10 Shows 'Twenty-Something' Women Should Be Watching

Sometimes, it's Saturday and you don't feel like putting on pants, going out, and paying $15 for a martini. You know what? I don't blame you. Let me help you find some excuses to stay home in the warm embrace of your duvet, by offering these ten shows to check out, revisit, or binge watch. 

After all, one of the best feelings in the world is finding a new TV show to get excited about and think about when you're zoning out at work.

1. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. (CW)

This show centers on a young, lost lawyer who drops her fast paced life in New York City to move to a California suburb because she needed a change; oh yeah and her ex-boyfriend Josh just happens to be there. 

Her quest to lure Josh back into her arms is ludicrous and her schemes are desperate and terrible, but you'll laugh at every misstep and smile at every small triumph. 

It's relatable, but ridiculous in the best way. Did I mention there's hilarious musical numbers like the "Sexy Getting Ready Song" and "I'm So Good At Yoga." 

2. The Mindy Project (Hulu)

I started this show late because I knew she was a doctor and I thought, "not another doctor protagonist, saving lives, while theirs is slowly falling apart." This show is NOT your average doctor show. 

Mindy is a fashionable doctor, who would probably rather be a Kardashian, juggling work and love in New York City. She's overconfident and overdramatic, but it's funny and almost enviable. Plus, there's the handsome, side smirking, doctor Danny Castellano and the comical nurse Morgan who has an obsession with dogs.

This show takes everything you love about the romantic comedy troupe and throws it together seamlessly; creating a whole new romantic comedy experience that shows the trial and error of finding love. 

It's a rom-com you can identify with.

3. Jessica Jones (Netflix)

I'm usually not a huge fan of superhero movies, TV shows, comics or whatever. I was forced by a friend to start this show and I finished the entire series in one day. 

Let me describe it to you in the way that helps you understand its coolness.

It's a show about a hot, cool private investigator with a troubled past, and an ex-boyfriend with the power of mind control. 

Jessica wears leather jackets and ripped up jeans, she's broken, but strong. She's emotionally and mentally strong, but she's also strong, like can lift a car, strong. 

Plus she drinks bourbon, so now when I order an Old Fashioned (heavy sugar) I feel just like her. 

She's not-your-average superhero and that's why it's compelling and interesting to more than just Marvel comics fans.

4. Broad City (Comedy Central)

Broad city focuses on two crazy best friends, Abbi and Ilana, who are outrageous in all the best ways. Their friendship is supportive, honest and hilarious. They're are living in NYC and broke, but that doesn't stop them from having the best adventures, mostly while high.

Ilana builds Abbi up, giving her compliments like a best friend should, slapping her butt and telling strangers to look at how beautiful she is. Abbi is always helping Ilana with schemes, although sometimes reluctantly.

By the end of the first episode, you might find yourself saying "yaasss kweeen" and adopting the motto "reduce, reuse, recycle, Rihanna."

5. How to Get Away with Murder (ABC)

Never underestimate the magic that is Shonda Rhimes. This show is gold and it features a bada*s female lead. She has secrets and they slowly unravel with the show.

This show will either make you want to go to law school or have you avoiding every lawyer you come across at a bar. Either way, it's riveting as hell. The characters all have such unique personas and individual stories and together they make a dysfunctional ride-or-die group. 

It's like watching unsolved mysteries, but you get to know the real story and all the grimy details of the coverup.

6. Veep (HBO)

You wouldn't think that an HBO show about a Vice President would be hilarious. It actually sounds like something you would put on to lull you to sleep. It's not. 

This show features Selina Meyer, a vice president who doesn't make the best decisions. She's as honest as you'd want your politicians to be, but only behind closed doors. She's flawed, but she has good intentions that sometimes go awry and that's what makes it so entertaining to watch.

There's also Gary, her assistant who follows her everywhere. His lines and facial expressions will make your side hurt from laughing. 

7. Girls (HBO)

This show is so geared toward the twenty something woman, that it almost goes without mentioning. Young and neurotic women in New York City, turning their small problems into dramatic events is fascinating and sadly relatable. 

In our twenties we are still getting a hang of this whole adult thing, so sometimes our freak outs are unwarranted and our choices in relationships are stupid. This show makes you feel less alone about being unsuccessful, single and even overwhelmed in our quest to 'adult.'

All the characters, represent some part of you in your pursuit of adulthood. Jessa, the irrationally adventurous side, Marnie, the aspirational, but overdramatic side, Shoshanna, the young, almost naive side, and finally Hannah, the self pitying over-thinker who is lost and slightly disllusional, but still hilarious. 

8. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (Netflix)

This show is so unique and Ellie Kemper puts a honest innocence in this character that no one else could. She is blissfully ignorant to the harshness of society, despite being held in a bunker for years. She is still pure in spite of it all and it's crazy inspirational.

