Wearing Your Boyfriend’s Clothes Boosts Mental Health, So Stealing His Hoodie Is Officially Self-Care

Boyfriend Jean… literally,

If you’re one of those girls who love the comfort of wearing your boyfriend’s oversized clothes, then you should know that there’s more to it than looking hella cute while enjoying the way your guy smells. A new study suggests that wearing your boyfriend’s clothes such as an oversized button-down shirt or college hoodie can be beneficial to your sanity, especially when your guy’s far away. Yes, turns out, your guy’s not just good for your heart but also your mental health, so stealing his hoodie is officially self-care.

The University of British Colombia conducted a study using 96 participating couples. The data was gathered as followed: Men were asked to wear new t-shirts for a period of 24 hours, under a set of guidelines that would prevent them from altering their scent. The t-shirts were then collected and frozen to preserve their scent and then given randomly to the women to smell. Not all women were able to smell their partner’s shirt which helped control biases.

Ready for the results…drum roll!


1. Your guy’s scent could make you zen.

Results gathered by the group of women who were given their boyfriend’s clothes to smell showed that having close access to your partner’s scent as in “wearing their clothes’ lowers the amount of the stress hormone cortisol in the brain. In short, these women were less stressed.

“Our findings suggest that a partner’s scent alone, even without their physical presence, can be a powerful tool to help reduce stress.”  – UBC Department of Psychology


2. You can miss your guy and soothe your heart at the same time.

“Many people wear their partner’s shirt or sleep on their partner’s side of the bed when their partner is away, but may not realize why they engage in these behaviors,” said UBC department of psychology grad student and the study’s lead author, Marlise Hofer.

Well, now we know and we’re loving it!

According to the results in this study, if our loved one is not around, we can assume that the next best thing would be to cozy up in one of your boyfriend’s clothes until you get the real thing. Because, although it might not be the real thing, but it can definitely give you the comfort that you need until they’re back.

On the other hand, there are other interesting findings in the study…


3. Another guy’s scent could have the opposite of a stress-free effect.

Not that you’re looking to wear some other guy’s shirt but in case you’re wondering. Results gathered by the group of women who didn’t get to smell their partner’s shirts indicated an elevation in the stress hormone cortisol in their brain. Researchers believe that ‘fear of the unknown played a big role in making these group of women more stressed.

“From a young age, humans fear strangers, especially strange males, so it is possible that a strange male scent triggers the ‘fight or flight response that leads to elevated cortisol. This could happen without us being fully aware of it”


4. Girls have a new way to tell their guys how much they want them by their side.

Sounds corny but hey, you love your guy and now science’s on your side. Next time he rolls his eyes when he catches you grabbing his bottom-down shirt to wear around the house, let him know that his scent puts you in a good mood and also makes you less prone to give him shit about him going away for a few days.

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10 Things You Need To Do With Your Bestie This Fall

You and your bestie literally had the best summer ever! And you’re now so ready for the Fall season. Pumpkin everything is what you’ll see everywhere starting now, so…

1. Before you indulge yourself with your first Pumpkin Spice Latte of the season…

…You and your bestie should enjoy your very last, extra large, ice coffee brew and make the last sip be your official transition to the Fall, as you recap all the memories you made together during the summer.

2. You both know that It’s definitely time to move on from your summer flings.

You’ve talked about it A LOT, and deep down know they’ve run its course. You’re both so ready to cozy up with the new flavor of the month, so be blunt little hoes with each other and encourage a little slutty behavior next time you’re out. Go get the new guy!

3. But if you happened to have found real love during your summer fun.

First remember, ’Chicks over Dicks’ then make sure you take advantage of a nice chilly night under the covers to tell your guy  “I love you” for the first time. Be ready to text your girl first thing the next day, as you promised her to give her all the deets, and she’ll be there for you no matter what happened.

4. Make Halloween plans like right now.

So whether you decide to spend it low key, watching horror films while stuffing your faces with mini KitKats and Candy corn, or going all out at a costume party with friends. Start planning and  “Trick or Treat” yo self!

