Things to Know Before Dating Someone Who Suppresses Their Feelings

Keeping all those feels to yourself isn’t the best idea. But for those who suppress their feelings, it’s basically a way of life. We can’t help but keep a lid on our emotions because it serves as an effective survival tactic, even though it can cause us to explode.


Which is why there are a few things to know before dating someone like us:


We’ll always understand where you’re coming from.

Since we’re so in tune with our emotions, we could relate to other people’s feelings very well. Every emotion you showcase, from laughter to anger, will be contagious for us.


10 Legit Challenges Of Being Low-Key Sarcastic

Being low-key sarcastic means not being straightforward with your sarcasm. It could either be because you prefer to keep your sarcasm under the wraps or because it’s so good that you might lose friends if shown.


Whatever the reason, being low-key sarcastic does come with its own challenges:


1. Your friends are often surprised by what comes out of your mouth…


…because you’re not straightforward with your sarcasm. At all. So in the event that you are which is usually when you’re drunk, they’re caught off guard.

2. It takes time for people to get it.

You have to wait a few minutes before the person realizes you’re being sarcastic or else they give you an awkward look. It’s why being sarcastic can be socially risky for you.

3. You love using puns…

…but not too much because you don’t want to be annoying. When you do use them, they’re very subtle and always intended.

15 Reasons Why It’s Great to Be an A-Cup

I think we can all agree that boobs are awesome.

But they can also be complicated. It seems that almost all women want bigger boobs for different reasons. There’s nothing wrong with having a busty chest, but I feel like more and more women with A and B cups are growing more self-conscious of themselves.

Well, I’m here to say that I love being an A cup. That’s right. I said it. Come at me, ya’ll:

  1. People look you in the eye. It’s easier to hold eye contact with others because there’s not much down there to look at, making conversations a little less awkward.
  2. No back pain. Having small boobs means that your spine has less weight to hold, so you don’t have to go through the extra backaches that may make you feel older than you are (take that, D cups!)
  3. There’s no such thing as boob sweat. The only sweat stains you have to worry about are under your pits (and under your knees if it’s that serious).
  4. You make certain bras look good. Special bras like see-throughs, lace bras, soft cups, and caged bras look absolutely sexy on you because your A cups don’t stick out too much, making the style compliment your body better.
  5. You make summer shirts look good. Summer shirts like off shoulder ones and midriffs look awesome on you because your chest doesn’t stick out too much and your body looks more shapely.
  6. Strapless dresses are your best friends. No matter how fitting they are, strapless dresses (or dresses of any kind) work for you because they won’t feel as tight in your chest area, making them comfortable and allowing you to work it.
  7. You can wear button down shirts…without the worry of any buttons popping out and possibly hitting someone in the eye.
  8. You can let them roam free. You don’t have to be cautious of your breasts whenever you go braless (except when it rains, of course).
  9. Jogging is easy. You don’t get that uncomfortable feeling of your breasts jogging on their own whenever you go for a run. Plus, you’re not as bouncy.
  10. They’re more sensitive to touch. Since A cups have much less fat in them leaving more room for nerves, they’re more sensitive to touch. It makes pleasure quite intense *wink* *wink.*
  11. You avoid creepy and shallow men. You dodge more catcallers and creepy guys since they seem to go for more busty women. So dates are less weird for you. Woohoo!
  12. You don’t have to worry about cleavage. There’s no need to cover up your chest in Instagram photos taken from above, nor are your boobs in constant danger of spilling out.
  13. You can sleep on your stomach. It’s easier for you to sleep on your stomach, making shut eye time longer and comfortable (unless you’re a night owl).
  14. They make you look younger. Having a small chest can bring out your youth, making you look younger than you are, which is always a plus.
  15. They’re perky. Since A cup boobs don’t sag as much, they become firm and perky, making them absolutely adorable…and who doesn’t like a pair of cute boobs?

This Is What You Need to Know Before You Date The Brutally Honest Girl

When it comes to honesty, she’s brutal. So if you’re here to play games, whatever you do, don’t date the blunt girl. Avoid her at all costs.

She’s not the kind of girl who’s easy. She’s not going to agree with you on everything. You better believe she’s going to challenge almost every belief, not because she wants to be right all the time but because she’s curious about you and actually wants to get to know you. 

Because she’s fully committed to this relationship.

She never does anything half-assed, especially relationships. When she does something, she does it with her whole heart and dating you is no different. She takes this relationship seriously and expects you to do the same.

