X Iconic Taylor Swift Lyrics for Every Stage of Your Breakup

We all know Taylor Swift is the queen of breakup anthems. Let’s face it, we probably wouldn’t have made it through 50% of our heartaches if it wasn’t for her relatable songwriting wizardry. Here are some iconic, underrated, and flat out classic music favorites:


1. “Please don’t ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere..” (New Year’s Day)

This lyric from New Year’s Day perfectly encapsulates that feeling of being wistfully reminiscent. Maybe you’re missing the golden days of the relationship or maybe you’re romanticizing memories. Either way, this one hits home when you’re learning how to exist in a world where your “person” is now a stranger.


2. “And if my wishes came true, it would’ve been you..” (the 1)

Sometimes shit just hurts and things don’t work out the way you hoped they would.


3. “I was a dreamer before you went and let me down. Now it’s too late for you and your white horse to come around..” (White Horse)

This song is a classic for a reason.


4. “You had to kill me, but it killed you just the same. Cursing my name, wishing I stayed. You turned into your worst fears and you’re tossing out blame. Drunk on this pain..” (my tears ricochet)

Breakups are hard enough without playing the blame game and this lyric perfectly sums up how nobody wins a losing game.


5. “You call me up again just to break me like a promise…”(All Too Well)

For that moment (or moments) when you think that you and your ex just might work things out. Spoiler alert: it ended for a reason.


6. “Is it insensitive for me to say get your shit together, so I can love you..” (Renegade)

Ah, denial. We all have that one person who has a little too much potential and not quite enough of what we actually need.


7. “I don’t like your little games, don’t like your tilted stage; the role you made me play, of the fool. No I don’t like you..” (Look What You Made Me Do)

This is the song you play on repeat after realizing you were played on repeat.


8. “When I was drowning, that’s when I could finally breathe. And by morning, gone was any trace of you; I think I am finally clean..” (Clean)

This entire song is an anthem for finally leaving that toxic relationship.


9. “I forgot that you existed. And I thought that it would kill me, but it didn’t. And it was so nice, so peaceful and quiet..” (Forgot That You Existed)

Sweet acceptance. There really is nothing like realizing you’ve gone a day or two without them crossing your mind.


10. “I only bought this dress so you could take it off…”(Dress)

Best to end on a high note here. This song will get you nice and ~moody~ for when you’re finally ready to move on and meet someone new.


101 Lessons That Prove Exes Have More To Offer Than Just Heartbreak

Contrary to popular belief, failed relationships aren’t just a waste of time. In fact, if you let them, your past relationships can teach you a lot.

Both good and bad, heartbreak has a way of reminding us what really matters.

