To the Guy Who Claimed I Was ‘The One’, Our Future is Cancelled

If you would’ve asked me back then who I thought I would be with for the rest of my life, hands down I would have never second-guessed my answer.

If you would have told me that same day that the man I thought was meant for me, and I was meant for, would cheat on me with his awful ex, I would have told you that you were crazy.


We used to spend all day doing everything together, cooking, studying, taking naps, trying new food, new wines, everything. I would never have thought that when I left my classes early and took that 4-hour drive to surprise you that I would see what I saw. That I would find the two of you in our bed, in our apartment.


I would never have thought that you would try to fix your mistake by proposing to me, begging me to stay because you messed up and you knew it. I would never have thought that someone I could love with all my heart would do something so terrible to me. That I would even witness the entire scene.


I definitely would never have believed that you would try to make me stay with you after what you did.


You claimed I was the one and only girl for you, but you had no problem going out with her and seeing a movie, and then dinner, and then hooking up with her.You had no problem hooking up with her in our apartment. In our bed.


A better man would have had the decency to do that in her apartment. Hell, a better man wouldn’t have done it at all. You could have had the decency to end it with me. And you could have had the balls to tell me I wasn’t what you wanted anymore.


You told me I was the one and only, so why did you do something like that to me? To us?We talked about everything; kids, marriage, buying a house together. I helped you through school, financially and emotionally. Did she do that?


And the funny part is, after years you still try to see what I am doing. You still want to know if I miss you. I’ll clear it up for you. I don’t miss you, and I don’t love you anymore.


I stopped loving you the day I saw you with her. Knowing that I wasn’t what you wanted, wasn’t enough for you, made me realize how much of a fool I was for believing that I was the girl for you.


I hope that in the future you find the girl who really is meant for you, that she helps you through everything, finding a job now that you are done with school, buying and fixing up a house. Everything.


There were highs and lows in our relationship, but the lowest is what you did. 

I hope that you realize that no girl or woman deserves to see what you let me see. And I hope that one day you realize how much you messed up, and never repeat history.

I hope that you realize I would have given you the world and then some.

Every Girl Who Grew Up With An Older Brother Can Relate

My Older Bro

Having a brother is truly a blessing. Sure he can be a real pain in the ass, but he’s also one of the most important people in you life. Big brothers have the ability to gift their sisters with the most unique  memories especially those that bring a smile to our face, that’s why every girl who grew up with a big brother can relate to these things all too well.


1. He didn’t always remember to put the toilet seat down. Seriously how hard is it? I mean you have to pick it up to pee, so what is the big deal about putting it back down?



2. You covered for him, and maybe he covered for you at least once. Whether he forgot to pick you up on time, or went out with friends when he was supposed to be home with you. Maybe he covered for you that time you got home a little too late. Regardless of that situation, you guys had each other’s back, sometimes.



Just Admit It You Have A Gut Feeling He Is The One

We all have our intuitions, and yours is telling you that you made the right choice.


You probably never thought this would happen, but it did.


You met this awesome person, and bam it hits you. This person could really be the one.


But how do you know if they are really the one when you just met them?


Meeting the one in today’s time doesn’t mean that they will stand outside your bedroom window with

a boombox holding roses and play your favorite song until you come outside.


Everything I Wish I Could Tell My Ex Best Friend, but She Won’t Listen

I act like everything is alright, but truth is I have missed being best friends for years now. When we first started drifting away, I thought it was just a phase and that it wasn’t a big deal, it’s been several years and the most we have talked was when we went to dinner with our other friend.


I wanted to write you a long message, catch up, maybe even go out for dinner or drinks, but even that didn’t seem like the way to restart.


Part of me wished I picked up the phone, but part of me knew better.

We are literally oceans apart, I can’t call you and see how your day is, or how you are. Messaging online seemed awkward, and almost like we wouldn’t know what to say.


17 Quotes from ‘The Bold Type’ That Are Straight Up Badass

Ever watch The Bold Type We all know being a Millennial can be pretty tough, or it can be badass, it’s just a matter of how we deal with life. So when in doubt, or when you need that boost, here are seventeen quotes from The Bold Type that are straight up badass for any millennial.

1. “Nevertheless, we will persist.”-Jaqueline. If anyone knows about being a badass and persisting, it’s Jaqueline. She is literally the mirror image of Joanna Coles, the editor of Cosmopolitan. If anyone can persist, it’s a badass.

