First off, do not ever change.
I once told someone that if I could change anything about myself it would be that I wish I wasn't so nice. They responded by saying,"But then you wouldn't be you."
This got me thinking about myself and my personality. I know I'm way too nice to people who don't deserve it. I get walked all over. I get used. I get taken advantage of. I'm well aware of these things but I still let them happen anyways. Why? It's just who I am. I put everyone before myself. I guess I don't have the ability to be selfish. And you know what? That's alright.
That's alright because there are people in your life who deserve it and won't take advantage of it. And there will be more people along the road who will take advantage of your generosity but those people won't stay forever. Those who will stay are the ones who deserve it. There will be people who will come along and recognize what a truly genuine person you are. Hang on tight to those people. Those people will cherish you for you.
Now I'm not saying let people walk all over you. I know personally for me it's hard to say no because I always want to help someone in need. If you can say no to someone you know is just using you then please do but I know how hard it is to do that sometimes. Standing up for yourself is just as important as being yourself but if you're like me than that can be difficult.
Ultimately whatever you do, please do not change. You are the way you are for a reason. You are loved and appreciated. The world is a better place because of people like you.