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Kayla Leanne Goss. Just a 30 year old small town girl, trying to navigate this rollercoaster we call life, writing about relatable shit that WE ALL go through and struggle with daily.
To see more of my articles, visit my FACEBOOK PAGE
Every girl who’s about to go out to the bars with her bestie knows you always say or ask each other the “standard girl questions.” If she doesn’t ask these questions or say these things…is she even your best friend?
Cause I need to know if I’m rocking Vans with a t-shirt, or my little black dress with the plunging neckline.
This is a damn lie. Let’s be honest, you both are going to be six shots deep within three minutes of stepping into the bar.
It’s great advice until the end of the night and y’all are in the back of the Uber, crying while you both drunk dial the douchebags.
Is that even a real question?
Not. That translates into, “I’m still in bed in my underwear, hair in a bun, looking like a drowned hamster.
Again, is that even a real question?
Which means ALL of your clothes are fair game, and good luck getting them back.
Story of both your lives right? That bitch better find something, and soon, because she’s not allowed to bail.
You both are going to ask one or all of these, and if your best friend doesn’t tell you the truth, find a new friend.
Which you both probably do look fine, but why not ask another nine times, just to be sure.
Duh. If either of you start duck facing it though, neither of you should be allowed in public. Ever.
Who fucking knows. As long as your friendship isn’t like a couple’s “I don’t care, where do you wanna go, no, where do YOU wanna go” bullshit type relationship.
Fuck. This means we’re gonna have to stop by the ATM doesn’t it?
Do either of you look like a baby giraffe, awkwardly stumbling around when trying to walk in heels? If the answer is yes, then no, do not wear heels unless you want to look dumb as fuck or break your ankle.
Like you keys, your phone, your purse, your dignity…
HAHA. Don’t you both have bad decisions and regrets stamped on your foreheads?
Kayla Leanne Goss. Just a 30 year old small town girl, trying to navigate this rollercoaster we call life, writing about relatable shit that WE ALL go through and struggle with daily.
To see more of my articles, visit my FACEBOOK PAGE
If you ride the, ‘Clumsy AF Struggle Bus’ daily, welcome to the shit storm, you’re welcome. You understand how challenging it is to be a human at times. Let’s be honest, you are the girl who is literally the definition of a walking disaster, but hey, you’re entertainment value at least, right? You can’t even do the smallest of tasks without fucking up something, or yourself. Like:
1. Curling your hair is a dangerous task. 9/10 times you end up with a giant burn mark on your neck and being asked constantly if you have a hickey…Nope, just me not being able to human properly, that’s all.
2. Falling down stairs is a normal, everyday occurrence. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to build TWELVE stairs to go up to one room anyways??
3. Anyone who knows you has well gotten over being shocked by the dumb shit that you do or happens to you. Your boss isn’t even surprised when you come into work the next day with a sprained wrist, because you tripped UP the fucking stairs.
4. You’d think you would learn your lesson and be more aware of your surroundings… But nah, that’s wayyyy too logical. Instead, you live life on the edge, and by living life on the edge, I mean, face planting in Kroger right in front of the super hot guy walking out. Naileddddd ittttt.
5. At this point in your life, you’ve just learned to accept that you are the human that you are, which is, accident prone. Now when stupid shit happens to you, it doesn’t faze you. It should humiliate you, but you don’t even bat an eye. You just continue on, no big deal.
6. You’re not even safe laying down in bed. You either punch yourself in the face trying to pull the blankets up, or drop your phone on your face…several times in one night…
7. Sports are hard, and nobody should trust you with a blunt object. But forreal though, who in the actual fuck gave you a bat? The end results aren’t pretty because who plays softball and blacks their own eye? You, that’s who.
8. Losing things, multiple times a day, is the norm. Can’t find your keys? Check the freezer.
9. You’ve started carrying a “just in case” bag in your car. You’re just trying to be prepared because you’ve done some pretty dumb shit. Enough shit that has made you wise, and come prepared with headache medicine, bandaids, tissues, Neosporin, Ace bandage, and Gorilla Glue (don’t ask.)
10. They say bitches be trippin’ over nothing, but they don’t know you. You are that human who can trip over air. Literally. You’ve done it before.
