Today is the day, that I finally get the guts to launch my own blog. Exciting I know. I’ll probably only have one follower. But hey, Jesus only started out with one follower, now he has billions. I’m not Jesus, that is just a reference. ( I actually stole that from my sister, as that was her response when I had first told her about my plan to start a blog) Props to you sis. Anyhow, I guess you are probably wondering, “why in the Sams hell is this chick creating a blog”, well…. your guess is as good as mine. Just kidding. I think I have a pretty good amount of information to share with my fellow mommy’s and friends. More than likely its probably going to be a lot of useless information, but hey, I’ll try to keep you all entertained in the process. Plus whats better than watching someone else screw up a DIY project hand picked from this oh so wonderful wesbite, also known as pinterest, (momma said Pinterest was the Devil) ha. Nothing, Nothing is better. Okay, I lied. A lot of things are better. Pizza is better. Pizza is always better.
Blah Blah Blah, I know I talk a lot. So I’ll just cut straight to the chase and tell you a little about me and what this blog is going to consist of. If you don’t already know who I am, My name is Sabrina. I am 26 years young, and a mom to a beautiful, know-it-all, wild child named Paisley Jean & just for the record, Paisley’s mom DOES NOT have it going on. But can I get an A for Effort? Along with an Amen? I know i’m not the only mom whose sanity is being held together by a string of play dough and a 2 minute break from the world before your raging toddler comes bursting through the door of your sanctuary, also known as the bathroom. But what I do know is that more moms like me and you need to come together, even if were all lost mombies (Mom Zombie, usually the result of a mom with out caffeine) with no F*@king clue at how raising a tiny human with a bad attitude should actually be done, we can at least bring fourth some good laughs & a bit of reassurance that we’re not alone. I like to call this Hip Parenting with a Twist. Hence to why you will see a lot of trial and error blogs accompanied with a few curse words here and there. As for me, I am just your typical, average single-mom, trying to maintain a cool reputation, while patiently struggling to find a balance between work, school, hobbies, and above all else, being the best mom I can be. (I lied on that part above, I am not patient. At all. Get out of of my way you slow @$$ driver!) Who said that? Not me…..I’d also like to add that my 4 year old is actually 4 going on 25. She is straight up sass in a jar with glitter on top. And she sure as hell don’t cut me any slack & to answer your next question, Yes she probably gets it from her momma. Anyways moving on, I am that mom who likes to cut corners every way I can, which means I find myself figuring out ways to do or make things myself (even if it cost more money trying to learn how to do or make something myself rather than just spending the extra 5 freakin’ dollars to buy it already made.) So with that being said, i’m pretty versatile in a lot of different areas, likewise the things that I am most passionate about also vary from one side of the list to the other. Sports… I’m a raging, back down from no opponent sports enthusiest! Yep, I’m that mom, who will fight the ref for throwing my kid out of the game. I love the outdoors. Whether it be hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, or just being out in the sun, with my hair flowing in the breeze, getting stuck to my lipgloss, I just love it. Especially when my lipgloss is poppin’. I love photography. I am a picture taking fool. Just ask anyone who knows me. Usually at group events, no one ever takes a single picture, because they all I know i’m going to snap a million. I also have a semi-professional photography business. Along with a ton of other semi-professional business I’ve started up and did away with because I was bored. Typical me. Did I also mention I’m a Cosmetologist?!? Well, not exactly yet, I’m still in school, so stay tuned for more updates on that! Okay, okay, here is the news you’ve all been waiting for……. drum roll pleaseeeeeee.
What is my blog going to consist of?! My blog is going to consist a multitude of different shenanigans. From DIY project attempts and fails (hopefully I’ll be able to show more successful finished projects rather than failed ones), Make-up & beauty tutorials and product reviews, Bargain shopping tips, Easy recipes for the mom-on-the-go, finances, thrift store finds, Mom life and struggles of parenting not to mention whatever else I feel deemed necessary to share with all you wonderful people. Kudos to you for spending a good 5 minutes of your life reading my first ever blog post. You’re the real MVP!
P.S. Here I am below in case you’re wondering what kind of looney person just wrote this blog. This is all an act, I don’t always look this professional. It was photoshoot day. Do you really think I could get up, curl my hair, apply a full face of makeup and get a grumpy 4 year old out of bed dressed and ready to go all before dang rooster crows?!? NO way Jose. You’ll probably cash me outside with bun, no makeup and whatever I could throw together from my closet. (That was an attempt of me trying to be cool, ‘Cashhh me outsiddde’, okay I’ll stop now. That isn’t cool, and now this is awkward. Shit.