She's more than likely take at least one nap (if not more) every day. And if she doesn't, well… it may end badly. Nap time for adults during work hours should definitely be a thing.
When she has to decide whether to go out or to go to sleep, she picks sleep. No questions asked.
9 times out of 10 she'd rather rock a messy bun and sweats than give up another few beautiful moments in her bed. Some day old mascara stains under her eyes never killed anybody.
Let's face it, her bed trumps looking good.
On nights she gets little to no sleep, there's a really good change tears or temper tantrums might occur throughout the day. So what if she's an adult?
Shopping for a new pillow isn't a hobby, it's a serious life decision. She can't just pick out a random pillow and commit to it for the rest of her nights? No way.
If she goes to a hotel, the most exciting part isn't the pool or the hot tub, but the bed and the pristine white sheets and fluffy pillows waiting to be slept on.
She has a really special bond with her pillows and once she's found the right one, she never wants to let go.
Even though it's covered in drool and some ketchup stains from when she had breakfast in bed, no matter how hard she tries she just can't get rid of it.
She's the type to fall asleep while eating or in class or in the shower because let's face it, even with naps she's still tired.
Sleep is and always will be her number one priority… no matter how much her boyfriend and friends and familly hate it.
She's just a sleepy girl and that is a-okay.