It's like watching a 7th grader decide to be an adult, because she's still figuring out what adults do. So sometimes she quotes Babysitter's Club and wears light up sneakers. 

Thankfully, she has the witty and humorous Titus to help her learn the ways of living in New York City and how to be a slightly normal adult. It's an interesting and funny take on the "navigating the big city" troupe.

9. Difficult people (Hulu)

This show is like Will and Grace on crack. Well, maybe not, but Billy Eichner and Julie Klasner's character's on the show definitely have similar qualities to the famous duo, but are more neurotic. 

Julie and Billy are struggling comedy writers in New York City, they are trying hard to make it, but not THAT hard. They are cynical about almost topic and don't believe you can ever take a joke too far.

Not to mention you have Julie's overdramatic mother, a shrink who thinks she could be a real housewife who constantly accuses Julie's boyfriend of being an alcoholic because he's a gentile.

Speaking of Julie's boyfriend, he's the only sane one in the mix and calls Julie the best names like "noodles" and "pencils." Adorable.

10. Love (Netflix)

This show is produced by Judd Apatow (Trainwreck, Girls) and Lesley Arfin who was previously a writer for Girls. So, if you love Girls you'll probably love this show too. It centers on Mickey and Gus who are navigating their love lives in every aspect, even the embarrassing and scary parts. 

I'll be honest, I haven't seen it yet, but I've heard both good and bad things. You should watch it and decide for yourself. Love is such a broad and relatable topic, that every new show that features it, is exciting in it's own way. 

Are you inspired? Are you already planning a girl's night in? Perfect. I give a personal guarantee that these shows will give you all the feels in the best way. Grab the popcorn and a bottle of wine (or two) and let the binge watching begin!

5 Steps For Getting in With His Friends

As much as men don't want to admit it, they gossip just as much as women, if not more. They are just better at hiding it because they try not to do it in our presence. Their hangouts are like gossiping at a tea party, but there's beer instead of tea and faded baseball caps instead of pink feathered hats. 

Guys tell each other everything and they give each other their opinions on life, work, and yep, relationships.

As women, we ask our friends for feedback. After all, how can we be sure we like him when he hasn't been subjected to our friend's judgeful eyes and ears. You can bet with guys it's the exact same. The cute guy you're into might not be the only one you need to charm because his friend's opinion of you is pretty important. 

The bromance is a complicated, but beautiful thing. If you make an effort and build you're own friendship with his friends, then your guy will appreciate your efforts and his friends will dig you. 

That my friends, is what we call a win-win. 

1. Always respect their bond. They will have inside jokes you don't know and it will be frustrating, but just smile through it. If you look annoyed or bummed they might assume you're not fun; just wait to be included in your own jokes with them. The longer you hang out with them, the more stories will encompass everyone, including you. 

However as long as there are guy's nights sometimes you won't be involved, but that's O.K.

2. Let them have their guy time. When your guy and his friends want to get 'bromantic' on a boys trip or a fellas night out, let them. Love is a funny feeling; it gives us butterflies, makes our hearts pounds and sometimes makes us want to glue ourselves to our love– resist that. 

The best way to not feel left out is to plan events with your friends during those times or make an appointment with your laptop for a good old fashioned Netflix binge. 

Try to line up your friend dates so that they are at the same time. Scheduling is key to working out a new relationship.

3. Find out their interests and personalties. Try to find a common interest with his friends that you can bring up and talk about with them. 

Think about when your friends are in relationships, you always love their significant other when they slide into your group dynamic seamlessly. They pick up on patterns, interests and they engage with all parties. 

Keep this in mind when you're out on a group hang. You can figure out who's sarcastic, who's into books or whatever you can. If you find ways to interact with them you won't just be the girl standing behind their friend all night.

You might even take the information you've learned from hanging out to find a cool event that everyone would be get excited about.

4. Don't try too hard. They can sense when you're too eager or if you're starting a conversation just to start a conversation.

 DO NOT bring up the weather, not even if there is a random blizzard in the middle of summer. If you must talk about it, call a friend or your mom. Otherwise, It's just bad small talk. 

Also, don't try to talk to them so much that you ignore your date. Relax and find a balance. 

They will probably do most of the talking and you can interject when it feels right. Don't think about them judging you and be charismatic as f*ck.

5. Be a friend. Once his friends get comfortable around you, they might bring up sensitive topics around you. 

This is a good sign, it means they are beginning to trust you and think of you as their friend. Be their friend back, give advice, offer help or encouragement when you can. Maybe even set them up with your friends, for the ultimate group hang. 

