8 Men Get Brutally Honest About Women’s Body Flaws

Recently our friends at Berry asked several men what they thought about women’s perceived “flaws.” The men were asked to be brutally honest, since they’d be anonymized anyway. Here it goes.

1. “I don’t even care about your arms.”

“I never see your “fat” or “untoned” arms — but it’s clear that you do every second of every day. Men are simple creatures. We fall into a few categories — and those categories don’t ever include arm guys. We like tits, ass, legs. So am I worried about your arms or knees or hands? No. I’m just looking at your tits and your ass. So have a great time with your arms.”

2. “Most bellies are fine.”

“I’ll be honest — if your belly is proportionate with the rest of your body, it’s fine. If a lady has a beer gut — well, sure, that can seem unattractive depending on the rest of her body, but more often than not, it’s just more cushion for the pushing’. We definitely don’t want to see someone who doesn’t care for their body, but we really aren’t as damning as you think.”

3. “Body shape means nothing to me.”

“Some men like really skeletal women and some men love curvy women. There’s a man out there that craves every type of women’s physique — and magazines or whatever teach you about literally ONE of those — or maybe two in the modern era of the curvy girl, but they don’t talk about the men who prefer bigger women or bottom-heavy girls or small-chested women. But we’re out there.”

4. “Your breasts are fine the way they are. Trust me”

“There are men who like all types of tits. Different size breasts, big nipples, small nipples, saggy boobs, big, small, full. What you see in magazines — ripe, firm, pert breasts — is probably not something they’ve ever seen in real life. Their experience of breasts is of the normal breasts, not these abnormally “perfect” ones (that are usually implants.) At the end of the day, if you like tits, you like tits. It has very little to do with size, I think. Shape trumps size any day, in my opinion.”

This Mom Had The Best Response When Her Daugher’s Gay Friend Wanted To Come To Her Sleepover

We all have fond memories of sleepovers. Staying up late, watching crappy romantic comedies, talking about crushes and… other things. You may be glad to know that they’re still happening. I know I was, when I saw this story about a young man named Mason who wanted to attend a sleepover at his friend Houston’s house.

Thing is, Mason is a boy and Houston is a girl. That’s usually a no-go because of parents and deep concerns about their kids ever growing up. However, in this case, Mason is gay. So WHAT NOW, MOM?

Well Mason, a considerate gentleman, decided to just go ahead and ask Houston’s mom if it’d be okay if he, a boy who is not interested in any funny business with her daughter, joins the sleepover. That’s when the mom had the perfect response:


Looks like the only thing Houston is concerned about is a late-night husband seducing. Fair.

Mason found the response welcome and hilarious, and naturally, so did the internet.




And importantly, more info on this hot dad was requested ASAP:


And Mason and Houston are having to adjust to being “Gaymous”


Woman Asks Pizza Delivery Girl For A Joke—And That Joke Got The Girl Fired

People on social media are demanding #JusticeForPizzaGirl after a Pizza Hut employee from Stafford, Virginia, was given the boot for writing a joke inside the pizza box.

The reason she wrote the joke in the first place, however, was because it was specifically requested. WJLA, the ABC station in Washington, reported that the customer— who wanted to remain anonymous— said her two sons (aged 12 and 15) asked for a joke to be written on the box when they ordered their pizza online.

“What do a pizza delivery driver and a gynecologist have in common?”

The news station did not repeat the answer because it was apparently “too crude,” but a sex-and-joke-positive reporter shared a picture of the punchline on Twitter:

This Girl Caught Her Classmates’ Boyfriend Cheating — But There’s A Huge Plot Twist

Girl code rules that should you see a homie’s SO with another chick or dude, it’s your obligation to let that homie know. Do unto others, and all that jazz. But what if it’s somebody you wouldn’t necessarily call a friend exactly, someone who is more of a class acquaintance? Do the same rules apply?

One Twitter user seemed to think so. When she saw her classmate’s boyfriend out with another girl, she decided to let her classmate know. And while it was good of her to be looking out, she unwittingly walked into the plot twist of the ages.

Rebekah Pendley (@bekahpendley), a student at the University of Texas in San Antonio was minding her business at the school library when she saw her classmate Jasmine Rios’s (@JasmineRios5) boyfriend getting real close to another girl. So, despite not knowing her incredibly well, she decided to DM Rios to let her know.

“I recognize who I think is your boyfriend in the library from all y’alls pictures on here and he’s being kind of touchy with her, and I really didn’t know if I should message you/how to tell you but I have been fully cheated on before and girl to girl I’d want to know,” she wrote. “I hope this doesn’t cause you a lot of problems I feel really bad but I just thought it’d be wrong to witness it and not say anything, you know?”

Oh, we know sis. We know. Pendley even offered to fight the dude…but as it turns out, it wasn’t Rios’ boyfriend in that library. It was his identical twin brother.

Blogger Gets Vaginal Surgery To Remove Excess Skin And Turns Her ‘Labia’ Into A Necklace

Tracy Kiss, a popular and controversial blogger, has made headlines after her latest idea in “fashion.” According to the blogger, she underwent surgery t remove “excess skin from her labia” after having problems and pain for a long period of time.
Continue reading Blogger Gets Vaginal Surgery To Remove Excess Skin And Turns Her ‘Labia’ Into A Necklace

Guy’s Story About How His Friend Had A Horrible ‘Netflix & Chill’ Date Is Gonna Take You On A Hilariously Wild Ride

Dating is not for everyone.

That is clear from the hundreds of stories we have read before. That may be because you can’t find anyone nice or that everyone is already having an affair. Whatever your reason, I am quite sure it can’t top the following story.

I’m sure you have met countless people who seem to be awesome people, and you always ask yourself why they are single? Well, if the following story is anything to go by, it’s probably because they have seen some shit in their life.

I won’t bore you with details any longer, so here it is. Get ready for a wild ride.

Source: Twitter


Trapped in the closet.

Liking girls.


Breaking it down.


Talking in her voice.

Male nurse.

Netflix and chill.

Taking the plunge.

Pooched the cooch.

Paying attention.


Next level.


Old school.

First step.


Apple pie.


On a journey.

Womanhood quivering.

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