15 Small Outfit Problems That Make You Look Like A Hot Mess

Whenever we leave the house, we’re bound to run into someone we know. Whether it’s for a run to the grocery store, a trip to the mall or even if we’re headed to go to work – it’s important we always look our best. Even if we’re not in the mood to get dressed up and ready for a quick trip out – people judge us for every little thing we wear.

There are a lot of ways that out outfits and appearance can f*ck us over in terms of other people’s opinions of us, without us even noticing. Sure, we may have showered this morning, put on a brand new outfit and tried to look our absolute best, but there are small little details that fall through the cracks and in turn, make us look like we’re riding the Hot Mess Express.

15. Wearing clothing that has small rips, frays or tears in it.

Sometimes we leave the house in ripped jeans or jeans that are frayed at the bottom. While it’s a style statement and trend, sometimes, it makes us look disheveled and unorganized. Sometimes when we wear things too often and for too long, the threads start to wear and buttons begin to become loose – while you don’t think it’s a big deal, people notice.

14. Wearing too many accessories.

While accessorizing can spice up a plain outfit, going overboard can make any outfit look tacky and cheap. If you are going to a work setting or a really nice affair, you don’t want to overdo it by blinging out a fancy dress or pants suit. Keep it simple.

13. Not ironing your shirt/dress/skirt.

Sometimes when we leave the house in a rush, we don’t have time to iron everything. People will run out the door in a button-down shirt that looks like we’ve slept in it, a dress with way too many wrinkles or a skirt that needs to be fixed ASAP. Not ironing your clothing can make you look sloppy in appearance. And, what’s even better is they now sell hand steamers that you can buy and speed up the “ironing process” altogether.

12. Wearing hair ties as bracelets or accessories on your wrist.

It may seem convenient to keep your hair tie or a rubber band on your wrist in case you want to throw your hair up, but it also looks sloppy and makes you appear much younger than you are. It’s better off to put them in your bag, car, or desk at work incase you want it, rather than keeping it on your wrist all day long.

11. Wearing clothes that are too tight on you.

There comes a time in everyone’s life where we start gaining weight a bit faster than when we were younger – it’s called growing up. Our metabolism starts to slow down and all that pizza comes back in our faces whenever we look in the mirror. If you’re still wearing shirts and dresses from when you were 18-years-old and they definitely don’t fit anymore, people notice.

10. Carrying around a bag that’s too big in certain situations.

When you go to a job interview or a party, it’s better to carry a smaller bag than a large one. Also, you want to be sure the bag is in good condition and isn’t ripping or tearing anywhere, or that there are no dirty stains on it anywhere. Bigger bags can make you appear as though you’re trying too hard.

9. Visible bra straps.

While many women think showing your bra is a “feminist movement,” it does look sloppy and tacky in most social settings. In fact, if you’re wearing a shirt in which your bra is showing, it can even come off slutty and inappropriate – especially in a work setting.

8. Wearing oversized clothing.

Sometimes, with the right outfit, oversized clothes can be chic and cute. But, often times this isn’t the case and instead, appears sloppy and lazy. Finding clothes that are tailored to your body is the key to appearing professional and kept.

7. Day-old makeup.

Even though you think no one can tell your eyeliner and mascara is from last night, it’s pretty obvious when it’s smudged all over your face. It’s better off to wash your face and start fresh rather than be lazy and keep the same, cruddy makeup on. People will think you are irresponsible and trashy if you appear this way.

6. Animal hair on your clothes.

If you have a pet, it’s likely that they tend to shed all over your house and clothing. But, that’s why God invented lint brushes and rollers. Just because you have a dog doesn’t mean you want to show up to a meeting covered in dog hair – it just looks awful.

5. Sweaters with pills all over them.

Every girl knows there comes a time when we need to retire our favorite sweaters (RIP). Although we love them and had some good times in them, when they begin to get “pilly” it’s time to chuck them and get new ones. Wearing pilly sweaters make you look cheap and dirty.

