Girl Left Fighting For Her Life After Leaving A Tampon In For 9 Days

When you’re a young woman in health class, and you start talking about tampons, the first thing you remember is the scary reality of Toxic Shock Syndrome – TSS. I remember being 13-years-old when Mother Nature hit me, and I was terrified of even looking at tampons because everyone had scared me out of them forever. Fast-forward to adulthood; I found out that TSS can be quite rare to contract – but, if you are not careful, it can become a reality.

When 20-year-old Emily Pankhurst thought that she was feeling sick due to the overwhelming stress of college and exams, but, found out that she was actually seriously ill. After realizing she had left a tampon in for nine days – she immediately removed it and realized the tampon was “completely black.” After she removed the tampon, she “became faint, began to slur all of her words and her skin tone completely changed.” Moral of the story try not to leave your tampon in for over a week, things started to get dangerous for Pankhurst. After being rushed to the hospital, doctors found that Emily was suffering from TSS and blood poisoning.

According to Emily, she had used the tampon when she got her last period, but was under an immense amount of stress and pressure due to exams – and completely forgot she had one in. After she began to feel bloated and sick – she discovered it and immediately threw it out. According to her report, she couldn’t even recognize the tampon at all. So just to clear this up for anyone who isn’t familiar with tampons, this lady could have died because of her keeping hers in too long. Periods are no joke, folks!

Luckily, she discovered the tampon before the TSS had killed her. Doctors were able to give her medication and antibiotics to save her life – but, she did temporarily lose her mobility and she still has trouble walking and doing other long-term physical activities. After recovering, Emily returned to her university but does fewer hours of work and classes. She claims that although she wants to move on with her life and put this behind her, her body is not yet recovered fully and she still finds herself getting weak and exhausted. And, while it is hard to open up about something like this, she claims she wants to “help other women.”

I hope my story can help others to take care of your health and not take your life for granted because you never know what might be around the corner.

For those who do not know – TSS is caused by bacteria and when this bacteria enters your body’s bloodstream, it can release poison and toxins. This can be dangerous because it can interfere with your body’s regular functions – such as your organs and tissue and nerves.

Tampons have been in conversation with TSS for years now – but, there is no direct correlation between the two. However, if women are to wear tampons, it’s important to regularly change them to prevent any illnesses from occurring. I mean think about it, you don’t really want to just leave things inside of your body for weeks on end. Probably not the best decision in the first place, either way, we’re happy to hear Emily is doing better and may this be a warning to all you ladies out there, check yo’ self before you wreck yo’ self.

This Guy Definitely Regrets Cheating On His Wife After Receiving This Letter And Photo

Cheating is NOT cool. Getting cheated on has got to be one of the worst feelings, this can tell you from plenty of experience. It sucks, but it happens more often than not, unfortunately. How you deal with someone you love when they’re cheating on you is entirely your prerogative. I’m a big fan of taking the high road and just delete them permanently from your life. That person is apparently a disrespectful liar, and there’s simply no room in my life for such toxic people.

I thought utterly dropping someone who you’re supposed to be so close with was brutal enough, I was very mistaken after reading this wife’s letter. I’m not married, so I can’t imagine having the person you married to be cheating on you. It’s just way worse than some boyfriend or girlfriend, obviously. With that said I still think this lady’s actions might have been a bit drastic.

“To my beloved husband,

Before you return from your overseas trip I just want to let you know about the small accident I had with the pick up truck when I turned into the driveway. Fortunately not too bad and I really didn’t get hurt, so please don’t worry too much about me.

I was coming home from Walmart, and when I turned into the driveway I accidentally pushed down on the accelerator instead of the brake. The garage door is slightly bent but the pick up, fortunately, came to a halt when it bumped into your car.

I am really sorry, but I know with your kind-hearted personality you will forgive me. You know how much I love you and care for you, my sweetheart. I am enclosing a picture for you.

I cannot wait to hold you in my arms again.

Your loving wife.

P.S . Your girlfriend called for you.”

Now, you may be reading and think the husband got away with a minor accident and maybe a few dents to his car and truck. Oh, a dented garage door? Very fixable this guy probably thought he was getting off clean from being a scumbag. That is until he saw the picture his “loving” wife sent him.

The aftermath…

Couple Shares Their Go-To Tipping ‘Trick’ And We Absolutely Hate Them For It

I’m not sure if any of you have ever worked as a server of any kind, but I have for a few years, and if a couple tried to pull this crap I would have set their table on fire. I think that a little bit of arson is warranted if someone tries this tipping ‘trick’ but imagine this being what you and your wife have always talked about? How sad? Not a dream house or the perfect vacation but dangling 5 dollars in front of another human being for entertainment. First of all, where did you take your wife out that a 5 dollar tip is covering? Some big baller over here, huh?

Like what is wrong with you two that this is your source of entertainment? You two miserable souls probably deserve each other. If this guy truly believes this is the way to get the best service of his life I feel bad for him. That girl has a gift of some sort because if I were WORKING and someone tried to play these games, I’d be pissed. Wouldn’t be surprised if their food had a few extra special ingredients in it but what a sad man? I have a feeling he’s not eating in the finest of establishments if his waiters mess up five times a meal. Who hurt you, my man, that this is the way you choose to act in a restaurant?

