What To Expect When You Bring Your SO Home For The Holidays

The holidays are meant for family. You eat too much, give and receive gifts, and you enjoy being in the company of those you love- including your boyfriend.

When you first tell your family that he is coming home with you everyone is more excited as ever to meet him, but here are a few things that happen we he does come home with you.

1. Your parents feel awkward about the two of you sharing a room. 

While you have been away from home you have gotten used to having sleepovers at your boyfriend’s, but your parents are just not ready to acknowledge that fact.

After an awkward conversation, they allow it, as long as there is no “funny business”… whatever that means.

2. You end up telling the story of how you two met about 1000 times to different family members. 

And the worst part is, there is nothing too romantic about meeting each other at a party, is there?

3. You get nervous every time you look over and he is alone talking to one of your relatives. 

Immediately you wonder what they are talking about and praying that he doesn’t say anything stupid.

4. You realize sometimes you need your space.

Spending a whole week with your family plus your boyfriend can be a bit much and everyone needs time to themselves but in the end, you will cherish the time you are able to be with all of them.

5. You realize that no matter what, your family will accept who you date because they believe in your judgement. 

After all of the stressing over if they will like him or not, by the end of the week you realize that none of it mattered because they love you so they will love him.

31 Ways Being Loved Unconditionally Is the Best Feeling in the World

When You Are Loved

Every time I open up any social media it’s a constant list of people saying they feel sorry for girls that want a boyfriend.

While I agree that having a boyfriend does not determine your success as a person nor does it guarantee your happiness, the want for a boyfriend is not a bad thing at all.

You have someone to talk to without judgment any time of the day, any day of the week.

You can bring out the good in someone and they bring it out in you.

When you’re ready to settle down, you already have your person.

The idea of having kids one day isn’t out of reach.

You have someone to support your hopes and dreams.

And you’ll never sleep alone.

Someone who gets your sense of humor and you can goof off with.

You can cook for them…

To My Little Sister As She Experiences Her First Heartbreak

Dear Little Sister, 

Being your older sister, I never want to see you hurt, so you can see why right now my heart is breaking for you. 

You are so young and have so much to look forward to, you have so many opportunities to grow and become the wonderful young woman I know you will be: so don’t let him define you. 

Don’t for a minute think that you are less than because he no longer wants you.

 Don’t let him define your beauty, your intelligence, or your confidence. You had all of that before him, and you still have it without him. 

I know it hurts more than you ever thought it could hurt- but that’s OK. Don’t be ashamed to cry your eyes out, just know that I will always be there to hold you tight and wipe away those tears. 

The truth is, he isn’t ready to be with a girl as confident as you. In fact, I could tell from the moment I met him, he was in trouble. 

He was intimidated by your talents and by your confidence in your future. 

He walked into the relationship thinking that he would wear the pants when in fact, you most certainly did. 

He gushed all over social media about you, showing off the beautiful young woman you are, proud to be your boyfriend- but he never gushed to you. 

He never took time out of his day to tell you he loved you, cared for you, and was lucky to be with you- and that is not the kind of guy you deserve. 

You deserve the world. 

You deserve the guy that loves you with every ounce of his heart and would devastated if he ever lost you. 

So wait for that guy, because my god you deserve him. 


Your Big Sister and Your #1 Fan 

That Sh*tty Feeling When… You See Your Ex For the First Time

When I saw you for the first time in months my heart immediately dropped and my stomach started to churn.

All of the work I had done trying to get over you went out the window and I was left there, wanting something I knew I could never have again.

It felt as though nothing had changed. 

When you walked through the door I was taken back to high school. 

Back to prom, summer concerts, and the drives around town looking for places to hook up.

I was taken back to a simpler life, one where there weren’t miles between us breaking us apart. 

You were just as I remembered too. Your jokes were still the cheesy ones I had once laughed to and your smile still had the ability to light up the room. You remained the life of the party and I was glued to your presence once again. 

And with the mixture of alcohol & seeing you for the first time, I lost it. 

I sobbed the way I did on the day we left each other. I cried the way I did when I found out you had a new girlfriend. 

And I couldn’t stop. 

And you, being the good guy that you are, took care of me. 

You consoled me and made me feel as though everything was okay. As I yelled at you for moving on so quickly you held me tight and wiped my tears away. You told me you still cared for me and that was never going to change, and even though it was hard, I started to believe it.