1. If you’re only open to dating one type of person, don’t be surprised when you keep getting the same results.

2. Don’t be afraid to be yourself.

3. Sometimes love just isn’t enough. 

4. Don’t fall in love with someone’s potential. You have to love them as they are or keep moving.

5. Don’t play house.

6. Find someone who treats you like their best friend.

7. Speak up when you need to.

8. Listen to the opinions of your friends and family because they want the best for you.

9. But don’t let them make your decisions for you.

10. Opposites attract, but you have to share some common values.

11. Be patient.

12. Love is a choice.

13. And so is being single.

14. But there is a difference between committing to love someone and trying to force feelings that don’t exist.

15. You are allowed to feel however you feel, without apology.

16. Communication is key.

17. Respect is not the same as control.

18. Relationships are give and take, but you can’t only give while they take.

19. Love covers a multitude of wrongs, but it is never an excuse for bad behavior.

20. You can’t pour from an empty cup.

21. Don’t say things you aren’t willing to back up with actions.

22. And don’t believe pretty words that aren’t backed up with actions.

23. Your feelings are equally important.

24. Timing is everything, but that doesn’t mean everything is convenient.

25. Love without hesitation.

26. Always give it your all because even if it fails, at least you’ll know you tried your best.

27. Remember the Golden Rule.

28. Always look for the good in people, then treat them as if that’s all you see.

29. Have the awkward talks because nothing is worse than not being on the same page.

30. Be authentic.

31. Never keep secrets. It will always bite one of you in the ass.

32. Trust is essential and you really can’t get it back once it’s gone.

33. Find someone who is willing to grow and build with you.

34. Life is full of curveballs, so be with the one who you never have to doubt.

35. Everything really does happen for a reason.

36. Trust your instincts.

37. Think before you speak.

38. Don’t wait for the perfect moment because there isn’t one.

39. Chase your dreams.

40. Don’t just follow you heart, lead it.

41. Let the little things go. Forgiveness is important.

42. Get rid of your pride.

43. You are a team, don’t play against each other.

44. Passion doesn’t always equal ‘meant to be’.

45. Don’t take anger to bed with you.

46. Be romantic, but not nauseating.

47. Learn how to disagree without attacking each other’s character.

48. Love harder.

49. Things like respect and loyalty are just as important as attraction.

50. Familiar doesn’t equal boring.

51. Intimacy doesn’t have to mean sex.

52. Sometimes tough love shows far more concern than just giving someone what they want.

53. So don’t be afraid to call each other’s bullshit and hold each other accountable.

54. But do it with compassion.

55. Do not trash talk each other to your friends when you’re angry.

56. Support each other.

57. Never stop going on adventures.

58. Find joy in the little everyday things.

59. Don’t allow your entire world to revolve around someone else.

60. Appreciate what you have while you have it.

61. Embrace every phase of life because everything eventually passes.

62. Keep your priorities straight.

63. Guard your heart because it is a precious gift.

64. Life is too short to hold onto toxic people.

65. Be the bigger person and just forgive because it really does set you free.

66. Take nothing for granted.

67. Plan for the future but live in the present.

68. Loosen the reins and let go of the need for control sometimes.

69. Don’t bottle up your feelings.

70. Never try to change for someone else’s sake.

71. Admit when you’re wrong.

72. And have grace on others when they are brave enough to do the same.

73. Cry really hard when you need to.

74. Laugh even harder.

75. You are so much stronger than you think.

76. Keep the sparks flying.

77. Relationships are not all rainbows and sunshine, anyone who says differently is lying.

78. Never stop putting forth effort.

79. Give second chances if you want to.

80. But don’t let your kindness be manipulated.

81. Set boundaries and hold them in place.

82. Cheaters don’t change.

83. Mistakes don’t define you.

84. But how you handle yourself through those mistakes does.

85. Don’t question a good thing too much.

86. Take risks.

87. Trust yourself.

88. You really can’t please everyone.

89. Make the best of everything.

90. Have faith bigger than circumstances.

91. Always fight for what you believe.

92. Be kinder than necessary.

93. Don’t let your mood rule your decisions.

94. Staying inside your comfort zone won’t teach you anything.

95. Be with someone who keeps you grounded.

96. Encourage but don’t enable.

97. Challenge each other to grow and strive to become better.

98. Be a genuine individual before you get into a relationship.

99. Because romance is nice, but it shouldn’t be your one and only goal in life.

100. Protect the people you love.

101. The most important thing to remember is that life is nothing without love. So love hard, love freely, and love always.

For more from rc, visit her writer’s page here.  


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When it Feels Like Your Life is Spiraling Out of Control, Remember This

Everything is such a mess.

It feels like your whole life is being derailed, everything you had planned is vanishing right before your eyes. And at times like these, when nothing seems to be going right, it’s easy to get lost in self-pity.


It’s understandable to want to throw yourself on the floor and give up. All our mind is wondering is “why?”


But when you’re hit with these setbacks, instead of cursing the world and succumbing to a victim mentality, change your mindset. When you find yourself wondering “why me?” instead, ask yourself “why not me?”


Ask yourself: “What makes me better than anyone else? What makes me so great that I shouldn’t have to struggle?” The truth is, everyone gets discouraged and everyone feels like their life is out of their own hands.


And While He Was Finding Himself, She Moved On

You have to be delusional if you thought that she was going to wait around for you to "find" yourself and be ready to commit to her. Did you honestly expect her to stay? Wait indefinitely for you to get your act together? You gave her no reason to stay. You chewed her up and spit her out so many times she eventually lost count.

You convinced her so many times that you wanted her, needed her, loved her, couldn’t survive without her. You wanted her so badly, yet you put no effort into actually being with her.

You just left her with broken promises and empty words. So why on earth would you think you deserved her when you gave her no choice but to leave?

It takes two to tango and you left her dancing all alone. Fighting not even with you, but with herself. Convincing herself that you loved her, because the truth is that you didn’t even care enough to make that cogent to her yourself.

All the sacrifices she made for you—defending you, caring for you, peeling you off the ground every time you fell face-first into the cement, giving up every other aspect of her life just for you—you just took it all for granted. Like she owed it to you.

You gave her nothing to hold onto but somehow expected her to stay. You left her waiting and waiting. Always waiting for you to come through for her.