11. Your friends bring up all the stupid shit you’ve done to strangers all the time. “Remember that one time you were mopping and stepped on the mop when you went to put it up and it came back and hit you right in the forehead? Good times.” Yeah, great times.
12. But you do have the best, funniest, and dumbest stories of how you hurt yourself this time… Like bloodying your own nose trying to get out of the car because you forgot you were still seat belted in. And people ask you why you’re still single….
13. You’re the last to be asked to handle anything fragile. Or sharp. Or important. Or expensive. Everyone knows you are a bull in a china shop, and you’re the reason why they have to order more martini glasses at work…
14. And that’s why you are automatically blamed when something breaks at work. Loud crashes, broken glass, tea all over the floor because you forgot to put the nozzles on, and the entire staff’s judgy eyes are on you…Which is total BS, because you don’t always fuck up shit everytime, not intentionally anways.
15. You make life interesting at least. Never a dull moment with you around. Might have a nice dinner out with friends, might have to go to the hospital because you fell off the bar stool, sober, hit your head on the corner of the bar, and somehow twisted your ankle. Cheers!
16. If you had a dollar for every mysterious, random bruise that you woke up with, you’d be a millionaire. Instead, you just look like you lost a game of Mortal Kombat.
17. You never pay attention to where you are going. You’re known to run into shit all the time, usually a wall or a human. Except for that one time you ran into a mannequin, and apologized to it…and then realized what just happened, and proceeded to apologize again. *awkwardly looks around to see if anyone saw that*
18. Speaking of not paying attention…. Since you like to live in your own little world, you tend to zone out and then
spill queso all over your brand new shirt, or step on nails barefooted, or run straight into screen doors. All. The. Time.
19. Oh, yeah, doors…doors are hard. There are 16 year old Olympic gold medalists, and then there’s you. A 30 year old bartender. And all you’re getting a medal for is not spilling an entire slushy machine filled with margarita mix all over the ground…because that might have happened, once, or twice…
20. Murphy’s Law is your mantra. Because anything that can go wrong will go wrong when it comes to you. Even when it comes to the simplest tasks, like putting on makeup. You stab yourself in the eye with the wand at least once a week, and end up looking like a whole ass drowned racoon.
21. You can be a total spaz at times, and you probably should wrap yourself in bubble wrap. But on a positive note, your pain tolerance is hella high. So when you lose your balance and trip over the sidewalk, you walk that shit off and keep your head held high, like the clumsy AF queen that you are.
Kayla Leanne Goss. Just a 30 year old small town girl, trying to navigate this rollercoaster we call life, writing about relatable shit that WE ALL go through and struggle with daily.
To see more of my articles, visit my FACEBOOK PAGE
Are you the type of person who literally forgets their own name half the time, or runs into corners, (corners are the devil!) doors, and walls because you’re distracted and not paying attention? Then you’ll totally relate to these scatterbrained 19 things. Like.
1. You lose EVERYTHING. And I mean EVERYTHING. Your keys, your mind, your dignity. You’d lose your own head if it wasn’t attached.
2. And you find what you were looking for, in the most random places. Like your keys, in the fridge, for the third time this month…
3. Your room is messy AF and disorganized. Yes, it looks like a tornado struck your room, but hello, it’s called organized chaos. You know exactly where everything is. For the most part…
4. …Except when you set your phone down to do something, and then lose it. You end up spending 20 minutes retracing your steps, getting frustrated, and finally asking your roommate to call it.
5. Walking into a room, just to forget why or what you came in there to get. It’ll drive you nuts until you remember. 3 hours later….
6. Walking into work with your clothes on backwards…Or inside out. It’s sad to say but it happens to you at least once a month .
7. Being in a whole ass conversation with someone, and not knowing what they said… So you just smile and nod, because everything they said went through one ear and out the other.
8. You have 47 open tabs on your browser. Because let’s be honest, you started looking up how to change your air filter, and 2 hours later, you’re taking a quiz to find out what kind of tree you are.
9. You get asked if you’re mad at so and so because you haven’t opened their snapchat/text/FB message. You’re not mad at anyone! You just get distracted and sometimes it takes 14 business days to respond back. Opps.
10. ‘To Do’ lists are scattered around everywhere. And most of them are only halfway crossed off because either you got bored, or started multitasking. You’ll eventually loop back around and finish the task. Maybe.