5. You’ve been probably talking about new hairstyles all summer, so have fun with a little change, be the color or length.

Whatever matches your personality and goes well with the cool autumn vibes. You know you’re dying to cheer each other’s new kick-ass style.

6. You might also wanna update your makeup bag.

Another trip to Sephora is calling your names, so go and have fun watching all the pretty colors that are gonna look so good on you this fall season. Speaking of pretty colors, this Fall you should definitely get…

7. Sweater weather matching sweaters…

…because you both wanna be comfy AF while you binge-watch your new TV show pick on Netflix.

8. Hearty soup anyone? You might suck at cooking or be a master chef wannabe.

Whatever it might be, Fall calls for soup, so plan out a night to make it from scratch or order it from your fave restaurant in town. Either way, pair it with a nice glass of wine and enjoy every spoonful while gossiping the night away.

9. Fall is typically when the unexpected case of the blues hits hard, so like each other’s ride or die, make sure you make it a point to be there for each other a little extra every day during this season.

After all, you’ll take a bullet for your bitch and…

10. Every season is a good time to make a bucket list together and celebrate that you’ll always be best friends forever.

Why Girls Who Go Through A Brutal Breakup End Up The Happiest

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.” –Willie Nelson

You’re going through a brutal breakup and the last thing you wanna hear right now is things happen for a reason.Like, come on!. You’re emotionally exhausted, your heart is aching and so over feeling like you’ve been deprived of happiness forever.

You should trust that in a weird way, whether you think it’s possible or not right now, you’ll end up the happiest. Your heart will go through hell and back and will most definitely survive it.

Right now, you just can’t find any sense of solace in a few words of encouragement.

Because you simply cannot comprehend how life can be so unfair. You loved passionately and intensely and in the blink of an eye, it all went to shit. You can’t accept it and absolutely nothing can ease the pain that you’re feeling right this second.

The memories that you built with him are all you can think about and the thought of him kissing you again literally consumes every second of your day. He’s all you ever wanted and you can’t fathom life without him. You wonder, how am I ever going to get him off my mind? How is my body ever going feel like he made me feel?

It’s a pressure in your chest that makes it almost impossible to hold back your tears. It’s brutal.

People Are Dragging This Shallow Twitter User Who Rudely Mocked Small Engagement Rings

Proposals, engagements, and marriage seem to be some of the sore spots for women in society. More often than not, women are constantly trying to “compete” with other women/couples to have a better proposal, a bigger ring, and an all-out ball of a wedding. In retrospect, the need to constantly impress others sometimes forces us to miss the bigger picture of proposals and engagements—love.

Many women feel that no matter how, or when, or what goes into their proposal and engagement, they are happy no matter what because they are spending the rest of their lives with the one they truly love. That’s why, when a woman on Twitter began mocking “small” engagement rings, women across the web totally snapped.

The Twitter user, who has since deleted the photo and post, wrote: “imagine finally being proposed to and this is the ring you’re given.” The ring is a small, tasteful diamond.

Many women online responded that the girl is  “shallow” and “rude.” Additionally, they pointed out that she totally does not understand what it means to really be in love and want to spend her life with someone, no matter what.

Damn right—who would want to marry a woman who is that materialistic and shallow? Boys, do better for yourselves.

Why Not Having Kids Is Something You Should Seriously Think About

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the number of childless woman out there is higher than ever. While this thought might perplex any brand new mom of a bouncing a baby girl or boy, the reality is that, at least from a scientific perspective, not having kids is actually a good idea. Once you throw in what it means to skip having kids from a personal perspective, it makes even more sense. While I would never tell any woman to not have a child, before you do, there are definitely some things to seriously consider first.

1. TO BE HONEST, THE WORLD REALLY DOESN’T NEED ANOTHER KID.Have you looked at the World Population Clock lately? As I write this sentence, there are currently, 7,475,704,326 people in the world. By the time I finished writing that sentence, it had gone up by 50 more people. If you really think the planet is never going to run out of resources for all those people, then you’re out of your mind.