And while I know it will take more months for me to finally be okay, I am getting there. 

So thank you for holding me tight & making sure that I was alright. 

The Truth About Freshman Year Of College

As a senior in high school you can’t wait to pack up your bags and head off to your new home for the next for years. You constantly check your pinterest to find dorm room inspiration and you buy apparel to show off your school spirit. 

You look forward to all the friends you will meet, you may have a sorority you just can’t wait to rush, and you dream about the late nights out with your new squad. 

In all the hype about moving away from home and making new lifelong friends, you forget what is actually happening. You forget that you are leaving the familiarity of your life and having to start fresh- where no one knows who you are. 

To some, this sounds amazing, but to others this can be truly terrifying. 

As you watched everyone from your high school graduate and go off to college you obsess over their new lives. You see all the awesome pictures of their rooms, their new friends, and the parties they are going to. 


The truth about freshman year is it is not what you see in the pictures. 

Freshman year is filled with a lot of self growth. You have to figure out who you are and who you want to surround yourself with. This self growth can take a long time and because of that you might not find your best friends the minute you walk onto campus. Don’t let that discourage you though, you have four years to make those friends. 

There will be lots of tears. Whether it’s because you miss you dog, you want a nice home cooked meal made by your mom, or you aren’t doing as well as you should in your classes, almost anything can bring you to tears. It doesn’t help that you are constantly busy and tired that sometimes you just let the tears come out. But don’t be embarrassed when you cry because you are homesick or you failed an exam, you are human and it is okay to cry. 

Parties are only fun in the moment. Going out and drinking is a fine choice to make in college. It leaves you with many memories and leads to fun pictures being taken. But in the morning you are left feeling like literal shit and that can also lead to tears and feelings of just wanting your own bed and a hug from your mom. 

Boys are everything but romantic. Freshman year you can’t wait to fall in love- you think that now that you are off on your own a relationship is just what you need. You have to watch out and protect your heart though. Freshman year can be filled with many boys who just want a one night stand or only talk to you because your shirt is low cut. All I can say is be careful & know what you are getting yourself into. 

While all of these things are perfectly normal to happen, they can definetly make you question why you are there and if it is the right thing for you. Don’t worry. Freshman year is the hardest it will get socially. Once you make it through, you can get through anything. 

So hold your head up high and look forward to the future because you have so much to look forward to. 

Why Having A Brother 10 Years Younger Than Me Changed My Life

When I found out I was going to have a little brother I was shocked to say the least. 

I always imagined it would remain me, my parents, and my sisters. 

I never realized how much I needed a little brother in my life until I met him. 

As a 10 year old I was nervous walking into the hospital room in which my mom sat in, holding him. 

I was afraid I would drop him if I tried to hold him, terrified that he would start crying the minute my mom put him in my hands. 

What I soon realized was that he was supposed to cry in my arms. 

I am his older sister, I am here to hold him when he gets hurt and let him cry to me until he feels better. 

I was there for him when he didn’t win the big football game, when his first crush broke his heart, and when he couldn’t figure out who his true friends were. 

I was his protector. 

What I never realized was how I needed him just as much as he needed me, maybe more. 

He brought a light into my life that I never knew I needed. 

He watched movies with me on nights during High School when I just couldn’t study any longer. 

He practiced with me the day before my big game. He held my hand at my graduation. And he was always the first person to call when I went off to College. 

He was always there with a joke to brighten my day, and he continues to teach me the latest dance moves. He is my everything. 

He is not just my little brother, he is my best friend.

What It’s Like To Walk Through Your Old High School For The First Time

As you walk through that oh so familiar door, you pass your old classrooms and see your old locker, a rush of nostalgia hits you.

 You pass the bathroom in which you would run to on mornings you just didn’t have time to brush your teeth and you walk into the cafeteria and can pick out exactly which table you and your friends sat at each day for lunch. 

This is the place that started it all. It was where you began to truly discover yourself, and while the experience could be good or bad, it is still there. 

As we grow older, we forget about all the things we learned in those four short years, but walking through those halls again brings it all back. 

It is as if you are taken back to the days filled with acne and gossip.

This is where we grew up. We spent four years of our lives walking through these halls, trying to figure out what we would do with our lives after. 

