16 Signs You're Perpetually Awkward but Totally Adorable

When you try resting bitch face, you don't look like a moody model, you just look a little well, awkward and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.

1. People don't ask you if you're angry, they ask you things like "Are you tired?" "Are you not feeling well?" because you tend to look a little uneasy.

2. Whenever you take a photo trying to look serious, you end up looking a little concerned. Like your best friend just told you she found some shady photos on her boyfriend's phone. 

3. Your no-teeth smile appears forced. It's like your seven again and your parents asked you to pose with your siblings on Christmas. You look like you just wanna open gifts already.

4. You aren't very good at conveying emotions in your face, so sometimes people think you're disinterested or not listening. 

5. When you are actually uncomfortable there's literally no hiding it.

6. Strangers sometimes assume you're having an off-day. But hey, sometimes this isn't a bad thing, sometimes this means an extra smiley face written on your Starbucks cup or a free bagel. 

7.When a guy you don't like is hitting on you, you can easily deter their advances. All you have to do is stop smiling, and he will start to feel like he is unwanted, and he will be right.

8. Alternatively, when a guy is hitting on you that you do like, you have to tell yourself to keep smiling so you don't look bored, which sometimes makes you look a little crazy. 

9. You've practiced more relaxed faces in the mirror but to no avail.

10. You have some of the funniest childhood school pictures. People with resting uncomfortable face had serious trouble learning to smile as children. 

11. Strangers don't ask you to take their picture at amusement parks or concerts. They assume you're lost or sick from a ride. 

12. People have told you, you have resting bitch face, but you always felt like it was something a little different. You're not bitchy, just awkward.There's a difference people.

13. Awkward is part of your whole deal. You're quirky and weird in the best ways, and you just choose to embrace it.

14. You identify with Jess from New Girl.

15. You can't try on clothes with smiling at yourself in the mirror. If you look at yourself with a straight face, you look like you don't like the clothes. 

16. Someone has legit told you "You seem uncomfortable."

Resting uncomfortable face usually means you are just a naturally adorable and quirky. So embrace it! But maybe just smile in photos or look off the side or something. 

Ivan Beecroft Release New Single "Believe" and Best Believe It's a Hit

Ivan Beecroft has released the first single off his upcoming album titled. Beecroft is a retro/rock pop artist from Australia.

In general, Beecroft's music sounds like it was plucked straight from the 90's grunge era. The lyrics are angsty and the vocals are have a similar, but not identical Cobain like growl. 

For those of us who have been wearing slip dresses and chokers, before it became a major trend, before Taylor Swift did it, you will dig the nostalgia that this music produces. 

The single "Believe" can best be described as "grunge pop." It is rough like grunge, and the message is grungy AF. "Believe" discusses the struggles of dating in modern times, with a bittersweet tone. It also reminds me of a version of Nickelback that everyone wouldn't hate. 

However, the background music reminds me of indie pop, more specifically the sound is reminiscent of a band called The Rocket Summer, but instead of Bryce's pop punky high pitched voice coming in, we have Ivan's deeper, rougher voice– the contradicting themes in the song work for it. The happy sounding background music, against the frustration in the song and Ivan's vocals.

This is the kind of artist that you could love or hate. It's not for everyone, but it's unapologetically itself, which is part of the specialness of the track and the sound.

You can listen to Ivan's single Believe as well as his other music from his 2016 full-length album titled "Dirty Lie" on his soundcloud page: https://soundcloud.com/grapesofwrath-720450260/believe

I Might Not Be Over You, But I'm Figuring Out How To Live Without You

After intensely feeling so much pain, and crying until my head was pounding, it's hard to remember what happiness feels like. It's hard to know if I'm smiling because I'm actually moving on and life is starting to feel normal again, or if I'm simply trying to be less of a bummer for the people around me.

I don't know if not wanting to talk about you means I've grown, or if your name is just still painful on my lips. I'm not sure if I compare everyone to you because it makes every nice guy seem even better, or because I don't think anyone will be as charismatic as you are.

I'm not sure how the healing process works. I can tell it's clearly different for everyone based on the varying and opposing pieces of advice my friends give me. I do know that even if I still care for you, and even if you are on my mind more than you should be, it's okay. 

It's okay because I don't text you, even when I hear that commercial on the radio that we would make fun of. I didn't even call you when I had when I got that promotion and needed to tell someone. I am just in this grey area of moving on. It's scary, but it's exciting. 

I notice attractive people in public more often. People aren't constantly telling me "you look tired," like they did right after we broke up. Things are improving for me.

