunes will bring you back to the sunshine days.

7. Buy the perfect summer dress. Nothing says summer like twirling around in the warm sun and a flowing dress.

8. Post up poolside. Can’t make it to the Hamptons? Us either, girlfriend. But find a neighborhood pool or find a kiddie pool on clearance & relax your legs in the cool water.

9. Road trip to visit an old friend that moved away. If you have the financial means, make a spontaneous trip to visit your friend you’ve been meaning to visit. Summer always brings plans that end up getting canceled…don’t let this happen.

10. Turn off Netflix.  For real, how much of your summer months did you spend watching the Orange Is the New Black or seeing what all the Ozarks fuss was all about? Binging can wait until it gets cold outside.

11. Lighten up your hair. Even if the trend is to go “dark” for the fall with your locks; go against the norm & throw in some blonde highlights & feel like a summer beach bum.



To my friends that only wanted to see me fail, this is my "Taylor Swift" FU

I've never been a huge fan of T.Swift but after watching her "Look What You Made Me Do" music video I only have respect for her for attempting the most passive aggressive middle finger to her haters. 

But really, not all of them started out that way. Most of them were besties or past lovers. The obvious assholes were the drama vampires that suck everyone dry & we all know who they are.

As I was listening to the song, I began to name off my "friends" in my head that recently have pushed me to my breaking point.

I'm naturally a people pleaser & I rarely like to see others hurt. This gets me in trouble because I end up wearing myself out trying to make my friends happy that when I finally get too tired & need help and they are nowhere to be found I crack.

And crumble.

And now I'm rising from the dead. Thank you for the right words, Taylor.

To my friends who have talked behind my back & belittled me for the past 6 months.. bye, Felicia.

I'll miss the memories & the laughs & endless selfie attempts but nothing can fix my reputation & pride that you worked so hard to bring down. We're all human. We make mistakes. The difference between you & I though, I don't use that against you. I help you through your tough times & help you rise & shine. I'm tired of it though. I'm exhausted trying to explain myself to everyone that "heard" something I supposedly did or have to choose between friends because you simply can't stand to be alone.

"The world moves on, another day, another drama, drama
But not for me, not for me, all I think about is karma"


Being broke in a world of instant gratification sucks.

I blame social media. I cannot pull up Instagram without seeing a friend posting a selfie with snowcap mountains behind them or a celebrity lounging poolside on a Tuesday afternoon.

I want that to be me.

I know social media is everyone's highlight reel but when the last time you took a vacation was while Barrack was still in office… everyone's "adventurous life" trumps yours.

I try to budget. I really do. I know how much my sky high rent is and what my car payment, student loans, water bill, etc. is but as soon as I check that bank account come pay day… simple math goes out the window. I splurge on that new dress that I know my crush will drop his jaw to. And I will have to go out to said bar & order a drink (or five) to get the courage to talk to him. Come Monday when my bills go through my account & my "luxurious" weekend lifestyle is over… it's peanut butter sandwiches for the next two weeks when the vicious cycle starts again.

I get it. I need to learn to save. But how can I when that would involve me staying home and dealing with a case of FOMO and not appearing outgoing enough on my Insta feed? Sound shallow & selfish? Probably… until you realize you're just like me and 5 million other suffering "life renters".

I'm Done Pretending to Be His 'Perfect Girl' Just to Make Him Happy

Just like every other girl in the world, I've had my fair share of failed relationships. But after my latest "heartbreak," I realized I'd been on a bad streak of men ending our so-called "fairytale" romance and I started to wonder where exactly I was going wrong.

It was always in the guy's hands…he was always the one that ended up walking away, not me. 

Eventually, I figured out the problem. I realized they weren't breaking up with me — they were ending things with who they thought I was. 

They were over me once I stopped catering to their idea of the dream girl…the one I couldn't keep up with anymore.

It all seems innocent enough at first — trying to get into what he likes so you can pull him in a little closer. 

They like country so you start browsing Spotify for Country's hottest songs. You learn about a few bands, memorize a few songs, and when you're driving around in his truck with him, he's in love with the fact that you know all of the words to all of his favorite songs. 

But is the girl you're trying to be for him really you?

When I would first meet a guy I wanted to keep that spark alive, I would try to mimic their mannerisms, tune into the same shows they did, and keep ESPN on all night to keep up with the latest stats. 

I was so afraid that he would completely lose interest if I wasn't on the same page as him.

What I wasn't realizing though was by not remaining true to myself, I wasn't giving him any part of me to learn. I was wishing that a guy would log in to Spotify just to be able to belt out all of my favorite songs with me. 

But I was spending so much time pretending to be the girl that I thought he wanted, how was he suppose to know anything at all about the real me?

Eventually, I would always feel caught in a total tangle of "borderline" lies. 

I'd be grasping to remember what food it was that I was pretending to love so I could suggest a new place that just so happened to serve it. If I had actually liked it, I probably would've remembered. 

