To the Friend I Thought I Had

I never thought the day would come that you wouldn't be in my life, that we would just be two strangers. 

I thought you would be here for me at my toughest time,when I felt useless. I was wrong. You left and ignored me, something that you promised you would never do. 

You did though, over and over again, but this time, I don't think you're coming back.

There's one thing that makes you different from others. They stayed until I became too much, became annoying. With you? You came and went, saying it was you not me.

Looking back, I think that was total bullsh*t.

There was a point where you were going through a tough time. I decided to reach out, but once again, I was ignored. 

You may not have been there for me, but I was for you.

This just goes to show that I care too much about people who don't care about me. 

Guess those months of friendship meant nothing to you.

I'm Nice Not A Pushover, There's A Difference


That is a common adjective people would use to describe me.

Ever since I was a little girl, I was told to be nice to others, and obviously I took to it, I guess too far.

Throughout the years though, me and my niceness have got taken advantage of. 

People would use me, walk all over me. I would try to make them happy. 

I would wonder, what did I do? I was just trying to be nice.

Well enough is enough.

I'm sick of being too nice to people when all they'll do is walk all over me, belittle me. I'm sick of doing things for them that would never do the same back.

It's time for me to stand up for myself and fight back. No one is going ever going to take advantage of me again. 

I'm not going to let anyone bring me down.

9 Struggles of Working in Retail

Working retail is stressful- from the customers, to just the job in general. But it’s worth it… at least for the money.

1. The Customers

Most customers are fine and you get along with them, but there are a few, that if something doesn’t go their way, the get an attitude and just not pleasing to ring up.

2. Time Dragging On

Time seems to go so much slower. You look at the clock and it’s 1:00, you look back to what you think had been an hour and it’s only 1:05. 

3. The store Being a Mess After Cleaning Up

You spend all this time cleaning up and aisle. You return 5 minutes later and there’s stuff in the wrong places, as well as on the floor. So much for cleaning up.

4. Being Understaffed

You’re the only cashier and there’s a long line of impatient customers waiting to be checked out. Oh how you wish you could run away at that moment.

5. Working Holidays

The last thing you want to do on a holidays is ringing up customers getting all these items that they should’ve gotten weeks or even months before.

6.Short Breaks

The amount of time you for a break is wayyy too short.

7. People Coming In 5 Minutes Before Closing

Why didn’t you think about coming in earlier, not before we’re about to close!

8. Your Feet Hurting

Since you’re on your feet for hours at a time, your feet are killing you by the time you get home and off of them. 

9. When You’re Asked if You Work Here While Wearing Your Uniform

No, I’m wearing this ugly shirt for the hell of it…yes I work here. 

Open Letter to My Boyfriend, My Rock

Being with you was something that I didn’t expect. To me, it was always a nice thought, you having the same feelings I had for you, but never did I think it would someday happen.

Almost a year later, it did. 

I remember it like it was yesterday. In the moment, you asked me to be yours, I became the happiest girl in the world.

Everyday, I still wonder how I got so lucky to be with a guy like you. You’re everything that I want in a guy and more. 

You make me feel special, loved, feelings that have not been felt.

Everyday I look forward to talking to you, even if it’s about the littlest things. 

Everytime your name pops up on my phone, i get little butterflies. 

In the past, everyone has left. I’m too much for them. You on the other hand, have been there for me. You’ve been with me recently, at a low of mine. and has never complained. No matter how how many times I apologize for bothering you and being annoying, you always say that I’m not and never will be. 

I’d like to thank you for being my rock, keeping me sane during the rough times. I honestly don’t know what I would do without you.

Thank you for dealing with my weirdness and putting up with me in general. It means a lot that you’re still here and by my side.

Finally, thank you for making me feel special, and loved. You never fail to make me smile.

I promise you, that I’m here to stay. I would never give up what I have with you, never in a million years.

I love you so much and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us. 

5 Things That Are Longer Than Brock Turner's Sentence

On Friday September 2nd, former Stanford University swimmer Brock Turner got released from prison for good behavior after serving three out of his 6 months charged. He was arrested for raping an unconscious woman at a party back in January of 2015. 

Prosecutors asked for Turner to be sentenced for six years, but the judge who sentenced him, littled it to six months because alcohol was involved and him showing remorse to his actions.

Here are 5 things that are longer than Brock Turner's measly sentence.

1. Martha Stewart's Jail Time

Stewart served five months in jail for insider trading.

2. Frank Ocean's Hiatus from Music 

Ocean released Channel Orange back in 2012. His much anticipated album Blond, was released four years later in August of 2016.

3. A College Student's Summer Vacation 

A college student's summer vacation usually starts in May and ends towards the end of August.

4. Kanye West and Taylor Swift's (ongoing) Feud

This feud started in at the 2009 VMA's when Kanye interrupted Taylor on stage claiming that Beyonce deserved the "Best Female Video" Swift won. It's still going on today.

