Being A Wife To A Hard Working Man

My Husband

My husband wakes up at 3:30 AM for work. And while our son and I are sleep, he is gone for 12-14 hours a day. I wake up when my son awakes to a silent and dark house. And though I don’t take for granted that I get to be a stay at home mom and I am not upset that I get to do this for our family, it is lonely. It is our son and I all day every day, well Mon-Fri, but whose counting? Oh yeah, me.

My Day

1 My day looks like this:

2 Wake up.

3 Make coffee.

4 Make breakfast for our son and I.

5 Get our son ready for the day.

6 Start a load of laundry and vacuum.

7 Unload the dishwasher and reheat my coffee, because I never get the chance to drink it all while its warm the first time around…I usually have to reheat my coffee 2-3 times.

8 Get myself ready for the day, which lets face it…I get ready for the day around Noon when I have most of the chores done and have a minute to myself.

9 Clean…clean…clean and hope my son naps throughout the day, at least once.

Our Son

Our son and I are always anxious for dad (my husband) to get home and by the time he gets home its around 6:30/7:00 PM and I am exhausted, but I still make sure there is dinner ready and sometimes its take out…but whose complaining? Not me.

Being a Wife

Being a wife to a hard working man is NOT easy and honestly, ITS HARD. Alone time together is limited, family time is limited, dinner is always late at night and fun events are limited.

In reality, I hate having dinner so late, I hate that my husband has to work so much for our family that he misses out on things, I hate that my husband only gets 1-2 hours at night to spend with our son on the days he works, I hate that he doesn’t have time to do things around the house – so on the weekends he spends majority of his time working on things around the house and I hate that we are both so tired by the end of the day – that we lack spending one on one time together.

Acceptance and Gratitude

I have come to accept the fact that with being in love with a hard working man, will come lack of time together.

So here is to the hardworking men that us women are married to, that work hard for our families in order to live a life we love.

Learning to Love After an Abusive Relationship

Letting go of an abusive past is never easy. Abuse is not just physical, it is also mental, emotional and verbal. I would know.

I was young and dumb and thought that the emotional, mental, and verbal abuse was me receiving love, but I was completely wrong. The abuse I dealt with was rarely physical, but when it was I was scared. 

I was in a relationship for 2 years. In the beginning it was wonderful, I never thought abuse would happen to me. It got to the point that I could not wear mismatched socks without him telling me to change them. 

I thought it was silly and I didn't think anything of it until people brought it to my attention, being controlling is abuse. I'm not talking about being 'controlling' about what your significant other drinking or talking to people of the opposite gender. 

I am talking about controlling what you wear, what you eat, and hell, even how you do your makeup.

After being called every name in the book, always being yelled at, always being blamed for everything, and being cheated on several times…I finally had enough. I walked away and it definitely was not easy. 

What I learned from walking away is that being single was stress-free and I didn't have to worry about someone doing the same things to me. I also learned that being single is lonely everybody needs that special someone in their life and I never thought I would get into another relationship.

To this day I get flashbacks of my abusive past and it is not fair to my current significant other, but I know that he knows the struggles that I went through. He has helped me out a lot. 

I know that he will never hit me, but abuse stays with someone for a while and it takes a toll on their everyday life.

As the years go on I have been more comfortable on letting go of my abusive past and I feel wonderful. Knowing that I could survive everything I went through makes me realize how strong of a woman I really am. 

Ladies, if you are in an abusive relationship get out while you can, because you don't know the last time you'll take a breath. Abuse can go from emotional to physical really fast and you don't want to risk your life for a man who does not cherish you.

You are worth so much more than the abuse that you are encountering. Please don't waste your time on a worthless piece of shit that does not know how to treat a woman. 

You may think that letting go means that you will never find that special someone again but trust me you will find that special someone and he will know how lucky he is to have you.

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