It was too easy for these guys, having a girl that would bend over backward to make them happy. But the reality? He didn't know that I was doing that…he just thought our "love" was easy since we were so similar. 

All the little lies I had told to make him happy? They snowballed into one gigantic lie of a relationship.

It took me awhile to see that. It took me forever to understand that it's not always the chase for them — there are guys that genuinely want to get to know a girl. So when I wouldn't show him the real me he would get bored and move on. And that's on me.

Now, I actually have the balls to say "Sorry, I just don't want to go to that smelly pub that serves mac n' cheese right out of the Kraft box and watch replays of the latest game." Guys always appreciate the honesty. 

There is a fine line between uptight and honest. Don't think I'm saying you should be a princess and demand your way but let the walls down a little. Get to know a guy instead of memorizing his favorite things. Let him get to know you. 

After all, you'll never find real love if you aren't being your real self.

Just Because I'm the 'Nice Girl,' Doesn't Mean You Can Walk All Over Me

There's nothing worse than being the nice girl who never gets any credit for anything she does for others. You're going out of your way for everyone else so much that it just becomes expected of you, and no one seems to feel the need to thank you anymore. 

If you're the nice girl who never gets any credit, it's time to put your foot down and stop letting everyone walk all over you. Sure, help others when you genuinely want to, but stop feeling the pressure to be this perfect, giving girl all the time. 

It's okay to be a little selfish sometimes. In fact, if you want to get anywhere in life, you need to be a little selfish every now and then. If you're not, people are just going to keep on taking advantage of you.

1. Guys just see the word "doormat" written across your forehead. 

I admit I have a terrible dating record. I always go for the bad boys & jerks. Why? I see the good in them. I'm forgiving, and I try my best to understand everyone around me. After all, I would want someone to do the same for me.

But what do they see? A pushover who will "let it slide" that they canceled for the third time this month. A girl who never complains that he puts 'the guys' first way too often and never says anything when she has to cover his half of the bill for dinner because he refuses to manage money. 

Sure, there are plenty of guys who appreciate us nice girls for everything amazing we are. But unfortunately, there are even more guys who are just straight up assholes and see an opportunity to get away with anything and everything while feeling clever about it. 

I know my worth now, and I know that guys will only change if they want to. If I can tell you're going to be an ass…I'll let someone else deal with you. Boy, bye.

2. Going out of your way at work is only gonna create more work for yourself.

I'm sure you love your job, and you work hard at it. But offering to stay late and help coworkers on projects all the time is killing your chances of moving up the ladder. The longer you stay at work, the more your boss gets used to you staying later. And later. And later. 

I got to the point where I was canceling plans with friends and shortening my vacations, and for what? My boss was impressed I was taking on work with such an amazing attitude, but they were only ever going to be that impressed by it. 

The report my coworker "didn't understand" and needed help with? They just flew the coop when I took it out of their hands. They were just lazy and knew I would put in the work for them. And then they were rewarded for my work and didn't even give me any credit. 

So learn from my experiences and don't be afraid to say "no." Your boss will respect you more for expressing your needs, as long as you do it respectfully. They might even recognize the fact that you're overworked. Mine did!

You have to live life for you, not for ultimately lining someone else's pockets with money that you'll only ever see a minuscule fraction of. At the end of your life, you'll look back on all the amazing memories you've created with the ones you love, not the time spent at work and the promotions you got.

3. You're totally gonna go broke if you don't stop being nice and spotting everyone cash.

I like to have a good time and I want my friends to have a good time too…don't we all? So when there's something fun to do, like going on a trip we dreamed about, I was always willing to plan it. 

I'm good with numbers and am great at finding hot deals, so I always got put in charge of managing the expenses. Bummer, right? No one wants that job. But I knew that if I didn't plan it, the trip would never happen. When it came time to split payment, there was always someone who didn't have enough or "would get me next time" and never did. 

Those drinks at the bar you pay for your friends cause the line is so long and they offer to buy the next round but they never do? It adds up. I finally called out the biggest culprit of the group in a gentle way and when it was time to pay up, I told her to consider it a payment for all the times she shorted me. 

Did I feel bad? Yes. But she got the point. And she apologized. It didn't break our friendship. What would've broken our friendship was my friends allowing me to go broke at their expense.

So now I'll buy my own damn drink and that's it. It's not my fault anyone else can't catch the eye of the bartender faster than me.

4. Eventually, taking better care of others than you do of yourself is going to break you down.

We all want everyone to like us. I wanted to be that person everyone wanted to be around. I wanted to be the one they come to for advice, wine nights, and a shoulder to lean on. I wanted to be the girl who had everything to offer, but it got too exhausting, too quickly. 

