Fall Bucket List: 10 Things You Need to Do With Your Bestie

You and your bestie literally had the best summer ever! And you’re now so ready for the Fall season. Pumpkin everything is what you’ll see everywhere starting now, so…

1. Before you indulge yourself with your first Pumpkin Spice Latte of the season, you and your bestie should enjoy your very last, extra-large, ice coffee brew and make the last sip be your official transition to the Fall, as you recap all the memories you made together during the summer.

2. You both know that It’s definitely time to move on from your summer flings. You’ve talked about it A LOT, and deep down know they’ve run its course. You’re both so ready to cozy up with the new flavor of the month, so be blunt little hoes with each other and encourage a little slutty behavior next time you’re out. Go get the new guy!

3. But if you happened to have found real love during your summer fun. First remember, ’Chicks over Dicks’ then make sure you take advantage of a nice chilly night under the covers to tell your guy  “I love you” for the first time. Be ready to text your girl first thing the next day, as you promised her to give her all the deets, and she’ll be there for you no matter what happened.

4. Make Halloween plans like right now. So whether you decide to spend it low-key, watching horror films while stuffing your faces with mini KitKats and Candy corn, or going all out at a costume party with friends. Start planning and  “Trick or Treat” yo self!

5. You’ve been probably talking about new hairstyles all summer, so have fun with a little change, be it the color or length. Whatever matches your personality and goes well with the cool autumn vibes. You know you’re dying to cheer each other’s new kick-ass style.

6. You might also wanna update your makeup bag. Another trip to Sephora is calling your names, so go and have fun swatching all the pretty colors that are gonna look so good on you this fall season. Speaking of pretty colors, this Fall you should definitely get…

7. Sweater weather matching sweaters…because you both wanna be comfy AF while you binge-watch your new TV show pick on Netflix.

8. Hearty soup anyone? You might suck at cooking or be a master chef wanna-be. Whatever it might be, Fall calls for soup, so plan out a night to make it from scratch or order it from your fave restaurant in town. Either way, pair it with a nice glass of wine and enjoy every spoonful while gossiping the night away.

9. Fall is typically when the unexpected case of the blues hits hard, so as each other’s ride or die, make sure you make it a point to be there for each other a little extra every day during this season. After all, you’ll take a bullet for your bitch and…

10. Every season is a good time to make a bucket list together and celebrate that you’ll always be best friends forever.


Why People Born In September Love The Hardest

People born in September are without a doubt, the perfect representation of ‘wearing your heart on your sleeve’. Astrologically speaking, (Virgo) they possess the right amount of analytical and intuitive smarts to love hard and navigate emotions like no other.

They commit to love with open arms. 

They trust their instincts enough to live in the moment and not worry too much about  “what if it doesn’t work out”. Once they find the person that sweeps them off their feet, they embrace their feelings and let themselves go to wherever their hearts lead them. If anything goes wrong, they know they’ll be able to handle failure because…

Their hearts are strong by nature.

 They’re resilient to chaos and when relationships fail, they know they can rely on their logic to help heal their broken hearts. Their rational minds never let them down through the hard times, so they quickly bounce back from the pain without feeling resentment. After all, they believe that true love exists so they’ll never allow past failures fog their loving nature.

Their optimistic perception of love not only makes them have a heart of gold but also makes them be certain of what their hearts deserve. 

They are not the type to allow someone play with their good-hearted intentions. They can identify when they’re settling for less and are not afraid to put a stop to anyone who tries to treat them like crap.

These type of people take honesty very serious, so their loyalty is as strong as their ability to love.

They rarely cheat or go for the sporadic fling. They have an eye for the real thing and don’t like to waste their love on dead-end relationships. Even if they find themselves having the rare one night stand, or the on and off booty call, chances are, those brief encounters will turn into something more in spite of their initial intentions, after all…

They’re irresistibly charming and their ability to look into someone’s eye and inspire confidence and trust is literally a superpower. 