But while you were finding yourself and figuring everything out—getting your life together and having your fun—she moved on.

So now you want to dig your claws in deeper, keep her hooked on the drug that is you. Because you don’t actually care about what’s best for her—no, you just want her.

You want her time and attention and affection; you want someone to be there for you like you’ve grown so accustomed to.

But she’s sober now. She doesn’t want you anymore, because while you were finding yourself, she did the same. And she realized just how much she didn’t actually need you.

She doesn’t need your morphine lips or your tangled web of lies, she doesn’t miss the pounding headache she woke up with after every night she spent fighting with you.

She doesn’t need you at all because you have nothing to offer her. So she’s finally putting herself first. She’s moving on and it’s time for you to do the only decent thing you may ever be able to do for her and just let her.

For more from rc, visit her writer's page here.

An Open Letter to the Girls Who Chose Silence in the #MeToo Trend

Speaking out on important issues like this one is absolutely pivotal to not only affecting change, but in showing others they are supported at a time when they feel most isolated.

But this is NOT an opportunity to shame one another. Anyone brave enough to speak out should be commended and uplifted; however, it is not a chance to berate those who choose silence.

Sexual assault is one of the most violating acts a person can experience; and it takes away a sense of privacy that cannot be replaced by a hashtag movement.

Different people deal with emotional issues in a variety of ways, and labeling their coping mechanisms as wrong or selfish is not in line with the claim that this movement is supportive.

So respect the decisions of the silent. Support their right to maintain the privacy that has already once been taken from them. 

Support those who are comfortable speaking out to be a beacon for those who are still voiceless. Be a refuge for anyone who isn’t where you are yet.

Silence is not weakness and it is not antifeminist and it is not the problem, because victims are never the source matters like these. Don't let this movement force you to misconstrue the real issue. 

Bold, silent, or anywhere in between, we are called to love and to uplift. So release the shackles of shame however you see fit—speak out to raise awareness and remember that there is no cookie cutter way to deal with a life-altering experience.

Just be kind.

For more from rc, visit her writer's page here.  

I Want More from My Relationships and I’m Done Being Sorry for it

Wanting More From My Relationships

As a culture, we perpetuate the idea that women are inherently “too much.” Too clingy, too loving, to distant, too big, too small, too loud, too quiet, too independent, too needy–you name it and women over do it.


I am so sick of being told I’m too much. Because the truth is that no matter what I am, I’ll always be too much of something for someone.

So that’s why I’m done pretending like the noncommittal lifestyle suits me.

I’m tired of playing hard to get and I’m over trying to play it cool when you tell me you want to keep things casual when what you really mean is that I’m coming on too strong and that scares your fragile, egotistical foundation of logic that you need more than just me all while stating that I’m also somehow too much for you.

You say I’m moving too fast, but you just want to keep your options open; or maybe I’m just expecting too much when I mention that sleeping around probably isn’t the best way to cultivate a new relationship.

Yeah, silly me.

But you know what? I’m done.

Yes, I need more than a bimonthly text message and the flickering hope that you’ll like me if I try really hard to do everything ‘right.’

I deserve to be pursued and sought after in ways that you may believe are too difficult, but I’m through acting like that’s okay. I require effort and attention and I’m done being ashamed of that fact or pretending that I don’t want more.

Because I am simply worth too much to accept what little you’re willing to offer.

For more from rc, visit her writer’s page here.

If You're Going to Date the Firecracker Girl, be Prepared for the Flame

Sweet, spice, and everything nice–that’s what girls are made of…right?

Try a little more spice; add in a dash of sass, a pinch of charm, and a whole lot of attitude and you’ve got yourself a perfect firecracker girl. 

She’s bold, witty, charming, and she’ll knock your ego down a few pegs in a really endearing sort of way. Not to mention, she’s just as fiery in the sheets so it’s really a win-win.

The girl has a lot of great qualities–she is fiercely loyal, extremely ambitious, and incredibly strong. She’ll always have your back, but you definitely have to be prepared for what you’re getting yourself into with this girl. 

She burns brighter than every star in the sky, but that power is not limited to her positive attributes. While full of things that will amazing you like her unmatchable resolve of will and her ability to bring a smile to anyone who meets her, she’ll also show that sass isn’t always just cute.

She’ll talk circles around you in an argument and make your head spin around so many times that you finally concede because you’re too dizzy to even remember what you were arguing about, let alone make a decent rebuttal.

Those adorable quips that you once found so endearing can quickly crawl under your skin until you want to peel it off just to scratch the itch.

