We all know Westeros is a dangerous, kind of horrible place, but secretly we actually want to be a part of it . . .
Aries: House Targaryen
You’re determined, adaptable, and you always get the job done. Everything goes your way, and you don’t mind showing off—whether it’s your impeccable High Valyrian or your freaking dragons. You can come across as terrifying sometimes, and your stubbornness gets in the way of your progress, so it’s always helpful for you to have a more easy going person by your side.
Words: Fire And Blood
Notable members: Daenerys Targaryen, Rhaegar, The Mad King,
Taurus: House Stark
You’re incredibly stubborn and you want everything to go your way: which is always the right way. You fight for what’s right, even if you’re surrounded by the opposing sides. You’re secretly down-to-earth, but on the surface you come off a little cold and more prideful than you intend.
Words: Winter Is Coming
Notable Members: Ned Stark, Catelyn, Arya, Sansa, Robb, Bran, Rickon, Jon Snow
Gemini: House Baelish
You’re mysterious, sometimes gentle, sometimes evil AF. Just depends on the day. No matter how well people think they know you and what you’re up to, they actually have no idea. You’re unpredictable and not always loyal. But you’re fiercely loyal to the people you’re loyal to: despite the fact that the person you’re loyal to will never love you back.
Words: None, because you’re so freaking mysterious like that.
Notable member: Littlefinger (Petyr Baelish)
Cancer: House Tarly
You’re dependable, caring, and observant. You don’t usually stand out in a crowd, because you don’t want to: even though you totally deserve recognition for the great things you do. You’ll do anything for your friends, and even people who’ve wronged you. You tend to get very clingy, and are a little self-absorbed—it’s hard for you to listen because there’s always something on your mind.
Words: First In Battle
Notable member: Samwell Tarly
Leo: House Lannister
Even if their house banners weren’t embroidered with golden lions, you’d still be a Lannister. You’re confident, cunning, and determined. But your weaknesses also lie in your strengths: your pride always gets in the way, because you tend to think you’re better than everyone else.
Words: Hear Me Roar and unofficially, A Lannister Always Pays His Debts
Notable Members: Tywin Lannister, Jaime, Cersei, Tyrion
Virgo: House Aryn
You’re practical and take pride in your intelligence. But you’re a little unapproachable because you’re aloof, and you don’t waste your time on matters that don’t directly concern you. You don’t take sides until it’s absolutely necessary . . . which can hurt you in the long run, because it comes across as if you just don’t care.
Words: As High As Honor
Notable members: Jon Arryn, Robyn Arryn, Lysa Arryn
Libra: House Tyrell
You’re easy going and approachable. You’re very social, which helps you with your diplomatic skills—you were basically born to lead. The problem is that you actually care what people think about you, which contributes to your indecisive nature. Which also means that you switch loyalties pretty often, but not because you want to hurt anyone: it’s because you want to succeed.
Words: Growing Strong
Notable members: Margery Tyrell, Mace, Loras, Olenna (Queen of Thorns)
Scorpio: House Greyjoy
Above anything, you value your independence. You’re intimidatingly passionate, and you don’t care what people think of you—as long as they know you exist. You’re resourceful (the Greyjoys have all the boats!) but you hold on to old grudges and let your jealousy make your decisions for you.
Words: We Do Not Sow
Notable members: Theon Greyjoy, Yara, Balon
Sagittarius: House Bolton
You’re an opportunist, not a loyalist, so there’s no telling what’s really going on in your mind.
You’re kind of a loner, and it’s hard to get to know you and trust you. You’re not loyal to anyone but yourself. You work independently and you don’t care what people think of you. As long as you’re doing whatever the heck you want, you’re happy.
Words: Our Blades Are Sharp
Notable members: Roose Bolton, Ramsay
Capricorn: House Baratheon
You’re bold, brave, and sometimes brooding. You don’t believe in failure. When you walk into a room, all eyes are on you. People look up to you and value your opinions. The problem is that you are well aware of this, so you can get cocky and make impulsive decisions. Oh, and no one wants to be around you when you’re in one of your “moods.”
Words: Ours Is The Fury
Notable members: Stannis Baratheon, King Robert, Renly, Shireen
Aquarius: House Martell
You go against the grain, and value your independence. You want to be known for your cleverness and your imaginative side, and don’t care what other people think of you. Your rebellious side tends to get you in trouble.
Words: Unbowed Unbent Unbroken
Notable members: Oberyn Martell, Doran Martell, Trystan Martell
Pisces: House Tully
You’re compassionate. Your devotion to your friends and family is unparalleled. Even if they’ve wronged you in the past, you’ll do anything for them. You work hard, and don’t expect results if you never tried. You let your emotions get in the way of important decisions, because you get wrapped up in what’s going on in your mind. So rationality is definitely not your strong suit.
Words: Family Duty Honor
Notable members: Catelyn Stark, The Blackfish, Edmure Tully, Lysa Arryn