When it comes to dates, she’s always up to try something new and fresh. When it comes to lazy Sunday conversations, she’s always up to talk about things that matter to you and her because that’s what’s truly important.

And if you’re afraid to go all the way, then don’t date the blunt girl.

Because she’s not afraid to tell you when you’ve fucked up. And she expects the same because that kind of honesty equals respect. If you hate her attitude, you have to say that. If you want her to appreciate something about you, then let her know what it is.

Even better is when you listen to her call you out as well. If you’re being an asshole, she’ll tell you. If you’re giving her some ultimatum, she’ll let you know she doesn’t have time for that. These kinds of arguments will be hard to deal with it. But remember you’re both in this together and her tough love is because she knows in her heart you’re better than this.

So don’t date the blunt girl if you’re not willing to grow a thicker skin.

Because to love her, you have to accept all of her.

Yes, that includes flaws. The dangerous thing about the blunt girl is that she’s accepted her flaws and decided to live with them with no desire to change because she knows she’s not perfect and she’s okay with that.

You’ll learn to be okay with it too. You might see that one mole, that one wrinkle, those small little things that bother you and affect your relationship. If that’s the case, then leave her now. Don’t bother to erase her flaws and don’t worry when you do break up with her. You’re not breaking her heart.

Because she’ll be alright without you.

That’s harsh but that’s who the blunt girl is. She’s at a point in her life where she go about it alone because she’s content with herself.

So if you’re dating the blunt girl, be thankful because if she can love herself in such a way, she can love you the same way as well.

10 Things You’ll Understand If You Always Read Between The Texts

Most people can text no problem with no anxiety because that’s how it’s supposed to be. Not for you, though. For you, texting is a literature. You’re the kind of texter that reads way too into messages:

1. You barely receive a text without thinking about what it really means.

You read text messages like you would a textbook. There’s almost always an interpretation involved.

2. You wish you had a disclaimer about people being really specific with texts…

because if you’re not sure what it means, you overthink your mind crazy.

3. You hate when even your friends text you hi.

Just hi and nothing else. You don’t even really know why it drives you crazy but it does. Like does it really hurt to add more detail?

4. You’ve texted paragraphs because you want the person to understand what you’re saying.

It bothers you if you don’t know if the person will know what your text means. It helps to add in extra lines just to be sure.

5. One word within a text message can throw your whole day off.

 It can be as small as a period at the end of a text. If something seems off, it will stay with you for most of the day.

6. You can even read the tone of the message.

You read texts so closely that you know what tone of voice the person is using when they text you, depending on what the conversation’s about. If they have a yay! in the end, you know they’re happy. If they text idk, you know they’re probably sad.

7. You sometimes picture a person’s face when they text…

…because texting might as well be talking to someone face to face for you since you get so into it.

8. When it comes to dating, texting is kind of a deal breaker.

If they don’t text you the next day or at least send in a good morning/good night text, that’s it. They clearly aren’t into you or else they’d put a little more effort into their texting.

9. You don’t want to admit you’re pretty sensitive…

…because it’s kind of embarrassing how much you think into text messages and it’s even more embarrassing that the reason why is because you’re a highly sensitive person. You’re very in tune to your feelings, so something as virtual as texting can get to you.

10. You’ve tried not to overthink it.

You’ve made attempts to change your mindset when it comes to texting. But at the end of the day, you’ve accepted that this is just one of your quirks and that’s okay.

10 Signs You’re The Quirky Friend In Your Group

Every group of friends is made of different personality types. There’s the gossip, the overthinker, the old soul…and you, the “quirky” one. Maybe you’ve been called a goofball, living somewhere between awkward and weird, a few miles outside the box.

If you’re one of those awesome people that makes life a lot more fun for everyone else around, then you most likely share some of these quirky qualities:

1. We have questionable conversations.

At some point, you’ve gone on and on about what you think your life would be as an astronaut, or an avocado (or you’re maybe considering a career as an astronaut…or an avocado). We tend to talk about things people think of but are too embarrassed to talk about. We have to work out the crazy things that run through our fuzzy minds and we’re pretty grateful to have friends to work it out with…even if they might get a little weirded out about them.

2. Going out for us is always random…and a little scary.

 Quirky friends redefine the concept of hanging out. Going out for us is mini-twerking while waiting for our burritos at Chipotle, skipping or doing cartwheels down a bridge, dancing on a ferris wheel, shopping for top hats at thrift stores, and more. There is no such thing as “chilling” with us quirks because “chilling” with us will be an indie film-like adventure. So be prepared, be very prepared.