2. “Yes. I’m very interested in a butt facial.”-Jane. Seriously who else would say this? Millennials know when to stand up to the occasion and when they need to get down to business for their boss. Maybe not really getting a butt facial, but still.

3. “So, I have a favor to ask you. Show me your nipple.” –Kat. Of course this is during her ‘free the nipple’ campaign, but being bold isn’t just about getting your work done like a boss, it’s asking the bold questions, even when it might sound terrible. #freeTheNip

4. “Don’t say I’m sorry when you have nothing to apologize for.”- Jaqueline. Is it just me or is she like the Gandhi of Scarlet? This woman knows how to be bold, don’t apologize for your actions when you have nothing to be sorry for, when you did your best, when you maybe made someone upset that doesn’t have the same views. Be you, and be bold.

5. “First of all, I can screw whoever I want.”- Sutton. Sure being bold means sticking up for yourself, but it also means sticking up for your relationships, even if it is with yourself, or your sex life.

6. “If you can’t do it with feeling, don’t.” –Sutton. Whether it’s a job presentation, college, your hobby, or relationships. If you can’t do it with your heart, then don’t do it at all. Perfect words.

7. “Keep bringing your passion, it’s how you’re going to make your mark.– Oliver. Okay so maybe he isn’t a millennial, but he has a pretty strong point. How will you make your mark? With passion, that’s how.

8. “Go in there with the confidence of an incredibly average white man.”- Kat. Okay so maybe this isn’t the best advice, but she has a point, when in doubt, act like you have nothing to worry about, life goes on and you will still be a badass.

9. “You need to start speaking up for yourself.”– Jaqueline. Seriously can she get any wiser? In this part of the show, she is telling Sutton to stand up for herself, take credit for her work, because she deserves to be recognized for her hard work, especially when someone else is trying to take all the credit.

10. “You need to catch your breath, take an hour, fall apart, come back, and we are gonna figure this out.”– Jaqueline. She is just breathing, living, BOLDNESS. When things start to get rough, take a breath, fall apart. Just remember when you are done, it’s not time to give up, it’s time to become a badass and conquer.

11. “If I’m going down, I’m going down swinging.”– Sutton. When your dreams are right in front of you and you have to fight for them, start swinging and fight for them. Take it from this bold type.

12. “No, I don’t think you know what I’m gonna say.”– Jane. When a guy turns out to be a total dick, even when he is hot, you still have to stick up for yourself, say what YOU want, be bold, be tough.

13. “I’m Nora Ephron, bitch.”-Sutton. When things work out, celebrate, keep that goal in mind to get you where you want to be. If all else fails be Nora Ephron, just have a safety net, like these gals.

14. “She shouldn’t have underestimated me.”- Jane. Sure maybe our bosses are underestimating our strengths, or not letting us live to our full potential, and being bold is taking the chance and still trying to show your worth even when they don’t know you are capable of it.

15. “We should be taking in every experience. We should be living our lives, taking risks, and, you know, putting ourselves out there.” – Jane. Being young and sometimes just being a millennial is just the time to take in every experience, live your life, be bold, take that risk. Take the job, make the move.

16. “I don’t think I realized how much of the weight I was still carrying.” –Jaqueline. Sometimes, being bold is knowing where you lack, where you carry that weight. Sometimes it means letting go of what has hurt you and being better than it.

17. “To having adventures. And making mistakes. To sleeping with the wrong people and the right people. And to unleashing holy hell.” –Jane, Kat, & Sutton. Because being bold is truly sticking with the ones who mean the most and pushing through everything together. Making that mistake, drunk dialing that ex, or showing up outside their house, and unleashing holy hell because you are BOLD, and you are YOU.

Emotional Stages You’ll Go Through When Your Best Friend Turns Into An Ex Friend

It makes no sense whatsoever when someone you spent all of your awake hours with—and let’s be real, a lot of your sleeping hours too, suddenly detaches herself completely, and promptly exits your life.

Wait, what?

Exactly. Suddenly, the girl who you used to call your best friend is nothing more than a memory, and the only things she leaves behind are endless questions.

You ask yourself: Why did she ditch me? Did she even care about our friendship? Does she miss me? Is it my fault?

How does someone just up and walk out on a person that used to be such a core part of their life?

It’s easy to turn to anger. You hate her for leaving the way she did. She abandoned you, the person who used to be there for her every minute of every day.

Thinking of her makes you want to cry, scream, throw things. You curse the day she walked into your life.

You want to get revenge somehow, you plot out all the horrible things you want to say to her so she realizes how much hurt she’s caused you.

