10 Things The Person Who Loves Reading Knows To Be True

Books can make a profound difference in a person's life. They can shape our core values and affect our decisions. They can influence our dreams, and they can mold our personalities. 

As a book-lover myself, I know without a doubt that reading has had an unprecedented impact on my life going so far as to influence every facet of it, and if you are in the same boat as me, then the same has most-likely happened to you, too.

So, for us book-lovers out in the world, I've created this list of ten things that every person who loves reading will know to be true because without a doubt, these ten have been very much incorporated into our lives.

1. Characters in a book can be as real to us as the people we talk to everyday. They exist because they made a lasting imprint on our souls. They made us feel, made us laugh. They changed the way we looked upon life, and so they are just as real to us as anyone else we've met in this life.

2. Reading does not make us antisocial. Some nights we would rather curl up with a warm blanket, a steaming cup of tea, and a great book, but that does not take away from the other times when would like to go out and be with friends.

3. We are smarter than the norm. We can't read this much without expanding our knowledge. Our brains absorb the syntax, the grammar, and the new words like a sponge each time we read a new passage, and we can't help but be more intelligent because of this past time. 

4. We get emotional while reading. We can cry while reading. We can get angry while reading. We can read a sentence so funny that we burst out laughing – much to our embarrassment if we are in public. We can smile while reading that can persist throughout the rest of our day. Reading can fill us with as many emotions just as if an actual event had transpired to cause those emotions.

5. There are books we will never tire of. We love them so completely that we could read them over and over. Besides, our perspectives are always changing, so we can find something different to understand and love in each new reading.

6. Given the chance, there is one book that we would crawl into and live out the rest of our lives. This book is so fantastic, the plot line so enticing, and the characters so envious that we would trade our life for theirs in an instant.

7. We have a colorful mind. Our thoughts are actually in color, and they are so vivid that sometimes our imaginings blend too closely with our genuine memories.

8. The film adaptations are never better than the books. Our mind carried us much further and to much more profound places than the visual cuts the director made for us. Besides, those clips were of someone else’s imaginings and not even remotely like ours were.

9. We can escape everyday dramas through a book. If we are faced with a nuance in our life, we can completely forget about it while reading. It’s like the world we live in drops away, and there is only the dealings occurring in the book.

10. Finishing a good book is comparable to closing a door in our life. It feels as if a chapter of our life has ended. The finality of finishing a book can be so painful and so sudden that it feels as if a door has closed within ourselves. There is no cure for this ache, either. Another book can salve the pain, but it will never add nor take away the feelings we had from that other book that had we finished.

For more of Brittany Ann's writing, follow her on her Facebook page.

18 Things Not to Say to the Person who has Moved Back Home

Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” Arthur Ashe

Even in the best-case scenario, moving back home can be a tad bit embarrassing.

To the ones in your life who have moved home, don’t hold them to any stereotypes. Give them your understanding. Go get drinks with them whenever they call you up after work and don’t be shy about coming over for dinner with their parents. Trust me, they need your support now more than ever.

And if you really want to be supportive, you will avoid at all costs saying any one of these 18 phrases to them…

  1. “What happened???

  2. “Is someone sick???

  3. “Everyone has to start someplace.??

  4. “Some people have a hard time transitioning.??

  5. “You’ll get on your own two feet soon.??

  6. “This is just a phase.??

  7. “If it makes you feel any better, [insert name here], from our high school is still trying to be a DJ.??

  8. “You’ll probably have to go back to school.??

  9. “At least you don’t have to pay rent.??

  10. “Are your parents driving you nuts???

  11. “Your parents probably love having you around.??

  12. “What do you even do there???

  13. “Do you want to live your whole life in that town?”

  14. “How long do you think you’ll stay???

  15. “What is your plan???

  16. “Don’t feel bad.??

  17. “You’re still finding yourself.??

  18. “You’ll still make something of yourself one day.??

Girl don’t I know it, but you don’t need to say it!

For more of Brittany Ann’s writing, follow her on her Facebook page.

12 Things To Thank My Big Sister For

My sister has always been there for me when I needed her most, and because I don't say it very often, I'd like to take a moment to let her know just how grateful I truly am.

1. Thank you for having the cooler room.

Because to be honest, my room was never on par – even when I thought I was subjectively cool. I needed somewhere better to hang and that was your room. Thank you for letting me, sometimes go into it.

2. Thank you for introducing me to new music. 

Your music was always better. You never shied away from the different. You were and still are my eclectic spirit guide when it comes to music. Thank you for expanding my horizons.

3. Thank you for telling me when I was being weird. 

Let’s face it – I’m still weird. However, I turned out a lot less weird than I could’ve been because of you.

4. Thank you for telling me that my outfit didn’t match. 

You taught me the basics of what not to wear so that I could successfully develop my style as it is today.

