Being a Nap Queen Isn't a Choice, It's a Lifestyle

She's more than likely take at least one nap (if not more) every day. And if she doesn't, well… it may end badly. Nap time for adults during work hours should definitely be a thing.

When she has to decide whether to go out or to go to sleep, she picks sleep. No questions asked.

9 times out of 10 she'd rather rock a messy bun and sweats than give up another few beautiful moments in her bed. Some day old mascara stains under her eyes never killed anybody. 

Let's face it, her bed trumps looking good.

On nights she gets little to no sleep, there's a really good change tears or temper tantrums might occur throughout the day. So what if she's an adult?

Shopping for a new pillow isn't a hobby, it's a serious life decision. She can't just pick out a random pillow and commit to it for the rest of her nights? No way.

If she goes to a hotel, the most exciting part isn't the pool or the hot tub, but the bed and the pristine white sheets and fluffy pillows waiting to be slept on.

She has a really special bond with her pillows and once she's found the right one, she never wants to let go. 

Even though it's covered in drool and some ketchup stains from when she had breakfast in bed, no matter how hard she tries she just can't get rid of it.

She's the type to fall asleep while eating or in class or in the shower because let's face it, even with naps she's still tired.

Sleep is and always will be her number one priority… no matter how much her boyfriend and friends and familly hate it. 

She's just a sleepy girl and that is a-okay.

21 Signs You're From A Small Town

1. You own at least one pair of “shit kickers” otherwise known as steel toed boots.

2. There is probably only one gas station within ten minutes of your house & the closest mall is probably an hour or more away.

3. Everybody knows everybody. This includes if you have been arrested or in a fight or who you have been/are seeing.

4. People always stop you and ask how your parents are.

5. Hugs are a must when people of an older age see you even though they more than likely saw you last week.

6. Your daily travels are slowed by tractors or combines that drive down the road like any car would.

7. Most police calls are about rowdy parties that take place in and around a bonfire.

8. Fishing derbies are probably one of the most important things that can take place and are very serious matters.

9. You graduated highschool with 18+ students, maybe even less.

10. Square Dancing is the most popular gym unit.

11. Majority of your senior classmates songs they choose are country related along with senior pictures.

12. Either you or your neighbor has farm animals of some sort which get out regularly and walk down the road as if they own it.

13. Diners are the easiest place to obtain a job.

14. Waitressing is one of the few options you have when wanting to work.

15. Pig roasts are pretty normal for weddings or graduation parties.

16. Almost everyone can drive a stick and/or a truck without an issue

17. Fourwheeling and snowmobiling are the average pass times.

18. Majority of the town’s folk have at least one tattoo relating to either deer or something considered “redneck”

19. All of your problems can be solved with a roll of ducttape.

20. When there is a passing, funeral homes are packed full with members of the community

21. Moonshine is like wine to our town and I wouldn’t trade it for anything else.

You Were Everything I Ever Wanted, Yet Somehow I Actually Let You Go

Sometimes when you know, you know. With him, I just knew. I just instantly knew he was the one the would capture my whole heart like no one else ever could.

Falling in love with him changed my life forever. 

The smell of the summer air always brings me right back. We found each other in the light of the fire, in the midst of the chaos. As if we were the characters straight out of our favorite movie or novel. We were Allie and Noah.

Can love ever be easy? I don't know for sure because it has never been for me. 

It sure wasn't when it came to us. But we gave it our all and put our faith in each other, even when we had doubts. Then time went on and things just became harder.

I left him, despite everyone's wise words to stay because his love was one of a kind and like no other. I was younger and my emotions were all over the place. Despite my decision, he supported me even though it was hard to do.

Life gives us the best people in the most difficult of times…as if figuring out your fate isn't hard enough. 

Maybe you can only ever meet the right people when it's the wrong time or maybe it just seems that way. Maybe you don't have one romantic soulmate or maybe you do. 

The only thing I know for sure is that you really do just know when your paths crosses someone special's. 

Don't doubt it because it isn't a straight and narrow path. The easy ways aren't always the right ones. Nothing good ever comes easy. 

So take the risk and love with all you've got before what you have becomes what you had.

If they love you even at 2 AM when you are exhausted and have matted hair or smudged makeup from swimming all day, make them stay. If they hold your hair when you get sick or hold your hand when you are scared, make them stay.

There are very few real good men out there. So when you find one, hold onto him.

Even though it wasn't easy and it might never be, I hope and believe that second chances can take place for two people who just had the wrong timing.

I'll forever regret walking away…I'd do anything for a second chance at our amazing romance.

Thoughts from a Dog Mom

Hi, I’m a dog mom. This is a title I willing accept and take on along with all of the challenges that come with having the responsibility of a living breathing fur baby.

Some might think a “dog mom/dad” is just some cute term that crazy animal people like to use.

But it has meaning.

Being a mom to a four legged ball of energy can be stressful and just as nerve wracking as having a baby.

Let’s face it, our pets are our family or they SHOULD be.