But then you realize how truly sad you areYou’re completely heartbroken. After all the screaming and yelling, all you’re left with the feeling of emptiness, like a part of you is missing.

Because it is. She was your other half, you need her.

You need a shoulder to cry on, but she’s the one you would go to, and she’s gone now. You feel so alone, you just miss her so much.

And now you feel disappointed. Whether in yourself for letting someone in only to have them flake on you, or in her because you know her down to her core and she isn’t like this. Probably a combination of both.

Whoever it’s directed at, the feeling of disappointment isn’t something that just goes away. It lingers and it aches, it stains all the good in your life with the negativity of her leaving.

She became a complete stranger that you somehow knew everything about. You still know her darkest secrets, her inner-most thoughts, her biggest fears, but you don’t know how she is or what she’s doing.

You wish you could just ask her, or read her mind to figure out what it is that made her up and go. You think back on memories with her and you wonder if she ever thinks of you.

But after a while, it seems like a waste of time to ask yourself these questions because you’ll never get the answers.

Now, you aren’t mad at her anymore, and you’re not sad. You miss her but you’ll move on if you haven’t already.

You learn to appreciate the people you have in your life that are there to stay, and you’ll realize that a person who’s truly a best friend will never become an ex-friend.

10 Signs Your "Bestie" Is Nothing but a Fraud

Friendship is a lot like falling in love. You meet someone, you have similar interests, and you hit it off from there. It’s like the inseparable duo right from the start. What we all seem to forget along the way is friendship is based on a give and take basis. You do something for them, and later they return the same to you. This isn’t done out of obligation, or because they think it’s what they should do, it’s just a mutual understanding that you would do anything for each other. 

What happens when the give and take stops, or what if it only takes? That’s a friendship that isn’t worth the effort. It’s really a friendship that is screaming this is a fake friend. Everyone has come across a fake friend at some point in their life, lucky for us though there are warning signs. So how do you know your bestie is a fake? Here are 10 ways to know your ‘bestie’ is a fraud, you could spot them a mile away.

1. They see you as a means to an end. Sure maybe this is a little harsh, but they see you working hard, grinding, doing what you have to do to get through life, and they jump on the back of your car and hitch a ride, even if you have a flat tire. Perhaps you offered to pay for dinner, and then you always pay, and never get something in return. Maybe you went on a trip, and you paid for the whole thing. A true friend would see the kindness and re-pay or do something for you. Those who don’t fall into the true forever friend, see you as a stepping stone, once they don’t need you, or you can’t help them anymore, adios.

2. They use specific words that make you feel like shit for no reason. It’s really just flowery bullshit. “I couldn’t have done it without you”, sure you could have, it’s called get your wallet out, or call someone to repair whatever it is. They know that words are easy to make and can be used to manipulate unassuming people.

3. They gossip endlessly about others. This is the big RED flag waving at you. If they are constantly talking about other people, what are they saying about you behind your back? That’s not a fun thought to think about is it? But that is how they convince themselves that they are better than everyone else, even you.

4. They expect you to drop everything so you can cater to their needs and beckoning call. You know those texts, asking you for help and that they would be so grateful if you did this or that? Let’s be clear, you probably often help them, and they rarely help you. There are times that you can’t though, when you have too much on your plate or other plans, but their situation is always more important than anything you have going on.

5. They make you feel guilty when you don’t hang out with them, or when you can’t help them once in a while. “How come we don’t hang out anymore?” All the nagging, needy and selfish questions that make you feel uncomfortable because let’s be honest, life happens, you get busy, doesn’t mean you don’t care about them, but you just had stuff you needed to do. Don’t feel guilty, don’t let them guilt you.

6. They make their life seem more important than anything else. Even that crappy $3/hour serving job they have is just BRUTAL, compared to your 40 hour work week and college. You just overreact to things, their life is seriously too hard. Work is important, everyone needs to work, we all need money, but when they embellish what they truly do to make you feel less important or that you aren’t doing life right, then they just suck. Fake friend.

7. They always exaggerate things to look better. Maybe they lost 5 pounds, but they tell everyone 10-15. Maybe they went to a party with you, and their story isn’t what happened, but when you confront it, then the joke is on you. This happens way too much, don’t put up with it, especially when the joke is on you. Everyone has their limits, don’t make up an excuse for a friend when they push those limits.