11. Making unnecessary trips. You did your mental checklist, you swear. Phone. Check. Keys. Check. ID…Nope.
12. Being on time is a struggle. You have the best intentions, but something always happens and slows you down. Like when you have to turn around to get your ID. Or whatever else you forgot. And now you’re 45 mins late to work. Opps again.
13. You started your laundry, (or some other small task) but then got sidetracked. Now you’re tired and don’t feel like folding and putting it away, so you just cuddle with the pile.
14. You hate the word “Ditsy”. Like you get it, you’re a little slow at times, you can’t help your mind is already going 1000 miles a minute. That doesn’t make you stupid, thank you very much.
15. Remembering something you forgot weeks ago at the most inconvenient times. Like when you wake from a dead sleep, because you remembered you didn’t give table 121 their extra ranch they asked for.
16. Staying on task can be difficult. Because you are also trying to do another million other things, and you totally forgot about finishing a project for your boss. Opps…..
17. Opps is DEFINITELY part of your vocabulary. You’re constantly apologizing for something you’ve done, said, forgot, etc.
18. You sometimes feel like a burden. You know how hard it is to keep up with you, and you feel like you exhaust others. You don’t mean to though.
19. At the end of the day, you are fucking awesome. And you’re hella hilarious. Yeah you might be entertainment value, but if you can’t even laugh at yourself, or laugh off the stupid shit you do or happens to you, then how is someone else going to begin to apperciate the quirky person that you are?
Kayla Leanne Goss. Just a 30 year old small town girl, trying to navigate this rollercoaster we call life, writing about relatable shit that WE ALL go through and struggle with daily.
To see more of my articles, visit my FACEBOOK PAGE
Kayla Leanne Goss. Just a 30 year old small town girl, trying to navigate this rollercoaster we call life, writing about relatable shit that WE ALL go through and struggle with daily.
To see more of my articles, visit my FACEBOOK PAGE
but I don’t wanna taste the alcohol.”
Ohhhh, you must be freshly 21. A couple more Sex on the Beaches and you won’t taste, see, or feel anything anyway, except maybe the cold ceramic toilet later.
*Opens checkbook to find .66 cents on a $45 dollar tab*
Thanks buddy, but I couldn’t even buy a Polar Pop with that. You keep it, you need it more than me apparently.
*Opens another checkbook to find a $0 dollar tip…*
Gee thanks… your compliment is totallyyyyy gonna keep my electricity on and buy groceries this week.
Yeah, remembering all 15 DIFFERENT drinks is not the highlight of my night, and neither is when you want to pay for them all separately.
That’s a damn lie and we both know it. The ones who brag about tipping generously are generally the worst tippers.
Bro, I am already in the weeds. There are 8 people waiting at the bar, and you’ve asked the price of almost every bottle in my entire bar. I don’t have everything memorized, like I fucking know off top of my head??
No, you didn’t, you lying ass. You can’t show up an hour after happy hour ends, and still get $4 KJ chardonnays, this isn’t Applebees Barbra.
Of course, why not? It’s not like I’m doing a million things as it is, you’re clearly more important, so I’ll be sure to cue my internal alarm clock to remember you’ll be ready in 4 minutes. Sike, you’ll get it when I’m able to get it to you.
Are you sure you’re not blind? Because I just poured your drink IN FRONT of you, and you know that there is alcohol in it. So fuck off, you’re just trying to get more liquor for free.
I know what I am doing. I’ve been doing this for a long time. I don’t come into the gym and tell you how to workout do I? Stop telling me how to do my job, I got this Brad.
Listen sir, thanks for the backassward compliment, but I’m already a 12 on a scale 1 to 10 bitch, I don’t need to be prettier, so how about you stop telling me what to do, and mind your business.
Just stop! Stop reaching over my bar to refill your water, grab a beverage napkin, or a straw. I can handle getting those things for you from MY side of the bar. Now I have to clean up the water YOU spilled, the 30 straws you slung everywhere for ONE straw, and now I have no napkins because you clearly needed 900 napkins to sit your water on.
The draft list is LITERALLY in front of you dumbass…Pick it up, and read the damn thing.
Yeah sure, it’s not a busy Friday night, it’s clearly not louder than an ACDC concert in here, and I’m clearly not in the middle of making drinks. I’ll drop everything and get right on that. Not.