2. KIDS MURDER YOUR SEX LIFE.Breaking news: This is not a myth at all. Between all that lack of sleep that comes with having kids, the lack of time to do it, and the general stress of being a parent, sex lives of people with kids tend to get wiped out. Sure, you’ll still get it on — once a month if you’re lucky, as opposed to the days when it was several times a week.

3. KIDS WILL MAKE YOU MISERABLE.While there’s no denying that pregnant women glow and a new mom, while exhausted AF, is for the most part happy, science has a brutal wake-up call. According to a 2014 Gallup study, if you’re not rich and living in an English-speaking country, you’re likely to have a “lower life evaluation” thanks to your kids. What this means is that you’re not exactly going to be a happy camper.

4. YOUR CAREER WILL SUFFER.It may be nice to think that you can “have it all,” but it’s not true for many women out there. Unless you have a career that affords you a certain lifestyle so you can actually have it all — that house in the Hamptons, the nanny, the partner who gives just as much as you do in raising the child — you’re going to have to give something up. This isn’t some archaic thinking, but a reality. Not to mention, you’ll have to take time off for maternity leave, which isn’t guaranteed to be paid because the federal government has yet to make paid maternity leave mandatory. So you miss out on that 80 cents to the $1.00 that your male counterparts are making, while also falling behind in your career. Think about it.

5. KIDS CAN TAKE A TOLL ON YOUR RELATIONSHIP.Although from an evolutionary perspective, settling down with a partner and having kids is what we’re “supposed” to do to keep the species afloat, studies have found that having a rugrat can actually wreck havoc on the satisfaction of one’s relationship after that first kid is born. No thanks.

6. KIDS ARE LEAVING ONE HELL OF A CARBON FOOTPRINT. If you haven’t looked into the carbon footprint of Americans and their offspring, then you definitely need to check yourself before you wreck yourself. Studies have found that the average carbon footprint of an American is twice the size of the average person in the U.K. If we look at countries like Ethiopia, our carbon footprint is 200 times the size of an average Ethiopian. In other words, having a kid is just contributing to the slow but inevitable destruction of the Earth.

7. YOU CAN KISS YOUR FREEDOM GOODBYE.To quote Kanye, “She got one of yo kids got you for 18 years.” While he’s talking about gold digger (a term I loathe), the fact remains that once you become a parent, you have at least 18 years of your life being sucked dry, financially, emotionally, mentally, and physically by a kid. Say it out loud: 18 years. Plus, being a parent doesn’t really stop once your kid officially reaches adulthood, either.

8. YOUR KIDS ARE GOING TO BE JERKS SOMEDAY.Think about how you were in your teens. Think about the selfish, ungrateful jerk you were. Do you want to deal with that crap from someone you brought into the world? I don’t think so.

9. YOU HAVE BETTER THINGS TO DO WITH YOUR TIME.It may sound brutal, but it’s the truth. You only get one shot at this whole thing called life and there’s a world out there, a beautiful existence that comes when you skip having kids, that’s worth exploring. Don’t you owe it to yourself to try that on for size? Yes.

10. KIDS ARE EXPENSIVE AF.According to a 2013 report by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the average cost of raising a kid from birth to 18 years of age — which doesn’t include college — is $245,340. With inflation, that’s roughly $304,480. While that amount might be spread out over 18 years, it doesn’t include extras — that’s just putting food on the table and clothes on their backs.

11. IT’S BETTER TO REGRET NOT HAVING KIDS THAN REGRET ACTUALLY HAVING THEM.I’ve written quite a few pieces on why I don’t want kids. I’ve also received quite a few responses; some that called me selfish (true!) and some from women who openly admitted that they regretted having kids. The were adamant about the fact that they love their kids, but if they could do it over, they wouldn’t have gotten on the baby train. Regret is a horrible feeling to have. It rips at your insides on a daily basis and makes you second-guess everything. No one should live with regret — YOU shouldn’t live with regret.

This article was originally published on Bolde.

