This Is Why the Strongest Girls Are Those Who Struggle with Anxiety


Oh, how that word seems to make everyone uncomfortable. Some people fight a continuous battle with it. Some don’t understand it. Others seem to question its entire existence. So, what is anxiety to me?

Anxiety is the weight upon my chest. The hand that covers my mouth when my heart tells me to speak up. It’s the grip upon my lungs when my world is crashing down.

It’s the dark, twisted creature inside my mind that holds me back from being who I truly am. Anxiety is the voice in my head telling me that nobody likes me…it’s all my fault…I will never amount to anything…I will never be good enough…nobody will ever love me.


For the Girl Who Feels Like She Used to Be So Much Stronger

She feels it building behind her eyes, her heart beating louder with every second that passes, the knot in her throat grows larger and heavier. It’s a feeling she knows she has no control over when she feels a meltdown coming there’s nothing to do but let go.

Some days, she needs to fall apart before she can piece herself back together. Some days, she can feel everything building up, just waiting to explode. 


Then something happens. Something big or something small, it affects her all the same. It acts as a little flame that ignites a huge fire; a gust of wind that knocks over the bottle she has oh so carefully stuffed with her emotions, hiding them away to (hopefully) never be seen again.

This world makes her feel like she always has to be strong like it is bad to break down. But it is okay to need to be weak every now and then.

Read This When You Just Feel Like Running Away

You feel like running away, running away from anything and everything.

You want to run, run as far as your legs can take you.

You want to hop in a car and drive, drive until you can't drive any farther.

You want to get in a plane and fly, fly over the ocean and far far away.

You can't imagine staying in this place for one more day, one more minute, one second longer; it's just too hard, too painful to stay.

But you've got to try.

Go in your room, shut the door, close the blinds, shut this scary, scary, world out of your mind.

Cry if you need to cry, sleep if you need to sleep.

Binge watch your favorite show, write entry after entry in your journal, read a book.

Do whatever you need to do to help cope with this overwhelming, all-consuming feeling.

Just don't run away…please don't run away.

Once you feel a little better, a little stronger, a little more like the freaking amazing person you are, open that door and let the world back in.

Hold your head high and look whatever this day brings straight in the eye.

Make it cower away, show it that you aren't scared in the slightest.

Tell it that it can throw whatever it wants at you and you will not back down, you will not break…because you are strong, so very strong.

Because you are stronger than this world thinks.

Because you are stronger than you think.

This Is For The One I Used To Love

There’s not enough love in the world to compare to the love I held for you. 

But there’s also not enough pain in the world to compare to the pain that you put me through.

Everyday…seeing you, knowing that you will never see me the way that I saw you. 

You never noticed the way that my eyes lit up when you walked into the room or the way that light would die as you talked about a girl who wasn’t me.

But I kept on trying, my heart just wouldn’t give up. 

I wore nice clothes for you.

I went out of my way to help you.

I prayed for you and never stopped thinking of you.

But that was just me…it was never you.

You were kind to me, but it always meant more to me than it ever did to you.

No matter how hard I tried, it didn’t matter:

Texts remained one-sided… smiles slowly fell away…that door to my heart remained empty…

Little by little, day by day, my cheeks stopped blushing, my heart stopped skipping a beat the minute it knew you were near, my stomach killed it’s butterflies. 

Little by little, day by day, my love for you gave up; it faltered and died before my very eyes. 

Because When She Had to End the Relationship, It Broke Her Heart Too

She hates being the one who ended things… but she had to. She could’ve kept on keeping on, but that would’ve just hurt both of them more in the long run. She just wishes she could get rid of this guilt. Walking around every day knowing she is the reason his heart is broken is killing her. He might think otherwise, but when she had to end the relationship, it broke her heart too.

She really had no other choice, she had to break his heart so that she could begin to heal her own.

It wasn’t an overnight decision, that’s for sure. She spent day after day wondering if she was just making it all up in her head. She couldn't imagine that she could go from loving someone so much to starting to get annoyed at every little thing.

But the truth is… it no longer felt worth it. She tried to shove that truth deep, deep down in the recesses of her heart because it was too painful to acknowledge… but one day it surfaced, completely unannounced. 

The anxiety, doubt, and vulnerability were overwhelming and it hit her that her relationship wasn't making her happy anymore.

The minute she let him go, she cried. She cried because she couldn’t help wonder if it was the wrong decision. She cried because deep down she knows he’ll always have a special place in her heart. She cried because she hates knowing that she hurt him. 

But after letting it all out, she will start feeling better.  

She’s going to slowly lift her head up, tears are going to dry, laughs are going to reappear, and her smile is going to start shining once again. 

She’s going to start to realize that she did what she had to do, nothing more and nothing less.

She didn't mean to hurt him, she didn't intentionally break his heart, she just did what she needed to do to be happy. 

She took matters into her own hands and chose to be strong for the both of them. 

At the end of the day, she was honest and that’s all anyone can really ever ask for. Even if it wasn’t what he wanted to hear, it was a truth and she owed him that at least. She opened that bag of hurtful truth, because she knew hiding it away would hurt even more. 

And one day, when she does find the one, she’s going to be glad she didn’t put any more time or effort into him. Because then she would’ve been wasting his time too while he could be out finding his one. 

She will find the one who eases her soul… the one who simplifies her life not complicates it… the one who makes her happier than this boy ever did. 

And when that day comes, she will be so glad that she did what she needed to do on that fateful day. 

She will be glad that she broke everything down so that she could glue herself back together, stronger and more beautiful than before. 

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Uncertainty in dating.

"When I meet the right guy, I'll just know." 

"I'll never have to go through a breakup; God will lead me to the right man on the first try."

"I love this man and I can't imagine that this will ever be difficult."

These are a few of the many lies we tell ourselves time and time again. Sometimes these things might be true for some people, but more often than not they prove to be false:

Uncertainty is just a part of dating; you are going to experience it to some degree in your relationship.

 Most of us are going to have to go through a breakup or two before meeting the one we are going to spend the rest of our lives with.

 Love is hard; no matter how much you love that person, there are going to be days where you have to choose to love them. 

Dating as a Christian means dating for marriage. This can be extremely terrifying at times, because there are days where you honestly don't know if they are the one. You are in what feels like a constant tug of war with your emotions, trying to catch a glimpse of the truth. The brutal, heart-crushing question of "can I see myself marrying this man?" flits through your mind, casting doubt wherever it goes. You feel pressured to decide right away, because the last thing you want to do is string them along.

Now, that is good. You really don't want to play pretend; if you know, without a doubt, that your relationship won't end in marriage, then it is time to go your separate ways, even if it is going to be hard. 

However, it is important that you do not mix up doubt and fear with certainty. They are two very different things. 

Doubt about marrying your boyfriend comes naturally, certainty that you aren't meant to marry them comes as a lingering, gut-feeling that just won't leave your mind as much as you try to cast it into the shadows. 

So, take a minute and look into your relationship. Try and distinguish between that opportunity-ruining doubt and difficult, saddening certainty. You may not like the answer you find, but you can trust that it is for the best. 

Because, if they are not the one for you, you'll eventually find that person, you just have to wait. All you are doing right now is holding yourself back from being truly happy and holding back the person you love from moving on. Telling them the truth and splitting ways doesn't mean that you no longer love them… it simply means that you love them enough to let them go…it means that they can go find the person they are truly meant to be with…it means you just might have to break their heart so that they can build it back up, better than it was before. 

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