We had some of our greatest achievements in this building, be it getting into your dream college or scoring the winning basket in the game. 

We also failed, many times. We failed the math midterm that we studied our asses of for. We didn’t get into the college we wanted to go to so badly. We go detentions for the littlest of things. 

When the time graduation came, we couldn’t wait to get out of there. 

But, looking back, I can say with a smile on my face that I loved every minute of it. 

High School was full of growth and development. It got me to where I am today and without every good and bad thing that happened during those four years, I would not be me. 

So here’s the failures, the accomplishments, and everything inbetween. 

To The Best Friend I Once Knew

You were my go to person. The first one I would call when I got my heartbroken, when I found out I got into my dream school, and when my parents were pissing me off and I needed to get out of the house. 

You were there for every big milestone in my life for as long as I can remember.

But now, our crazy lives have taken us in completely different directions. And while I am happy to see you living your dream, I am sad to see our friendship fall apart. 

I no longer pick up the phone to tell you my good new. I now have a new best friend to call, and so do you. 

Sometimes I sit and wonder what I could have done for our friendship to not fall apart. I could have called you more when you moved, I could have sent you cute texts when I missed you, I could have visited you. 

The thing is, nothing I could have done would have changed the fact that our lives grew apart. 

I truly believe that you were meant to be a part of my life for just as long as you were. You were meant to help me grow up to the point that I could then grow up on my own and become the woman that I am today. 

While I am sad to see you post pictures of your new life, I am glad you are enjoying yourself.

I may get a little teary eyed every time someone asks me how you are and I genuinly don’t know how to respond, but I am lucky to have known the answer to that question for as long as I did. 

I hope one day soon our lives cross again, but until then enjoy the new, crazy, fun life you have made for yourself. 


You Ex- Best Friend

Why the Life of the Party Isn't Date-Worthy Material

Look at him, he’s got every girl in the room watching him, so, of course, you are shocked that he’s talking to you- but don’t fall too quickly. 

The thing about dating the life of the party is that they are only fun for a little while. It’ll be a good time, don’t get me wrong. 

But in the end, the life of the party is just that, a party. 

When you go to a party you expect to drink, have fun, and then go home to the comfort of your own bed. 

You aren’t expecting to stay the whole night or even remember the whole night. 

When he goes to a party he isn’t expecting to meet the girl he is going to date. He’s always going to just be looking for a “good time” as they all say. 

He’s the guy that knows all the right things to say to get you to fall for him. He knows how to because he’s done it with many girls before you. 

My advice is to date the boy who makes sure the life of the party gets home okay. 

At the end of the day you want the guy that takes care of his friends, no matter how drunk, annoying, or rude they can be.

The guy who makes sure his friends get home safely is a keeper because he will always keep you safe. 

No matter what is going on he will always be looking out for you, making sure that you are comfortable and ready to leave the moment you feel uncomfortable. 

He will care about you more than anything else in his life. 

Your happiness will be his number one priority- and there isn’t much more you could ask for from a guy.

So don’t date the life of the party, date his friend that looks out for him, cares for him, and makes sure he gets home okay because he will do the same for you.

I Would Fall In Love With You All Over Again

You were exactly what I needed in my life when you showed up. You picked up my pieces and made me whole again. 

You taught me how to love others with open arms and how to fight for them. We had our fights, as all couples do, but we always came out of them stronger.

 You showed me what it was like to love with no regrets. 

Our relationship ended, as many do these days, but just as you taught me to love with no regrets, I regret nothing in our relationship. 

No part of me wants to take back words I said, things that I did, or days I spent with you. Every aspect of our relationship was important to me, even up until the breakup. 

You came into my life, taught me how to love again, and then taught me that I was meant to love someone else. 

I would do it all over again if I was given the choice. 

I don’t wish our relationship away, I didn’t delete the pictures of you on my social media, and I still talk about you to all my friends. 

No matter where life takes us, you will always be a part of me. A part of me that I love and cherish every day. The part of me that without a doubt I couldn’t have made it here without. 

So…thank you. 

Thank you for showing me how to love, how to be loved, and how to fight. Thank you for making me the strong woman that I am today and thank you for never holding back the words you had to say.

I hope the next woman you love, loves with as big of a heart as you. I hope that when asked if she would do it all over again, she too would say yes.

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