Human beings are wired to draw conclusions and make assessments, and making a study of your friends is totally normal. As you grow and develop, so do your closest friends, and these changes are particularly noteworthy among friends who are also peers.
However, when you begin to use your friends’ successes and failures as a way of scrutinizing your own well being, making an honest comparison can rapidly move into unhealthy territory.
Here’s why you should never base your standard of living on someone else’s, especially a friend’s:
You Are Completely Different People
No two people should ever follow the same path in life, and that applies to even the closest of friends. In order to grow individually and as friends, you need to learn how to make your own, independent choices, and encourage those you care about to do the same. Your life is yours, and only your actions can define it.
Your Career Paths May Not Be the Same
If your friend is doing well on his or her chosen career path, but yours is still struggling to take off, don’t despair. Some careers are simply more lucrative and less competitive in the beginning than others, and most are beyond comparison.
All Relationships are Unique
Weighing your own relationship woes against your friend’s won’t make you feel any better, and if neither of you is having any luck on the romance front, it easy to slip into a toxic pattern of misery self-pity. It’s wonderful to have a friend in the dating trenches right along with you, but don’t let your mutual heartache turn to bitterness.
You Probably Don’t Have All the Facts
Your friend might seem happy and totally satisfied with the way his or her life is going, but that might just be lip service. Your early twenties are for making mistakes and learning from a variety of choices and opportunities; don’t take someone’s assurances at face value.
You Might Damage Your Friendship as a Result
All those bitter comparisons are a sure-fire way of adding undue stress to a friendship, and there’s always a chance your friend might not forgive you for seeing their successes as nothing more than evidence of your own lack of self-confidence. Instead of belittling yourself at their expense, take a moment to congratulate your friend for their accomplishments, and remind yourself that it isn’t personal.