They can pick up on someone’s potential right away immediately making you feel comfortable around them.

They are pretty good at communicating their feelings and making you feel like you can tell them anything. 

They mediate fairly and make conversations flow, so you’ll never find yourself having a dull conversation with them or getting stuck in one of those annoyingly stubborn argument loops.

Their empathetic nature makes them a perfect candidate for what your heart desires,

So if you’re lucky enough to fall for this type of person, chances are you’ll end up marrying your lover and best friend. And trust that it will last forever, not only because they know how to love hard and keep happiness alive in your life but also because…

People born in September are creative souls so life with them will always be a never-ending adventure.

The Douchebag Percentage Quiz

Take a deep breath and add up all that apply. Go!

10% – His friends don’t have a fucking clue of who you are and to top it off, he avoids at all costs to meet yours.

5% – He flirts with your friends or any girl when “you’re not looking”. Add an additional 5% for underestimating your intelligence.

5% – You’ve gone on a few dates when you suddenly find out that he’s got a serious girlfriend. But according to his logic, he’s done nothing wrong because… “You never asked if I had a girlfriend”

5 % – His ‘phone use’ is highly questionable and at times borders on inappropriate. He can’t, for his life, be a nice guy and instead has a roster of girls he’s in constant communication with depending on his ego level any given day.

10% – He refers to other girls he’s been with as; the psycho, the stalker, the crazy bitch, the obsessed, the fucking ex…But when you do the math: excessive ego + a dose of bullshit = he’s obviously the one with serious morality issues.

5 % – He’s constantly fishing for compliments, from you or any girl under the sun, which results in several posts showing off the many phases his ego goes through on the daily; the ‘gym shirtless selfie’ or the ‘I woke up like this half naked in bed’ are his favorites.

10 % – He tells you to lose a little weight or put on a little weight, or change your hair or anything about the way that you like to carry yourself because he has a type and you’re not quite cutting it yet.

5 % – He happens to know your ‘Achilles Heel’ and uses it against you just to get what he wants it, when he wants it, how he wants it. Dick!

10 % – He won’t shut up about how much money he has or how many expensive things he owns. Dude, nobody gives a shit about your car. Staaap!

5 % – He’s a pro at non-reliability: he won’t text for days, cancel plans with you at the last minute, he’s always “fashionably” late and always excuses himself with “Don’t pressure me, Babe, that’s just how I roll”

5 % – He’s a master at the Jekyll and Hyde maneuver. He’s the sweetest to you in the beginning, just so you think he’s a catch but after you sleep with him, he turns into the douche that he really is.

5 % – He’s a dick pic freak. Instead of a morning text, you most likely receive a glamor shot of his few inches of lack of respect. When did you ask for this?!

5 % – He has little interest in talking about anything remotely unrelated to him, so don’t be surprised if he already forgot where you went to school, or what you do for a living.

15 % – There’s a constant underlying rudeness to him. He’s quick to judge, criticize, undermine you and tries to manipulate any situation or people to his advantage because you know, he just thinks he’s better than everyone else, including you.

14 Signs He’s 100% Douchebag

Douchebag Math Time

Take a deep breath and add up all that apply. Go!


10% – His friends don’t have a fucking clue of who you are and to top it off, he avoids at all costs to meet yours.

5% – He flirts with your friends or any girl when “you’re not looking”. Add an additional 5% for underestimating your intelligence.

5% – You’ve gone on a few dates when you suddenly find out that he’s got a serious girlfriend. But according to his logic, he’s done nothing wrong because… “You never asked if I had a girlfriend”

5 % – His ‘phone use’ is highly questionable and at times borders on inappropriate. He can’t, for his life, be a nice guy and instead has a roster of girls he’s in constant communication with depending on his ego level any given day.

10% – He refers to other girls he’s been with as; the psycho, the stalker, the crazy bitch, the obsessed, the fucking ex…But when you do the math: excessive ego + a dose of bullshit = he’s obviously the one with serious morality issues.

