Dating The Astrological Signs: Aries, Taurus, and Gemini

Each of the signs have their own unique feel to them, and so their dating styles can certainly be different from eachother. What are you like in the dating world, and what’s your interest/significant other like? Assertive? Clingy? A commitment-phobe? Read further to find out how your astrological sign impacts your love life?


Want someone who lives by the seat of their pants? Aries is for you. They’re, youthful, outgoing, exciting, and they like to live on their impulses. Playing hard to get will only make them try harder, because Aries loves a challenge! Aries is the mate that walks up to you without hesitation, and says “You’re with me!” Expect to let them know that they’re the best, because they have a desire to be first in everything they do. They value honesty and are candid people so they don’t mind telling people how they really feel. They’d also prefer you be honest with them, rather than fluff over things. Sometimes this can get an Aries in trouble and so they have to learn discretion in their communications throughout their lives.

An Aries makes a great leader due to their directness and their quick mental capabilities, and so they wont mind (in fact, they might insist) on being the dominant partner in their relationship. An Aries relationship will be full of fun, adventure, lots of physical activity, communication, and unpredictability! Physically, Aries can ooze sex appeal due to their direct, “I’ll take what I want, when I want it” personality. They tend to have compact, athletic bodies, ruddy complexions, and sharp facial features. In the bedroom they usually like it rough, and intend to the one who calls the shots. Expect wrestling matches, biting, clawing, and plenty of scars to show off when you’re through! The Aries’ weak spot is their head. Run your fingers through their hair and around their scalp line and its certain to get this fire sign going.


Want a stable kind of lover that has a hard shell and a soft core? Taurus it is. If a Taurus is trying to romance you, they’re most likely playing for keeps. They love stability and tradition, and so a Taurus doesn’t mind the idea of holding a long relationship. Expect your Taurus lover to be super romantic during the courting process because their sign is ruled by Venus. They love to wine and dine, and can enjoy music,art, a good book, and poetry. If you can cook well, a Taurus will love you forever because they can really down some food! Once the courting process is over, know that a Taurus works very hard for what they want, so once you’re together they can become possessive over you!

Physically, Taurus has a sturdy look about them, but can eb and flow from strong to fluffy because of their love for sweet treats. No matter their physical beauty, a Taurus tends to ooze charm and magnetism since their sign is ruled by Venus. Taurus is slow to get started in the bedroom, but once they’re in the mood, their sweet lovins can seemingly go on forever! They love sensuality and so be prepared for slow tantric loving with massage oils, scented candles, and anything that will get your senses flowing. A Taurus’ weak spot is absolutely their neck and shoulders. Graze them gently with your fingers as you feed them their favorite food and they’ll be in Taurus heaven!


Want an intellectual social butterfly as a lover? Gemini is perfect for you! Gemini’s have a tendency to retain their youth, and can look and seem much younger than what they really are. They are bubbly, quick, bouncy, and energetic. Dating a Gemini is an adventure, because this air sign loves to flow through life like the wind! Their curiosity is never ending, they love adventure, and can talk and get along with just about anyone!

Gemini’s are turned on by intellect because they love to learn. The only catch is that they only dabble in subjects, because they aren’t the type to focus for very long. They’re most likely to be A.D.D. out of any of the astrological signs, which can certainly be entertaining because of their non-stop energy and enthusiasm. Don’t think that you can hold this dabbler down, because Gemini’s need a lot of space and freedom in their relationships. Since they live for adventure, they tend to want a fun partner to explore and learn with, rather than a relationship that is really serious. Physically, Gemini’s are normally youthful, wirey, and can have large, football shaped eyes that dart about the room, scooping up any new information they can. In the bedroom, be prepared for seductive communication.

Gemini’s are turned on by dirty talk, and can certainly charm the pants off of you with their way of words. A Gemini’s weak spot is their arms and hands and so a nice hand massage, grazing your fingers over theirs when your holding hands with them, or leading their hands where you want them to go will get their restless minds going!

11 Things You Should Know Before Dating The Girl Who Marches to The Beat of Her Own Drum

You see her amidst the masses, and regardless of what she looks like, you can’t help but to notice that this girl stands out from the crowd. There’s just something different about her. “But what is it that makes her stand out?”, you wonder, as her eyes catch your gaze..

She’s that girl that’s always doing something on her own terms, in her own special way, regardless what anyone thinks. And she’s perfectly happy with that. She marches to the beat of her own drum, not for attention. But simply because she wants to.

