He Might Have Wounded Your Soul, But He Didn’t Dim The Light In Your Heart

He might have broken your heart but just because he failed to see your worth and didn’t appreciate your loving heart, doesn’t mean he gets to take away the best parts of you. He might have wounded your soul but he did not break you.

There’s so much more to you than what he took from you. He was just a chapter in your life you will recover from. You’ll be able to move on and start anew because the flame in your heart always flickers and gives you the strength you need to heal your wounded soul.

“Tell your heart to beat again. Close your eyes and breathe it in, let your shadows fall away, step into the light of grace. Yesterday’s a closing door, you don’t live there anymore. Say goodbye to where you’ve been and tell your heart to beat again”  

Don’t dwell on the damage that he’s caused. Don’t give them your time or thoughts, he’s not worth your tears, he’s not worthy of you, especially of your loving nature. He no longer has power over your heart and you should find relief in knowing that you’re free to be yourself again. You can say goodbye to the bitter, haggard person his toxic love turned you into.

You can now focus on healing your heart and on patiently waiting for the love that you truly deserve. Don’t regret giving your heart away to the wrong person. Never apologize for having the ability to love passionately and intensely.

Giving your heart to him doesn’t just come with negative consequences. Whether you see it or not, you’re learning from this, you’ll become stronger because of this.

Live your life with zero regrets because that’s the only way to live. Don’t blame yourself for what went wrong. It’s not your fault.  He missed out on loving you and his lack of commitment is not a reflection of you.

Right now you’re just bending but you won’t break. Allow yourself to feel the weight of your heavy heart but trust that the light in your heart will guide you and you’ll find your way out of this temporary darkness.

“A broken heart heals when we allow the healing to go as deep as the wound went” 

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There Are 5 Types of Nappers – Which One Are You?

If you happen to catch sporadic zzz’s on the reg, you’re most likely a professional napper. To you, napping is an elixir guaranteed to inject happiness and well-being into your life. But not all nappers are the same, so if you want to know which type of napper you are, here’s a breakdown of the types and what your napping routine says about you. 


1. Dysregulative Napper.

Napping is sort of the magic wand you only use when necessary. Like if anything gets off balance in your life, you resort to the power of a quick nap to restore it. This napper personality tends to be outgoing and super active individuals, I mean, they are #1 out of the 5 different types of napping personalities. They also have a tendency to take every activity that they’re involved with to the extreme, which also speaks of their ability to be consistent and committed. Like, they can go for hours partying, studying or doing whatever might be their ‘flavor of the month’ without getting dead tired. But if it gets to the point where they have exhausted all their energy, they know they can always use a power nap to catch a second wind. Their bodies are strong but their brains need the break so they can jump to the next thing and keep going. Napping is their preferred pick-me-up only when necessary

2. Restorative Napper.

Napping is part of their daily routine. Even if it’s just a quick five-minute nap, napping is fundamental to their daily life. This napping personality type realizes there is more to naps than meets the eye. In fact, there are surprising benefits that could boost their productivity, so they nap hard. These individuals are very in tune with what their mind and body need. Most restorative nappers are the introspected type, and also tend to be night owls. They’re also deep thinkers and have super creative minds. Their sleeping patterns may get disrupted due to their unconventional waking hours, so napping to them is sort of the compass to their soul. They take naps regularly to keep their creative fluids going and to also keep their awareness sharp during the day.  

This Is How the Summer Solstice Is Going to Affect the Light in Your Heart

“The summer solstice is a celebration of the return to light, and it so powerfully reminds us of the light within each of us and the full potential of our individuated as well as united light or christ consciousness (our cosmic sense of unity). It is about awakening, or reaching enlightenment, as an omnipotent symbol of ascension and the ultimate triumph of light over darkness.” –  Natalia Kuna 

The summer solstice is more than the official beginning of summer and the longest day of the year. Astrologically speaking, when the sun is close to the Earth, the energy of this cosmical event directly affects your actual being, the light in your heart, specifically, your emotions.

The summer solstice occurs when the sun is directly over the Tropic of Cancer, or 23.5° north latitude. So, in essence, between March and September, Earth’s Northern Hemisphere gets more exposure to direct sunlight over the course of a day. To top that off, the same day of the summer solstice, the season of Cancer begins, adding more substance to the astrological effects we’re going to experience.

I Know We’re Just Friends, but I Can’t Stop My Heart from Falling

“Love is when you find someone who’s your best friend and you can be yourself around them. It’s when words can’t come close to how you feel. It’s when you know you’re supposed to be together. And if you have to wait forever… You will.” 

You’re literally my favorite person in the world; you’re my unconditional support, the first person I go to no matter what happens to me – good or bad, my confidant, my best friend and lately… well, lately, you’re the person I’m unavoidably falling for.

There’s really nothing I can do to stop my heart from falling for you, sorry. I tried.

For a while I thought it was a temporary crush and I didn’t really give it much thought. But as time passed and we spent more time together; laughing, crying, creating new memories, those feelings grew stronger and became more intense, to the point where denying ‘falling for you’ was no longer possible.