3. We have outrageous dress codes.

For us, fashion is the perfect opportunity to express our creativity. Quirky friends love to add that flair to their wardrobe – brightly colored corsets with long skirts, large red bow ties as tube tops, kaki trench coats, sunflower crowns (and this isn’t just for girls – quirky guys can get away with these things, too!) – the list goes on. We pick out outfits that make our friends scratch their heads, yet nod in approval at the same time because as strange as our fashion is, it’s also alluring.

4. We notice the weirdest things about our friends…

that they don’t even know themselves. It’s true that quirky see quirky in this case. We’ve pointed out to our friends about how their freckles look like a birthmark, how often they put eyeliner on in a day, or the adorable look on their face before they sneeze. It’s not because we’re stalkers, we just really love our friends…maybe a little too much.

5. We speak in run-on sentences. 

The dialect of quirkiness is speaking in sentences that can go on for paragraphs without going off topic. A conversation with a friend about a weird guy you met on the train can become a novella that lacks periods and commas, “This guy who was sitting next to me on the train told me he could travel to other universes, can people really do that? I think I saw something like that on the Discovery channel, actually. It was like Interstellar…come to think of it, he did look a little like Matthew McConaughey. Do you think…” On the plus side, our friends never get bored with us.

6. Platypus!!

That’s it…just felt like randomly and excitedly typing “platypus.”

7. We get excited…like really excited.

Whether it’s seeing a little golden retriever at the park or Tom Hiddleston on screen or hot dog stands, your friends have to get ready for your cry of excitement. When quirky people get excited, they get really excited. Our friends enjoy watching us jump up and down, twirling them around, and the wringing of our hands every time we see something that pinches our hyper nerves.

8. We always twist our “rites of passage.”

Nobody would be surpirised that your first ‘seven minutes in heaven’ consisted of pitching someone’s nipples or your prom night involved you table dancing. We always get nervous during bar conversations about “rites of passage.” Our friends will talk about their hilarious first times or getting their licenses, while we sit there looking at our fingers, trying to see how we could talk about that time when we tried smoking weed for the first time and ended up running out of the house screaming because we thought we saw the Kool-Aid man in the flesh without sounding disturbed.

9. We’re not shy eaters.

Our friends always wonder where we put it all. Quirky people are usually foodies. We love trying different foods and we’re always the one person in the table who will get more than one appetizer. We’re not calm about it either. You’ve definitely hit the quirky line if you’ve attempted to feed your friends. Extra points if you made airplane sounds while doing it.

10. Cartoons and snacks are our Friday nights.

A bowl of popcorn mixed with M&Ms, skittles, and Reeses buttercups with episodes of Hey Arnold! ready to be watched on Netflix? That’s definitely our Friday night and we’re not secretive about it at all. Quirky people will proudly drag their friends along for the ride when it comes to these things. They may not like it, of course, but secretly, we know they love it.

Why You’re Still Single Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Dating and relationships can be complicated for many different reasons. But what if one of those reasons was due to your sign?

You heard me, one reason why you’re all by yourself could be based on your astrological sign:


You’re single because you’re intimidating.

Aries are alphas, so it’s hard to keep up with you. You’re a doer, not a talker, so you’ll only get into a relationship if the person can handle your spontaneous nature.


You’re single because you date to settle down and get married.

Tauruses are outgoing introverts. Although you’re a great socializer due to your loyalty, you’re also a bit of a homebody and will enter a relationship if the person doesn’t mind giving you your space when you need it.

This Is How An Anxious Person Wants To Be Loved

The intense feeling of apprehension an anxious person feels can be debilitating to the point where you really have to take care of yourself, even more so than others. So don’t feel insecure when they say they’d like to be alone. It’s not you, it really is them.

They want you to understand their “personal” days.

They love spending time with you, they really do. It’s just that they need time alone to gather their racing thoughts. They want to make sure they’re alright, so they can be alright around you.

They want you to support them, not discipline them.

When you watch them break down and succumb to that anxiety attack, it can be so easy to give them advice on what they can do to get better.

Resist that temptation because it’s important to them that you know you’re their lover, not their therapist.

At that moment when their heart is pounding, the chest is in pain, and their lungs are hot and tight, they don’t want to talk, they want to be held. Nothing is more relaxing than your comfort.