Here are eleven things you should know before pursuing this totally awesome independent lady…

  1. She doesn’t play around with her relationships – She doesn’t really give a flip if she fits in or not, and so she doesn’t seek out just any kind of relationship. When she makes a special connection with someone, its really special to her. So when she makes an effort to put in time to talk to you, or keeps tabs on how you are, she really truly appreciates you and admires you.
  2. She’s independent – Since she’s so set on forming her own personal relationship with the world and trying to understand how she fits into it, she’s quite a busy lady. Because of this, she won’t cling to you relentlessly if you make it official. She actually loves to have her space, and so you’ll have to give her plenty of it. She’s determined to be her own woman, and wants you to support the fact that she has separate goals AND a separate life from you. Don’t expect couch cuddles every day and date nights six days a week. She will start to feel anxious or confused if her partner doesn’t give her enough space to plan her goals, do her own thing, and continue discovering herself.
  3. She’s open-minded – Because she listens to her own intuitions, she can be quite the risk taker, which means that this lady has been through many ups and downs. She knows what its like to lose HARD, and also what its like to have that ‘3am epiphany’ that sends her running in the right direction. She is oh so passionate, and she knows that in order for her to make it in this world, she has to be open to different perspectives. She wants to hear your views and let them sink in to see if they resonate with her personal outlook and philosophies, as well as help her on her travels through life. 🙂
  4. Blending in is a huge turn off – This girl is turned on by people who do what they want, simply because it makes them happy, and is extremely turned off when someone seems too eager to blend in for the sake of approval. That doesn’t mean she’s going to fall for every blue haired person with tattoos, nor does it mean that she won’t fall for the guy who wears a white tee and blue jeans every day. The “different” kind of person she desires doesn’t seek attention by adorning themselves in decoration or rebelling for the sake of shaking things up a bit. She wants someone who genuinely accidentally stands out from the crowd, and feels comfortable with that. They don’t brag about their eccentricities, but they’re just cool with doing their own thing on their own terms, and not allowing anyone to get in the way of that. 
  5. She’s not gullible – Quite the contrary, she’s actually as sharp as a tack. Although she soaks up the philosophies and stories of those around her quite carefully and sympathetically, she has a special filtering system that won’t allow B.S. to seep through to her heart. She chooses to be socially detached so that she can protect her own values and follow her individual path. And since she values her short time spent on this earth, she only lets certain people close to her heart, and she doesn’t mind having a small squad of totally awesome genuine people over a large amount of acquaintances. Don’t try to play this lady, because as soon as she senses foul play, she won’t mind going off into the sunset on her own. (after all, shes used to it)
  6. She appreciates your eccentricities – She knows that she’s not perfect, but since she appreciates the importance of embracing individuality, she won’t be surprised nor disgusted when you tell her your dirty secrets and bad habits..She will actually appreciate them, and praise you for your uniqueness and willingness to share that part of yourself with her. So don’t be afraid to talk about things that you feel could make you look stupid. Its attractive to her when someone isn’t afraid of being vulnerable. Brave, in fact..and that’s pretty hot. 
  7. Just because she supports your differences, it doesn’t mean that she lives the same way you do – It can be confusing to know just exactly what this girl is up to in her free time because she is so accepting of everyone. She is a firm believer in motivating people to do what makes them happy and she can also empathize with people to a significant degree. And so even if you binge drink and party every Saturday, and she’d rather stay in with a few close friends, or you’re a hot-dog lover and she likes sushi, she can still empathize with you and wont judge you for doing whatever makes you happy. Just don’t start to think that she has a similar way of life or try to pin a certain label on this girl. She desires to express her individuality in anyway she wants, and since she loves to experience, she’s likely to break any stereotype that you may try to set on her. She’s experienced a lot and has tried a lot of things, and will always aim to do just that. And so just because she went mountain climbing last weekend, it doesn’t mean she does it every weekend. She’s just living life in each moment, with her heart and by the seat of her pants. Labels don’t make sense in her world.
  8. She’s a dreamer AND a do’er – She doesn’t play around with small talk. This girl has goals, and lots of em. When she sets her mind on something, its hard to get this girl to stop reaching for it…no matter how long it takes or how many times she fails. She knows when something feels right, and she will strive with all of her might to get what she wants until she has it.
  9. She has high expectations – This girl wants to do EVERYTHING. She loves to experience life for herself, rather than for the masses, which is beautiful. But since she wants to learn and experience all there is to know, she can put A LOT on her plate at once. If she does this, remind her that she can’t always be superwoman, and remind her that she should focus on one thing at a time. Don’t allow her to persuade you into thinking she can do it all, (because with her enthusiasm, she’s pretty good at it.) Tell her to finish the semester before she writes her novel series, and remind her that she has plenty of time to do everything she wants, and to set one goal at a time. She will appreciate you for helping her realize when she deserves a break, as well as keeping her focused on one goal at a time.
  10. She’ll help you succeed on your own terms – If you have a dream or a personal ambition, this girl will be your personal cheerleader! She knows that anything is possible, and will go out of her way to motivate you to do exactly what makes you happy. She hates to see anyone feel tied down or stuck doing something they hate, and truly believes that willpower and perseverance can help one achieve anything their heart desires. Leave it to this lovely lady to lift your spirits when you’re feeling the need for personal motivation.
  11. She learns from her failures – She dreams of betterment and looks at the world as a place of great opportunity, and so this wise girl knows that she can’t repeat patterns that have put her in a bad place before. She values her time in the world, and wants to be all she can be. So you best believe that this lady will always be surprising you with her strength and dedication!