4. Wearing the wrong shoes with the wrong outfit.

Even if you’re trying to be comfortable rather than classy, you can always throw sneakers in your bag for your commute home (which is what we all do). When you’re at the office or at a party/event, don’t show up in your sandals or sneakers just because you have to take the train home. It looks tacky and unfortunately gives off the vibe that you don’t care.

3. Wearing any clothing with stains.

Sure, you may have gotten oil on your favorite t-shirt, but that doesn’t mean you should continue wearing it just because it’s your favorite. If you can’t get a stain out, that means you have to replace whatever item you’ve stained. Going out with stained clothing is horrible for your appearance and will always make you look sloppy and disorderly.

2. Wearing white shirts/dresses/pants/skirts that are no longer bright white.

Eventually after owning white clothing for years, the white begins to fade and it becomes more of an off-white/gray. This is when you need to purchase new whites. Whites should be bright and clean, not dull and dirty. Wearing these “white” items will make you look cheap and as though you don’t wash your clothing often enough – or separate your laundry.

1. Dirty or chipped nails.

If you don’t take care of your nails, it’s an issue. Even if you’re not into getting them done or painting them, you should always clean them and cut them. If you do get manicures and your nail polish is overly chipped, that also is a sign of sloppiness and bad hygiene. The minute you see dirty under your nails, clean them. If they’re too long, cut them. If they’re chipping, take the nail polish off. Clean nails make you look cleanly and responsible.

7 Dating Mistakes To Avoid In 2020 So Your Love Life Isn’t God Awful Again

Let’s face it—2018 wasn’t the best year for everyone when it comes to love. There are so many times we’ve made mistakes: we’ve drunk texted our ex to rekindle the flame only to be burned twice as hard, we’ve broken up with people we realized we should have never pushed out of our lives, and we’ve isolated ourselves from finding true love because we have a sour outlook on dating overall. 

Whatever the reason your love life took a bad left turn this year, it doesn’t mean that you’re doomed forever. In fact, there are so many opportunities and ways to fix your broken romance cycle this coming year, and we’re here to help you out.


1. Not being honest.

This is not only for yourself, but the person you are dating as well. We all have a gut instinct when it comes to anything in life and you need to be honest with yourself when your gut is speaking to you. Stop ignoring your guy and lying to yourself that your gut isn’t trying to tell you something; because it is. Be honest with how you really feel about the person you are with. Something in a relationship things starts out great in the beginning but after a few months, it’s not the same relationship. That is okay but it is important to be honest with yourself if you are staying in a relationship you don’t want to be in.


2. Chasing love that you truly know will never be yours.

Guilty as charged. A lot of us are. It is a natural behavior to chase after something you know that you can’t have or know isn’t right for you. That is a phase that you will eventually fall out of. “Chasing after someone that is not attainable will get old fast and wasting your time doing that will prevent you from chasing someone that is meant to be yours. Yes, the chase is fun every once and a while; and no one likes it when a relationship is easy. Things are boring that way, but it is very important to make sure you are chasing after someone that is attainable in the end. Time wasted is never satisfying.


3. Showing aggressive behavior towards the other person and the relationship you are trying to build.

A.K.A. coming on too strong, forcing the relationship too quickly, stalking the person’s every move after you first meet etc….All behaviors that are unnatural and will prove that you are too crazy to be with before a real relationship can actually blossom. You also can not force a relationship to happen. It just never works out that way. By engaging in aggressive behaviors that try to force a relationship you will just push the relationship back further from ever being a serious thing.


22 Trends Every ’00s Girl Forgot She Was Absolutely Obsessed With

Growing up in the ’00s, there were plenty of things we all did (whether we want to admit it or not). There we foods we all obsessed over, shows we couldn’t stop watching, and it’s safe to say everyone had an embarrassing AIM screenname we would never reveal to our boss today.  While we look back in shame, those were the best of times–where literally everything was safe and no one elected a Cheeto as President of the United States.

