For The Girl Who Dreads The Holidays


The holidays rolling around is supposed to be a cheerful time. The eggnog, cheer, family get togethers, fuzzy blankets, Christmas lights, snow, and movies are things that most people tend to look forward to. They look forward to spending time with their loved ones or families, happily making new memories while conversing on what has happened in the time that has passed.

You on the other hand, feel a massive sense of loss and nostalgia whenever this season comes.

You remember times where there used to be family events, love and laughter. Maybe you never had the experience at all. It isn’t always for the exact same reason, but the feeling is always the same.

You watch as friends post pictures with their siblings and loved ones. You see everyone laughing and smiling, and wonder what cruel force in life has denied you the experience. If you haven’t been denied the experience, maybe you’re the black sheep of the family, or maybe you disagree with your families religious beliefs.


Whatever the case, know this:

You are not alone.

There are so many others who feel exactly the same. That hole in your heart is going to be filled someday. You will have a family. A wonderful man will walk into your life. Whatever feud or judgement separating you from your family will be resolved in some from or another. In the meantime, know that you are absolutely beautiful, and you don’t deserve to ever feel that way.

If someone doesn’t love you enough to want your marvelous and quirky personality around, then it is their loss.

You are amazing and don’t you ever, ever forget it.



32 Game Of Thrones Quotes that Are Pure Wisdom

The Game of Thrones tv show is a combination of pure literary genius and great acting. It's incredibly good, wise, blunt, and even sometimes hilarious, so props to George R.R. Martin, who originally wrote the Game of Thrones book series. If you're looking to get a taste of how amazing  Game of Thrones is, indulge yourself with these Game of Thrones quotes that are pure wisdom

1. "Once you've accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you."

2. "Laughter is poison to fear." 

3. "Every flight begins with a fall." 

4. "Different roads sometimes lead to the same castle."

5. "The powerful have always preyed on the powerless. That's how they became powerful in the first place."

6. "A Lord must learn that sometimes words can accomplish what swords cannot." 

7. "A lion doesn't concern itself with the opinion of sheep." 

8. "The heart lies and the head plays tricks with us, but the eyes see true." 

9. "Only a man who's been burned knows what hell is truly like." 

10. "Everything's better with some wine in the belly." 

11. "Even in dreams, you could not fall forever."

12. "I'm not a politician. I'm a queen.

13. "Any man who must say 'I am the King' is no true King."

14. "Perhaps that is the secret. It is not what we do, so much as why we do it." 

15. "Power resides where men believe it resides. A very small man can cast a very large shadow." 

16. "Show me the path I must walk and do not let me stumble in the dark plaes that lie ahead." 

17. "But the world preferred to forget that men who knew how to heal also knew how to kill." 

18. "Every man must die, Jon Snow. But first, he must live." 

19. "We look up at the same stars and see such different things." 

20. "The greatest fools are ofttimes more clever than the men who laugh at them."

21. "My sister has mistaken me for a mushroom. She keeps me in the dark and feeds me sh*t." 

22. "You were made to be kissed, often and well." 

23. "Only lies offend me, never honest counsel." 

24. "I am the blood of the dragon. I must be strong. I must have fire in my eyes when I face them, not tears."

25. "Some battles are won with swords and spears, others with quills and ravens." 

26. "I am alive, and drunk on sunlight." 

27. "A man who hates music can't be trusted, I always say."

28. "She might have wept then, had not the sky begun to do it for her." 

29. "Words are wind. They cannot hurt you. Let them wash over you."

30. "Some doors are best left closed." 

31. "Trust is earned. Like gold." 

32. "No fight is hopeless til it has been fought." 

These are only a few of the amazing quotes you can enjoy while watching Game of Thrones. The truth is, you don't really have to watch Game of Thrones to enjoy some wise words, you can read the books if you prefer. But if you want to venture yourself through all seven seasons of the Game of Thrones tv show you'll truly enjoy it. 

Just a quick taste of some of the best quotes from Game of Thrones might be enough to make you a true fan of the tv show. But watch out, only the truest fans know the show forward and backward and would slay at Game of Thrones Trivia

12 Charles Manson Quotes That Will Make You Think

Charles Manson, the convicted serial killer, reportedly died this week. As an avid psychology nerd, I decided to do some research, and was actually surprised by what I found. 

Charles Manson was born to a 16 year old mother who was both an alcoholic and a prostitute. He had an above average IQ, and was described in probation reports as suffering from a "marked degree of rejection, instability, and psychic trauma" and "constantly striving for status and securing some kind of love." But some of the things that he said before his death, were actually pretty profound: 

"I am only what you made me. I am only a reflection of you." 