10 Signs Your Partner Doesn’t Respect You

Nobody wants to admit that their partner doesn’t respect them. This terrible truth comes out in different kinds of ways, all with the common thread of not treating you how you deserve to be treated. Here are some signs this is happening to you.

1. THEY DON’T LISTEN TO YOU. Listening is a significant part of communication, if it’s not there then you have a big problem. Maybe your partner only seems half-there when you talk or perhaps it seems things just go in one ear and out the other. They often can’t remember conversations you had because they weren’t listening and/or they don’t care.

2. THEY DON’T MAKE YOU A PRIORITY.You should be a top priority in their life—you’re their partner. If they can’t make proper space for you, why stick with them? Maybe this lack of respect looks like not having time for you in their schedule or not paying proper attention to you while you’re in a group of people. Whatever it is, you aren’t getting the attention and appreciation you deserve.

3. THEY DON’T TAKE THE TIME TO LEARN ABOUT WHAT’S IMPORTANT TO YOU. Maybe your partner doesn’t identify as a feminist but you do. This is likely a topic that you’re very passionate about because it’s a core part of who you are. A partner who respects you would take the time to learn about what feminism is, knowing how important it is to you. They’d be open-minded enough to stretch their understandings of things.

4. THEY INTERRUPT YOU. This is something that all women have to deal with on a regular basis: at work, out in public, and sometimes unfortunately in their relationship. This tends to happen in straight relationships when you’re dating a man. You’re talking about something and then suddenly he’s talking over you like his opinion is more important. Ugh. However, it should be noted that this could also happen with women or non-binary folk as partners too—no one is immune.

5. YOU HAVE TO MAKE EXCUSES FOR THEIR BEHAVIOR TO LOVED ONES.Your friends see right through your partner’s crap. They notice they aren’t treating you well and they want you to get out of the relationship. As a last attempt at trying to soothe your loved one’s nerves, you come up with a bunch of excuses about why your partner does what they do. You excuse their poor behavior and sometimes even go to the extreme of lying for them.

6. THEY INVITE FRIENDS OUT ON YOUR DATE. You’re looking forward to just you and your partner, a night out together. Maybe you’re envisioning a romantic dinner and a chance to really connect. Instead, your partner asks if you mind going to a local pub because their buddy is going to join. This isn’t a one-time occurrence either—it’s happened many times before.

7. THEY PAY A TON OF ATTENTION TO THEIR PHONE WHEN YOU’RE TOGETHER. I get it, we all love to be on our phones, but there’s a limit. Your partner should be minimizing their phone usage when you’re with one another. You should be enjoying each other’s company, most other things can wait. Of course, there are exceptions like when you’ve mutually agreed to be together while also hanging out on your phones because this can definitely happen. I’m talking about times like being at dinner.

8. THEY HIGHLIGHT YOUR WEAKNESSES.When you’re in an argument and sometimes even when you’re not, they like to point out what they perceive as wrong with you. Maybe they’re flaws you’ve identified yourself or some that they’ve decided on. Regardless, your partner loves to talk about them, especially when you two are in a fight or the spotlight is on them.

9. THEY DON’T RECIPROCATE ORAL SEX.This is a big one. A half-decent partner will take the time to reciprocate oral sex. Especially if you’re regularly going down on them, it should be equal. If it’s not then this is a sign that your partner just doesn’t have enough respect for you.

10. THEY DON’T ALLOW YOU TO HAVE YOUR OWN SPACE. Disrespect doesn’t always have to take the form of doing something outwardly rude. It can also disguise itself as something loving like your partner wanting to spend a ton of time with you. This may seem nice on the surface, but in reality, they aren’t respecting the fact that you have your own life. You two should have a life together as well as your own separate lives. Boundaries are good.

This article originally appeared on Bolde.

The 5 Hottest And 5 Grossest Hookups In ‘Game of Thrones’ History

Game of Thrones is an insanely popular show for a multitude of reasons. One being the fact that at any point in time it’s fair to assume the characters on-screen will start having sex. It doesn’t matter what else is going on—wars raging, people dying, etc—someone somewhere is banging. Sometimes it’s extremely hot, other times it’s downright gross and uncomfortable to watch.  For starters – rape. For seconds – incest. While both were common during the time the show is set, it still leaves us with a horrible taste in our mouths because we don’t f*ck with any of that – and neither should you.