1. Really chunky highlights were your signature.

2. Spending every weekend at the mall, but you only had $20 so you would buy ONE t-shirt from Hollister or Abercrombie.

3. Scrunched hair with straight bangs was hot.

10 Milestones That Are More Important For Women Than Having Kids Or Getting Married

For some reason, society has perpetuated a narrative for women that if you don’t get married or have children by a certain age, you have failed. And, if you are someone who believes that, I can’t help but laugh.

Not everyone in the world wants to get married, nor does everyone in the world want to have children. There are some people, in fact, who would rather stay single forever—traveling the world or building their own career empire. There are people who want to get married, but not have kids. There are people who want to have kids, but not get married. And, of course, there are people who want both. All of these options, there’s nothing wrong with any of them. However, what is the problem is that society claims that as a woman, if you do not want the latter option, there is something “wrong with you.”

F*ck that noise. Seriously.

There’s nothing wrong with knowing what you want and doing just that. No one should force themselves into a marriage or force themselves to have children just to satisfy someone else’s opinion. Horrible, horrible mistake.

And, if you ever catch yourself feeling like a “failure,” because your family is breathing down your neck, your co-workers keep inviting you to their weddings and, all of your friends say “no” to a spur of the moment road-trip because they have Mommy duties—take a look at the bigger picture of life.

There are tons of milestones you can achieve that have absolutely nothing to do with marriage OR children that are worth being proud of.

1. Getting a college degree/degrees.

Nowadays, it’s common that people get a college degree. But, just because more people are going to college, doesn’t mean that it’s not an accomplishment to graduate and receive your diploma. And, if you’re serious and further your education to obtain a second or third degree – even better.

You should always feel proud of all the hard work you put into anything you do, especially when it is something to better your life and make it easier to achieve your dreams and goals.

2. Moving out of your parents’ house.

Some people move out right after college, others stay home while they get a stable job. No matter when you decide to leave the nest – it’s a big step in growing up. You’re on your own – paying rent, paying bills, going food shopping – and, it is a big deal. It’s not like dorming at college – it’s real life.

3. Landing a job you really want.

Landing a job is hard enough nowadays with the job market being so oversaturated. Therefore, many of us settle for the first gig we’re offered, especially when we’re young. We’re afraid to leave because, well, we don’t want to be unemployed. So, when you finally land a job that you really want—it feels incredible. You enjoy what you do, which makes working less tedious and more exhilarating.

4. Buying your own car.

When we’re young, some of us start out driving our parents’ car. Or, some of us get a pretty crappy hoopdie handed down to us. But, when we’re finally able to buy ourselves our own car – or lease it even – it’s proof that our hard work has paid off in a big way.

5. Getting your first pet outside of your family.

When you move out and get your first pet—a dog, a cat, a bunny rabbit—it shows that you’re mature enough to care for someone else that isn’t just yourself. Sure, you may not be ready to have children – but taking care of an animal is a big deal.

6. Joining a gym and going regularly.

Joining a gym is a big step because let’s face it, we’re all lazy AF inside. No one wants to wake up at 5 a.m. when you have a full day of work ahead of you and run a few miles on a treadmill, but if you drag yourself out of bed and put in effort to take care of your body—you should feel proud. Health is wealth.

7. Quitting a job you’re unhappy at.

Like I said before, quitting a job when you don’t have a backup plan is pretty scary. But, if you’re truly unhappy with where you’re at – there’s no problem with leaving. In fact, I think it’s pretty damn great if you know what you want and don’t want in life and are brave enough to go after it.

8. Ending a toxic friendship or relationship.

Growing up, you learn who is good for you and who is toxic for you, even if it’s a friend or a significant other. Being able to learn what is negative in your life is a big part of moving forward. Being able to walk away from people who weigh you down also shows how far you have come.

9. Going on your first vacation/traveling adventure.

Sure, we all sit at work and Pinterest destinations we would *die* to travel to, but we also realize we’re broke AF and can’t afford to stay in a ocean-side Fiji villa. But, saving up for a vacation you’ve been dreaming about and then actually going on that vacation is something to be hella proud of. Relax, enjoy it, take it all in.