When hanging out with your guy's friends, make "chill" your middle name. Go with the flow, don't complain and be friendly. Guys are talkers and overshares, but they are also easily pleased. Basically, They just don't want a crazy psycho girl who is going to take their friend away, so don't be like that and you'll do great. 

How to Execute a Memorable Best Friend Road Trip

You don’t have to have a lot of money to plan the best friend trip of a lifetime. It’s easy to throw together a short, cheap adventure that’s talked about months and months after the fact. You can drive up to the mountains or go to a happening city that’s close by, but far enough to escape reality. 

Friend groups are filled with varying personalities, which means that everyone will have different vacation goals. The key is compromise or complaining till you get your way, whatever works better in your inner circle, which is usually comprise.

When deciding on a location, make sure the drive is long enough to bond, but not so long you kill each other. I would say a 3-7 hour drive is a good range.

Car rides are good for singing, laughing, funny pictures and of course, games. These can include, “Guess My Allergies,” “What Am I Looking at?” and “Where’s Chipotle?” Ok– that last one isn’t a game, but more like a desperate task for young hangry adults.

The best traditions are vacation traditions. When you arrive in the city, town, or wherever you’re at, you are going to probably want food. Chances are you arrive around a meal time, probably dinner because everyone took so long with their last minute packing; It happens. You all can pick a place that will be your place.

The best places are small diners or family-owned restaurants that are quiet and cute. I’m picturing Luke’s diner from Gilmore Girls with string lights. 

Whether you’re staying at an AirBnB or a hotel, grocery shopping is a good idea; buy quick meals so you don’t have to eat out for every meal. You can also get wine and booze because you’re on vacation and you’re an adult, but don’t forget to buy water so you’re not a hungover zombie on your trip.

Once you’ve eaten dinner and grocery shopped, you can relax. You can sit on a couch, lay in bed or watch tv together. Nothing ruins a road trip more than stressing out the first night about all the stuff you could be doing. Keep it chill, you’re getting away from your problems, not starting new ones. 

You can even go in the jacuzzi and tell each other secrets like you’re little girls at your first night at sleep away camp. This isn’t day camp anymore b*tches and you’ve got stories. This is especially good for friends who don’t see each other a lot. There’s always stuff to catch up and things you haven’t heard yet. Take this opportunity to talk about the kind of stuff you couldn’t casually mention over coffee. 

You can confess your biggest dreams and darkest fears under the stars. Then, make a strict rule: what happens on the road trip, stays on the road trip.

After that, You can all sleep together, like you’re kids in your bunk beds. If you’re having so much fun, you don’t want to sleep, that’s perfect.

The first full of day of the trip is when you plan activities. For a summer road trip, you can do a day hike. You can help each other along the trail and wait for everyone when they get left behind. It’s good bonding and team building. If you haven’t got the idea already, your trip should be similar to your childhood camp experiences. This is like adult camp.

Nothing beats the feeling of standing with your buds, at the top of a mountain that you just climbed, while staring at a crazy beautiful sunset. In that moment, you’ll forget all your troubles and live.

After your hike, you can have an outdoor picnic with wine and penne pasta. You can complain to each other about how sore you are and how it’s all worth it.

For a winter trip, you can go to the snow and sled or ski; or do a fun New Years Eve getaway to some place quaint and relaxing. There’s ice skating almost everywhere around Christmastime. You can learn a lot about a person when they are about to fall down; do they go down alone heroically, or grab on to you and take you down with them? Plus, the giggling and simple fun will make you feel like a kid again; few activities have that effect as you get older. 

Whatever you plan, plan it together. Remember that a best friend trip is special; and as you get older they will be harder to do, so you should never take them for granted.

It’s really nice to get out of your own area, do things you wouldn’t normally do, and take lots of killer photos with your best friends. 

You can grow a lot closer than you’d imagine on a simple, but scenic road trip. There’s something about nature that makes you feel calm, appreciative and reflective. Who better to experience it with than your best friend soulmates?

For that Moment When You Want to Text Your Ex but You Know You Shouldn't

Feelings don't just 'go away'. They linger and hide in the back of your mind, and just when you think you could be on the verge of moving on… something pulls you back in.

You think about him before you go to sleep, when you're driving alone on the highway, and especially after you've had a few margaritas. You are always wondering what you could've said or done to change the dreaded outcome; a breakup.

You may think that you will carry this feeling with you forever.

But you won't.

We need closure and that's why we obsess over the little details of a breakup or the end of a relationship. What we fail to realize is that we can give ourselves closure and have fun doing it.

Closure is shutting a door and deciding you don't want to open it again, which sounds permanent and scary, but it doesn't have to be. You just have to be open, prepared, and willing to move on.

So, it's going to take more than your friends stealing your phone from you when you're about to text him.

It's takes work and it takes persistence, but it leads to such a peaceful acceptance that makes it all worth it. 