10 Things Only Girls Who Are Unapologetically Obsessive Over Their Celebrity Crush Will Understand

Almost everyone can say they’ve had a celebrity crush at least once in their life, but this, my friends, is a shout out for the women that are in so deep, that their celeb crush has been promoted to straight-up-soul mate status. They’ve connected on a much deeper level with their celeb soul mate than anyone else could understand.

Here are 10 things only you wonderfully starry-eyed ladies would understand about your celeb soul mate relationship.

1. You are extremely possessive over your distant soul mate- No one can just casually bring up how hot they are. Only you can say it, and ONLY THEN..can others agree. “No one speaks about the hotness until I give the word, got it?!”

2. Their relationship statuses are the cause of many of your triumphs and failures – You are depressed when they get married, and do a fancy shmancy victory dance if they divorce. And oh no! It’s not that you don’t feel sorry for them when they experience a relationship failure…but you’re just OH SO happy that they’re one step closer to the fated path that leads to you. They just have no idea that love is on the way!

3. You’ve had way too many dreams about them – It’s happened so many times! You’re on a date with them flying through the sky together, or having a little intimate times…and then suddenly you wake up and you’re in a state of absolute despair. Perhaps if you closed your eyes again it would never end. Parting is such sweet sorrow..

4. You brag about them like they’re your overachiever child – “GUESS WHAT MY DISTANT SOUL MATE DID TODAY?”.. “YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS INTERVIEW.” “SO HOTTIE HOT HOT..” And all of your friends do the usual_ ‘sigh, roll eyes and slowly walk away.’

5. But of course, they could never do ANYTHING WRONG – “Jail time? No, that couldn’t have been their fault because my baby is FLAWLESS.”

6. You refuse to admit that you will never be an item – Because its so meant to be. It’s fate and you know it. Because they like hot cocoa with cinnamon sprinkles and so do you, you laugh at all of the same things they do, and you both love purple… And you’re absolutely POSITIVE they were winking at you on stage that one time. You’ll wait forever and ever for them, because that’s just how much love you have for each other. 

7. You’re extremely agreeable with them – Face it, you don’t even like hot cocoa, but you’d definitely love to have a cup with your soul mate!

8. You get soo terribly desperate – We’ve all thought about it with distant soulmates. “Maybe I should just send them a fanmail picture of me in my lingerie? I mean, if I can’t have them forever, maybe I could have them for just a moment..” “Dear Distant Lover, heres a sweater I knitted for you with my name on it. Wear it on Conan and wink at the camera if YOU LOVE ME, OR THINK IM CUTE, OR AT LEAST WANT TO HOLD ME FOR A MOMENT… “

9. You know you could convince them to love you –  “If I could just be in a room with them for one second, I know it’d be love at first sight!” Because you totally stand out from that massive swarm of fans, and are SO much more special than all of those bitches. So move over peoples, FUTURE WIFEY COMING THROUGH.

10. Sometimes your distant relationship hurts – So damn much. Right in the feelz.

13 Things You Should Know Before Dating The Super Positive Girl

Aahhh the perpetually positive girl. Such a great woman. Everyone needs one in their life! Here are some things you should know about this lady before your lucky ass starts dating one. 

1. We will help you get so very far in life – Expect us to be your personal cheerleader during crappy times. We love to motivate people we love, and were damn good at it too! When you’re feeling down, we know just what to say to turn that frown upside down! And since we are so good at looking at the bright side of things, we won’t hesitate to help you take the risks necessary in order to meet your goals! 