10. Building a solid credit score.

Building credit is really f*cking hard – don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Some people grow up thinking credit cards are essentially “free money,” while others just never get a credit card at all. Either way, having a good credit score is important in life—especially when you’re an adult. Getting there, that’s even harder. If you have 700+, consider it a win.

I’m Sick And Tired Of Women Claiming They ‘Don’t Fart In Front Of Their Boyfriends’

Okay so that headline was probably bold enough to get you to click on it and you’re probably sitting on your phone/tablet/computer rolling your eyes saying ‘Who pissed in this girl’s coffee today?’ But, in all seriousness, I’m raging. Not raging, but, I’m bothered. I can count seventeen different times on my hands and toes how many girlfriends I have that tell me they don’t “fart” in front of their boyfriends. I’m not just talking those couples who are in the Honeymoon stage…I’m talking couples who have been together for years.

They also never use the bathroom to go number two when they’re at their boyfriend’s house. They want to maintain this mystical, magical and “beautiful” social appearance of being absolutely clean, perfect and pure, so, they keep an entire aspect of themselves locked away.

Let’s be honest here – everyone farts. Didn’t your parents ever read you the book ‘Everyone Poops‘ growing up? It’s human nature, it’s natural –it’s apart of our body’s way of maintaining health and hygiene, even if it seems gross.

Girls who claim they “don’t poop or fart” are really selling themselves short.

1. Why lie?

In retrospect, they’re liars for one and I’m a firm believer that if you lie about one thing, you’re setting yourself up for disaster in romantic relationships. Yes, even if it’s about farting. Your man knows you’re a human you’re not a f*cking alien and your body operates like any other human. If you’re dating a guy who can’t “handle” the fact that his girlfriend farts, you need to find yourself a new man.

2. Now you can’t eat good food with your man.

We all know that certain foods are more likely to give us gas – i.e.: tacos and beans. So, you’re telling me you’re going to eliminate all the delicious food in the world whenever it’s date night because you might let one slip while you’re in bed watching reruns of Game of Thrones? Spare me.

3. No one said you need to dutch oven him.

Just because you fart in front of someone doesn’t mean it needs to be broadcasted and announced. No one said you have to suffocate your boyfriend under the covers after you let one loose. But, you shouldn’t be always running off and hiding in a corner in shame if you slip.

4. It’s really, really bad for your health.

If you’re constantly holding yourself in – farting or going to the bathroom – eventually it’s going to negatively impact your stomach health. Your body operates the way it does for a reason, don’t mess with nature’s calling.

5. You’re perpetuating the sexist stereotype that girls have to be “perfect and pure.”

I’m not perfect and I am by no means pure. I like to get down and dirty in the mud with the boys every once in a while. Why would you want to date someone who confines you into a box and only sees you as being a trophy? By perpetuating this stereotype that “girls don’t fart/poop,” you’re allowing men to think that women who do are disgusting.

6. If a guy can’t accept me for me – boy, bye.

If you’re dating a man who can’t handle the fact that women fart, he’s a weak person and you need to find yourself someone new. There will be times in your life where you get sick and you’re vomiting your guts up over the toilet bowl – do you want to be dating someone who holds back your hair, or someone who says you’re disgusting and runs away?

Allie From ‘The Notebook’ Is The Biggest A**hole And You Can’t Change My Mind

When it comes to romantic movies, for some reason, everyone loves “The Notebook. The movie, based off a Nicholas Sparks’ novel, centers around two kids who were madly in love as teens and, who reunite in their lives later on. While I didn’t read the book, I’ve seen the movie half a dozen times due to friends’ obsessions with it and, the fact that cable TV loves to replay it over and over again.

I’ll be honest – The Notebook is not the ideal romance movie and there are a lot of flaws to the storyline that basically showcases – Allie is a huge a**hole. Sure, I believe in true love and I believe that two people are meant to be together and if they truly are – they can find a way to make it work. What I don’t believe in is – physical abuse or emotional destruction to get there.

