The Thanksgiving Drinking Game to Survive All That Family Time

Thanksgiving. It’s the one day of the year that it’s completely acceptable to eat past the point of being full without being judged. How could you not? Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, pie… need I say more? But we all know that no holiday is ever complete without the things that make us reach for our drink to hid your eye-roll. So to keep your Thanksgiving fun aka to get as drunk as possible, here’s the drinking game you and your family should be playing.

1. The doorbell rings or someone knocks to take a sip.

2. And when you realize it’s your least favorite aunt take two sips.

3. When suddenly the house is a little too full, take a big gulp.

4. You get an awkward hug from that relative you’ve been trying to avoid excuse yourself to fill up your cup.

5. And someone asks personal questions that you’ve been avoiding since you got home take two big sips before answering.

6. A relative says something rude/ offensive… shots anyone?

7. Your grandma offers to set you up with her friend’s cousin’s stepson who lives in another state to finish your drink.

8. Everytime someone comments on your appearance; body, hair, clothes, etc = one sip.

9. When your uncle uses the term ‘pigskin’ take three sips before giving him that judgmental side-eye.

10. A football is tossed around = in need of a new drink to double fist.

11. Whenever you hear someone yell “TOUCHDOWN!!” take a sip.

12. When you get kicked out of the kitchen for picking at the food, take a sip.

13. When you sit down at the table and someone immediately brings up politics– chug for 5 Mississippi seconds.

14. Someone brings a side dish that fits their latest diet, take have a sip before your fake smile.

15. And when said person keeps talking about their diet take two sips.

16. Someone says to go around the table and say what you’re thankful for take a big gulp and say you’re thankful for alcohol.

17. Someone refers to the turkey as “moist” or “too dry” just pour yourself another.

18. Anytime someone says “tryptophan” drink for 3 seconds before rolling your eyes.

19. Someone actually eats the canned cranberry sauce take a sip.

20. You see a picture of someone’s meal on social media CHUG CHUG CHUG.

21.Whenever something is dropped or spilled on the floor take a sip for the poor soul who’s on cleanup duty.

22. Anytime you hear a complaint about sitting at the kids’ table cheers yourself up because you’re a friggen adult.

23. Someone feeds the host’s pet take a drink.

24. Said host notices and freaks out take two drinks.

25. Someone asks for a teeny tiny piece of pie take a shot.

26. Someone asks for a ridiculously big piece of pie cheers them and chug your drinks.

27. Anyone talks about unbuttoning their pants take a sip.

28. Whenever someone says that they’re going on a diet tomorrow is three sips worthy.

29. Every time someone asks if you’re going Black Friday shopping take half a shot.

30. When someone complains about Black Friday finish that shot.

31. If anyone leaves early to go Black Friday shopping on Thanksgiving Day pour one out for them.

32. Someone falls asleep– take a big sip.

33. You remember you have to do this all over again at Christmas finish your drink.

34. And rip one last shot because you survived another Thanksgiving!

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52 Reasons There’s Really No Place Like Home for the Holidays

The song says it best; there really is no place like home for the holidays.

Home is where you can walk around in the dark and not bump into anything. It is where you know all of the little nooks and crannies.

Home is the place that warms your heart just thinking about it.

The best parts of going home for the holidays are:

1. The specific scent of your house

2. Laying in your comfy bed instead of your one at school

3. Getting to catch up with old friends

4. Visiting the local coffee shop

5. How everything is so very familiar

6. Having access to a full fridge

7. Seriously though, my fridge is almost empty

8. A full pantry too

9. Home cooked meals

10. Binge watching all of the shows you need to catch up on.

11. Having time to binge watch Netflix

12. Loving on your family pet

13. A bathroom you didn’t have to clean

14. Being able to drink good alcohol

15. Catching up on the family drama

16. And hometown drama

17. Lots and lots of sleep

18. Being able to do absolutely nothing

19. Getting a break from trying to adult

20. Heat and air conditioning that you don’t have to pay for

21. Maybe your mom will do laundry for you

22. And take you grocery shopping before you leave

23. Getting to see your extended family

24. No obligations to anyone or anything

25. The traditions

26. Seeing your siblings

27. Grandma making anything you want

28. I’m a sucker for my grandma’s baking

29. Taking un-needed things there for storage

30. Having access to a good iron

31. A real decorated house

32. Having friends to question your life choices with

33. Making more questionable choices

34. Nothing is better than fresh coffee to wake up to

35. Curling up with a good book

36. Not feeling guilty for reading just to read

37. Getting to watch the presents pile up under the tree

38. The big hugs your nieces and nephews first give you

39. Drives by my favorite places

40. Eating out at your favorite non-chain restaurant

41. How happy community members are to see you

42. Everyone coming up and giving you big hugs

43. People being genuinely happy to see you

44. Being genuinely happy to see people that know you best

45. Not having to deal with roommates

46. Having good water pressure

47. Loving on your pets

48. Getting to bum around in your comfy clothes all day

49. Reminiscing with old friends

50. Holiday movie marathons

51. Good quality toilet paper

52. Spending the holidays with the people you love the most

You May be a Fall Basic B*tch If You Do These 31 Things

It’s fall y’all! You know what that means, don’t you? All of the basic b*tches are coming out in full force as the weather cools down. How much of a fall basic b*tch are you though? You may be a fall basic b*tch if you do these things:

1. Go apple picking in an orchard.

2. Buy and document you enjoying apple cider and doughnuts at the orchard.

3. Drink all of the pumpkin spice.

4. Break out your Uggs the second you see leaves on the ground.

5. Post pictures involving pumpkins. *extra basic if it’s a selfie*

6. Go on a haunted hayride or to a haunted house.

7. Bake all things pumpkin flavored.

8. Step on the crunchy leaves when you walk anywhere.

9. Get excited when you see the Halloween themed Pillsbury cookies at the store.

10. Plan and look for the perfect Halloween costume.

11. Wear all of the sweaters, cardigans, wraps, and shawls you can find.

12. Own more fall scented candles than you’ll ever use because fall.

13. Bake an apple pie using those apples you picked at the orchard.

14. Take a picture of your boots standing in an extra leafy spot. *to be extra basic, include your Starbucks cup filled of something pumpkin flavored*

15. Own all of the plaid things; flannels, scarves, blankets, etc.

16. Take an Insta picture of you throwing leaved in the air #doitforthegram.

17. Throw a Friendsgiving.

18. Constantly say how close it’s getting to Christmas.

19. You use #blessed, #thankful , #fall, #autumn in almost every post.

20. Bonfires and s’mores are one of your musts as the weather cools down

21. Get lost in a corn maze with your BFFs.

22. Celebrate Oktoberfest with all of the beer and outfits to match.

23. Constantly complain about how cold it is.

24. Put fall decorations in every last free space of your house.

25. Are already dreaming of what you’ll eat on Thanksgiving.

26. Have a plan of attack for Black Friday.

27. Binge watch “13 Nights of Halloween” on TV.

28. Rewatch Hocus Pocus a million times.

29. Do #27 and #28 while in a nest of blankets.

30. Wear all of the oversized sweaters and leggings.

31. Own and wear more pairs of fuzzy and wool socks than you can count.

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33 Holiday Things that Should be on Your Winter Bucket List

Thanksgiving with fall will come and go, and everyone has winter on the brain. As the temperature gets colder, you’re probably looking for things to add to your holiday bucket list. Well, look no further! These are the 33 things that should be on your winter bucket list:

1. First things first, you need to make a jammin’ holiday playlist.

2. Decorate the house and spice it up by…

3. Listening to your kick ass holiday tunes while you decorate.

4. Make an epic cozy blanket fort. Giant pillows, some holiday lights…the whole shabam!

5. Have a movie marathon in said blanket fort. And have some wine while you’re at it, you’re an adult now.

6. Wear matching PJs with your boo or BFFs

7. Have a “no screen” day and let your creative mind go wild.

8. Host a board game night with your tribe

9. Make some hot chocolate from scratch and…

10. Enjoy it sip by sip by a warm fire.

11. Read a holiday book or two.

12. Make peppermint bark, cinnamon rolls and hey!…

13…Build and decorate a gingerbread house. Winter is for holiday treats bonanza!