"You've got to realize you're the devil just as much as you're God." 

"I think it's high time you all start looking at yourselves and judging the lie you live in."

"Look down at me, and you see a fool. Look up at me and see a God. Look straight at me, and you see yourself." 

"Total paranoia is just total awareness."

"Death is the greatest form of love."

"No sense makes sense." 

"What they're doing is, they're only persecuting a reflection of themselves. They're persecuting what they can't stand to look at in themselves, the truth." 

"Pain's not bad. It's good. It teaches you things. I understand that."

"Now I am too beautiful to be set free."

"Animals shouldn't be hunted and nature shouldn't be disturbed, even destroyed, to benefit the whims of mankind." 

"The way out of a room is not through the door. Just don't want out. And you're free." 

To The Girl Whose Father Passed Away In Battle

Sometimes life doesn’t make sense, and we have to roll with the punches. 

But still, every birthday, I hoped you would be there. 

Somehow I always believed that you would come in and save the day. 

I didn’t know it then, but you did. 

I found out who you were. You had three purple hearts. You were a warrior. 

The only beer that I’ll drink was your favorite. 

I found out where my stubbornness and resilience came from. All of it came from you. 

Every time I take a sip of corona, I can feel your presence. Every time I feel outraged when I see someone being mistreated, I know it’s because of you.      

There are days where I feel a hole in my heart. Some days it seems so unfair because I would have given anything to know you. But I know now that I have a guardian angel. 

On the days where it feels like I can’t go on and I’m exhausted and down on life, you and your sacrifice keep me moving forward. 

And now I know that no matter where I go, someone is watching over me. 

21 Affirmations For When You Feel Down On Yourself

  • You are beautiful. 
  • You are the creator of your life, regardless of the circumstances. 
  • You are unique. 
  • You are powerful. 
  • You can conquer anything that comes your way. 
  • You matter. 
  • You deserve to be happy. 
  • Your imperfections make you even MORE beautiful. 
  • You attract love into your life. 
  • Your thoughts control the course of your reality. 
  • You deserve to be successful. 
  • You deserve to be loved the way you dream of being loved. 
  • You are worthy. 
  • You are captivating. 
  • The gifts you bring to this world, nobody else alive can bring. 
  • Your presence lights up an entire room. 
  • You are perfect the way that you are. 
  • You are allowed to have bad days. 
  • It doesn't matter what other people think about you, it matters what you think of yourself. 
  • You are the creator of your own destiny. 
  • The only reason other people try to bring you down is because they see your power and your light. Don't let their darkness snuff out the unique gifts that you have to bring to this world. 

United We Stand, Divided We Fall

Someone, a man actually, asked me this month if part of his outfit looked weird.  

…I was confused, because I don't believe that the clothes someone wears defines who they are as a person. An expression of our individuality, yes. But what about the people who can't afford to wear what they want to? Do they become a different person just because they are struggling in life? Or do they matter just the same, regardless of where they're at? 

He said to me, "Well, we are designed to find certain people more attractive physically."  

Does someone's value increase or decrease based upon their appearance? 

Some of the most wealthy and intelligent men in the world wear jeans and a t shirt. 

Why do we think that material possessions define us? Why do we believe that someone matters more than another at all? What conditioned us to become this way?    

Every single person alive and breathing has an individual and unique gift of worth and value.

It doesn't matter if they have a mental issue, are homeless, black, white, yellow, blue, gay, lesbian, bisexual, or trans. It does not matter if they have tattoos, are religious or not, what they weigh. They are HUMAN. It doesn't matter.  

The seal of the State I grew up in as a child says, "United We Stand, Divided We Fall." 

I took this to mean, every attack that we make on another person weakens the whole. 

Every time we put someone else down or cause them pain, believing that their life doesn't matter, we cause pain not only to ourselves, but also to others. I believe we were put on Earth with specific gifts, in order to make it a better place. To help someone suffer a little bit less, to help another feel a little less alone.       

We were meant to work together as one. 

E Pluribus Unum. Out of many states, one nation.          

Difficulties of Being an Introverted Extrovert

Introverted Extrovert?

You want to stay in, but you don’t want to be by yourself.

But sometimes you feel lonely when you do, but it’s so people-y out there and what if you go out and decide you wanna go home?

Talking to people gives you energy but it can also give you social anxiety because you’re not sure what to say.

