I want to feel that way again.
Where you don’t even notice there’s a smile on your face until someone catches it on you. Where your heart flutters with every breath. You can close your eyes and everything in the world feels perfect. You can take that deep breath and know nothing can harm you. For once, you feel completely safe.
Where tears don’t come easy. But when they do, that loving hand is there to wipe them off your cheeks. Where you can literally feel the love through their pounding heart under your hand. And to know that your both living for that moment. That single moment that you know it can’t get any better. But then each moment afterwards proves you wrong.
I want to feel that way again.
Where everything falls into place perfectly. And everything fits together perfectly. Where they are the last thing on your mind before falling asleep. Where you can’t fall asleep because they are on your mind. And losing sleep over thoughts of them doesn’t even phase you. Where you’re happy, and it’s not forced.
I want to feel that way again.
Where you feel alive and full of life and not just trying to survive.