14. And deliver  some of those homemade treats to someone unexpectedly.

15. Just do any kind of random act of kindness.

16. Send some good old fashioned snail mail.

17. And while you’re in the spirit of giving start a new holiday tradition.

18. Send a care package to a service member.

19. Visit the place you call home.

20. Or go on a weekend getaway to a place you’ve never been before, alone or with your best friend.

21. If you’re lucky to get a snow storm get in touch with your inner child and go sledding!

22. And also build a snowman; carrot nose and all.

23. And don’t forget to have an epic snowball fight.

24. But if you don’t like the snow much, then go ice skating

25. Or just watch the snow fall from indoors. But come on! who doesn’t love snow?

26. Try catching a snowflake on your tongue. You’ll feel better about the bitter cold and all the snow and will most likely end up

27. Making snow angels…

28. Go on a drive around town and look at all of the Christmas lights.

29. Go to a tree lighting ceremony.

30. And then walk around downtown when it’s all lit up.

31. Take lots of picture of all your winter fun activities

32. Take the time to make a New Year’s Resolution.

33. And last, find someone especial to kiss under the mistletoe.

Sweat your Way Through the Alphabet

If you’re like me, you don’t always have time for to go to the gym for a workout. Heck, somedays I don’t even leave my house! With the weather cooling down, sometimes all I want to do is stay curled up on my couch surrounded by a nest of blankets. Follow along below and sweat your way through the alphabet!

Depending on the word(s) you use, this can be a killer and quick workout; names, places, things, phrase, the options are endless:

A: 50 Jumping Jacks

B: 30 Second Plank

C: 10 Push Ups

D: 1 Minute Wall Sit

E: 30 Second Rest

F: 15 Crunches

G: 20 High Knees

H: 5 Burpees

I: 30 Squats

J: 25 Second Arm Circles

K: 10 Tricep Dips

L: 3 Minute Wall Sit

M: 15 Mountain Climbers

N: 40 Crunches 

O:  10 Lunges (Each Side)

P: 15 Push Ups

Q: 25 Squats

R: 45 Second Plank

S: 10 High Knees

T: 35 Jumping Jacks

U: 15 Lunges (Each Side)

V: 15 Crunches

W: 10 Burpees

X: 30 Second Arm Circles

Y: 45 Second Rest

Z: 20 Tricep Dips

8 Reminders for When Your Holiday Stress Level is at an All Time High

With the holiday season quickly approaching, it can be all too easy to get caught up in everything happening and get overwhelmed. Somehow the “happiest time of the year” always ends up to be the most stressful. And when it seems like everything’s on fire, who has time to stop and take a few deep breaths?

When it comes to joy, most of us can easily think of things that bring it to us; family, friends, a favorite meal, music… The list can go on and on.

With all of the hustle and bustle of the holidays, it can be easy to overlook the little things in our day to day lives.

So when shit starts to hit the fan and everything seems to be going wrong, remind yourself of these things to keep you going.

1. It is okay to need to take a step back from everything and be by yourself. Have a space where you can go when you need to decompress from the chaotic happenings around you. That could be the bathroom, your bedroom, or even taking a walk outside.

2. What’s broken can be mended. What hurts can be healed. And no matter how dark it gets, the sun is going to rise again. – Meredith Grey, Grey's Anatomy

3. People mean well, but don’t forget that you don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to. Whether that’s making a dish that’s entirely too time-consuming or expensive, going somewhere that stresses you out even more, or spending excessive amounts of time with those who have a negative impact on your life… Saying “no” and leaving it at that is always an option.

4. It’s okay to not be able to fit everyone and everything in. The holidays always seem to bring out the “more, more, more” side in our society; more cooking, more shopping, etc. There is nothing wrong with taking a step back and doing less. This will help you have more time to take care of yourself as well as being able to truly enjoy the things you do choose to do.

5. If the holidays are a hard time of year for you because of things in your past, consider doing away with old customs and traditions in favor of new ones. This not only helps you distance yourself from a hurtful past and/or people, but it frees you to start new traditions all your own.

6. Plan a vacation or weekend getaway during all of the craziness. If huge get togethers leave you feeling more stressed out and drained than before they started, opt out and instead spend the time doing something that is calming, relaxing, and recharges you. 

7. Don’t forget to treat yourself! Curl up and watch your favorite movie, read your favorite book, take a bubble bath surrounded by your favorite smelling candles… Do whatever it is that makes you feel good.

8. Write it down. Take time each day to write down the things that brought you joy. Did someone pay for your coffee unexpectedly? Or maybe you had a really great conversation with a friend. No matter how big or small, acknowledge it. It doesn’t have to be all of them, but you’ll be amazed at how much having that paper trail can help change your outlook.