Study Reveals Which Day Your Partner Is Most Likely To Cheat

While it’d be great to be able to trust our partners implicitly and feel certain that they’ll be faithful to us, the truth is that people cheat. Whether because they’re feeling neglected in the relationship or they’re just plain a-holes (the more likely answer), a new study has revealed the day of the week it’s most likely to happen.

1. The UK website Illicit Encounters is behind the research.

They were interested in what makes cheaters cheat and how they go about doing it—makes sense since the site itself hooks up people who are already in relationships. They talked to 1,000 users about their preferences when being unfaithful and the results were interesting if not infuriating.

2. It’s all about the weekend.

That’s right—Friday nights are a cheater’s paradise. Christian Grant, a spokesperson for Illicit Encounters, told Women’s Health Australia that if your partner regularly heads out on the town on Friday nights without you, there may be a problem. “If your partner regularly goes out with work colleagues on a Friday night, this should raise suspicions, particularly if they always go out with you the following night. The Saturday night date is partly due to guilt over the Friday night liaison,” he explained.

3. A lot of cheaters meet at a gym.

A whopping 30% of users said they hooked up with people they met while working out, while 26% found someone to hook up with at work social events. Only 17% of cheaters met someone on social media, which is a somewhat shockingly low number, right?

4. More cheaters meet through common hobbies/interests rather than random encounters at a bar or club.

While one-night stands with someone you met down at your local bar is pretty much legendary in movies and on TV, it’s not all that common in real life. The study revealed that most people had something in common with the people they cheated with rather than just sleeping with someone based on physical appearance (or drunkenness) alone.

5. At the end of the day, communication is key.

If you’re seriously concerned about your partner’s fidelity, the best advice is to simply talk to them. If you don’t feel like you can bring up this topic without it causing strain, an argument, or even a breakup, then there’s obviously a serious problem in your relationship whether they’re cheating on you or not.

This article originally appeared on Bolde.

This Is Why You Should Date The Girl Who Loves Too Hard

If you are the girl who loves too hard, being passionate is your natural state, you have the biggest heart and live life fearlessly.

For this type of girl, loving too much is far better than not loving enough, after all, life is too short to waste it, so it’s better lived pouring your heart out to the world like a boss!

To have that level of trust in one’s heart requires courage and a ton of confidence. So yes, the girl who loves hard not only has plenty of love to give but also has the badass attitude to go with it. She’s a true natural born giver.

1. She’s perfectly adept at taking leaps of faith.

Life’s challenges are welcome with open arms, whatever they might be because she understands that in order to win, she’s gotta have some losses…

2. So losing in life is always accepted with pride.

As long as she gave it her very best,  she’ll make the best out of whatever mistake she might have made or whatever fucked up pain someone might have caused her. But before she gets back on her feet …Wine anyone?

3. For the girl who loves too hard, anything is a good excuse for a nice glass of her favorite liquid heaven.

After all, this girl has a heart of gold, and there’s nothing like getting over life’s bittersweet moments than with a good cry and a glass of wine. But for a girl who wears her heart on her sleeve, times like this also call for the company of a SO or a friend because…

4. She loves to love, and that makes her loyal to a fault.

There’s something special about this girl that makes people gravitate towards her. It might be her passion for life or her giving nature. Either way, friendship, and love never take a back seat when it comes to loyalty. She’s the one that you can count on through thick and thin, and most definitely the type to have an I’ll-take-a-bullet-for-you type of relationship with. If you’re lucky enough to have this girl in your life, be gentle and caring with her heart because…

5. She’s a strong girl with a sensitive heart.

She’s always open to give and receive, but when it comes to her emotions, she doesn’t usually show what’s going on in her heart. Whether this girl is spiraling out or being at her highest, she keeps it cool as a way of covering up her most vulnerable spots.

6. So beware of her smarts because she has all the tricks in the book to guard her most precious treasure. Her heart.

She has a ‘No BS’ policy. She’s as blunt as they come and will always stand up for herself and those she loves.