This title means we say/ask/think these things on a daily basis:

1. Is that pee or water on the floor?

2. That looks like poop that you just rolled in but I am hoping that it’s dirt.

3. What did you do this time?

4. I know you think that I am your personal couch but I wanted to sit by myself today. But that’s okay you can sit on me.

5. What do you have in your mouth?!!!!

6. Get out of the garbage/toilet!

7. Don’t chew that up!!!!

8. Don’t be sad I will be home soon. I promise.

Dogs are notorious for chewing things up and rolling in anything that smells less than pleasant to us. And than they proceed to roll on any furniture near by.

If you are a dog mom/dad you probably have more dog hair on you than you do cloths. If it isn’t on you, it is in your eye or mouth. Good luck getting either out.

Your arms and legs more than likely have scratch marks on them, even if their claws are trimmed they are as sharp as knives.

You spend more time with your dog picking out toys and sweaters for them than you do with any of your friends or family. Let’s face it, animals in general are WAY better then people.

The spoon you eat with has probably been shared with your pup as well. What are germs anyway?

Probably half of anything you eat goes to them.

Puppy dog eyes never fail to work their charm on you.

Dates with your dog are more important than dates with men.

Having a sick dog makes it so you do not eat or sleep until the issue is resolved.

Losing a Dog is the worst pain you have ever felt.

Your dog has probably licked your tears after a heartbreak or a difficult time in life. They have been your shoulder to cry on, or lay on, during these rough patches.

But most of all you have a connection with your dog stronger than any other and their love is unconditional. Even when it is 2 AM and you have makeup all over your face. 

Dogs are truly our best friends.

So next time you laugh when I say “Hi, I’m a Dog mom” think about all the amazing things I get to do and be there for with my furry child.

To My Best Friend In College

You and I went to the same small town homeschool.

Although we were close than, we are even closer now.

Our bond continues to strengthen as we dive deeper into eachother’s souls, in search of whom we are individually. In order to gain a better understanding of just who we are.

I had not imagined that we would spend countless days eating food, chatting, ranting, and even studying together (when we actual do it). Nor could I have ever hoped for anything less or anything more.

You have taught me self-love and how to spend money at stores that neither of us have. You have shown me that the darkest of days, especially Mondays, are less gloomy because Gotham is on those days. You have caused me to laugh and been there when I cried.

Your friendship has kept me afloat during the hardest years of my life where I constantly question which way to turn. I know no matter what way I turn I will look back and find you.

Life gives you bestfriends because you need them as much as you need siblings. Without them you would be like a beach without any ocean. What fun would that be?

I, for one, can blatantly say that if your friendship was non-existent my college career might burst into flames.

They say a soulmate is someone who matches your amount of crazy. But what they do not mention often enough is that a soul sister, is better than any significant other.

I Don't Get Tattoos Just for Kicks, It's So Much More Than That to Me

Being tattooed and pierced is like being a walking art show. Rarely two pieces the exact same. Each one with a variety of designs.

While some people knit or draw, I get inked up and pierced.

If you have tattoos or piercings you’ve heard all the negative comments and the questions that are simply just inappropriate to say.

The snide remarks or how unattractive these modifications will make you when you are old and wrinkled like a prune. 

How hard it will be to get jobs or a boyfriend and how unappealing these make me to others added with my preexisting resting bitch face.

Some may suggest that this is simply a “phase”.

But to me, this is something I am passionate about partaking in. It is an art that is greatly underappreciated. 

The steady hands needed to do line work or to pierce a face without injuring someone’s face/body require immense skill and patience.

The hum of the tattoo gun and the vibration you feel as the ink meets your skin.The rush you feel once that needle is through the clamp and the piercing is complete.

These are my heaven.

To me, body modifications and the pain you get in return are something like my simple pleasures. 

While I endure the pain, which differs based on location, a ten thousand ton weight is lifted from my shoulders. 

My stress is released. Gone. Disappeared.

Every ounce of time I put into planning them out and debating on whether or not getting this tattoo/piercing is a good idea is considered with great detail. 

This is not a hobby I do without thinking.

Last time I checked, my body and skin covering it belonged to me. In case any of you forgot. 

I know it’s a hard idea to grasp, but it’s actually accurate to believe it or not.

Yes, you can touch them, if they intrigue you. I get intrigued seeing others with them as well.

Instead of teaching people not to judge, perhaps we should teach them open mindedness or acceptance to new experiences/sights.

So yes, I have a number of tattoos and piercings. And no, I do not want to hear your thoughts or questions.

Pardon my lack of concern but my body, my skin, my choice.

What Being An Aunt Taught Me

Being an aunt is one of life’s greatest pleasures and gifts.

As an aunt you are: someone who will listen, a very good snuggler, a tissue for tears and sometimes boogers,an older sister, a mentor, an injury kisser, and a playtime partner.

 Most of all, you are a life long friend.

Being given this role in your nieces and nephews lives is an incredible journey, but not always an easy one.