1. Jaime & Cersei Lannister – Season 4, Episode 3:


While any sex scene with Jaime and Cersei is gag-worthy and disgusting, this one is particularly horrible because they’re standing over the dead corpse of their son, Joffrey. While Joffrey was an awful person and we couldn’t wait to see him go – having his own father rape his mother aka his father’s twin sister, is just wrong on every single level imaginable. Did we mention that they’re twins? Did we mention that this was rape? Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

2. Ramsay Bolton & Sansa Stark – Season 5, Episode 6:


This scene still haunts me to this day. Ramsay Bolton has to be, hands down, the most horrible human being/character to ever be on the show (even worse than Joffrey). Forcing someone to marry you is one thing, but raping them is a whole different level of horrible and inhumane. And, having Theon standing there watching over Sansa as she’s tortured is even more disgusting. Sansa has been nothing but everyone’s pawn in a bigger game for the majority of the show prior to this and it’s actually heartbreaking. Thank God she’s recovered and found her “true self” and become empowered by all of this torture. We hope she never has to go through this again.

3. Dany & Khal Drogo – Season 1, Episode 1:


While everyone thinks Dany and Khal Drogo were an adorable couple – because eventually, they were kind of cute – she was also sold and raped like a slave by Drogo, against her will. She cried throughout the majority of their intercourse, and, he didn’t really care about that or her well being at all when they first got together. Of course, all of this contributes to Dany’s empowerment and strength in the later seasons, but watching it early on and remembering her trauma never sits well.

4. Theon & Yara Greyjoy – Season 2, Episode 2:


Why does everyone forget that Theon and Yara had a little incest bit of their own? Theon arrives back at the Iron Islands and meets his sister, who he doesn’t know is his sister but ends up finger-banging her on a horse. I’m nauseous. This scene is disgusting and uncomfortable all at the same time. I’d rather see anyone else on this show get together than these two ever again. Plus, Yara knowing that Theon was her brother makes it even weirder and more warped. Not into it.

5. Dany & Jon Snow – Season 7, Episode 7:


I can bet my life that everyone will be furious with me for adding this into the “worst” category – but I can’t deny that it pissed me off. Sure, everyone wanted it to happen because of fire and ice and blah, blah, blah – but, we all know they’re related. You can scorn Jaime and Cersei for doing the nasty and everyone else who’s broken the incest bubble and then give these two a pass. They may not know they’re related – but we know they’re related so we should think it’s wrong – not hot. Plus, it messes up a lot of things moving forward, like the battle they have up ahead. We know how people get when they “fall in love,” and “fall into bed together.” I’d rather see the White Walkers defeated in Season Eight than Jon and Dany doing the nasty.

People Are Dragging This Shallow Twitter User Who Rudely Mocked Small Engagement Rings

Proposals, engagements, and marriage seem to be some of the sore spots for women in society. More often than not, women are constantly trying to “compete” with other women/couples to have a better proposal, a bigger ring, and an all-out ball of a wedding. In retrospect, the need to constantly impress others sometimes forces us to miss the bigger picture of proposals and engagements—love.

Many women feel that no matter how, or when, or what goes into their proposal and engagement, they are happy no matter what because they are spending the rest of their lives with the one they truly love. That’s why, when a woman on Twitter began mocking “small” engagement rings, women across the web totally snapped.

The Twitter user, who has since deleted the photo and post, wrote: “imagine finally being proposed to and this is the ring you’re given.” The ring is a small, tasteful diamond.

Many women online responded that the girl is  “shallow” and “rude.” Additionally, they pointed out that she totally does not understand what it means to really be in love and want to spend her life with someone, no matter what.



Damn right—who would want to marry a woman who is that materialistic and shallow? Boys, do better for yourselves.