Sure. You’ve already asked to taste 10 different ones, and then settled on a Budlight…
Yeah, cool story bro, you’re bragging about being so ‘LIT’ and you’re on my nerves, so you’re cut off. You’re welcome.
Listen, Imma give you the standard pour amount as everyone else gets, unless you wanna order a double, which your cheap ass won’t.
Sorry to crush your dreams my guy, but a tall doesn’t equal more liquor, it just means more soda or juice.
Oh, are you talking to me? Were you trying to summon me? I have a name…which I have told you every time you’ve asked, which has been 97 times already.
Uh yeah, I see you dude. I AM BUSY. You’re not the only one in the bar, and aggressively banging your empty glass on the bar is only going to piss me off. Keep doing it, and Imma go full 50 Shades of Petty, and you’ll get your drink last.
And so has everyone else. There is only one of me and there are 50 of you self entitled assholes. Yeah, I saw you wildly waving your $20 dollar bill, how could I miss it? And if you snap your fingers at me one more time, I pinky promise, I WILL shove that $20 down your throat.
Sure, it’s dinner rush, the bar is packed, the server drink tickets at the well are longer than the Nile River, but you want me to immediately stop the 20 million things I have going on, and your impatient ass doesn’t even know what the channel is!
You ain’t shit, and you don’t get free shit because you’re a “regular” bro. And you tipping me extra doesn’t change the fact that me giving you free shit is like me stealing from the company, and putting me at the risk of being fired.
Cool, ‘cause I’m a mind reader and I know exactly what you like and usually drink.
Yeah, what a coincidence, so do I….do you want a fucking gold star?
Kayla Leanne Goss. Just a 30 year old small town girl, trying to navigate this rollercoaster we call life, writing about relatable shit that WE ALL go through and struggle with daily.
To see more of my articles, visit my FACEBOOK PAGE
No, no I am not “faking it”, do you really think I like to have my chest tighten up, my breathing to become irregular, and my heart to feel like it is about explode? No, no I do not. I’m not faking it, so kindly fuck off, k? K. Byeeeee.
Yeah, cause I totally want to have all eyes on me, pity and fear from anyone around me, watching me struggle to catch my breath and my thoughts, not being able to form words, sweat beading my forehead, and my entire being freaking out. Yeah I loveeeeee the attention, NOT. Go on with your judging ass self.
Haven’t you learned by now, telling anyone to calm down is just going to piss that person off more. Like I can control my freak outs? Like I want to freak out? Yeah, I’ll just “calm down” ‘cause you told me to…Bye Felicia.
Is it? How do you know? Why would you say that when I, deep down, know I am going to be okay, but in my current state, I can’t breath, I can’t talk, and I can barely process what is going on around me because everything seems like I’m in a long tunnel, and all noises sound like I’m under water, so don’t tell me it’s going to be okay.
Do you think if I truly knew why I was freaking out, I would have already tried to find a solution to fix that problem? Sometimes anxiety hits without warning, out of the blue, no triggers, it just happens. Panic attacks can come on, full force, and I haven’t a single clue to why. So stop asking okay?
The fuck it aint. It is 1000% real. It sucks, it makes no sense at times, and it drains you, not only mentally, but physically and emotionally too. You literally feel like you’ve ran a marathon, and your mind becomes so cloudy and foggy afterwards.
Maybe it is all in my head, but regardless, at that given moment, when I am profusely sweating, my body seizing up and becoming overheating hot, to numbingly cold, I’m not telling myself, “it’s all in your head”, I’m just trying to ride the panic wave out, until I can finally feel like my normal self again.
Yeah, duh Captain Obvious, I’m fucking trying to. I happen to like breathing like a normal human and not like a wheezing cat that just can’t hack up that hairball.
Oh is it? Is mental health stupid, or is it just you, because you don’t understand it, and can’t be bothered with being empathic and sympathetic? Mental health is real and it isn’t funny. It’s not a game, and it sure in the hell isn’t a fun little game to feel like you’re crazy because you’re different from someone else. Stop trying to make others feel bad about something they struggle everyday with to control and manage, just because you don’t have the issues or been through the shit they have.