5. The Actual Case

As stated above, the rape occurred in January of 2015. Turner was convicted in June of 2016. It took a year and a half.

Never Again Will I Believe Anything You Say

When we were together, there was a lot of things that I let you get away with that I didn’t like. I didn’t want you to leave. I was scared.

You walked all over me, and looking back, I wonder, did you actually love me?

Never again, will I let someone pressure me into things like you did.

I only did it to make you happy, even though I risked my happiness.

Did me doing what you wanted make you satisfied? Did it fulfill your needs?

It sure didn’t fulfill mine.

Never again will I believe anything you say.

You made promises after promises to me, most of them being broken.

The more promises you broke, the more my trust for you was breaking.

Never again will a let a man walk over me.

I won’t risk my happiness just to make a man happy. I’m better than that. I’m worth more than that.

We had our good moments, but the bad overshadowed the good.

Never again will I love someone like you.

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Your Words Don't Mean A Thing To Me Anymore

You would tell me how I was your baby, your princess and how much you loved me. 

I fell for it.

Shortly after we started dated, you told me you were coming up to see me. Something got in the way, 

Life happens, it probably was one time thing, it won't happen again.

Guess what? It did.

It started to happen again, and again,  with months passing without seeing you.

I believe I lost count how many times you were supposed to come up.

You were supposed to come up for my birthday, you promised me. Guess who didn't show up?


I was crushed, promises that you made were being broken.

It was excuse after excuse, and frankly I don't think I can handle it anymore. 

You say all the right things that keep me close, making up for the failed attempts of seeing me, but your actions don't back it up. 

Actions speak louder than words, and it's starting to become clear to me that maybe your words don't mean anything anymore.

Guys: We're Not Toys

Some guys seem to think that they have this power over girls, that they can do whatever they want whenever they want to them.


Us girls are not toys that you can play with when you feel like and then dispose of when you're bored of us.

You can't just contact us again after months of not talking and act like nothing happened.

It doesn't work like that.

We're human, and we have feelings. It hurts like hell when you make it seem that you're all interested and then just us like we're nothing.

We want something real, something that will last. 

In this world today, it's hard to find something like that.

Imagine being in our shoes, always being used, played. Not a good feeling huh?

So next time you think about playing us, just think, we have feelings, what you do affects us.

We're not toys, we're much more than that. We're smart, beautiful woman who have a lot to offer in this world. 

Remember that.

For more of my writings, please like my page

Gun Violence: It Needs to Stop Now


In light of the recent Elementary school shooting– here is a good message. Gun laws need to change.

In the past few days, I’ve heard about not one, not two, but three different incidents with gun violence

The first one was Alton Sterling, a father of five from Baton Rouge. He was selling CDs outside a convenience store, with their permission when he was shot. He was illegally armed, but wasn’t reaching for his gun when attacked.  Sterling was not cooperating with police.

Then second one was a day later. Philando Castile from Falcon Heights,got pulled over for a broken tail light.

He told the cop that he was armed and licensed to carry. He was reaching for his ID when he was shot 4 times.

Castile’s fiancee who was streaming from Facebook Live after the shooting, and his 4 year old daughter were in the car.

In the background of the stream, you hear the cop saying that he told him not to reach for it (the gun). The fiancee states that he was only trying to get his ID like he was told.

The third one happened a day after. During a peaceful protest in Dallas, 12 police officers were shot leaving 5 of them dead.  The shooter was a 25 year old military veteran.

When will this end? I’m sick of innocent lives being lost because of a senseless crimes.They were fathers, sons, husbands, friends.

Not all black people are “thugs” and not all police officers are “bad”. Why can’t people realize this?  Stop believing that everyone is like their stereotype.

This needs to stop before more innocent lives are lost. Violence is not the answer.

To My Mother on My Wedding Day

Today. Today is the day that your daughter is finally getting married. 

You and I have waited for this moment ever since I was a little girl. We would try to plan everything from the venue, to who was going to be invited, before I even had a boyfriend. 

Even so, I never thought my childhood dream would come true.

Mom, right now you are probably a nervous wreck and that's understandable. Your little girl is leaving your nest, and she grew up right before your eyes.

This is a big step for me. I'm getting married to the love of my life. I'm nervous yet excited about what the future holds for the both of us. I can't wait to look him in the eyes and tell him those two words.

I do.

It's a tradition to have the father walk their daughter down the aisle. That's a tradition broken. 

He was never around, he never watched me grow and become the woman I am like you did. 

Therefore, you're going to be the one walking me down the aisle, giving me to my future husband, to care for me, and to love me like you always did and will continue doing.

I want you to know, that I'll always be your little girl, nothing is going to change that.

I love you so much.

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