8. There is shit talking behind your back. Maybe not to your other friends, but to people you both knew in the past, maybe to people from high school, maybe to people at their work, and ironically you know someone there. Fake friends don’t keep secrets. A listening ear is also attached to the face with a running mouth. Remember that.

9. They are overly nice to EVERYBODY. Being nice is fine, but there is a point when being too nice is a bit odd. You can’t like literally everyone, there are people that we all can’t tolerate. Being overly nice is the starting sign to a fake friend.

10. You have friends, but you don’t feel like it. They are there to celebrate when you have a victory, but when you have a loss they are nowhere to be found. When you feel alone when being around people, something is wrong. When you need help and your ‘bestie’ is nowhere to be found, then something is wrong.

Why Me Too Is More Than Words

Did you know that there are over 300,000 victims or sexual assault and rape in the US alone, every damn year? That means someone is being sexually assaulted about every minute and a half.

Count that out.

That’s about the amount of time it takes to heat up your leftovers, make a cup of coffee, go get your mail, let your dogs out. 

The “Me Too” movement has exploded on social media, in light of recent events. It doesn’t seem like people fully understand the grasp of this movement. It isn’t just saying we are women and deserve to be equals, this isn’t feminism. This isn’t something that just happens in Hollywood, or once in a while on the news. This is something that happens all over the entire globe.

Did you know that about 1/6 women are sexually assaulted in their lifetime, 1/10 men have also been sexually assaulted. A third of the victims contemplate suicide, a little over ten percent of those attempt it. And virtually almost everyone who was assaulted develops PTSD from the experience.

So what you say? Here’s what is scarier. Of every thousand people who sexually assault someone else, a little over 300 are actually reported, less than 60 are arrested, less than ten go to jail for their crime. Less than ten people for every thousand sexual assaults. How is that justice?

Why is the Me Too movement important though to this?

Because even though this may just be a couple words, there is comfort in the words, comfort in numbers.

Because there are apps designed for women to call for help with the touch of one button, without drawing attention to yourself. Because these apps are necessary.

Because there are women defense jewelry lines, key chains, because it is necessary.

Because women-only gyms exist just so women can feel comfortable going to the gym without having to be afraid or humiliated.

Because most women carry pepper spray, or some other form of defense.

Because most of the women you know have had a Me Too experience.

Because the other women you know who didn’t say Me Too, probably chose not to put it on social media.

Because after a sexual assault you are four times more likely to use a hard drug, maybe to forget, maybe to be numb.

Because when women go out to a bar, they can’t get drunk alone, or have a friend meet them.

Because pads and tampons are tax exempt in 7 states, taxed as a luxury in 32 states. Viagra is tax exempt in 49 states.

Because there are serial killers and rapist who will kill a woman for not smiling at them, Elliot Rodger for example, or maybe they will rape a woman because they look like someone they once loved.

Because usually harassment and assaults are not an isolated incident.

Because ‘she had it coming’ is not even close to explaining why a woman is raped.

Because the men who will fall in love with a victim will suffer too.

Because the Me Too movement is dependent on the victims taking action.

Because not every man is held accountable.

Because we have a President in office who bragged about sexually assaulting women.

Because more than 12 MILLION people have commented, posted or reacted on Facebook to Me Too.

Because Me Too.

To all the other women out there, you are not alone, and this is a movement that will change the future. We can change the way the world is. This is the generation of change, this is an issue that together we can stand up and say we will change it.

25 Best Things About Christmas

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Seriously it is, if you love Christmas time. There are so many things that happen around this time of year which make it so magical. From the trees, to the snow, to the food, to the gorgeous Christmas ornament collections, there are endless great things about this time of the year. But let’s be honest there are really only 25 best things about Christmas, and the holiday season to get you excited.

1. Presents Under The Christmas Tree.  Especially when it is something cool like a Encalife galaxy star projector.

2. Snow. Sure it might not always be a white Christmas, but there is always the chance for snow, and there is always that glow to everything when it does.

3. Eggnog. Eggnog is good, but spiked eggnog is the best.

4. Time with friends and family. Or friends who became family. That’s what this time of year is all about right?

5. Stockings. These are great, unless you get coal. Then that’s pretty terrible, unless you were terrible.

6. Christmas Tree. The tree is everything. After all, where do you put the presents?

7. Christmas Parties. There are so many parties during this season, everyone wants an excuse to be under mistletoe, drink spiked eggnog, and spread holiday cheer.

8. Christmas movies. Who doesn’t love to watch Christmas movies? Maybe even with your friends, or significant other?

9. Vacation Time. Okay this is probably the best thing about the season, but let’s be honest, we all love that time off, and away from doing work.

