The Ultimate Breakup Playlist for Any Occasion

Music is the gateway to the soul. The rhythm allows the listener to soar into the lyrics and create a world all their own. Sometimes we just need to listen to that extra sad song so we can sing along and let our deepest worries free. Whether we’re in the middle of a break-up, feeling petty, on a road trip with the girls, still mad that Nick chose Vanessa over Raven on The Bachelor, or just need something to jam to while we clean the house; a break up playlist is what your heart is yearning for. After careful research and hours of singing along, I found the perfect break-up tunes that will speak to any soul. Turn up the volume, let the tears roll, and sing these classic break-up anthems loud and proud.

  • Irreplaceable – Beyoncé
  • Take A Bow – Rhianna (or the Glee Cast version)
  • Survivor – Destiny’s Child
  • Jolene – Dolly Parton
  • Somebody Like You – Adele
  • If I Were a Boy – Beyoncé
  • Shout Out to My Ex – Little Mix
  • Too Little, Too Late – JoJo
  • Say Goodbye – Chris Brown
  • I Will Always Love You – Whitney Houston
  • We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together – Taylor Swift
  • Same Old Love – Selena Gomez
  • A Little Bit Stronger – Sara Evans
  • Fuck You – Ceelo Green
  • Before He Cheats – Carrie Underwood
  • Apologize – One Republic
  • Potential Break-up Song – Aly & AJ
  • Dive – Ed Sheeran

'13 Reasons Why' If You Haven't Watched Yet, You Need To

Like Clay, it took me a little longer than others to get through the tapes. Mental health is no joke especially if you are silently living through it or maybe are too naïve to even understand there is something wrong. 

You never know what someone is going through until you decide to listen to their truth. If you are lost, empty, alone, and fighting you need to watch this show no matter what anyone else says.

1. Realize, you are not alone.

2. Someone loves you and cares you just can’t see it.

3. You don’t truly know what will happen and can’t control what happens after you’re gone.

4. Death isn’t the way out, truth is.

5. The first time you reach out shouldn’t be the last time.

6. Rape and sexual assault need to be talked about even if you think nothing will come of it.

7. Drug and alcohol abuse at a young age is real and is not the answer.

8. Some people are raised believing they’re untouchable and nothing they do is wrong. It is important that we recognize this behavior so they can be told that it is unacceptable.

9. Bullying isn’t just physical punches or words in the hallways. Texts, Facebook, Shapchat, Instagram, and Twitter can be used to bully. Cyberbullying is real and can traumatize you.

10. ‘Adults’ aren’t always equipped to handle your deepest emotions and fears but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t reach out to them for help.

11. A picture is worth 1000 words.

12. It is healthier if a secret comes out instead of being pushed down and buried.

13. We will always end up being held accountable for our sins. The truth always comes out.

If you or someone you  know has been a victim of sexual assault or rape; get them help. If you feel  like you or someone you know may be suicidal; reach out before it is too late.  You are worth staying alive.

5 Blatant Lies Retail Workers Shamelessly Tell You on a Daily Basis

Retail workers are in a league of their own. It is an industry that takes a special form of patience, grace, and an extra-large coffee to make it through the day. 

As retail workers, we are constantly trying to make the customer happy and sometimes that means we have to stretch the truth a little to get that sale. Here are five lies all retail workers tell on a daily basis to maintain our sanity and close the deal:

 “That looks so great on you!”

 Let me be clear: my job is to sell you something. You could come out of the dressing room in the trash bag from the bathroom and I would tell you how great you look. We are not besties so I have no obligation to let you know that your ass looks huge or that you look like a prostitute. I want your money and live for the sale so I am not afraid to bend the truth a little (or a lot).

“No, I'm not worried that you’re in here after we closed. It's totally fine!”

I mind a lot. You had eight hours to come in here and browse and you chose 5 minutes before I lock the door. You even looked at the store hours sign, checked your phone, and came in anyway. I really want to scream “get the fuck out, please” but this is retail and it is my job to pretend that I am okay with the life decision you, the customer, just made.