Being called crazy is the quickest way for someone to get throat punched. Having panic attacks or anxiety attacks doesn’t deem you crazy, it just means your mind works differently. Don’t dog on a person just because they are different. It doesn’t make them crazy because they have triggers that send them into panic attack mode. They already feel crazy because everyone is watching them, and they can’t focus, talk, or think, don’t make it worse by being ‘that asshole’ who calls someone crazy when they already feel a certain type of way.
Kayla Leanne Goss
Just a 30 year old small town girl, trying to navigate this rollercoaster we call life, writing about relatable shit that WE ALL go through and struggle with daily.
To see more of my articles, visit my FACEBOOK PAGE
You always see that one girl who seems to know everyone. She’s the one who stands out in a crowded bar and is chatting up everyone up at a party. She always looks so carefree, and so sure of everything, including herself.
But you’d never know she’s secretly wondering if everyone’s staring at her, why they’re whispering, and frozen at times from this paranoia.
What was I thinking? What did I say? Do they think I’m annoying? My voice is so annoying.
She doesn’t mean to get wrapped up and consumed in her own mind, she actually wishes she could break free from it. She doesn’t want to overthink and over-analyzing literally everything, she doesn’t want to feel this pit in her stomach the morning after a night out and hate herself.
You wouldn’t guess that she secretly worries if she’s embarrassing herself, or if she’s embarrassing her friends. You’d never guess that she fears looking foolish or that people won’t like what they see when they look at her.
The truth is, you never loved me, so why are you popping back into my life pretending you did? You have no right to come back and try an open a bad chapter in my life I have long closed. This isn’t a walk down memory lane, buddy, and I have no time for your lies or your bullshit anymore.
Do you really have the nerve to try to get more from me? I literally gave you everything, including my heart. I fell for your stupid lies because unlike you, I have a good heart. I believed you because I loved you and there was no place in my heart for doubt. Little did I know, I should have doubted everything you said. You are the one to blame for all the bad shit that happened between us, not me. I was loving and patient, but that’s not enough when you deal with a manipulative douche like you.
You literally tore my heart from my chest and broke me down until I was nothing more than just a crying, confused, and hurting ball of a mess. I’d sit for hours thinking, a million questions running through my head, asking what went wrong, wondering how you can hurt someone so bad, after claiming you loved them so much. I tortured myself by rereading old texts, looking at pictures of us, and thinking about all the good times – all the sweet things you had said to me.
You walked away so quickly and effortlessly. You acted like I never mattered to you, like I was never a huge part of your life, like we were never happy at one point. You literally threw me away like I was trash and then went on with your life, carefree, while I was an emotional wreck. I had so many things I wanted to say to you, and ask, and I never could because you just ghosted me.
All the unanswered questions drove me mad. It hurt that I lost not only a relationship, and a lover, but also my best friend. Because that is what you were. You were so special to me. It was a blow to my heart knowing that everything you ever said to me was a lie, that you never meant the things you said. That you never loved me. Obviously, I was just someone to pass the time until you got bored, and someone you could manipulate and make fall for you.
Or maybe it was your fucked up way of feeling in control. Was it a power trip all along?
How can someone feel okay with treating another human being like that? How can someone live with knowing they shattered someone’s heart, played with their emotions, feelings, and mind? Hell, why am I even asking? Your answer would be another lie, excuse, or line to try and explain your shitty behavior and shitty personality.
You are so damn shady that on top of it all, you think you can just waltz right back in and try to fill my head with fake apologies. Telling me how much you fucked up, and how you didn’t deserve me. Yeah, okay. No, you didn’t deserve me, and yes, I was too good for you.
So am I eager to make amends? To reminisce and talk about “the good times” like nothing happened? No. Not really. What good will it do either of us? None. It’ll be the same old shit. The same repeated cycle. The same hurt. And quite frankly, I’m not sure my heart can handle that again.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate you, I just can’t bear the same hurt you put me through. Hell, it gives me anxiety just thinking about our complicated and toxic past.
You were selfish and impulsive, not stepping back to think how this all could affect me, and us, even. And while it hurt me beyond anything I’d experienced thus far, I don’t have to repeat history again. I can stand up for myself and be happy without you.
But, cut the crap! stop being an egotistical douchebag assuming we can pick back up where YOU left us, and expect me to be all happy and shit. Cause I’m not dealing with it, or your bullshit ever again.