7 Reasons Why December is the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

No matter where you live or what religion you are, December is the best month of the year.

1. Snow

While living in the North, snow makes the winter just a tiny bit better. The first snowfall is flawless. Seeing the snow on trees is absolutely breathtaking.

2.  Santa is Coming

Nobody is more excited about Christmas than Buddy the Elf. Santa is coming on December 25th! Children all over the world wait for this day all year.

They all hope to be on Santa’s good list rather than naughty so they don’t get a lump of coal in their stocking.

Kids will leave cookies and milk out for Santa at night so he has a snack when he stops by. When they wake up and see that part, or all, of the cookie is gone, they know Santa stopped by!

3. And even if you’re not Christian…

The religion of Judaism celebrates Hanukkah. This holiday is celebrated on the 25th day of Kislev according to the Jewish calendar.

It lasts eight days on each day a candle of the menorah is lit. This means eight day of presents.

This holiday is very important to the people of Judaism because it commemorates the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

4. Christmas Music

‘Tis the season to be jolly, fa la la la la, la la la la. Christian or not, Christmas music always gets people in a holly jolly mood.

From Silent Night talking about the night that Jesus was born to Santa Clause is Coming to Town.

World wide, both songs are very popular. Christmas songs fill the air with joy and smiles are shown from ages one to one hundred.

5. Christmas Movies

Home Alone, A Christmas Story, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown, and Elf are just a couple classic Christmas movies in the United States.

6 Winter Break

No school? For over two weeks? What’s not to like? Elementary schools get ot have winter class parties and celebrate the holidays while college students celebrate by finals being over.

Middle and high schoolers on the other hand usually have projects that are due when winter break ends which honestly, well, it sucks.

7. Pretty Lights

Lights are decorated all over trees, houses, stores, just everywhere. New York City is one of the most beautiful places this time of year.

Time Square is lit up even more than usual. It really is the city that never sleeps.

To the Girl Who Everyone Left

It's funny how this world works, isn't it? 

"If you ever need anything, I'm here for you!" How many times have you heard those words? Or, "Don't worry, I'm never going to leave you." Yeah right. Been there, been told that. It sucks, doesn't it? 

How people can lie to your face, but at the time you don't know that they are lying. But you should know that they are lying, because this happens over and over again. And there you are again, the girl who everyone left.

Remember that time where you had a huge slump and fell into a long stage of deep depression? It's funny how many people stayed around during that time. Because you didn't want to go out, or you were always down in the dumps when around them, they decided to stop inviting you to events, to stop talking to you. But that's okay, but because you're the girl who everyone left. 

What about the time that you got shit faced drunk and just started making no sense? Maybe you made out with a random guy, maybe you went to jail, maybe you threw up everywhere. 

The next day, everyone called you an alcoholic whore. When you texted them asking to hang out, they don't respond. You know that you messed up, and you're hoping for a second chance, I guess not. But that's okay, because you're the girl who everyone left.

That boy, oh that beautiful boy. You two were amazing together and perfect couple. But then he tells you that you guys are breaking up and can only be friends. He says that he will always be there for you, but never returns your texts or calls. You cry for days wondering what you did wrong, and you will never know. 

You feel a pattern start to sink in. You tell yourself, "I've been like this before." That's because you're the girl who everyone left.

You have now learned that nobody is going to be there for you when you need them and you don't know what to do. You panic and try calling the people who promised to be there, but nobody answers. You breathe heavily and pace back and forth until you want to be the girl who left everyone.

But you're better than that, and you know it. You don't need people who treat you like that and give you false hope. You know that if they were worth it, they would be there for you. 

Chin up darling, the worst is over. Life gets better and you'll meet your true friends. You'll learn who is there for you and who is faking it. But you can't let yourself down. Now you will be known as the girl who helped everyone.

An Open Letter To My Rapist



When I woke up in the morning next to the empty condom wrapper, I couldn’t even cry. I was speechless and astonished. I kept telling myself, “this didn’t happen. not again. no no no no.” Then it hit me, I was indeed raped, again. You broke me down and took advantage of me. As soon as I saw you the morning after it happened, the flashbacks hit me. I remembered you entering the bedroom when I told you to leave. I remembered telling you to lay on the floor because the bed was mine. Did you listen? No. You said, “You’ll be fine. You’re just drunk, relax.” Then I felt your hand on my back and I jumped out of bed. I ran towards the door screaming, “I don’t want to be raped again, stop!” What was running through your head? It’s as if you knew I was vulnerable and unable to do anything. I reached for the door and you pulled me away saying, “Nobody is going to rape you,” as you began to.