“Yes, I know exactly what size you need.”

This is a store and I don't read minds. Use your words and tell me what size you need because ‘what size do you think I need?’ isn’t going to fly with me. I have no clue just looking at you what size you probably need. Most days, I barely know what size I wear. 

I am also extremely terrified that I will grab you a large and you’ll get offended because you think you're a small. Let’s just play it safe, use our big girl words, and let me know what you need.

Of course, your daughter/girlfriend/wife will love it!”

I don’t know your life. I don’t personally know who you are trying to buy this for. I don’t have any clue if they will like it or not. Honestly, they are probably going to return it next week. I still am just trying to sell you something so you’ll leave and I also am still not a mind reader.

“I would never lie to  you!”

I literally just lied to you, about everything.

She Wanted to Be Loved So Badly That She Didn't Even Know She Was Being Abused

It always starts out great. He may cut you down from time to time, embarrass you in front of friends, or dismantle your beliefs, or opinions but that is just dating, right? 

He still seems to care and holds your hand. He only teases you some of the time. 

You’re just being too sensitive and need to just lighten up. Your friends start to notice and don’t want to hang around him anymore and stop calling you.

At least he doesn’t hit you.

He starts to control everything. You never knew that just being able to eat what you want to eat becomes a chore. He says he knows best and maybe the gym isn’t a bad idea. 

He strongly believes that maybe the bar with your friends isn’t the best place for someone who has a man at home. 

He decides you spend too much of your hard-earned money and wants to ‘help’ you learn how to spend it. He just said he loves you so it can’t be all bad, can it?

At least he doesn’t hit you.

Everything becomes your fault. His lies, his cheating, his anger is all because you made him do it.

If you wanted a man to treat you right then you needed to change how you act because it is not his problem. Everything leads to him harshly yelling at you. 

His problems with school and work end up being your fault too. He swears you’ve ruined his life and you should feel lucky he keeps you around. 

You smile but you’re starting to believe every word he says about you and slowly the light in your eyes fades away.

At least he doesn’t hit you.

You’re numb to his bullying now and still stick around because at this point he is all you have. All your friends have left you to his will because they can’t stand to see you like this anymore. 

You’re left alone with his unhappiness and anger. His words have no major effect anymore. He already controls your thoughts so he resorts to fear. 

He throws things against the wall to make his point and swears his constant screaming and rage isn’t really that bad. You’re just sensitive and stupid; you don’t know what real anger is.

You’ve had enough and try to leave but he makes you stay. 

He says he can’t live without you. If you want to get away from him, he’ll leave this world forever and it will be all your fault. You’ll have to explain that to his family and friends.

At least he doesn’t hit you.

There are two ways this can go. You wake up and realize you can’t live like this anymore and get away from the monster he has become towards you or you’re stuck with him for as long as you allow it. 

He may not raise a hand to control you but he has you by your mind. I know it sounds like freedom is too good to be true but I survived and I believe in you. 

You are worth more than he lets you believe. You are worthy of real love and great things. You are beautiful. You can heal and break free.

5 Life Hacks to Finding the Right Guy

Today’s dating world is full of booty calls and being ghosted. Everyone is searching for ways to find the perfect man. We swipe right and left with no real idea how to even begin the journey of finding that mythical ‘one’. I spent most my dating life approaching it the wrong way. Two years ago, I put down the dating apps and took a new route down the dating road and found that unicorn everyone always talks about. Here are five simple tweaks you can make to finally take the bull by the horns and steer yourself in the right direction.

Spend some time just  doing your own thing.

Get the hair cut you’ve always wanted. Go from brunette to blonde. Get your nails done. Buy that new outfit. You need to do something just for you. Get to know what you like and get a style that is all your own. Once you’re truly happy with yourself you’re ready to get out there. Let’s face it ladies, if you aren’t happy with yourself how can you expect a man to be?