You’ll go out to the club with a group of friends, and then go to the store in the middle of the night just to avoid people.

It helps to talk things out, but when you feel misunderstood you just feel worse so if you’re uncomfortable, you just avoid it. .

You want to spend time with people, but you also want them all to go away.

Some people tell you that you talk too much, and others get annoyed with you for not answering.

Unless they know you really well, introverts see you as an extrovert, and extroverts see you as rude.

When you like somebody romantically, you’re both talkative and withdrawn because you’re anxious about how they’re perceiving you and interested in getting to know them better.

Before taking a night out, you need to recharge your batteries first.

“I hate parties, let’s go to five of them.”

“Nope that was too much. Bed for 3 days.”

When people repeatedly ask you to go do things. Or bring people around all the time without giving you a heads up… it drives you batshit crazy. You want to do the things, but you weren’t ready to do the things.

Smalltalk can be fun, but it can also feel like meaningless fluff.

You like attention, but not too much.

In essence, a pile of fascinating contradictions.





Stop Trying to Kill Love

Love. What a loaded word.
 Does love even exist?
 We live in a world of selfishness and greed, of self interest, jealousy, and power. Is it even possible for someone to know how to truly love in this day and age? Everything we're surrounded by commends us for doing the opposite. Stigmatization, gaslighting, and knocking down our emotions has become just as big a trend as having a designer bag. 

How are we supposed to know how to love in the end in the midst of it all?
 Perhaps love is emotionally masochistic.  
 Those of us who are hopeless romantics hope for something everlasting, Earth-shattering, we hope for it both emotionally and in sex. We want something where the entire world could fall apart, but our love would remain strong. Being told we cannot feel is the equivalent of being smacked in the face, except instead it's a smack to the heart. 

Some say that love is a weakness, but there is nothing weak about love. It takes more strength to care and experience than to hide away. The mirror lies to us about an image we are supposed to fit, perfect eyelashes, perfect skin, hourglass body, and now you want to tell us we have to look a certain way on the inside too? Excuse my French, but F*ck you. What matters most is what lies within. How well we truly know ourselves. And we cannot love without loving what lies inside our own skin.

Sometimes even in the darkest of days, we are able to see the things that truly matter. Our strength even in the darkest of times, lies in love. At the end of the day we are capable of such hope and resilience. The entire world could turn away and still we would stand quietly leaving behind the legacy that the evil in this world so desperately tries to stamp out. The legacy of love. 

5 Ways To Use The Law of Attraction To Have A Badass 2017

1. Love YOU. 

To love others, you first have to love yourself. Give yourself some inner peace. Sometimes you have to love who you are instead of worrying constantly about expectations or flaws. Make positive changes, but do them for you. 

2. Think Positively. 

That might sound so simple, but the way you think controls your life. If you think that everything is going to go wrong, and nothing will get better or change…then it won't. Believe in yourself. You're powerful. Your thoughts control the course of your life. Expect what you want and don't expect what you don't. 

3. Use Self Affirmations.

I can't be successful VS I am successful. I don't deserve good things VS I am worthy. This is impossible VS I am a powerful boss babe. 

4. Picture what you want. 

Using some kind of notebook or binder detailing where you want to be before the end of this year, using Pinterest or quotes or just some time to yourself with music to refocus on where you want to go… does wonders. Let the bad go and don't let them drag you down. 

5. Let Go and Live!

All we can really control is ourselves. Some days are more difficult than others but at the end of the day we all have a lot to be grateful for and we all have limitless potential. Stressing about a situation doesn't do anything to change it. Let the haters do what they do. Take control of where you want to go! 

To The Girl Who Loves Too Hard and Feels Like It's Never Enough

There are some days when you feel like you should just shut your heart off and exclude yourself from the world, because you love too hard for this generation. All the pain you've survived goes into doing your best to never cause the same pain to others. 


You feel like you're always there for everyone else but when you truly need someone, nobody is there. You fight through every day and you do your best to stay strong because you believe you were brought here to change the world through your love. You see the good in people that everyone else shuns, and you occasionally get hurt because of it because you want to believe the best in humanity. 


You feel like you deal with things alone because you try so hard to be there for everyone else who's suffering, because you feel their pain like it's your own. Sometimes you end up broken because of it. 


You are not weak. Some people view being compassionate as a weakness. It isn't a weakness. I think it means that you're stronger than they are. 


People try to dim things that shine too brightly for their understanding. Never let them dim your shine. 

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