Valentine’s Day. Yet another holiday that affords us an opportunity to express our deepest feelings to whom we most love. If there ever was a time when we read into a gift, it must be on St. Valentine’s Day. St. Valentine himself was credited with marrying Roman soldiers on the sly against the decree of the law. Risking one’s life to perform a marriage ceremony (and to be the ones taking part in it) has to be the grandest gesture of all.
Kind of makes that heart shaped cardboard box of chocolates you picked up in line in the drug store look a little less…less.
To send the right kind of message, you need the right kind of gift. Depending on where you are in a relationship, Valentine’s Day gifts, and their appropriateness will vary. Here are 5 ideas of what to get, and what you might be saying…
Artisan Jewelry
This is a good one. Anything you purchase on Etsy can be a win-win gift. Having a personal piece of jewelry made speaks volumes; love and affection aside, it’s thoughtful and sweet. Depending on your budget (and the level of commitment) you can find lovely sterling silver bracelets for a song all the way up to a hand forged diamond ring with your fingerprints. What message is it sending? “I really care about you. I want a special, personal gift you will wear close to your heart. I want to take the extra trouble to create something that’s special and one of a kind, just like you are to me.”
There are pajamas, and then there’s “pajamas.” Flannel teddy bears with hearts may be a good gift for the beginning of a relationship. They’re sweet, and a little bit suggestive. You might be sending a better message with these than cliché lingerie set. What message are they sending? “I love your funny side. I think it’s sexy.”
Yes, yes, I read the introductory paragraph….I wrote it! I’m talking chocolates that are hand made. Again, use your magical Internet fairy and find chocolates in crazy flavors that are his or her favorite. There’s a bevy of chocolate and wine pairings. Salted, caramel, hot pepper, and cheese…there’s a taste for everyone. What kind of a message do these send? “I pay attention to small details about you. I know how you take your coffee. I know what you like on your pizza. I like being the person that notices these things and acts on them to make you smile.”
I’m serious. A beautiful edition of Sonnets from the Portuguese by Elizabeth Barrett Browning or Shakespeare’s Sonnets speaks…wait for it, volumes. Write a little sentiment inside that says something along the lines of, “This may just begin to cover how I feel…” That’s a good message.
Stuffed Animals:
Please. Raise your right hand right now. (Unless you are a sixteen-year-old boy with a paper route.) Repeat after me: “I (state your name) will not buy a stuffed animal that has a ribbon, flag or t-shirt on that says Happy Valentine’s Day.” Good. Now, that being said, you can find a sweetly sentimental little friend for your valentine. Again, go artisan. Find a small felted wool figurine, or a teeny, tiny hand jointed teddy bear. You want something grown up. If you go small, it can live in his or her bag, on the computer at work or perched on a nightstand. We truly never outgrow our affinity for little toys. Trust me. I carry a tiny little dog with me in my tote bag every day. Don’t judge. It sends a good message.