There's a series of baby steps you can do to help yourself feel better. 

Go through all the motions, write it out and put it in an envelope and seal it; then destroy it, shred it or tuck it away– whatever you're ready for. 

Venting to a gal pal is not overrated. Heartbreak is a sad, common theme among young women and it's a bummer, but it also means your friends probably know what you're going through and even if they don't, I'm willing to bet they will listen anyway. 

Grab a bottle of $5 wine and talk or laugh or cry or all three, at the same time! As Audrey Hepburn says "Laugher cures a multitude of ills." Trust that Audrey Hepburn would never lie to you. 

And girl, stop looking at his social medias! This is the 21st century, the millennial break up rule: avoid their social media as much as you can. You don't wanna be the girl who likes a photo 56 weeks back.

There's truth in the cliche "there's plenty of fish in the sea".  Think about how many cars you see driving, how many huge office buildings there are that are jam-packed with bodies and how long DMV lines are.

There's another world outside the one you've been living in, brimming with people who could give you the happiness you crave. 

Every state, every city, and every small town is filled with so many people you haven't met; and no matter how old you are, so many things you haven't done. 

You deserve to love and to be loved the same in return and a chance at real happiness that doesn't come with anxieties, pressures and countless disappointments; but comes with appreciation, understanding, and passion.

If you start living for yourself, you can do all the things that you've always wanted without hesitation. Along the way you just might meet someone.

Take this time and just take care of yourself. Drive into the city, read all day, or dance all night. Do what YOU want.

The most important relationship you will ever have is the one with yourself.

Then one day, you'll look at your phone and "Don't answer ever" will be calling and you'll laugh. You'll laugh remembering the times when that phone call was so important to you and you cried yourself to sleep hoping you'd get it and how now it means nothing to you.

Then you'll ignore it and turn your attention back to the people that you won't let go of, the people worth holding on to.

32 Stages of the Barely-Functioning Procrastinator

You know you have a lot to do and you know you need to do it, but you just can't. There are other things to do and as long as there is internet and social media there will always be distractions. 

When you're dreading work, a chore or an errand getting sidetracked is all too easy.

1. You wake up early. It's going to be a long day, this will be the first productive thing you do.

2. Hit snooze.

3. You hit snooze fifteen more times and now you are only waking up 30 minutes earlier than your normal wake up time. Awesome. 

4. Coffee time. Who can be productive without coffee? 

5. Maybe you'll try it black because you are an adult with responsibilities and a day planner, for goodness sake. 

6. No, it's bad. Go back in the kitchen, put cream in there NOW. The frilliest one you have, you need all the vanilla. 

7. Ok, now sit down at your laptop, on your bed, with your coffee. Now you're ready to be the most productive, dynamic, efficient person ever. 

8. Wait, This setup looks like a Tumblr photo, better document it for Insta. Label it "Productive Sunday. Let's do this."

9. Ten minutes later and hardly any likes. You start wondering, "Should I delete it?", "What are my friends even doing right now?" and "Did they go to brunch without me?" 

10. Speaking of brunch, you are starving.

11. Time to go back to the Kitchen. Is it too early for wine? Yes, yes it is…Although, one glass with lunch won't hurt anybody, It's good for your heart.

12. Ok, now you've had coffee, your photo is getting a moderate amount of likes and you've eaten. Time to get to work. 

13. Maybe you need to put on some peppy, inspiring jams– Maybe the early 2000's Pandora station. 

14. Oh yeah! Bye Bye Bye- N'Sync. Classic. Wait, didn't that come out in the 90's? That should be googled.

15. Ah, it came out in 2000. 

16. Ooooh. There's a video that teaches you how to learn the dance? How cool would it be if you learned it. One day, they start playing it a bar, you could clear the floor and do the dance in front of the whole place.

17. Everyone would be so impressed. You might even become a YouTube sensation. 

18. Gotta learn it. It will take 30 minutes tops. 

19. Two hours later and you've learned only half of it. That's enough.

20. No more music! Time to close Youtube and open up your work.

21. But, you should check Facebook one more time and add that guy you went to high school with that you never talked to because he was really cute and cool. He looks like a Franco brother now.

22. Oh my gosh. He accepted, that was quick.

23. You should message him.

24. No you shouldn't.

25. Yes, you should. 

26. You should phone in a friend for this one because it is a big decision and it needs to be made now.

27. Friend says go for it, what's the worse that can happen?

28. You go for it, but he went offline while you were deciding. Now you have to wait.

29. Now, is the perfect time to take a shower, remember that one article you read that said you feel more productive after a shower.

30. Nothing more relaxing than a nice, long hot shower. 

31. Now you're tired, You should take a nap. 

32. "I'll do my work tomorrow."

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