You will start out holding their tiny bodies on day one and continue to grow more fond of this baby who will puke on you or cry whenever mom leaves.

As a mentor you will have to try your best to understand them when they act judgemental or get upset over something that seems of little importance to you. Because, like we all were once, they are tiny humans (maybe they aren’t depending on age).

You want to be the aunt they go to when the boy or girl troubles in elementary school become a burden.

Or perhaps during arguements with their parents who “do not understand them”.

Strong shoulders are a must partly for the shoulder rides and partly for the tears you will have to hold.

Puberty will be a ride from hell with hormones overpowering their usual ways.

Highschool is going to bring back memories for you as you attempt to guide your nieces and nephews the best that you can in such a cruel community.

There will be times of immense joy, deafening sadness, and exploding rage. All times that you are lucky enough to be a part of.

There will be graduations from preschool, kindergarten, highschool, and possibly college.

There will be drivers tests and SAT prep.

There will be formal dances and prom, which could very well also be the special night that they ask for advice on. And you should give it because you were given this job for a reason.

But the best part of being an aunt is the endless love.

A Thank You to My Best Friend, My Rock, My Brother

Siblings are given to us so we never have to be strong enough to go through hardships alone. Having a brother has taught me so many great things in life and I'd be so lost without him.

Given we might not always agree on everything, I still value every single one of his words… Except for the ones that disagree with. 

Because of him, I know the true meaning of the saying "blood is thicker than water." 

Also that no matter his age, he'll never be too old to sit on my lap. Of course only to irritate the hell out of me.

His constant worry, even if it's slightly hidden, makes living in such a cruel world that much easier.

Thanks to his continuous picking on me and teasing me I have a thicker skin, to which I am ever so grateful for.

My brother not only has protected me but has listened and understood like no other. 

When my depression came down on me like a heavy rain cloud, he managed to show up like a giant umbrella. 

Through every dumb heartbreak and every relationship struggle, he was better than any older sister. 

I can only hope I'll be able to be there for him, or anyone really, the way he has been for me.

He has been through so much in life but despite it all, he keeps pushing, like he could move with mountains on his shoulders.

At the end of the day, I'm proud to say I am his sister… even in the heat of an argument that I'm obviously right in and he's wrong, but whatever I still love him with my whole heart.

Because Loving You Will Never Be Something I Regret

Because of him, I know how to be fearless in the pursuit of what sets my soul on fire. Nothing good comes easy, and some, but not all, goo things can come to an end.

With him, I was happy. Without him though I'm happy too.

He showed me I'm capable of loving someone deeply with my entire being. I could laugh and live with another person who was slightly similar to me.

He was the best learning experience I could've asked for. Sure, it took me some time to realize both the positives and the negatives of the relationship, but I see it now.

Dating is fun. But 'fun' doesn't mean easy, and there will always be fights and it won't always be smooth sailing. There will be struggles and not every single relationship will last forever like we always dream it will. 

But, that should never stop you from loving and learning from every single one of them.

Without him, I would have no idea how to trust or how to open myself up, no matter how scary it may be. He taught me how to love myself and not let anyone make me feel any lesser. 

I'm one strong girl and certainly not ashamed of who I am or what I have been through. He showed me that crying is okay and it does not make me any weaker. 

But most importantly, that  love is truly a life changing experience that nobody should miss.

Sure, heartbreak sucks, especially when you are toxic for each other. But the fire you get to feel and the growth you go through during and after is worth every minute of it. 

So thank you to fate and I guess to my ex for going through so much with me all the while providing me with love along with lessons.

Life Without and Losing My Dad

You were like a fall leaf during a wind storm, here one momentand gone the next.

At such a young age my ability to understand was impaired greatly.

However, I did understand the difference between you and my step-father who tried so hard to be the male influence in my life after you drifted away. Somehow, I managed to grasp this concept at a young age & that made me live as though a piece was always missing.

That missing piece was you, Dad.

Constantly trying to cope and questioning why it was that you left. I thought I was pretty great, so why didn’t you?

Your memories did not fade unlike your presence as I still held memories of the way you would sing in your raspy voice in that old Dodge truck and the smell that was unique to you. Along with the generator background noise and the taste of canned spaghettios you would cook.

For a while, I hated the idea of you and hearing your name brought me nothing but rage. Rage because you left and I did not get to know exactly why from your perspective. Only from others.

Years passed and after my 16th birthday I called to talk to you. I was a few months late of your deadline.

God had called you home.

This news hit me as if it were train at full speed.

I would never get answers.

The hatred faded and the regret I felt drown me.

I had lived without you for so long, but always knew you exisisted somewhere, even if it was not with or near me. I no longer could know this. My chance was ripped from me because I had let anger and doubt overpower possibility.

You have taught me a great lesson. Live and love, but do not let fear push back on any emotion or event that is slightly terrifying. You may only havr a small window of time to take that journey. And life is about journies.

Regardless of our past, Dad, I do love you.

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