For the love of God,  put down the phone.

Do not call, text, message, snap, or Instagram him first. If he is interested he will communicate with you, I promise. You don’t need someone in your life who just feels obligated to respond to the message you sent them. You deserve someone who wants to talk to you all day every day for as long as you let them. Be in control without being first.

Do not accept a same  day invitation.

Sure, he messaged you first but asking ‘Netflix and chill later?’ isn’t as romantic as you make it out to be in your mind. Avoid being the booty call. All of you ladies deserve a man who wants to plan on seeing you two or three days from now. The same day invite probably means you were a last resort or he just wants to get some and get gone. You are better than that.

You cannot change a  man.

Beautiful on the outside but wounded on the inside always seems like a good idea. The vision of being able to heal those wounds and create a better man is the worst pair of glasses to put on. You can’t change anyone, not even your friends, your family, or a man. Change comes from within and is something that shell of man can only do for himself. Don’t become the mat outside his broken home because there are men out there who are already renovated and ready for something promising.

Do not slide into home plate right away.

You got the guy of your dreams (yay) and now you want to ‘lock him down’. Put on the breaks friend. Wait to do the deed. I always say three months is the way to go but do what feels right. You don’t want to rush into the firework show while the barbeque is still going on because he might call it an early night after that. A real man will be open to waiting however long you want and be there after he hits that home run.

To the Girl Who Was Never Actually My Friend, Thanks for Wasting My Time

Friendship is such a beautiful thing. Two connected souls on such a level that they want to continuously spend time with one another, care for one another, and treat them like the piece of family you never knew you had. 

I’m sure you are probably out there, somewhere, reading this and patting yourself on the back because you think you can check all those boxes in my life but you can’t.

You were physically present in our friendship, that part is hard to deny, but where were you when I needed my “best friend.” 

You were supposed to live through the hell of my ex-boyfriend with me not provoke his need to control me and leave me completely alone. 

You left me to his mental torture and I never knew I could feel so alone even with that monster next to me. 

I had strangers who cared more about me getting away from his agonizing mental control than you ever did. 

All you cared about was what fun thing you were doing next and what guy you were doing it with. 

You left me to wade through those waters alone and I had to swim to shore all by myself.

I left one controlling relationship to come to your web of hurt.

You refused to help me heal and just expected me to be back to the “normal” girl you knew before he broke me. You pulled me in and instead of swaddling me with the love of a friend that I desperately needed you begged me to take care of you.

You were unable to take care of everyday tasks for yourself and relied on me at a time where I was screaming inside for help.

You wanted me to be your plus one to the bars and help you find a man when I could barely get out of bed every morning. You wanted me to continuously boost your confidence when I just wanted to cry myself to sleep each night because I didn’t believe I was worth anyone’s time or affection. 

You needed a partner in crime but I needed the best friend that you kept telling yourself that you were to me. 

I needed you and my soul needed you to just comfort me and you couldn’t.

But, I guess I should thank you, though. 

You took your toxins with you once you finally left and it allowed for someone else to step in and bring out the best in me. 

It took breaking up my friendship with you to truly find happiness in my everyday life and with myself. I got my life back. 

I found all of this without you because you were the one sucking the happiness out of my life and you refused to allow anything great happen to anyone but yourself. 

One of the best things to happen to me was you leaving. 

It closed the chapter of emotional torment in my life that I never thought would end. You packing up and taking your negativity with you has allowed me to flourish and I cannot wait to see what my future holds.

Signs You're Low-Key Addicted to Netflix

We all have our vices. Some of us eat too much, others party too hard, and some of us stay awake countless hours watching the latest seasons of our favorite shows on Netflix. 

It is okay to admit that you cannot live without that precious app on your TV, laptop, and phone. 

It may be hard for you to truly know if you should categorize yourself as having an addiction to Netflix but here are some symptoms that could help with your self-diagnosis.