10. Christmas Lights. Walking around, driving around, just seeing all those beautiful lights, it is one of the most breathtaking views of the season. Especially when there is snow.

11. Hot Chocolate. Who doesn’t love hot cocoa this time of year?

12. Ice Skating. Do you see any sad faces skating around in the rink? No. That’s because people love to skate this time of the year.

13. Mistletoe. Who really needs a reason to kiss? But tis the season, so sneak in a few extra of those kisses.

14. Snowmen. Okay so this makes us all feel like a little kid again, but seriously who ever has a bad time building a snowman?

15. Sledding/Skiing/Snowboarding. Wherever you are in the country, you can do one of those, even on a sand dune. Who can’t smile when doing one of those during Christmas time?

16. Christmas music. Jingle Bells, Rocking Around the Christmas Tree, Let it Snow. The list goes on and on, but we all can’t help to sing along or hum with those songs.

17. Baking Christmas Cookies. Or buying them when you can’t bake. What better way to feel like Christmas time than to bake fresh holiday cookies, and maybe eat them all?

18. Time to give. Sure Christmas time is all of the things above, but it is also a time to give, give gifts, donate food, or to the Salvation Army Santas at the store. It makes us all feel good that we are helping someone else in need during the holiday season.

19. Holiday Cheer. Sure this might sound like a catchy line from Elf, but the entire season does bring that extra bounce into your step, makes you smile more, be happier.

20. Home-made meals. Or going to someone’s house who cooked the home-made meal. What better way to be in the holiday season than eating all those amazing dishes around the ones you love the most?

21. Finally putting the fireplace to use. It’s not like you can use it during the summer, so this is even more of a reason to love the holiday season.

22. Gingerbread Houses. Or what is supposed to be one, because not all the time does it look like a house, or decorated by an adult. They still taste delicious, and look gorgeous though.

23. No college classes. Let’s face it this is probably the favorite part of college, before graduation.

24. Pies Galore. And leftover pies. Yum!

25. Feeling like a kid on Christmas morning. You never grow out of the way that Christmas morning makes you feel, and you get to feel this every year the same time each year.

20 Thoughts You Have During Finals Week

It’s that time of year, which means get out the sweat pants, tissues, and be ready to not sleep for the next week. It’s finals time. Insert that horrible look of death here. Why does finals week have to suck so bad? Why can’t teachers just give you a solid B or A for effort all semester? Well sadly we have to kick start this terrible week sooner or later, why not get ahead of it and be ready for the 20 thoughts you have during finals week?

1. FUCK this shit. Seriously. Screw. This.

2. Why did I decide to not take that gap year? Who would ever think that we needed this much of a vacation from this testing.

3. Can I just be on a beach drinking a martini? May as well just book a one way ticket out of this place.

4. What the hell is this class even about? Like seriously did I walk into the wrong class?

5. What is going to be on the test anyways? Do we really need to know everything the class covered? Who would even remember that shit anyways?

6. How many points do I need to have a B in this class? I only need 40 points on the final to keep a B, so screw it why study that much?

7. Is it time for winter break yet? Can we just skip to the part where it’s Christmas morning and I am in my pajamas, not sitting in this class that is like prison?

8. Why do colleges look like prisons? No windows, no sign of life, it’s an expensive ass prison.

9. I have to pay for books and tuition by when?!?! It’s bad enough that we have to take finals already but then you expect me to pay for next semester now? What. The. Hell.

10. I should have taken better notes. Did she say that this would be on the test or wouldn’t? Why did I have to be looking at those shoes that day?!

11. I’m so screwed. Seriously this test is going to kill me.

12. If I go to the library I will be more productive. Sure. Keep telling yourself that.

13. I’m taking a Netflix break. 5 hours later, still haven’t even opened the book. Welp. There goes that test.

14. I wonder what my friends are doing right now. Are they going out this weekend? I wonder if they watched the new episode yet.

15. I deserve to relax today, I will study later. Sure, later. That’s what we all say.

16. I forgot everything. Two minutes before the test. Totally screwed. Thank god I only need like 40 points to still pass.

17. Time to teach myself. You can teach the whole semester to yourself in a week right?

18. Who ever thought of making finals? I hope they are long gone. Seriously who has to test everything you learned all year?

19. C’s get degrees right? Because that’s how this class is going to go.

20. I don’t even know what I want to eat for dinner, how am I supposed to finish college? Why? Just why?

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