12 Great Gift Ideas For Your Girlfriend Who Suffers From Anxiety

Anxiety is something that everyone deals with their own way. Some people don’t realize how crippling suffering from severe anxiety can be. It makes getting through an everyday routine almost impossible. Days are filled with fabricating the worst case scenario in all situations, no matter how farfetched it may seem. It may sound silly to some, constantly worrying, heart racing, sweating in public all happening and mostly due to trivial or even nonexistent issues.

Everyone copes with their own stresses and anxiety in their own fashion, some do so in much healthier ways than others. Something that helps me deal with my anxiety is my significant other. They understand me for who and how I am and are an anchor for me when I feel like things are too overwhelming. Just being someone I can turn to always is enough to help battle my anxious tendencies.With that being said, there are also a ton of awesome gifts out there that I find beneficial. A bunch of them you can even enjoy together. Here is a list of gift ideas for someone who suffers from anxiety.

1. Body pillow.

While body pillows come in a variety of different sizes and shapes, I know I would love being able to wrap up with a comfy pillow twice my size. It can be a substitute cuddle buddy and actually help you get a good night of sleep without the restlessness. Any type body pillow will pillow will do. If you’re interested in the top of the line 11 foot long body pillow, look no further than the Comfort U-Body Pillow.

2. Weighted blanket.

Sicking with the comfy theme, weighted blankets can help with people suffering from anxiety. The idea is a 15 to 20-pound blanket helps replicate the feeling of being held which releases oxytocin, sometimes known as the cuddle hormone. This helps combat your anxiety and honestly, no such thing as too many nice blankets, the more comfortable the better. You can grab a weighted blanket here.

3. Massage or spa day.

Need I say more? Please tell me a more relaxing experience than having a day full of massages and relaxing. This is something you can do together or with your friends. You don’t have to be an extremely anxious person, everyone deserves a nice spa day. This is just a solid good gift idea, period. Take notes, fellas.

4. Worry stones.

These worry stones come in a range of designs and colors. The idea is the super smooth stone to be held in your palm and help to soothe the person holding it through its glasslike feel. Traditionally worry stones were made of obsidian (dragon glass) which is awesome. Nowadays you can get them in all shapes from a heart to the more traditional oval shape in a variety of patterns.

5. Aromatherapy machine.

These machines diffuse different essential oils right into the air. The different oils have different purposes, many involving relaxing and refreshing qualities. You might use something like lavender oil to help relax and fall asleep, it also helps keep an awesome scent wherever it’s being used so that is what we call a win-win. Some aromatherapy machines even create soothing sounds to help you drift away to sleep.

6. Take them on a romantic hike.

Not many remedies like the good old fashion outdoors. Japanese would refer to the mental health benefits of “forest bathing”. The idea that a 30-minute walk through nature has calming mental health benefits. It’s a nice adventure for you and your significant other, not only that it come’s with a few extra benefit than enjoying nature and your favorite person.

37 Of The Most Cringe-Worthy Chest Tattoos People Actually Got Done

Everyone expresses themselves in their own way and we will always love that. Whether it’s piercings, tattoos, style everyone has their own idea of what looks good. I mean who doesn’t love a fresh tat? I love the idea of being able to turn your skin into a work of art. My skin my rules. I’m no stranger to tattoos myself I’ve got a fair amount of ink throughout my years. Some I love as much as the day I got them. Others I could do without for sure. Life changes and so do we as people.

I have no beef with what you get or where you put your tattoo. I just feel like if you’re going to get something inked across your chest, you better love it forever. At the very least spell it correctly!  It’s only been about  7 years since one of mine and I just don’t care about it as much now. Do I regret any of my tattoos?  Hellllll no! I just wonder how the girls in these pictures feel about their very questionable tattoo decisions now.

1. No argument here.

2. I think I’ll pass…

3. We may be viewing the worst tattoo of all time. Pray this is sharpie.

4. Is that so?

5. Really had to throw that “Z” at the end?

Apparently A Lot Of People Have ‘Poop Knives’ And They’re Worse Than You Think

So when I heard about this so-called ‘poop knife’ I thought it had to be a phrase from ‘Cards Against Humanity.‘ Unfortunately, I was very much mistaken. The ‘poop knife’ was shared with us by a Reddit user LearnedButt, and I’m equally confused and disgusted. This can’t be a common thing, can it? His story begins with sharing on how his family has some sort of genetically enhanced super pooping thing. I don’t know, don’t look at me. Things only seem to get stranger as the entire story begins to unfold. I’m just hoping LearnedButt, and his family is the only family with a ‘poop knife.’

[Light] My family poops big. Maybe it’s genetic, maybe it’s our diet, but everyone births giant logs of crap. If anyone has laid a mega-poop, you know that sometimes it won’t flush. It lays across the hole in the bottom of the bowl and the vortex of draining water merely gives it a spin as it mocks you.

Growing up, this was a common enough occurrence that our family had a poop knife. It was an old rusty kitchen knife that hung on a nail in the laundry room, only to be used for that purpose. It was normal to walk through the hallway and have someone call out “hey, can you get me the poop knife”?

I thought it was standard kit. You have your plunger, your toilet brush, and your poop knife.

Fast forward to 22. It’s been a day or two between poops and I’m over at my friend’s house. My friend was the local dealer and always had ‘guests’ over, because you can’t buy weed without sitting on your ass and sampling it for an hour. I excuse myself and lay a gigantic turd. I look down and see that it’s a sideways one, so I crack the door and call out for my friend. He arrives and I ask him for his poop knife.

“My what?”

Your poop knife, I say. I need to use it. Please.

“Wtf is a poop knife?”

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