5. Thank you for calling me a prude.

I was. We both know that. I needed to be pushed out of my shell, broken out of the self-made prison that I was in.

Thank you for getting me out of it.

6. Thank you for bringing a boy home.

I thought our Dad would kill any male that walked through the door. It was such a surprise when he didn’t.

It made me realize it was safe to have a boyfriend over, but I was sure glad I wasn’t the first to try it…

7. Thank you for sneaking out first.

You were the disobedient child and your rebellion influenced me to loosen up, which I severely needed.

8. Thank you for getting caught.

You were the example of what not to do so that I could sneak away unnoticed later on.

9. Thank you for drinking with me. 

I felt much safer knowing that you were there to take care of me, and besides, it was a lot more fun with you.

10. Thank you for talking like me.

We have the same mannerisms, and it's really annoying when other people don't understand me. Yet, you do. You get why I say, "no worries," or "wow…" all the time because you're parroting those phrases right back at me. Usually at the exact same time. We're like twins you and I, and I love having someone who can mimic my thoughts. 

11. Thank you for being the first.

The first to go to middle school, then to high school, the first to graduate. I couldn’t imagine having gone first. It was much easier learning from you and following your lead. Thank you for paving the way.

12. Thank you for including me. 

Whether you were just hanging out with friends or going to a party, you brought your little sister along. You didn’t need to do that, but I am so glad that you did.  

For more of Brit Bandana's writing, follow her on her Facebook page.

The Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp (November 19-24)

The Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp is upon us.

The cusp is between November 19 through November 24. This is an interesting period as we are transitioning from the cool, watery Scorpio to the hot, fiery Sagittarius. Because of these conflicting elements, this time feels especially tumultuous.

However, it is more complicated than that. The days have shortened, and it is now considered winter. Also, three planetary movements have transpired. Neptune and Uranus have angled to 120 and 240 degrees, while Saturn has completed an entire cycle. So, this period is especially marked for its changing nature.

Tumultuous change is happening right now. Good luck

One usually experiences a fatality of some kind during this time. This death is not always literal. It can be the conclusion of a relationship, a job, or a type of lifestyle. With this impending demise, there’s a feeling of, “it’s my last chance,” which causes panic and impulsivity. .

Fear not, it is not the end of the road. Change is an inevitable passage right now, whether we want it or no. Besides, life is essentially a series of endings and rebirths. This is just one of those times. 

A new birth is around the corner. I promise.  

Keep afloat in the changing currents. Everything will realign itself to your’s and the universe’s benefit. Stay pure of heart and pure of mind. Make your intentions clear; otherwise, you may lose sight of them.

It’s all about the big picture here, so widen your scope.

For inspiration, here are the greats born during this time:

  • Indira Gandhi (November 19, 1917)
  • Robert F. Kennedy (November 20, 1925)
  • Voltaire (November 21, 1694)
  • Charles de Gaulle (November 22, 1890)
  • Henri Toulouse-Lautrec (November 24, 1864)

Don’t lose sight in what you want. Right now may seem difficult, but it will get better.

Until November 25th….

Like this? For more of the astrological cusps, read up on the Gemini-Cancer; or for more of Brittany Ann’s writing, follow her on her Facebook page.

The 9 Best Things About The Girl Who Is An Open Book

"No legacy is so rich as honesty." William Shakespeare

You have many admirably traits—an innate willingness to share and a laughably candid nature. You're an open book through and through, and here are the 9 best things that result because of this. 

You catch people off guard. Which, let’s be real, is hilarious. You can’t help it when people are shocked by your honesty. If you had it your way, everyone would be just as forthright as you are.

You have no secrets. There aren’t any skeletons lurking in the closet, which is fantastic. You are never stressing about people finding out what you did last Friday night. They already know. You don’t need to lie or cover up anything. Everything is out in the open.

You have a reputation. Most people don’t air out their dirty laundry. You do, and people are going to talk about it. But, seriously, what do you care what people say? You’d rather be living your life than gossiping about somebody else’s.

You’re in tune to your emotions. You’ve had to do some soul searching to be as honest and as free as you are. You know who you are and what you want. And life is much more enjoyable because of it. After the “I’m finding myself” game is over, all there is left is to live the life that you know you want to live.

You put yourself out there. This saves you a lot of time and emotional insecurity. People know what to expect from you, so they will either give you what you need or they won’t. This allows you to quickly filter out the bad hats from those few who actually matter.

You make friends fast. One of the easiest ways to make a connection with someone is by making them privy to personal information. Since you’re always candid about your life and your past experiences, friends come effortlessly and often.

You earn people’s trust. Your peers have come to expect honesty from you. Your word is strong, and people feel comfortable with what you tell them because they know it’s real. It can only be the truth coming from you.