2. We are forever youthful – We like to keep a youthful personality to keep our minds cheerful and curious. Expect us to play jokes on you, explore awesome places with you, and have a wide-eyed curiosity about the beautiful world around us. In the eyes of the perpetually positive girl, everything’s beautiful and we want as many fun times as possible! 

3. Pessimistic people are our kryptonite – We are great at being positive cheerleaders, but excessive debbie downers will make us run for the hills. We work hard to see the glass half full, and so if you’re a half empty kind of person, we won’t stay long if we see that your negative vibes aren’t changing. 

4. We are soooo giving – We love to be happy and we know that making others happy adds to our positivity. This means that we love to give gifts and do favors for others. Sometimes we have be careful not to overextend ourselves at times since our optimism can lead us to biting off more than we can chew. Regardless, we arent likely to be selfish partners since our desire is to make sure that everyone’s happy. 

5. We’re likely to pick the funny s.o. over anyone else – The best way to the perpetually positive girls heart is through her funny bone. Throw some charming jokes our way, and if you have us cracking up, you’re racking up some major brownie points. Like..major. Nothings sexier than someone who can make us laugh. Were all for someone who can keep the positivity going. 

6. We’re literally down for anything – A perpetually positive girl’s motto is “I’ll try anything once.” And while we’re not likely to be picky, even if we’re not down for something one day, we have a tendency to get in these super liberating moods where we want to try something new. Were always convincing ourselves that a little newness never hurt anyone, then running off and doing something we’ve never done before. 😉

7. We’re always changing and growing – Since were always giving ourselves new opportunities and taking positive risks, we learn new things everyday.  And we are so easy to learn and grow with because of this. We won’t hold you back with stubborn narrow-mindedness because were open to new modes of thinking.

8. We never give up! – And I mean NEVER. When we have a goal or desire, our positive heart keeps us running towards out goals forever-n-ever, and it also helps us get back up when we fall. We are some of the strongest ladies around because of how far our positive spirit carries us!

9. We don’t stay mad for long – Our arguments last less than half a day on the rarest occasions. We hate holding onto bad vibes, and so we can easily chuckle and move on instead of nag you for two days after a petty argument. 

10. We are oh-so-lucky – Since we are always looking on the bright side, we are constantly creating positive results and happenings in our lives. Count on us to be the one to win contests and get through those ridiculously hard times by the skin of our teeth when anyone else would’ve failed. We know how to magically make things work in positive land. 

11. We won’t bash you after a break-up – If a relationship doesn’t workout, were probably not going to spread rumors and talk about how vicious you were. We’d rather spend time trying to see things for what it was and heal ourselves/move on with positive vibes. 

12. We can get along with anyone – Since we’re so open minded and positively accepting, we don’t care to talk to anyone and everyone. Even if we don’t particularly like someone, meeting new people is interesting to us, and we enjoy the experience of socializing.

13. We are a damn good time – Perpetually positive girls love to keep the mood up, and this means that anywhere we go we are cool to crack a smile, a joke, or just be downright ridiculously silly. Count on us to create good vibes, adventurous times, and plenty of inside jokes that will make the best memories! 

With that said, the perpetually positive girl is the number one choice for soulmate potential. She will motivate you, grow with you, always be strong, is lucky as hell, and she knows how to laugh even during the hardest of times. If you’ve already found yourself one, thank your lucky stars, and if you’re getting to know one, hold on to that girl tight, because she’s a keeper! 

11 Red Flags to Look out for on Your First Date

Dating can be a pretty nerve wracking experience. Sometimes we can convince ourselves that people we normally wouldn’t date if someone better were around, are very acceptable to date. 

And sometimes we’re so nervous and worried that our first date will suck, that we make it seem a lot better than it is.

Here are 11 warning signs to take with you on your first date, so that you can judge if a second date would be a good idea or not.

  1. You have nothing in common – If you have nothing in common, most likely, you’re not going to last. If they take you to see a band that you’re totally not feeling, talk about all the movies that you just don’t understand, are a vegan when you love scarfing hot dogs by the pound…etc..etc..It’s probably not meant to be.

    Even if the physical chemistry is great, it’s harder to manage a relationship where there’s no common ground. The last thing you want to do is wind up in silly arguments over which t.v. show to watch, or even worse, trying to convert each-others beliefs.

    Even if your dates a looker, move on if you’re looking for something serious.