Life is such a miracle, a series of small miracles. It really is if you learn how to look at it with the right perspective. – James Patterson, Suzanne's  Diary for Nicholas

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Sh*t We Should Stop Saying to Newlyweds

We’re all guilty of asking or saying at least one of these questions or statements whenever we hear that someone is a newlywed. After the first few times of politely answering them, they start to sound like a broken record. So, the next time you find out someone tied the knot, try to stay away from this sh*t:

1. “Your wedding was nice, but…” If you were at their wedding, they don’t care about what you think they should have done differently.

2. "How much did you spend on x, y, and z?" While we’re on the topic of weddings, it’s none of your business how much any of it cost.

3. “I could never spend that much money on…” Well, that’s why it was MY wedding and not yours.

4. “I don’t believe in marriage.” If you don’t believe in marriage, that's your choice, but don’t ruin someone else's happiness.

5. “I don’t need a piece of paper to show my commitment.” *see #4*

6. “Show me your ring! How many carats is it? How much did it cost?” I don’t care if you have a rock the size of your head or an unadorned band. It’s about the commitment and intention behind the object that matters.

7. “Does it depress you to know you’ll only have sex with one person for the rest of your life?”

8. “When are you going to have kids?” This is inappropriate for so many reasons. Not every couple wants kids right away or ever or is able to have them. Let them figure out what works best for them in their own time.

9. “You’re not getting any younger!” No really? And here I thought I was aging backwards like Benjamin Button.

10. “When are you going to make me a grandparent?” Again, no matter how good the intentions, let’s just vow to steer clear of all baby questions unless the person had made their intentions and thoughts clear.

11. “Are you using birth control? *insert person’s opinion on why what you’re using or not using is wrong* The only wrong form is what doesn’t work for me, my marriage, and our lives.

12. “But don’t you miss being single?” Because I clearly disliked my significant other so much that I married them.

13. “It’s all downhill from here!” Gosh, what will I ever do now that I have to spend the rest of my life with my best friend? How will I ever survive! *insert eye roll here*

14. “Are you so sad that you’re wedding’s over with now?” You read my mind! Floral and seating arrangements were the only thing I had going for me in my life.

15. “Why did/didn’t you take their last name?” There are a million reasons why someone might choose to keep their maiden name. I’ll let you in on a little secret, none of the reasons are any of your concern.

16. “I wish I could have made it!” This can be horrible for one of two reasons: 1. The person wasn’t invited and now comes the awkward/nervous laugh. 2.Said person was invited and didn’t come.

17. “How’s your sex life?” It’s actually… none of your business.

18. “I’d never be able to marry someone who does…” Good thing it was me that married them and not you! This could be said in regards to so many different things; a job, hobby, etc. If the couple is happy, that’s what matters.

19. “I can’t believe you let them do…” I’m not my husband’s keeper, nor is he mine, and I didn’t marry him to try and change everything about him.

20. “You on the old ball and chain?” Still not my husband’s keeper. Our marriage is based on us each being our own person and bringing that to the table.

21. “Are you going to stay home once you have kids?” Again with the kid questions? And when did I suddenly become incapable of working and being a kick ass parent?

22. “Now you can let yourself go!” I guess I missed the memo that getting married equals not taking care of yourself.

23. “If you don’t do x, y, and z, you’re a bad wife!” Just because certain things work for you and your significant other doesn’t mean they’ll work for everyone.

24. “Marriage changed you! It’s like you’re not even the same person anymore!” Being single versus being married differ from each other in so many ways. Starting your life with someone does come with changes and adjustments in both of your lives that weren’t necessarily needed before.

So the next time you see a newlywed, stick to things like: “Congratulations!”, “I’m so happy for you!”, or something about how beautiful it was! The couple will appreciate the love and support more than anything.

Puppy Boot Camp: 17 Lessons Learned From and Reaffirmed by a Puppy

Moving out on your own and into your first real place changes everything! Getting a new pet does too. Before you could come and go as you please, but now there’s someone else that depends solely on you (and anyone else in your home). You know what they say: You can’t teach an old dog new tricks… But, this old dog is learning and reaffirming a thing or two from the new puppy in town:

1. Every day should start with kisses and a positive attitude!

2. Over eating is never a good idea. Be prepared for the consequences that follow when you do.

3. But, there’s always room for a yummy treat!

4. Give new people a chance, and don’t be afraid to approach them first. You may gain a new best friend!

5. Most times, happiness is a small step away.

6. You can always vacuum the couch and wash the sheets, but you can’t get back all of the snuggles you miss out on by not letting them up.