The pizza guy and the guy at the Wine & Spirits know you by name and order.

What is more fun on a Friday than binge watching your favorite shows with a glass of Chardonnay in one hand and a fresh slice in the other? Nothing. 

There is also nothing wrong with having a routine either. I mean who cares if Felix the delivery guy knows your name and loves your pajamas? 

No one cares and you worked hard to pick out the perfect pajamas so be proud of your choices. Also, it’s not a bad thing that Mark, the wine guy, has your favorite brand waiting on you and it is chilled. 

That is the dream! Keep up the good Netflix work! You deserve that second slice and fifth glass of wine.

You’ve seen every “good”  show and you fear one day there will be nothing left to watch.

Twenty seasons of this, four seasons of that, and hundreds of episodes and sleepless nights later you have watched it all. 

You’ve resorted to researching the documentaries and browsing through Netflix’s suggested shows but you’ve already seen all those too. Reality sets in and you might have to *gasp* start watching the movies. 

To the avid binger, 'movie' is a five-letter word that hurts your soul. Why would you spend those two hours just watching one movie when you could spend 50 hours watching 10 seasons back to back to back.

You have started and abandoned countless shows.

Nothing seems binge-worthy anymore. You’ve spent your time searching the black holes of the internet to find the top shows to binge and the harsh reality is you’ve either seen them or they just aren’t as worthy as other people made them out to be. 

I mean sure, who doesn’t love a good sex scene, criminal chase, or gang violence? Sometimes these things just don’t live up to the hype the internet gave them and it leaves season one half watched and abandoned on your que. 

It’s not their fault you have higher expectations when it comes to binge-worthy shows. 

You expect more from your TV shows and you shouldn’t have to settle for second best because another show is out there for you….right?

The “chill” in  Netflix and chill is never an option.

If I invite you over to watch Netflix just know that means you don’t get to touch me and we are literally going to sit there and eat snacks and watch Netflix. 

The only chill you get to experience is your ass on my couch. End of discussion.

The Cliff Notes of Your Twenties, 4 Realities Nobody Warns You About

So you’re old enough to know better about everything but still aren’t completely looked at as a real-life adult by other adults. 

We’ve been thrown to the wolves and can barely stand on our new big girl (or boy) feet. It’s a scary world out there. 

But I made it here and I'm still breathing.

Thursday, Friday, Saturday binge drinking benders are a thing of the past. 

Well, you can but you will entirely regret it. 

Those days are over. I promise, it sounds fun taking six shots and chasing them with vodka sodas and dancing the night away but it will catch up to you the next morning. 

There's no amount of Gatorade or hours of naps that will help you. Now your body is hung over for DAYS. Goodbye, world.

You'll never complain about having 'no' friends again.

The older you get, the more you realize you don’t need the drama in your life that comes with a big crew. Big groups are just way too exhausting to keep up with and half of those people really don’t like each other anyway.

And honestly, you get so busy that friends become just another bullet on your to-do list. 

Tina Fey and Oprah didn't have their dream job by their 20's either. 

It will happen. You don’t need to be at the point in your life society thinks you need to be. Still an intern and not in that lavish job you dreamed of? IT IS OKAY! You can’t rush perfection. 

Still have no idea what to do with your life? IT IS OKAY! Travel, figure out your passions, do something that makes you happy. 

You still have plenty of time left to work and earn a living. Figure out what you want to do before you settle on something you’ll regret.

You don’t have to have a fiancé, a baby, or a house right now.

Just because it seems like everyone else is getting married or having a baby or buying a house doesn’t mean you need to be! 

The one will come along one day but it doesn’t have to be now. Go out with your friends and meet new people. Explore cities and figure out who you are as you before you add a stranger to the mix. 

You can’t create a family and spend forever with someone else if you are not okay with spending forever with yourself. It is okay to still be figuring out who you are by yourself. Adding a man (or baby or mortgage payment) will just make it more complicated. 

Just do you, boo.

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