  2. They love themselves WAY too much – One time I went on a date with a guy who was on his phone the whole time we were together. In between texts and calls, he insisted that I take pictures of him (by himself) next to various buildings and signs…. I gave him the benefit of the doubt, claiming he was ‘artsy’ and ‘social’… and we started dating.

    Long story short, we didn’t last very long because of his deep love for himself. DO NOT make the same mistake my friend.

    If your date is hitting up other people on their cellphone while you’re hanging out, insisting that you go everywhere they want, and making you snap selfies of them, there is probably a good chance that they’re not going to be able to love you in the long run.

    Cut it off while you can before it’s too late!

  3. They’re not over their ex– If they cant stop talking about how horrendous their ex was and how “they were so horrible”, know that there are two sides to every story.

    They might have driven their ex to that state, and might not be as squeaky clean as they make themselves out to be. You don’t want to be the next “crazy ex” if you decide to date this baggage nightmare, nor would you want their emotional baggage to interfere with your relationship.

    Let them take time to heal and move forward. Check this one off of your partner candidates list. stat!

  4. They want too much too soon – Oh the dreaded date that winds up making you feel like they’re expecting fairy tale true love tonight, and wedding plans on date two.

    All you wanted to do was have some coffee and a nice chat, maybe go check out some cool museum. This ones a tricky one, because the obsessive types can be quiet at first. If they’re already talking about where to go on date two…or 6, bring up the thought of kids or marriage, start talking about how it seemed so “meant to be” that they met you, or just straight up ask you out…this could be a fair warning that this person is way too clingy or obsessive.

    You don’t want to jump into a relationship before you don’t even know someone, especially with someone who expects so much from you.

  5. They’re insecure – So much gel in that guys hair that its completely solidified? Shorts that are so short they could be confused for a thong? Yep. They could be insecure. A little insecurity never hurt anyone, but keep an eye out for a lot of excuses, a lot of apologies, or asking for you not to judge them over something simple, like the way they eat their soup.

    Dating an insecure person can lead to jealousy issues, co-dependency, and a very drained you! Let them go gain confidence elsewhere. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

  6. They’re just a jerk – If they’re talking about that “ugly guy” from across the room, or gripe about your waiter over something small, eventually they’re going to be an ass to you.

    Then the endless fights will consume your life and have you wondering why you were ever “interested in that terd of a human being.” If they make some snarky comments, drop em.

  7. They’re not ambitious – Hey. If you’re not ambitious and you want someone to lay around with, by all means, go for it.

    But I feel that most could agree that they don’t want to date 28 year-old Sam or Samantha, the person who lives in their moms basement, doesn’t have a car, goes to high-school parties, and lives off of cheese whiz because they don’t have a job.

    If they’re not going anywhere, they’re surely going to hold you back, so watch out for that no-good Cheesewhiz Sam.

  8. They’re players – If they’re gawking at other candidates too much to look at you, flirting with the waiter, are on the phones consistently, or they’re openly talking about their crazy life as a sex-crazed heart-breaker, DITCH EM!
  9. They’re psychos – ” I knew my shrink was right when they told me I should take a chance with you.” Uuuuhh. No! Let’s not get into that one.
  10. They’re overly-agreeable – They’ve admitted to loving the same movies as you but can’t manage to talk about their favorite scenes.

    They ordered the same food as you, and if you disagree with an opinion of theirs, they give you the upper-hand and switch it to your favor. If someone is so unsure of themselves that they have to agree with everything you say, you may not be very happy when you find out that they’re a completely different person!

  11. You can’t laugh about anything they think is funny – Having a similar sense of humor is such an important component to having a good relationship so that you can lighten the bad days. If you’re not feeling their love of Jeff Dunham stand up and their corny list of one-liners, you may not have met your match.

11 Reasons Living With a Toxic Parent Can Make You a Better Person

Growing up in a toxic household isn’t easy, and sometimes it can seem like you’ll forever be screwed up because of it. But for everyone who lives in a toxic household, there always comes a day where you decide that it’s up to you if you want to live with your parents demons and let them affect you, or if you’re going to allow them to make you stronger. Here are 11 reasons living with a toxic parent can actually make you a better person.

1. You have more empathy for others – Chances are, living with a toxic parent has given you a great understanding of other peoples emotions, and you can empathize with them greatly. You make a great therapist and a great listener because you’ve dealt with plenty of strong emotions at home.

2. You’ve learned to be independent – Since you grew up in a house where your parent was incapable of giving you what you needed, you’ve learned that the only person that can truly help you is yourself. You know that you are your biggest motivator and your worst critic, and so its up to you to make it happen if you want to succeed at something.