7. You don’t need a lot of things to be happy! Remember that less is sometimes more.

8. Things are just things and can be replaced.

9. Patience really is a virtue. Some puppies learn quickly while others take more time. They all learn in the end though.

10. Playtime is anytime, and time should always be made for it!

11. Don’t lash out when words will do just as well.

12. Listen without passing judgment. I can't be the only one who has vented to her puppy after a long day!

13. Be fiercely loyal to those that love you and have your best interest at heart.

14. Trust your gut instinct; it’s usually right!

15. You always have more love to give.

16. Don’t hold grudges because in time they truly won’t add any value to your life.

17. Show affection to those that you love. Life is short, and you’ll never wish you wouldn't have given them that kiss goodbye or a big hug hello.

If you think about it, we really all do have something to learn from our furry little friends. Whoever said diamonds are a girl’s best friend never owned a dog!

7 Hard Truths You’ll Only Know if you’ve Moved Away

It happens to everyone at one point or another; we grow up and move away. Maybe you’re path has you going to school, pursuing your dreams, or some other amazing adventure.

Whatever has taken you away, whether temporarily or permanently, these are the things you’ll know all too well:

1. Missing your loved ones never gets easier.

Some days will be great and you’ll feel like you’re okay, but then something will make your heart ache to be with them again. It may be something as simple as a smell or a sound that leaves you feeling a little empty inside. You may even question your decision to move away. It never really gets easier, but you learn to live with missing them.

2. One of the best and worst feelings is being on your own.

For obvious reason, that sense of independence is amazing. You feel like you have everything together and you’re crushing the #adulting game. Other times it can be beyond overwhelming knowing that mom or dad can’t make the tough decisions for you anymore.

3. You’ll miss what you came to know so well.


There are days you’ll miss all that was familiar; local coffee shops, your favorite restaurant, the local hangouts… The unknown can be scary and daunting, especially when all you want is something known. But, just like you had to learn in your home, you’ll learn them in this new place your in.

4. It’s easy to grow apart and lose touch.

They say that moving away from home shows you who your true friends are. This could not be truer! It’s easy for people to say that they can’t wait to come visit you, but your true friends are the ones who follow through. There’s nothing like distance to show you who really has your back.

5. You become more secure in yourself and your abilities.

This may be a hard one to learn, but it does eventually happen. Sometimes all it takes is a little nudge, but other times you may have to crash and burn. You’ll grow to trust your gut instinct without second guessing it.

6. Managing money can be as easy or as hard as you make it.

I think we’ve all found ourselves in that place where we eat Ramen or mac and cheese for weeks on end because that’s all we can afford. Budgeting becomes even more real when you’re out in this wide and wild world hundreds of miles away from home. Some people are naturally good at this, while others need to learn by trial and error. No shame in the game though.

7. Cliché as it sounds; you’ll always find your way back to your roots in the end.

No matter how much or how little things in your life change, you will always be left with who you are at your core. Your home and the people in your village have helped shaped who you are today. While it’s always easy to miss what we can’t have immediately, there’s a sense of comfort in knowing that it’s never really that far away.

It’s Fall Y’all: 24 Movies to Cozy up to as the Weather Cools Down

I don’t know about you, but I love fall! From pumpkin patches to fall color tours to see the leaves changing color, there’s a little something for everyone.

Most nights you can find me cozied up on my couch with a fuzzy blanket and a warm drink watching something sure to follow suite with season:

1. It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown (1966)

2. Halloweentown (1998)

3. The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

4. Any movie from the Harry Potter Series (best if you have a marathon!) (2001-2011)

5. Casper (1995)

6. When Harry Met Sally (1989)

7. Ghostbusters 1984)

8. Sleepy Hollow (1999)

9. Dead Poets Society (1989)

10. Hocus Pocus (1993)

11. E.T. (1982)

12. Kiki’s Delivery Service (1989)

13. The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)

14. The Little Vampire (2000)

15. Tower of Terror (1997)

16. Remember the Titans (2000)

17. The Blind Side (2009)

18. Stepmom (1998)

19. October Sky (1999)

20. Twitches (2005)

21. Good Will Hunting (1997)

22. The Lake House (2006)

23. The Big Green (1995)

24. You’ve Got Mail (1998)

Honorable Mention: While it’s not a movie, as a girl from the Miss America Organization, watching the pageant in September is always a must!

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