It’s funny, though, because your friends all blame me and say it was my fault. What you saw was a drunk college girl going to a party, looking for some what. What I saw was a young college girl just trying to have fun and after go to sleep. Society puts the blame on me, though, because I was drunk. Society doesn’t care about the part where I cried and begged you to stop. I had tears streaming down my face as I tried to fight my flashbacks away. No, society doesn’t care about that because I was just a drunk girl who wanted to have some fun. Society doesn’t call it rape, they call it consensual sex because I never actually said the word “No.” Instead I said, “Stop.” But don’t those mean the same thing? I guess not.


After all this happened, you made me a stronger person. I am most definitely not thanking you for what you did, but I have learned to be stronger than I was before. No longer do I let people take advantage of me. Whether it be from lending them money over and over, to letting someone do what you did. I hope you do know, though, that you did not take my dignity. I am who I was before, stronger than ever. I wonder how you live with yourself knowing what you did. Some answers I may never get, and I’m okay with that. My only question is, though, why?


an open letter to my best friend who left us too soon

Best Friend:

Not a day passes by that I don’t think about you. I always think about our smiles and laughs together. I have a picture of us a my background on my phone. I love unlcoking my phone and see your smiling face. It gives me hope. Sometimes when I’m sad, I just look at it and remember how happy you made me. You would always tell me, “you’re too pretty to cry.” Looking at your smiling face always reminds me of that.

Thank you for being my guardian angel and watching over me. I don’t think I would be who I am today without you. It’s been a rough year without you. I always want to call you up and see if you want to get lunch. Or see what you’re doing on Sunday so we can watch football together like old times. I know you’re up there in heaven though, cheering on the Vikings, (ew.) Life is hard without you. Everybody misses you. I feel as if you’re just on a long trip and will eventually be coming back home. I keep telling myself that, hoping it is to come true.

I will never forget how much you cared about me. Nobody has ever cared about me as much as you did. If you were still here, I know you would protect me and keep me safe. I know I would have a shoulder to cry on. You were always there for me at any time of the day. How come there aren’t more people like you in the world? I really wish more people could have seen how great of a person you were.

Play catch with Sammy Sosa and always look down at your friends and family. You may be gone, but will forever be my best friend.

Go best friend, that’s my best friend.


– Your best friend from planet earth

8 Reasons Why Wisconsin is The Best Place to Live

1. All seasons

In Winter, it’s cold and there is snow. It truly is a White Christmas. In the Spring there are flowers blooming and Easter is beautiful. Summer is hot, but not too hot. And Fall is flawless with the leaves changing colors and falling on the ground

2. Cheese

We’re not called Cheeseheads for nothing! Wisconsin is famous for their cheese. String cheese, cheese curds, cheese on a stick, chunks of cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese.

3. Beer

People from the borders of Illinois, Michigan, and Minnesota all come to Wisconsin for one main thing: Spotted Cow beer. It’s one of the best beers you can have and is sold only in Wisconsin.

4. Football

Whether it be the Wisconsin Badgers, or the Greenbay Packers, the stadiums will be filled with thousands of die hard fans just waiting to cheer their teams to a victory. Win or lose, the fans will celebrate and still have fun.

5. The 5th Quarter

Win or lose, Badger fans still celebrate. The UW Madison band plays after the game is over as fans cheer and dance to the wonderful music, enjoying themselves. They know that football isn’t about winning or losing, and regardless, they will still love their team.

6. Frozen Tundra

With weather condtitions being below zero, fans will still fill the stadium decked out in green and gold. They will scream, yell, and clap until their fingers are frozen. There’s not kind of fan, like a Packer fan.

7. UW System

The UW system is well known for having great schooling. There are approximetly 26 UW campuses in Wisconsin with over 180,00 students. Students from all over the country, and even world, come here to attend some of the schools here.

8. That 70’s Show

Yepp, that’s right. A show loved by people of many ages was filmed right here in Wisconsin. If you live in Wisconsin and don’t like That 70’s Show, you aren’t a true Wisconsinite.

6 Things My Rapist Taught Me

1. Looks can be deceiving

You can’t walk thru a crowded mall and think, “He’s a rapist. I can tell.” A guy can look so sweet and innocent when really, he’s on the sex offenders list and has been filed for three sexual assaults. Don’t let looks fool you.

2. Alcohol doesn’t mean yes

Just because you guys may be drinking, doesn’t mean that because you want to have sex. No means no.

3. Trust nobody

After being sexually assaulted, how are you supposed to trust someone? Whether you were raped by a stranger or a friend, how can you put so much trust into one person after being hurt so badly? The answer is: you can’t.

4. Carry pepper spray in your purse

Have pepper spray or some type of self defense with you incase an incident is to occur. If you don’t carry a purse, then put it on your keys. Better safe than sorry.

5. Wear whatever you want

A girl doesn’t get raped because of what she is wearing, she gets raped because of how the guy thinks. If the girl is a prostitute and wears little clothing, but says no when in the bedroom and the guy doesn’t stop; that is rape.

6. You’re a survivor

You’re not a victim, you’re a survivor. You’re here for a reason and your past doesn’t define me.

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