Hear me out –

Noah and Allie are madly in love and Allie’s parents don’t want them together because – well, he’s poor and “uneducated” in their eyes. Allie, of course, wants to rebel against her parents because at 17-years-old, she thinks she knows what love is (maybe she does, but a lot of people at 17 have yet to experience enough in life to know “true love,” at least – that was the case for me personally). Instead of being “that guy” who holds Allie back from the rest of her life, Noah decides to take a step back. While he’s leaving and telling Allie to go to college after she says she won’t go to be with him – she basically slaps him across the face a bunch of times.



Is this thing on?

Hitting someone is never okay – even if they say something you don’t like or don’t want to hear. I’m sorry – but that’s not romantic or endearing in any shape or form. Putting your hands on someone else, because you’re feeling emotional pain – N.O.T. O.K.A.Y.

Besides her raging temper and inability to keep her hands to herself – Allie also completely ruins a guy’s life and toys with men’s emotions.

She’s engaged to Lon Hammond, Jr. – who she treated in the war while he was a wounded soldier – and just decides to up and leave him after planning their wedding together. This guy recovered from the war and tracked down Allie just to take her on a date – that’s a lot of trouble to go through for one girl. But, she up and leaves him behind when she sees Noah completed the house he said he would years ago. She then goes and sleeps with Noah – living in this “Noah and Allie” bubble – just to f*ck with Noah’s emotions again and worse.

Ultimately, she leaves Lon Hammond, Jr. and no one even batted a f*cking eye. Why? Because Noah and Allie’s love story is “oh so epic.” That’s a bunch of bullsh*t if you ask me. Love stories shouldn’t include destroying other people and being abusive.

Sure, the two end up together and die together and it’s sad and lovely and adorable – but the things that had to happen to make that happen? Destructive and unhealthy.


Why I Refuse To Watch Or Promote ’13 Reasons Why’

Recently, Netflix produced, aired, and renewed an original series called 13 Reasons Why based on a novel “Thirteen Reasons Why” by Jay Asher. The book and show both focus around a high school student named Hannah Baker, a suicidal teenager in high school who experienced immense bullying and torment while trying to live in a society that perpetuates such acts. The show revolves around Hannah’s decision to end her life and a boy she liked, Clay, and their dual narratives on her life and the life that continued after her death.

While the show had a dark, haunting message and plot-line, when Netflix debuted the series, it had a much larger and rapid “cult-like” following than that of the novel. The novel was one I had read in my youth, but one that most teens had strayed away from due to its dark message. Much like “Go Ask Alice,” and books of that nature, many students in my classes strayed away from dark novels and decided to read something more “light-hearted.”

Now that there is a TV series putting the novel’s narrative in the real, 3D world—it has taken off in ways the book never could. And, although Netflix is monetizing on the series immensely, it is one that I refuse to watch nor promote, although I was a fan of the novel it is based on.

Many people who watch the series are that of Hannah Baker – young, Millennials that may have struggled in ways Hannah has struggled herself. The intended audience for the show in the series’ promotion were those who could relate to Hannah Baker, who had felt the same torment and pain she had felt in the show.

While many shows that target youth and discuss suicide and mental health awareness can be dark and dangerous to produce, it so happens that the majority of them attempt to give a message of optimism and hope—or, try to give a storyline of help. 13 Reasons Why, in my eyes, fails to do so.

From studies by lead adolescent psychologists I have read over the last several weeks, after the series took off, calls into suicide hotlines had increased by a large percent. As well, teenagers who had experienced bullying and other tormenting behaviors from peers were now writing on blogs and chat lines on the Internet about “following in the steps of Hannah Baker,” and “leaving letters behind to those who had wronged them.”

According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, suicide is the third highest cause of death for those aged 15-24. Lead adolescent psychologists have authored dozens of studies on the effects of media on teenagers and have discovered that teenage suicide is contagious. According to Dr. Harold S. Koplewicz:

“Teenage suicide is contagious. We know for over three decades that when kids watch television where they depict a suicide, they’re more likely to attempt and they’re more likely to actually (kill themselves).”