So be upfront, loyal and kind with her because she’s always ready to love with her whole heart. If you try to mess with her emotions, make sure you’re ready to take her sass. You’ll only have two options with the girl who loves too hard: love the shit out of her or save your ego the heartbreak.

Stay Single Until You Find the Guy Who’s Truly and Completely Faithful

Because being faithful means, there’s no backup plan to the relationship that you’re in. You’re so invested and involved in the love that you share that it never crosses your mind to second guess your relationship or your heart. “What if this ends” is never in the back of your head, so you gladly remove yourself from all your online dating accounts.

It means going out of your way to make sure that anyone that’s interested in you knows that you’re taken, without caring if they think that you’re being rude.

Nothing gives you more joy than to show off your relationship status to others. You stop girls cold if they flirt with you because your girlfriend’s feelings are more important to you than a thirty-second ego boost you can get from some girl’s flirty intentions.

It’s never falling for the peer pressure of people or friends when being in a situation where they wanna make you part of their douchey pursuits.

It means never finding excuses to justify their shady behavior or any on your part. You simply don’t put yourself in that situation in the first place, but if by any fucked up circumstance you found yourself almost crossing the line, you are man enough to own up to it, put your loyalty in check and go above and beyond to rectify your almost disloyal actions.

Because being faithful means that you’re always honest and never lie or hide anything from the person that you love.

You take pride in the open communication that you have and cherish the fact that your girlfriend respects and trusts your individuality and independence. So whether some girl asked for your number or an ex-booty call texted you to say “what’s up,” you’re always happy to make your girlfriend the first one to know about it. Whatever you do out in the social world is never something that would offend or jeopardize your relationship, because you’re loyal to what you have and that means…

You never treat other girls with the same love and affection that you have for your girlfriend, not even your best girlfriends.

You know how to set boundaries with your personal relationships because you know the difference between being the guy who honors the love for his girlfriend, being a friend and what falls under the category of being a douche canoe.

Being faithful means you understand and respect your person’s values and beliefs on loyalty, and compromise with her even when some of those beliefs might not be your own.

Because what you have with her is the type of love that is worth fighting and compromising for and you never want to tarnish the trust that you have and have worked so hard to build.

It means that you’re aware that cheating can be physical, mental or emotional, so you stay away from risking falling into any of its categories.

You know it can be the thing that crushes your relationship, so you protect both your hearts at all costs from ever crossing that line.

Because you are with the person that you love the most, the one that makes you feel whole and that you know you’re meant to be with forever. You can’t fathom the chance or possibility of letting someone else in your heart in any shape or form…

So at the end of the day being faithful simply means, always choosing your girlfriend first, every second, every day.

To The Fearless Girls Who Had The Strength To Break-Up With Their Toxic Dad

A Fearless Girl And Her Toxic Dad

Dads…Who needs them? All girls do but unfortunately, yours didn’t fit the bill as ‘world’s best dad’ and you had no choice but to gather up your ‘daddy’s little princess’ dreams and kicked the toxic bastard to the curb.

It hurt, stung and burned your soul, but you must trust that it’s the best decision you ever made and that you’re going to kick ass at living  life without your dad.

Whether it was because of emotional or physical abuse, the dude failed at his fundamental job to unconditionally love, protect and nurture you.


It must be clear that his toxic lack of effort and ability to love is not your fault. It doesn’t have to define you or haunt and shape your capacity to love and receive love.

Your resilient heart has come this far, you made the conscious choice to separate yourself from his toxic influence, and that along has already set you up for a better mañana.

Yes, it’s a great loss, probably one of the hardest break-ups you have to endure, but it has also shown your inner strength and the power you have to fight for the love that you warrant. Cheer up, you’re a self-made badass!