Anna Kendrick Just Remembered She Was In ‘Twilight’ And It’s The Most Relatable Thing To Happen This Week

It’s been a full decade since Twilight came out in theaters. The vampire v. werewolf book series turned movie—that inspired a raunchy and BDSM version—has been a staple of millennial culture whether you want to admit it or not. Let’s face it, we all were kind of into Twilight, even if it were for a short period of time and we’d rather forget it than relive the entire experience all over again.

While we try to forget that we were totally into the whole “vampire trend” for a while—you could totally forget that you were in the movie at all…like, Anna Kendrick did. This week on Twitter, the hilarious actress shared that she “totally forgot” she was in Twilight at all. TBH, so did I.

Then, I had to Google who her character even was—because I truly forgot. She played one of Bella’s friends from school that wasn’t a vampire. Her “normal” friend.

Turns out, Kendrick forgets that she was in Twilight more often than you’d think. Like, in this interview when she was totally reminded she was in the saga—and her expression is like…”oh sh*t, I was.”

As it turns out, people on Twitter are just like us…they forget all of the time that Kendrick was in the annoyingly faded-out and poorly filmed saga that made us all hate Hot Topic and Rob Paterson.


If you needed any other reason to believe Anna Kendrick is relatable AF—here it is, y’all.

13 Borderline Unbelievable Behind-The-Scenes Facts About Romantic Movies

There’s something about romantic movies that make us truly believe in the power of love. Between the perfect casting, a wonderfully adorable script, and scenic destinations—romantic films can make anyone believe in “true love.” But, as with all movies, there are tons of things that happen behind-the-scenes that make even the sappiest movies hilarious (and honestly, even better).

1. The director of The Notebook cast Ryan Gosling because he’s “not handsome.”

In an interview with Vanity Fair, Gosling said:

Cassavetes called me to meet him at his house. When I got there, he was standing in his backyard, and he looked at me and said, ‘I want you to play this role because you’re not like the other young actors out there in Hollywood. You’re not handsome, you’re not cool, you’re just a regular guy who looks a bit nuts.

2. Emma Stone had a breakdown when she had to film the “dirty dancing scene” in Crazy, Stupid, Love.

While filming the scene at Gosling’s house where Stone leaps into his arms a-la Dirty Dancing, the actress had a full-on meltdown. According to Stone, she suffered a freak accident while doing gymnastics as a kid and broke both of her arms. They ended up using a body double to film the actual scene. Crazy.

3. Alicia Silverstone actually didn’t know how to pronounce “Haitians” in Clueless.

Like her character, Silverstone had made the mistake IRL when trying to pronounce Haitians during her speech scene. Director Amy Heckerling told Entertainment Weekly:

The first day we shot the scene in debate class and Alicia said, ‘Hate-i-ans’ instead of ‘HaitiansEverybody started to run up to her to tell her she was wrong. I had to stop them. It’s SO much funnier the way she said it. That was Cher.

4. The director of When Harry Met Sally—Rob Reiner—showed Meg Ryan exactly how he wanted her to fake her orgasm…in front of his own mother.

Who can forget Ryan’s memorable f-orgasm in Katz’s Deli (side-note, I recreate the scene every time I’m knee-deep in a pastrami sandwich at Katz’s). Reiner told The Daily Beast he sat across the table from Billy Crystal and showed Ryan just what he wanted…and his mother had been there, too.

She did two or three [takes], and she did it kind of weakly…I think she was nervous about having to do it in front of the cast, crew, and everybody. And finally, I said, ‘Here, Meg—this is what I’m looking for.’ And I sat down opposite Billy and I acted it out. I pounded the table again and again going, ‘Yes! Yes! Yes!’ and when we were done, I turned to Billy and said, ‘Uh-oh, I just realized I had a huge orgasm in front of my mother!'”

5. Jason Segel actually went through the “naked breakup scene” from Forgetting Sarah Marshall in real life.

Everyone remembers the epic scene in the movie where Sarah dumps Jason’s character while he’s naked eating cereal (who can forget?!?) Turns out, it happened to Segel in real life.