3. You know yourself – Since you had to tune your toxic parent out over the years, you know that you should trust your own inner voice and opinions, rather than let anyone else tell you who you are or what you’re going to become. 

4. You’ve learned forgiveness – Living with a toxic parent has made you forgive and move on so many times over the years because you had no other choice. You understand that people say things they don’t really mean, and that forgiveness and acceptance is a must in order to move forward, heal yourself, and make the best of your life. 

5. You’ve learned how to distance yourself from people who aren’t good for you – Even though your mom or dad is a toxic parent, they are still your mom or dad, and so you’ve had to decide to continue your relationship with them or not, and have learned that distance can be the best thing for people who aren’t helpful to your well-being. 

6. You’re wise beyond your years – All those years of struggle has made you ponder and reflect about life and all of its details about pain, love, and the meaning behind life itself. You’ve had to reason through the rough times, and learn from the mistakes of the people you love as well as yourself, and so you are much wiser for it.

7. You can easily tell the good souls from the bad – All of those years being around harsh emotions and strong reactions has given you a keen eye for spotting untrustworthy people. You know when someones trying to fool you, and you’re extremely good at picking a genuine person out of the crowd. This can be a great tool for surrounding yourself with positive people who can help you live a happy life, and not allowing negative people into your life.

8. You have more motivation to succeed – You’ve seen what being a toxic person has done to your parent, and not everyone has experienced so much intensity at such a young age. You are aware of what making mistakes and holding onto unhealthy things can do, and so early in your life, you gathered all the motivation in the world to live life in a stable and successful way. You can use all of this knowledge and experience to become a better person, and lead a happy, fulfilling life.

9. You appreciate the simple things – When you’ve got it good, you take the time to truly appreciate it. You’re very thankful when you come across people who are gracious and beautiful, and you’re certainly appreciative when life throws happy and peaceful experiences your way. You always like to take the time to go over the things that make you happy and look at how much progress you’ve made.

10. You pride yourself on motivating others – You love to see others succeed, and help them do so. Living with someone who dragged you down all those years gave you the desire to motivate others, rather than drag anyone down. You hate to see other people being picked on and dragged down by negativity, and are the first to lend a helping hand if you come across such a situation.

11. You don’t let your past define your future – You understand that the past is the past, and there’s always a way to make things better, to start anew, and to laugh off old mistakes and heal old hurts. You’ve learned from others mistakes, have become a stronger person through your pain, and you’re all about making the future brighter, no matter what.

5 Reasons You Should Date a Girl Who Loves Pizza

Aah Pizza! What a delicious meal. Not all women can say they’ll readily indulge in pizza at any given time, and so there is something very special about a girl who loves pizza. Here are 5 reasons you should date a girl who loves pizza!

1. We’re not expensive to buy for! – Fancy restaurants? No thanks. We prefer to keep it pizza-tastic! So if you’re lucky enough to date a pizza-lover you’ll thank your lucky stars, because all of those fun nights baking pizza together won’t put much of a dent in your wallet.

2. We’re low maintenance – If we could compare our personality to anything, it’d be pizza! We prefer a night hanging out on the couch, watching Netflix and snacking on our favorite kind of pizza, which makes us the best guys’ girls around. We don’t need much to make us happy, and that’s definitely a reason to date us!

3. We’re Confident! – We love our bodies just the way they are, so we’re not up for counting calories or ditching the cheesy slice. We know we can down some pizza, and everyone knows that a girl who eats what she wants is the sexiest thing around. 

4. We’re fun – Pizza is known to be one of the best party foods around, and just like pizza loves a good party, we do too! To us, there is nothing better than some our best friends, some good times, and a delicious pizza to go along with it. Since we wont hold back on indulging in our favorite food, we certainly wont hold back on having a good time.

5. We’re Youthful – We grew up downing lots of pizza and making sweet memories with it, and if we’re still picking our childhood favorite as our favorite food, you can count on us to be some of the most bubbly, youthful girls around! Date a pizza loving girl, and we will go on endless adventures that will keep you forever young!

6 Things Only People With Resting Nice Face Will Understand

Most people have heard of resting bitch face, but what about the people who have that pleasant nice face that never wants to go away? Here are 6 things only people with resting nice face will understand.

1. People always ask you what you’re so happy about – Your face is always in “I have a happy secret” mode, and so everyone wants to know what you’re so darn happy about. Sadly, you always seem respond with “I’m happy about something?” and then mass confusion sets in.