You wear your heart on your sleeve and you like it that way. Lovers are drawn to this, and it’s made your relationships much simpler. Sometimes your heart gets broken, but you pick yourself back up and throw inhibitions to the wind with your next love affair. You’ve had many more great loves than the norm because of this.

You wouldn’t have it any other way. Once you’ve begun to live your life openly, you realize how freeing that is. Stress and anxiety slide away. Love and trust impound you. You have many dependable people in your life, and your days are without worry – just fun.

Being an open book has made you happy, and as it stands, you wouldn’t change that for anything.

For more of Brittany Ann's writing, follow her on her Facebook page.

12 Tell-Tale Signs You Live in Boulder, CO

Boulder, our beautiful little town nestled below the flat irons. Home to entrepreneurs, eccentrics, scientists, and hippies alike—it has a personality all its own.  

In celebration of this beautiful place, here are 12 tell-tale signs that you live in Boulder, CO.

1. You recognize the trustafarians.

Trustafarians are people who completely look homeless, but are in fact, not. That guy with the fedora plumed hat and trench coat at Starbucks? He’s there every day. Do not give him money.

2. You have a card at Hazel’s.

When Hazel’s opened, your other small business loyalty went out the window. With amazing selections and low prices, this is the only place you buy your booze.

3. You've been on a night hike.

Packed a tall boy with you on your sunset hike up the Flat Irons? Absolutely. Enjoy the sun going down because you’re in for some incredible star gazing within the next half hour.

4. You’ve kissed the buffalo at The Pub.

If you stumbled down Pearl Street on your 21st, then you kissed their taxidermy buffalo head and received a complimentary shot. Chances are you weren’t tall enough to reach it, so the whole bar stopped and watched as you dragged a wooden bar stool over to the wall, climbed atop it, and puckered up. You would’ve been embarrassed by all the attention if you weren’t already so drunk.

5. You’ve tubed down Boulder Creek.

You probably never went again after, too, because you hurt your hiney doing it. It’s not as enjoyable as it sounds, but you’ve got to do it at least once.

6. You’re loyal to one dispensary.

Either it’s close to your house or you love the staff, but you only go to one dispensary from which you do not stray.

7. You’ve waited an incredibly long time for the Buff.

Two hours is a perfectly acceptable wait time for the best breakfast place in town—as long as you’ve got one of their notorious Bloody Marys in hand.

8. You curse the annual construction on Arapahoe every summer.

Seriously what do they do every year? You also avoid Arapahoe like the plague during the summer months, and find much more complicated, alternative routes.

9. You own a hoola hoop, slack line, or climbing gear.

You probably own all three. It's okay we'e all been there.

10. You go to the Ritz every Halloween.

Even if you don’t buy a costume from them, you still go in the store to get some ideas. They have at least a dozen people on staff at one time, so someone is bound to help you figure out an outfit.

11. The happy hours on Pearl get you through the week.

Hapa, Rio, the Med. Rinse. Repeat.

12. You have at least one story from the floods.

Whether all of your stuff got destroyed in that basement unit you were renting, or you binge drank for 4 days straight—you’ve got a story. Mine is my best friend showing up on my door step exactly 5 minutes after the CU campus issued a mass warning that a wall of water was surging down the creek exclaiming, “Let’s get down there!

For more of Brittany Ann's writing, follow her on her Facebook page.

The 8 Things You'll Learn After Dating Someone From Boston

Warm-blooded and quick-witted, people from this city will keep you on your toes. 

Dating one of these characters was a whole new experience for me—especially growing up far from the East coast. 

Here are the 8 things I learned after dating someone from Boston.   

1. Everyone wears a claddagh. If your ring finger isn’t sporting one of these little beauties, then your relationship is essentially illegitimate.

2. Referring to someone as a “dime” is an esteemed compliment.

3. Regardless of gender, if your bae catches another person hitting on you—it’s no longer about public decency. Expect a brawl.

4. Meeting the family takes on a whole new meaning. Whether it’s with the uncles during their weekly darts game or being introduced to the parents, you have a very brief window to make your first impression. What they decide within the first ten minutes is how they will see you forever. Move quickly.

5. Which brings me to the next point, get the mother on your side immediately. She is very important.

6. Your relationship will not stand the test of time if you do not support their favorite sports teams, so congratulations because you are now a Bruins, a Red Sox, and a Patriots fan.

7. Bars are places to go drinking. Clubs are places to go dancing. You’ll seldom find the two combined. Plan your dates accordingly.

8. Your significant other will be fiercely loyal to you. At first, it will be a little intense, but don’t get scared away. Embrace their flame because in the end, a person from Boston is absolutely worth it.

For more of Brittany Ann’s writing, follow her on her Facebook page.

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