That scene is autobiographical. I got broke-up with while naked in real life. My girlfriend had been out of town and she called me from the airport like, ‘Hey are you at home? I’m back, can I come over?’ And I thought, ‘Yeah, okay, I know what’s about to happen.’ So when she got there I was waiting for her like Burt Reynolds, and she said, ‘We need to talk.’ Then this break-up commences.

6. Melissa McCarthy based her character from Bridesmaids on none other than Guy Fieri, the mayor of Flavortown.

McCarthy said that when they asked her what she wanted, she got hella specific.

They [the costume team] were like, ‘What is it that you want?’ and I was like, ‘I want to dress like Guy Fieri. I tried to get this in the movie, but it didn’t make it in, but every time I took off my sunglasses, I’d put them on the back of my head.

7. The 40-Year-Old Virgin almost didn’t get made into a film because studios thought Steve Carell’s character seemed too much like a serial killer.

While it goes down as one of the funniest comedies ever, it almost didn’t get made. Carell said:

After the first week Universal pulled the plug. So we had to go in, we had only been shooting for five days, and they said ‘we’ve been watching footage and…you look like a serial killer,”We hadn’t shot any dialogue! It was me riding my bike with a weird helmet and me walking down the street and seeing suggestive posters. Just that week compiled they went ‘Oh no, this is NOT a comedy.’

8. During the filming of Love & Other Drugs, Anne Hathaway actually flashed the cast and crew by accident.

Hathaway told Hollywood Life that this particular scene always comes back to haunt her as one of the most embarrassing to film.

The scene where I have to remove my trench coat and be nude underneath. I thought we were filming, but it turned out we were just rehearsing and I got unnecessarily naked in front of a lot of people.

9. 10 Things I Hate About You’s film title was inspired by the co-writer Karen McCullah’s diary entry about a boyfriend she loathed.

I had a boyfriend named Anthony that I was frequently unhappy with. I made a list called ‘Things I Hate About Anthony.’ When Kirsten Smith and I decided to write this, I went through all of my high school diaries. When I told her about that list, she was like, ‘That’s our title.’ Anthony is very proud of that fact. We’re still friends today. Every now and then I’ll get a phone call in the middle of night: ‘My nephew doesn’t believe that this title is about me. Tell him.’ On the phone, I’m like, ‘Yes, I hated Anthony in high school.’

10. The director of No Strings Attached told Ashton Kutcher he was “taking too long to finish” while recording a sex scene.

According to Kutcher, the director had spoken to him about “finishing sooner.”

“Ivan [Reitman, the director] comes in and is like, ‘I think you need to orgasm sooner.” So you’re trying to, but your male machismo is like, ‘No, no, it would take me much longer than this!'”

11. Molly Ringwald wanted a completely different actor to play Jake Ryan in Sixteen Candles.

Ringwald told Entertainment Weekly:

It was between two men — well, young men. It was Michael Shoeffling, who ended up being cast, and Viggo Mortensen, who had just moved from Denmark. t got to the Jake Ryan shot, and we had the kissing scene. Michael Shoeffling did not kiss me during the audition — and Viggo Mortensen did. He made me weak in the knees. Absolutely.

12. Rita Wilson made Tom Hanks see Nia Vardalos’ one-woman show, and he immediately wanted to produce My Big Fat Greek Wedding.

Nobody would read [the script] and I didn’t have any representation, so I jumped on stage and started doing the material as a one-person show. I thought, ‘Well, the agents will come, and maybe I can play a bridesmaid. The next thing I know, Tom Hanks and Gary Goetzman, who had just formed Playtone, came to the show. Tom called me after and said, ‘I’m gonna make your movie.

13. David O. Russell originally wanted to cast Zooey Deschanel and Vince Vaughn to play the lead characters in Silver Linings Playbook. 

Although Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper landed the lead roles in the film, Russell originally didn’t have them in mind.

 I wrote this script five years ago and I rewrote it 20 times. And I thought I was going to make it with Vince Vaughn and Zooey Deschanel before I made The Fighter. And then it didn’t happen, for any number of reasons that were out of my hands.”


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