2. People always think you’re hitting on them – That guy thinks you’re totally into him. NO! You’re not! You can’t help that you have a pleasant gaze that happened to glance in his direction. Now you have to sit through an awkward conversation and lie to him about having an airborne disease to get him to go away.

3. You attract weirdoes – Those creepy lunatics on the street. Yes! They love you! You’re so nice with your pleasant resting nice face, and so they always know they can come over, corner you and start rambling inaudibly about how the weather strangely seems to know how they’re feeling. Don’t you agree?!

4. You suck at expressing sadness – Someone just told you their dog died. Quick! Look sad. Oops. You always look pleasant. Now you look like an a**hole who has all the happiness in the world and doesn’t give a crap.

5. No one knows when you’re having a bad day – You just had a nice cry in the bathroom at work, but sadly, everyone still thinks you’re the happiest person on earth. And since you’re such a people magnet, everyone flocks to you as usual because you can’t help that you’re sadness is easily camouflaged by your resting nice face.

6. People expect you to be hilariously funny – You always look so happy, so heaven forbid you’re actually quiet and shy on top of having resting nice face. People run to you, expecting a good joke to cheer them up, only to receive a strange pleasant face equipped with lots of silence. Now you just look like an awkward psycho. Congratulations.

8 Things Only Forever Chill, Down-to-Earth Girls Will Understand

You’ve mastered the chillest of the chill personality, and people normally refer to you as that down-to-earth girl who gets along with anyone and everyone! Here are 8 things only you can understand, cool girl.

1. You don’t get ecstatic over just anything – You don’t really understand girls who loudly jump and shout about happy things, scary things, and sad things. Most likely you feel bad for having to fake an “OMG!” and a wide smile if a friend of yours finds some of the cutest shoes that were 30% off and wants to rant to you about it. While you enjoy celebrating lucky times, you’re not going to pee your pants over just any situation. You’d rather save that moment for winning the lottery.

2. You can shoot the breeze with the boys a lot more easily than women – Guys are pretty chill, objective people most of the time, and so sitting around with a bunch of guys talking about simple things can feel so much more relieving than having a conversation with a group of women. Guys aren’t easily offended, and so you feel like you can readily be yourself without any emotional mess. 

3. Drama free is the way you like to be – Your life contains very little to no drama, and that’s the way you like it. Some people don’t understand how you avoid it, but you know exactly why you live a drama free life. You don’t start drama by talking about people, and you don’t condone it by freaking out over something someone said about you. You don’t talk about petty issues, and prefer to reason through nasty emotions yourself rather than vent about them. You like to stay cool and objective, no matter what.

4. You don’t need a lot to be happy – You’re up for literally just about anything and you’re not very picky. To you, a simple evening can be just as great as an extravagant one. And no matter what happened, you could enjoy either one. You could hang out with someone all day in the same spot, and as long as you were having awesome conversation, you’d be perfectly happy. 

5. You ride the wave during a messy situation – If you find yourself in a sticky situation, you don’t freak out easily. You know how to stay objective, and you reason through the problem before impulsively losing your cool. You’d prefer to think over the details, and react later. This makes you as cool as the other side of the pillow.

6. You’re the go-to therapist friend – Since you’re so emotionally cool and objective, people like to come to you when they’re having problems. Your down to earth personality helps them feel stable and secure, and you can help them reason through their issues objectively. You should probably get paid for giving out as much advice as you do.

7. You forgive and forget – If someone gives you any issues, you can eventually move on and won’t hold onto a grudge forever. You know that everyone makes mistakes and you’d rather be cool with someone than allow a messy situation hold you or the other person down. As long as justice is served and amends were made, you can move on from the situation and let the other person do the same. It’s all love to you.

8. You don’t judge people – Your motto is “live and let live.??? You wont remind anyone of their past mistakes, nor do you judge anyone for different likes or opinions. You’re open to allowing people to be themselves, and you find beauty in the fact that everyone is different.

9 Things Peace-Keepers Want You to Know

Peacekeepers are great to have as friends. We won't judge you for your mistakes, we'll console you when you are down, and we will be open to trying new things with little to no complaint. We love to have fun and keep the peace!

But although we're strong and loyal people, we're not perfect and we definitely aren't not non-emotional superheroes. 

We are certainly loving, loyal, forgiving, and comforting, and we will make some of the greatest friends you could ever ask for, but we have struggles like everyone else. And so here are some things peace keepers wish others would know about us in order to make our lives easier from time to time!

1. We don't always complain when we should.

Peace-keepers understand that everyone has stress, and so in order to maintain positivity for the masses, we often don't like to express our own stresses. 