I realized that if I wasn't there for my bestie for a wild night on the town or when her boyfriend dumped her (again) our lifelong friendship meant nothing. You're always there for everyone, but the moment you have boy problems and need advice? You're dismissed and the attention is back on them because they know you're going to listen. 

I'll take Netflix and wine by myself, please. Cause that's who I am and I'm proud of it.

You shouldn't ever forget that you deserve to just as happy as everyone else. Your friends and family will succeed, don't let your light shine just to help them navigate this thing called life. 

You're not the North Star and you don't need to be.

The 8 Stages of Your First Sunburn of the Summer

Summer is here! Helloooo long summer days at the beach and nights full of dancing and laughter with little care in the world. That is, until you forget the SPF on your first day in the sun.

Stage 1: You're pumped for the sun, but not pumping the sunscreen. It has been a long winter. And frankly, Casper ain't got nothing on your pasty skin. You need a base- you haven't gone to Mexico for Spring Break like your friends & you "almost never burn". So you decide to ditch the SPF and take your chances.

Stage 2: Your friends notice "you're getting a little red on your shoulders". YES! Color! Woohoo!

Stage 3: You're thirsty. Yeah, cause it is hot and you're getting dehydrated & your skin is drying out getting cooked by the hot ball of fire int he sky.

Stage 4: You look in the mirror. Oh my goodness. Why didn't someone say you were burnt? (Oh wait, they did say I was getting red four hours ago). Those tan lines though. Worth it!

Stage 5: Movement. You decide to go out after your day on the beach you change out of your bikini into that summer dress you've been dying to wear. Uh, ouch. Your shoulders feel pretty tight & warm taking everything on and off. Crap.

Stage 6: Morning. Did you forget to put the AC on? Nope. Your body is just literally radiating heat because it is sunburnt. You check the cabinet for Aloe Vera. Does this expire? Don't care.. slathering it on EVERYWHERE.

Stage 7: Peeling. Nothing is hotter than flaky chunks of skin falling off your nose, right? Looks like dried snot & you're getting weird looks at the office on Monday. Pro tip: makeup only makes it look worse. Do you have dandruff or is your scalp peeling? Even more attractive. 

Stage 8: Sunscreen. You go and stock up on sunscreen. SPF 50? Heck, let's make it 100. That sunburn is NOT happening again on our watch!


15 Things to Do Instead of Waiting For His Text That Don't Involve a Bottle of Booze

We've all been there. Waiting around for the guy who you know won't text you back to text you. Maybe it was a lousy first date and he was too chicken to say so. Maybe it was a casual fling that he noticed the fire has dimmed from. Or maybe you just got out of a long-term relationship and you weren't ready to let go. Either way, distract yourself. Don't text him. Reaching for that bottle of wine to cope almost always turns into you texting him "heyyy" 2 hours later. Here are 25 sober things you can do instead of texting him:

1. Laundry. Sounds cliche, but it is necessary and hey- maybe you'll find an old shirt of his you can burn later. 

2. Clean your makeup brushes. Let's be honest… its been awhile, hasn't it?

3. Pay your bills. If you've been spending all your time with your guy or venting to your girls about him, you've probably slacked on a bill or two. Now is the time to catch up.

4. Reduce your bills. Did you know you can call your cell phone service provider and check to see if you can change your plan to cut your bill? Or check our bank statement for monthly charges for services you no longer use. More money for revenge clothes.

5. Visit a nursing home. There are nursing centers where you can go and mingle with the senior citizens. Meeting people and conversing can really make their day. They have a lot of stores (and advice) to share.

6. Look up new jobs. I'm not saying you should be looking for a career change but sometimes it is nice to see what is out there and who's hiring.

7. Try a new recipe. Trying a new recipe is challenging and gets your brain thinking and excited. It's a great distraction and your belly will be happy.

8. Read a newspaper. Or a news website. Learn about the world around you. Not just the highlights you catch scrolling through Facebook.

9. Hit the gym or go for a run. It doesn't have to be far and it doesn't have to be fast. But you at least are getting your endorphins going and your mind focusing on your physical pain instead of mental. Leave the phone at home, too.

10. Give yourself a mani- pedi. Choose a fun, new color. 

11. Create a photo/video montage from a previous vacation. Have some great photos/video from a recent girls weekend or family vacation? Why not create a video and send it out to your fellow travelers to reminisce. They would appreciate it!

12. Pick up garbage. Mother Earth sadly is so polluted with litter, grab a trashbag, old shoes and gloves and get to work.

13. Color. Adult coloring books are super trendy right now and just about available anywhere in any theme. One of my favorites: https://www.amazon.com/Calm-Down-Irreverent-Adult-Coloring/dp/1522864741

14. Try that face mask you've been putting off. I'm not talking about that deathly black mask that is ripping off everyone's face off & crying. But a nice pore minimizing skin treatment never put me in a bad mood.

15. Read a book. Visit your local library to rent one for free (just touring the library in itself is an adventure).

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