Only Unicorn Moms Live These Perfectly Imperfect Truths All Too Well

We’re winging motherhood as much as we sometimes struggle to put on our eyeliner. Some days we got our shit together and others, we're trying to clean our kid’s shit off the walls. It’s ok, we are not afraid of being messy. We know how to embrace chaos with tons of pride and a little wine.

1. We tackle the challenges of being a mom, woman, girlfriend, and wife like it’s nobody’s business, literally. We never care about what judgy people assume or say about our not so “perfect” parenting skills or life’s choices.  

2. We’re queens of our zero-fucks-given kingdom. We’re unapologetic about the way that we choose to raise our kids and live our life, which is always less focused on being perfect and more on finding the balance and beauty in the imperfect. 

3. We’re not the type of mom that tries to make motherhood look easy or flawless. We just celebrate our very best, whatever that might be depending on the day. Today, it might just be that dinner for the family will consist of a box of microwave mac ‘n’ cheese. Let’s feast!  

4. We don’t care to admit when our kids are being assholes. Let’s be honest, nine out of ten times it’s partly our fault that they chose to act like the devil’s spawn.  

We love them regardless and own up to our fail attempts to make them behave well. We breathe, count to ten and hope that any future tantrum is less embarrassing than the last. Xanax, anyone? 

5. We might complain, scream and curse a lot at times, but all in good fun. We have to encourage our spurts of crazy and also give space for our antics to run wild for a while in order to survive at being moms. After all,  being beautifully imperfect is the necessary evil of all unicorn moms

6. We have our priorities straight and on top of the list is always loving our kids to death. Our unconditional love makes us relentless about our ability to protect them and care for them. It’s not always an easy task but for a unicorn mom, the key to winning at being a mom is to show them by example how life is always best when you have a sense of humor, embrace your flaws and love yourself and others with a big heart.

35 Thoughts You Have While Watching Riverdale

Admit it, you already binge watched every episode of the first season of Riverdale.

And these are probably all the thoughts you had 

  1. Wow, great fucking casting job… 

  2. Murder mystery…already interested.

  3. Wait..Is that…Luke…Perry aka Dylan McKay?  

  4. Cheryl and Jason’s relationship is creeeeeeeepy 

  5. And they look too pale to be alive.

  6. Ms Grundy’s kind of hawt!

  7. And so are Archie’s abs…They’re a perfectly imperfect match.

  8. But the hot teacher acts a bit sketchy 

  9. Although every character looks suspicious AF!

  10. Specially Betty ’mom. Something’s definitely off with Alice Cooper 

  11. Actually all moms seem a little bit on the cray side

  12. Speaking of cray, Chery Bloosom’s obsession with her brother is questionable #incest

  13. But her taste in lipstick is on point, so I’ll look the other way

  14. These girls are CONSTANTLY putting on makeup 

  15. 5 min ago I thought Veronica was a manipulative bitch, but look at her now being all sassy and cool! 

  16. Am I team Betty or team Veronica? I’m both #friendshipgoals

  17. But I want Veronica’s cheerleading moves and…ALL of her wardrobe 

  18. Speaking of wardrobe, Jughead is rocking that…crown? 

  19. Wearing Cat ears like Josie and the Pussycats should become a thing 

  20. And Betty’s ponytail should not 

  21. Still not buying that Archie has musical talents 

  22. At least not compared to the Pussycats

  23. Ok…still not over Luke Perry playing a dad 

  24. Wait, what’s going on? 

  25. Betty, stop freaking me out!

  26. Chuck + Sticky Maple = WTF 

  27. #justiceforchuck ?

  28. Gotta admit, Betty’s dark side caught me off guard 

  29. Need.to.know.what.happened to Jason Blossom

  30. I’m loving all 50 shades of Jughead 

  31. OMG just realized Jughead is Ben ( Ross’ son ) from Friends

  32. I’m not sure who I want Archie to end up with but…

  33. I’m definitely rooting for Betty and Jughead forever 

  34. This is drama, over drama, over drama…I’m hooked 

  35. But, I need to find out who killed Jason Blossom like right now.

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