This can mean that we get a lot of crap bottled up inside. On bad days, instead of expressing our feelings, we wish that people would read our body language, ask us how we are doing, or just give us a hug. 

Try to be aware of our feelings, and understand that we have stresses too even though we're always trying to play the positive peacemaker.

2. When we vent to you, it's a pretty big deal.

Since we don't vent a lot, when we do, it means that we REALLY need to, and if we're venting to you, it means that we REALLY trust you. 

And so if we come to you asking for advice, please take it seriously, because it means that we care about you, and we've specifically picked you out of the crowd because we consider you a great person to seek advice from. 

When we vent, we don’t vent to just anyone. We pick people who we trust with know-how over the topic of the situation because we want good results. 

3. We should get paid for how much advice we give.

We won't judge most people for their rash decision because we like to believe that people can overcome their hardships and their past hurts. 

We're also awfully great at consoling others. While we truly enjoy helping others, sometimes we get A LOT of people venting to us about their traumas (or petty issues). And so, we can get burnt out on being the therapist friend even though we love to be there for the people we care about. 

It can really get overwhelming sometimes because we care so much, and so before you come to us vent, consider that we may have already consoled three other broke hearts that day (it happens), that we may need a break from being the therapist friend for a little while, or that we may have stresses that need to be tended to.

4. Sometimes we have a hard time saying no.

We really love to do favors for people, and enjoy doing things that make others happy. But sometimes we have a hard time saying no, and so we can wind up feeling overextended, or find ourselves in some really awkward/weird situations as a result. 

Although we try and balance the people-pleaser in us, sometimes we will give in and consider your feelings over ours when we shouldn't. 

This means that if we cringe when you ask us to do something, try and consider our feelings before taking our "suuuure..", as a bonafide "yes!" We will love you're ability to pick up on our discomfort and the fact that you're considering our feelings while we try to push through our indecision. 

5. We will know it if you're trying to overstep your boundaries.

Peace-keepers know that they have to protect themselves, because most likely, we've dealt with a lot of people who have attempted to take advantage of us. So don't dare think that we're naive and try to take us for granted. 

We have been around the block a time or two, and we actually have really good bullsh*t radars since we're sensitive people. 

This means that if we come across someone who seems like they'd try to take advantage of us or take us for granted, they are instantly going to be kicked to the curb (in the most classy way possible of course.)

6. If we don’t like you, you may not know it!.

We aren't cool with being cruel, and so if we don’t like you, we're not going to tell you off or be an ass to you. 

Most likely, we will play nice and/or avoid you as much as possible. And since we don’t like drama, we're also not going to post our feelings on Facebook or tell other people about it unless it's someone we can trust not to say anything. 

If you're not great at picking up on social queues, then you may not know that we secretly hate your guts! If you feel that we don’t like you, don’t push us because most likely you'll just feel worse for being outrageous while we remained cool, calm and collected.

7. We always end up having boisterous friends.

A lot of people complain about how they wish they could "just find that nice guy/girl"…Want to find one of us? Well, my friend, it doesn’t take a treasure map. 

We're almost always quietly giggling next to the dude/chick who's laughing like a donkey and starting the conga line. Loud/honest people appreciate us because we openly allow them to be themselves, and we appreciate them because they know how to break us out of our shells and liberate us from our sensitive sides. 

We just work like that, you know? 

8. Our friends won't let you walk on us.

We always seem to have this secret mafia of loud boisterous friends (mentioned above.) Since they know that we're easy targets for insecure bullies, they're fiercely protective, and will occasionally ask if they need to beat anyone up for us. 

Most likely we wont allow it, but these friends always make it known when we need to stand up for ourselves, and are great at helping us through the process.

9. Just because we're all about peace, it doesn't mean we're weak.

Just because we're mild-mannered, it certainly doesn't mean that we're weak. If anything, it's quite the opposite. It only means we're strong, intelligent, controlled people who can see through petty irritations. 

We pride ourselves on having integrity, we're good at seeing all sides of the equation, and we'd rather use our hearts and intellect to work through problems than raise hell about it. It also means that we have such great hearts that we don't mind to take take a punch over someone elses irrational mistake. 

We believe that everyone should be treated fairly and we are in tune with the emotions of others. We don't like rash caveman-like displays of emotion or drama, and we know that there are logical ways to reason through anger and stress. 

We also love to pep everyone up with compliments and cheerleading instead of drag them down with negativity. Because of our strength and positivity, the worlds happier, and so we are happier and proud of who we are.

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