This is For The Guys In Dirty Work Boots

This is a letter to the guys in the work boots.

The guy that wakes up wee hours in the mornings to  make sure he is there not only before the sun gets up but to make sure he is there before his crew gets there if that happens to be part of his position. In my eyes I think these guys are very underappreciated. These guys tend to be the ones that help us live and provide us with things that we need on a daily basics.

Teichert, PG&E, Factory workers, Firefighters, Police Officers, Emt, PCWA, NID, City and Country workers, Construction Workers, and the list goes on.

Best Friends Can Break Your Heart Too

I understand that sometimes girls are afraid to get into a new relationship because they are scared of getting hurt, which is understandable but what happens when a girl is scared to start a new friendship because friends can break your heart too? 

Here you have a girl who was supposed to be your best friend. You guys have been through hell and back together. Break ups, family tragedy, boys, shopping, concerts, anything and everything you can think of. She was the one you would go to when you needed to talk, she was the first person you told your most important secret too! But suddenly things were changing. You guys were getting distant and you could tell something was going on. So you ignore it and just don't really read into it. 

Until one day someone slips up and mentions her name. Might I point out it's someone who shouldn't really be mentioning her and you think to yourself well that's odd. Then once again you put it off and you hope it isn't anything. You start to pay attention a little more to everything. Now the person that had mentioned her is now distancing from you and now it feels like everyone seems to be hiding something from you. 

You begin to get more and more suspicious and have some thoughts and ideas in your head that you are hoping not to be true. You start snooping a bit when you can and you are seeing things pop on her phone that you don't want to be seeing. Then one night you and your girls get drunk and things come out, and you thought you were being told truth and things weren't that bad in the end. 

Days go by and some more things aren't adding up you are hearing and seeing things that aren't right. You are lucky enough to have a few good friends left that finally fill you in on somethings and you absolutely go speechless.(I was so devastated I puked my guts out) Everything you had suspected was true and you think how could a girl that is supposed to be your best friend do that to you. So unfortunately no matter how bad you want to go yell at her or go tell the right people the information you now know… you can't… You have to let it all play out itself out. And it did.

Yes, I know I haven't given any details of what happened  and I am missing a few things that happened in the time line but the point I am wanting to get across is there is no such thing as girl/bro code and it seems that loyalty and respect have become a foreign concept in the world. Everyone is in this life for themselves. If this situation was the other way around I bet you I'd be dead. So excuse me for being a little upset about getting stabbed in the back and a little more furious when you emotionally and mentally hurt thee two people I would probably drop dead for. I know I should be mad at the guy too in the situation and I am. I can hardly stand to look at him. But she should of said no and told me right away. That, that's not a friend.

Pins & Needles

I believe that one of the hardest things in life is self-control. It can come easy in some situation and terribly hard in others. Something I wonder is whether or not guys have to practice their self-control as much as girls do when it comes to them? 

As girls we sit and wait on the guy. We sit and wait and we keep waiting. We wait for him to make the first move, to text first, to make plans,  to just be the first to show some kind of attention towards us. We don't want to text them first because we feel like we are going to be bothering them. We tell ourselves that if they wanted to talk to us or see us they would put the effort in. And when they don't we sit on pins and needles at home, at work, out with our friends, anywhere we are and we will constantly check our phone hoping there is a text there and we uncontrollably check social media to see what he's been posting and liking.  

Some say life's to short, so text him first, but that's when we tell ourselves he would text us if he wanted to talk to us. So we don't. Then I wonder what if he is waiting for us to make the first move? What if he is sitting on pins and needles as well waiting for a text from us? What if he feels like he is bothering us? So then it could be the same situation both ways and no one wants to make the first move. 

So I ask again do guys have to have practice their self-control just like us girls are having to do in order not to text him or does it really not bother them as much as it bothers us? 

I don't want you to keep me sane anymore

When things first went down I went insane. I didn't know what was what any more. I didn't know who to talk to, how to function, what do do, what to say, how to act, or anything. I became stuck. It seemed that time had froze for 5 months.

You became my best friend and when my best friend left me I was left speechless. You were the one I wanted to text and ask how your day was. You were the first person I wanted to call when something exciting happened. But i couldn't….

My parents and friends knew when I was having a good day because the chances are I either saw you or talked to you that day. And they knew when I wouldn't because I would most likely come home and sleep and not talk to anyone. 

As things got better and we were able to be on a friends level, I don't think you understand how sane you keep me. I know my family see's it. I know my friends see it. But I don't think you do. 

I don't think you will ever understand anything. I don't want you to keep me sane anyone. I don't want people to constantly point out how perfect we are for each other. I don't want my face and smile to light up like it's Christmas morning when I talk about you to other people. I don't want to like you the way I do. I don't want to sit and wait for you anymore. 

I want someone who wants me as much as I want you. I want some else to put a smile on my face. I want someone who wants me to keep me sane.  

When You Tell A Girl "He's Not Worth It"

On a daily basis many people tell me and I quote "He's not worth it". I have heard this over and over now and it has gotten to the point where I want to start an argument with he or she when they say that. This boy may not be worth it to you but…

He is worth it to me.

When you tell a girl he's not worth it she'll probably shrug and say "yeah, I know." but what she really means and is thinking her head are all the reasons he is. 

This guy may be the world to this girl. He may be everything this girl has dreamed of. Everything she has ever looked for in a guy and pictures in her future. And you keep telling her he is not worth it. I understand people say this out of kindness and mean well by it and maybe that person or friend really does think that he is not worth it, But again that girl does. 

You think saying this to your friend will hopefully help her get over this boy but the truth is, it doesn't. When we hear this we just think of the many reasons why he is worth it and if you are like me you might start to argue with the person about it. They'll then start pointing out all the bad things and right away she'll start defending him. Let her defend him let her get it all out and say everything she needs. 

Eventually you'll notice as time goes on she'll talk about him less and less. Then she'll stop defending him every chance she gets. She'll move on you just have to give her time. The chances are this is going to happen again over and over and over again until she finds that one guy she doesn't have to defend and prove that he is worth it because he will prove it himself.

So next time you are thinking about saying "he's not worth it" to  one of your friends remind yourself that to her he is perfect and she see's nothing wrong. Let her keep proving he is perfect because eventually she won't anymore. When I say she won't anymore I mean she'll stop proving it. She'll probably always think he is perfect or she never would have fell for him in the first place if he wasn't in her eyes. 

In the end he really may not be worth it, but you have to let the girl figure that out for herself. 

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