Let them worry about you.

Don’t tell them to stop worrying about you, instead reassure them that you’ll be fine.

It’s tempting to tell them not to worry about you, but honestly, there’s no point. Worrying about you is one of the many ways they show their love because they care about you and they don’t want anything bad to happen to you.

But alas, anxious thoughts won’t let them go. You cough and for them, that means cancer. You come a few minutes late, and to them, that means you almost got hit by a bus. They know it’s irrational but they really can’t help it.

Love them gently.

Take your time loving them because they really love you. They may not show it, but they do. The thing is they’re fighting to take their lives back from anxiety. They’re healing from all the pain it’s caused.

Be gentle when you hug them because they’re fragile even when they’re strong.

Things You'll Understand If You're a Barely Functioning Twenty-Something

We all should know by now that being an adult is looking both ways before crossing a road…and then getting hit by a rocket.

If you’ve never quite trusted your ability to adult:

  1. You doubt yourself a lot.

  2. “Why’s everything so blurry? Oh…I forget to put on my contacts.” 

  3. You’re always trying your best to get your sh*t together…

  4. But no matter what, sh*t just keeps hitting the fan (even when things aren’t that sh*tty.)

  5. You have to coach yourself into being productive.

  6. “Okay, I’m going to finish this paper for the next hour without any distractions!”

  7. …An hour later you’ve just finished an episode of a new TV show on Netflix.

  8. Because no matter what time you commit to finishing something, you just end up pushing the deadline back further and further.

  9. Speaking of which, you always underestimate time.

  10. Like when you tell yourself you can make that train on time… 

  11. …but end up getting there an hour late.

  12. You sometimes give f*ckboys the benefit of the doubt.

  13. Because “chill” must mean a relaxed date right?

  14. You tend to put off chores like laundry 

  15. Until you’re finally forced to wear your underwear inside out.

  16. You keep track of your finances like a drug lord.

  17. Because if not, you’d probably be moving back in with your parents.

  18. You avoid shopping when money is tight which is always.

  19. You always think the worst when you go out to party with friends because you don’t trust yourself to be able to save them if they get too close to a railing and fall off a bridge.

  20. Your answer to “what are you doing with your life?” is always rehearsed.

  21. Youtube tutorials are your religion.

  22. You avoid WebMD like the plague or else your doctor’s appointments feel more like horror movies.

  23. You turn on your alarm when you nap, or else napping turns to sleeping turns to “wait, what time is it?”

  24. There are days where you feel completely sh*tty, but you keep going anyway because you trust yourself to not give up.

For more of Marie’s writings, follow her on Facebook.

9 Signs You're Scared to Give Love a Chance

You wish you could say that love is a simple thing for you. But it’s not, it’s complicated. Like really complicated. 

  1. Your friends wonder why you’re single. You’re pretty and smart, they say. You should be able to get a date by now. But what they don’t understand is that there’s a lot going on underneath the surface and you know most people wouldn’t be able to handle it. 

  2. It takes time for you to open up. Like a lot of time…because if you’re going to trust someone with your love, they have to be the kind of person you could trust with your life.

  3. You have a heart of ice. Or really, your heart is encased in ice with no plans of softening anytime soon. You’ve tried opening up but have been hurt so badly, that you’re just not ready to open it up again.

  4. You’ve had a difficult past…which is why you have trouble opening up. You don’t know if people would wanna know about your heavy past. I mean, you understand it’s okay to open up but at the same time, you don’t wanna be a debbie downer.

  5. You shut down when you get angry. You can’t stand the flood of feelings that come when you’re emotional. It’s why you suppress them. It’s so much easier for you to give someone the silent treatment than go through the pain of talking it out. It can be overwhelming for someone like yourself who’s not good at the whole feelings thing.

  6. You’re always in doubt when it comes to love. You’d like to be optimistic when it comes to love, but you tend to fall right back into cynicism every time.

  7. It’s easy for you to grow distant…because it’s hard to stay connected to others when you’re always in your head.

  8. You’re secretly deathly afraid of abandonment…because you’ve experienced it before and it’s the worst feeling. The emptiness and longing going hand and hand always puts you in a state of depression. You always wonder if people in your life are here to stay.

  9. It’s hard for you to love because you’re so hard on yourself. You tend to validate yourself by what you do instead of who you are. The way you see yourself is the same way you see yourself in others.

For more of Marie’s writings, follow her on Facebook.

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