While Netflix argues that the show “opens the dialogue on suicide and depression amongst youth,” and can “push people to be kind and show empathy and support,” several scenes within the show, according to researchers, promote the opposite. Instead, the show promotes the idea that Hannah’s peers looked at her suicide as a cry for attention rather than an illness and an alarming call for help. In turn, her suicide in the show is painted as a way to “get revenge” on those who have wronged her and for them to realize they had been cruel by her tragic death.

The show, in the end, glamorizes suicide in a way that is a huge trigger towards youth who are depressed and suicidal. Many teens who experience these mental health issues feel alone and discouraged – needing support and help. What they received from this show was a huge push to do the wrong thing.

The reason I can’t come to support this show isn’t just because of the glorification of suicide, but a bigger issue amongst society as a whole. With the Internet and media becoming so invasive into people’s lives, we’ve become desensitized to important and major issues amongst individuals.

Suicide, which is something that should never be made into a joke, has become something that people laugh about – for example, when Aaron Hernandez recently committed suicide in prison, it was only hours before I saw memes appear on the Internet about dropping him in fantasy football drafts.

The more often these kinds of TV shows, series and content appear within society, the further we become desensitized towards human beings.

Screw You, Getting Attached To A Guy Doesn’t Make Me Weak

So, you meet a guy that you’re really vibing with. Modern dating websites and magazine articles will tell you that it’s all downhill from here. The minute that you feel something that may, down the line, lead to love—run for the hills.

For some reason in today’s society, the girl who feels too much, too soon into a relationship is the one who is prone to getting her heart shattered. Everyone will tell you that getting attached to someone—investing your time and efforts towards another person—will ultimately scare the said person away. They’ll think you want too much, too soon. They’ll stop calling, they’ll stop texting, the dates will become more infrequent in time before they completely stop altogether. So, if this is the solid truth in society—what’s a girl to really do when she feels something for someone? Act heartless and emotionally detached? Talk herself out of something that makes her feel alive?

Absolutely not.

Contrary to what many may tell you, becoming attached to someone is the furthest thing from weak. In fact, it means that you’re a pretty strong person – here’s why:

When you begin to invest your time and emotions into someone, it’s a pretty big step in life. I’m a firm believer that giving someone your time is more important than giving them anything else. The only thing we truly do have control over in our own lives is how we choose to spend our time. With life always being chaotic and hectic as we get older—working, seeing our families, seeing our friends, school, exams, going to the gym, watching our shows—it seems to happen that we have less and less free time available. When you decided to use those slivers of time you have with another person, it’s a big deal.

The more you invest your time in them, the more you’ll inevitably invest yourself and your emotions in them as well. When we fall in love with someone, it’s a universal truth that we begin to give ourselves to them – whether we mean to, or not. We start to include them as part of our lives, make them a priority in our decisions, our plans – our long-term future.

This moment, when we begin to let somebody into our world, takes the most strength. You’re opening up your safe-zone—your world—to somebody and trusting them not to break anything. You’re letting them into your heart and giving them the chance to hurt you—while trusting them not to.

Personally, I believe that takes more balls than it does to just walk away from someone you have potential with. If anything, society has it all wrong. Walking away from someone who can very well turn out to be one of the best things to ever happen to you in fear of being hurt is the ultimate definition of weak.

Sometimes in life, you have to take risks—blindly jump into the open abyss, unsure if whether you’ll fall or fly. Only the coward will watch from the sidelines, fearfully wondering “what if.” It takes a strong person to put themselves out there, not watching life happen but actually making it happen.

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51 Boob Memes That Will Go Over Every Man’s Head

As long as there’ve been boobs, there’s been boob troubles. Sweat, bras, size worries, and weird clothes, just to name a few. And as long as there’ve been boob troubles, there’ve been jokes about those boob troubles.

If you’re a person with boobs you might appreciate some of these hilarious boob jokes. Because who are we in this world if we can’t just occasionally let a joke get the breast of us. (Yikes.)






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