The Strongest Girls Are The Girls With Anxiety

Her Anxiety

She’s been battling her anxiety for quite some time and she continues to do so with bravery. She’s not a victim of her mental illness, because she knows in her heart that she’s so much more than the demons that live in her mind. 

1. She’s learned to hold her head up high when the chaos in her mind consumes her, so the word weakness is practically not in her vocabulary.

She’s a strong girl because she manages to survive the battlefield that is her life, dealing with a mental illness that takes a lot of courage to tame and survive on a daily basis.

She manages to function because she’s tried every coping mechanism possible and she has found ways that help her calm her anxious heart. She pushes forward with determination.

Admit It, We Can’t Be “Just Friends”

“Be careful when falling for a close friend; it can work out perfectly or blow up in your face” 

You and I have always been the perfect match. Let’s be honest, we get each other so well and the physical attraction between us is still as fresh as it was when we first met each other and became friends. At this point, it’s ridiculous to me how we’re not enjoying the perks of being in a romantic relationship. Why is it so hard for you to accept that we can’t be “just friends”?

What else do you need to prove that we’ve be great together? Sadly though, it seems that it’s becoming more of an impossibility to ever become more than what we are now. I’m just starting to give up on the idea that you’ll ever open your heart to being something more than pals. The problem is, one thing is to give up on that idea, and something else is to learn to live with the fact that I have feelings for you. I can’t just turn those feeling off with a switch.

To My Long Distance Best Friend, Remember This When You Feel Alone

“Distance cannot matter – ours is a friendship of the heart. A part of you has grown in me, together forever we shall be, never apart, maybe in distance, but not in heart. True friends never apart maybe in distance but never in heart. You’re my closest friend and you’re thousands of miles away.”

We might be miles apart but you’re still my best friend and one of the most important people in my life.

When you struggle, I can’t help but empathize with your life challenges as if they were mine.


I want to protect you, be there for you and support you in any way I can. I never want to see you sad, so please know that no matter what it is you’re going through, I’m the person you can always rely on. Even from far away, especially when you feel sad, lost, or alone.

I Don’t Want to Have Kids Because I Don’t Want to Be like You, Mom

Some women grow up dreaming about being a mother.


They start as early as the first time they hold a doll in their tiny hands and quickly urge to mimic everything they’ve watched their mothers do to care for an infant.


Unfortunately, that was not the case for me, I grew up watching you, mom, you cared for me poorly and that quickly shaped my views on life and parenting. Yes, I had dolls growing up, but no mother figure to mimic after, so being a mother has never been something I aspire to be or that I remotely feel comfortable with.


Perhaps deep down I feel I’m not deserving of being a mother but maybe that’s a thought way too complex to explore or psychoanalyze at this point in my life.


Let’s be honest, mom, what do I know about caring for a child if I was never truly cared for?


The truth is, I don’t want to have kids because I don’t want to be like you, mom.


It Takes A Real Man To Win The Heart Of A Single Mom

Dating is hard, so dating a single mom comes with additional challenges that only a real big-hearted man will be able to overcome. The good thing is that if you put in the work, you’ll realize that dating a single mom is extremely fulfilling.

Single moms are straight up badasses. A single mom has her priorities straight and knows exactly what she wants and needs in her life.

She doesn’t want to waste her time simply because she doesn’t have much of it, to begin with. And when she does, she won’t be with someone who’s not willing to put in the effort. The bottom line is, she’ll share her precious time with someone who is willing to be as committed as she can be if you’re right for her.

She has to be picky about the person she chooses to date because she needs to think about her little one too. She knows that every decision she makes might directly or indirectly affect her child. She’s really good at keeping her priorities straight, so consider yourself lucky if she decides to give you the time a day.


To the Friends I Pushed Away Because of My Depression, I’m Sorry

“I apologize for my absence. There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.”  – Laurell K. Hamilton

I know I’ve made it nearly impossible for you to get close to me lately, and I also know that you’ve tried your hardest to support me through my struggles. The thing is, my depression takes a life of its own, it suffocates my mind and all I want to do is pull away from my friends and shut down. Please believe me, I feel terribly sorry for pushing away the people that I love, so I hope you know that I don’t do it consciously, it’s actually very confusing and painful thing to do because I don’t have control over it.

1. I’m aware that my depression makes me behave like someone you barely know.

Trust me, I barely know myself when I’m depressed and I hate the feeling. It’s so overpowering, it takes away most of my energy and turns me into a shell of a person. When it takes over, I feel low, sad and irritated and I can barely focus. I think part of the reason I seclude myself is because I feel shame about my state. I don’t want the people I care about to see me down. It’s hard to recognize myself when I’m depressed, so putting myself out there adds to the overall feelings of inadequacy and shame.

2. Believe it or not, I miss you all when I isolate myself.

I feel that I’m missing out on so much and what I want the most is to feel like myself, so I can be the best friend that I can be to all of you. For the most part, my depression makes me feel like a burden when I’m trying to hide it around you. I feel worthless like I have nothing to offer and in all honesty, the last thing I want to do is hurt or bring my friends down.

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