Being with this girl is a major commitment because she is anything but ordinary. She needs stability and she needs to know that you won’t walk out the door as soon as life gets tough because she comes on a little strong.

The truth is that she cares so much more than most people can even fathom and often gets her passion mistaken for absurdity. 

She isn’t easy. But once you take the time to truly get to know her and see her for what she really is, you’ll never look back.

For more from rc, visit her writer’s page here. 

FYI, You Don't Get to Control How I Feel, Ever

I am so sick of everybody having an opinion on my feelings. Last I heard, they were my feelings. Not anyone else's.

I'm so sick of being called 'dramatic' or 'complicated' just because I disagree with you.

Because, for the record, you don't get to choose how I feel. Just like I can't force you to understand why I feel the way I do. But that does not mean that my feelings are invalid.

Insulting me when I speak up without immediately assuming your viewpoint only proves your level of emotional immaturity, not the supposed 'fact' that I'm nothing but a drama queen. 

And if reducing my opinions and feelings to a labyrinth of drama is your only defense, then maybe need to rethink your own standpoint. 

The truth is that sometimes maybe I am dramatic; maybe I do blow things out of proportion occasionally, and maybe I am high maintenance, but I am who I am and I'm done apologizing for it. 

I'm through taking on the responsibility for your feelings when my own are more than enough to handle, and I refuse to be guilt-tripped when I choose myself over you every now and then.

So no matter what you do or how many insults you spit out at me, I am finished believing that I'm heartless for finally standing up for myself.

If my feelings disturb the balance of your fragile ego, then sorry not sorry, but I'm done walking on eggshells for you. I have things I need to say and I'm not going to bottle everything up just because it might upset you.  

I'm done sacrificing my well-being, my emotions and, at times, even my entire personality simply because you don't like it; because if you don't like it, then you can get over it.

For more from rc, visit her writer's page here.  

Ask Yourself This Before You Agree to 'Stay Friends' with an Ex

Whether you've dated for months or years, planned your wedding or kept it casual, you can never 'just be friends' with an ex. 

Especially if you can't answer 'no' to one very important question: do you still have feelings for them? If the answer is yes, do yourself a favor and cut ties now. 

It won't be any easier to do in six months when one of you starts dating someone new and the little green monster rears its ugly head. 

Just make a clean break. Allow yourself the time and space you need to heal then move forward; because once your heart is involved, there's no turning back. 

The worst thing you can do during a breakup is give yourself false hope by remaining friends. Don't break your own heart all over again chasing a glimmer of hope that will let you down yet again.

The truth is, you broke up for a reason and you can't romanticize old memories into new realities. 

Nobody changes overnight and neither will your reasons for breaking up.

Stay strong; make the hard choices now and save yourself from more heartache in the long run.

Because cheaters don't change, values can't be compromised, personalities that didn't mesh before won't suddenly align, and feelings can't be forced.

Trying to stay friends with someone you broke up with is only prolonging the pain and avoiding the process of letting go. 

But as hard as it may seem, moving on really is for the better. You both deserve someone who makes you really happy, not just someone you're too afraid to let go of.

For more from rc, visit her writer's page here.  

This is What Happened the Day I Realized My Mom is Only Human too

I've seen my mother shed only a few tears in my lifetime: a few tears trickling down her cheeks at a funeral, bittersweet tears of joy at a graduation ceremony, and a small handful of other times.

She has always been full of solid advice, sound judgment, and unconditional love just the way a mother should be. She has been my best friend, role model, savior, teacher, and my rock for as long as I can remember. 

She is my guardian angel. 

But one day, somewhere along the way as I grew up and life threw us curveballs, I realized that my mother was no the infallible creature I'd made her out to be. She was human, too.

She was affected by emotions, she felt pain from life's traumatic situations, and she needed people to lean on just as much as I needed her.

Suddenly it dawned on me: This invincible super woman who cared for me when I was sick and mended my broken hearts was not indestructible. 

I don't think I'd ever been more shocked. But I'd also never been so encouraged.

If this mighty woman could be as incredible as she's proven herself to be despite being just as susceptible to life's hurt, then doesn't that mean I'm capable of being that strong too?

I have her blood coursing through my veins and her wisdom engraved in my heart and if she can carry herself with such grace and dignity no matter what circumstances she is given, then so can I.

I have always been grateful for my real life angel, but I have never been so proud to be my mother's daughter as the day I discovered she was not perfect. 

For more from rc, visit her writer's page here. 

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