I don't know if that means I'm over you. I don't know if it means I'm almost over you. But I do know it means I don't need you. I've been out here surviving! I have Instagram pictures again, plans to look forward to, and dreams that don't involve anyone but myself.

I feel free. I don't know if I still love you, I don't know if it's possible to stop. But I keep pressing forward on the road to self-healing, and when I turn my head to look behind me, you're just a speck in the distance. 

One day, there will be nothing to look back at.

Trust Me, You're Not Being Too Picky, He's out There Waiting for You

It's not just in fantasy movies or cheesy Rom-Coms. Although, sometimes it feels easier to write love off as such… a fantasy. 

I know you get lonely and think maybe you're being too picky or too close-minded about what kind of guy you want. That may be true when it comes to having a preferred eye color or favorite hairstyle, but when it comes down to the things the matter, settling is the worst thing you can do.

Settling for someone is not only a disservice to yourself, but also to the person you're with. They also want real love, not blanket compatibility.

You deserve the butterflies when you see his name pop up on your phone. You deserve someone who listens intently to you, not because they want something, but because they are genuinely interested in what you have to say. Someone whose love is worth preserving for a lifetime.

You deserve a love that is based on mutual respect, combined with a rampant passion for each other… a love that sees you as special, and you view him the same way.

Magic may not exist, but falling in love should feel pretty darn close to it. 

You deserve someone who sees in you the things you don't see in yourself, the things that make you special. He should remind you, you are special, without even saying it. He will probably love all the things you hate about yourself. 

His annoying habits will look cute to you. When he's not with you, you'll miss the way he slurps his coffee up or hums while reading the news on his phone. That's love.

Ordinary love fades. Real love endures.

It might not always be perfect, but real love will be worth striving for. So, keep looking.

You deserve it.

35 Signs You're an Old Soul Stuck in the Wrong Generation

Us old souls are special types of people. We are a breath of fresh air amongst these hyper, technology drive people we're surrounded by. 

Give us a good book and a cup of tea and you'll find us outside on the porch rocking chair. 

1. You open up a book or newspaper and the first thing you do is smell it.

2. Phones mainly are used to check your email and read online articles.

3. All your fashion icons are from a different decade, but when you copy their style you just look vintage chic.

4. You can name more movies from the decade you were born then our current decade.

5. You are the go-to-advice-giver of your friend group.

6. Memes from favorites 90's sitcoms or iconic Old Hollywood films are your life. 

7. You have ALWAYS wanted to go to a drive-in movie theater.

8. You prefer classic cars to modern cars by far.

9. You could listen to  your grandparents' stories for hours.

10. It takes you a little bit longer to adjust to an iPhone update than it does most people your age.

11. You're a big fan of chivalry, but sometimes you think "Hm, maybe I should open the door for him sometimes cause… feminism." 

12. Even though you're incredibly awkward while it's happening, you love meeting new people and having casual conversations with neighbors and people in line at coffee.

13. People tell you your vibe is "vintage, but fresh" or "classic, but modern" or some other contradictory words.

14. You love Saturday Night Live, but you have trouble staying awake for it.

15. You criticize the poor special effects in old horror movies, but also love that you can watch with them without being scared.

16. You own a pair of loafers.

17. You don't get upset when your favorite films are the subject of modern reboots. You always wondered what modern versions would look like.

18. You have an actual alarm clock that wakes you up. You don't use your phone.

19. You know who Blair, Tootie, Natalie, and Jo are.

20. You tend to date older people because your interests align better.

21. You like to be alone, even if your texting in bed or watching Scandal.

22. You like to be in nature: hiking a mountain, going to the beach, playing in the snow. You love it all.

23. You wish print newspapers would have a revival, but then you think about all the trees that would have to be killed, and decide online is better.

24. Your favorite actor/actress is over 40.

25. You've been told you're mature for your age, but no one has ever said it to you after you've had a couple shots of tequila.

26. You tell dad jokes.

27. You've ordered wine at a club before. 

28. For Christmas, you ask for practical items.

29. You read a lot, but sometimes they are simply celebrity autobiographies. 

30. You own house slippers.

31. Sometimes you see people your age acting ridiculous in public, and you feel so detached from humans your age. 

32. You think your mom's friends are kinda cool, right?

33. You are consistently impressed with new apps. 

34. You excelled in History class.

35. You think a kiss on the hand is romantic and not creepy.

To My Bestie, Never Let Anyone Dull Your Sparkle

You are a damn firework. I know Katy Perry already told you, but technically she told the whole world that, which may lead you to think "Hey, we can't all be fireworks." But let me assure you that you are a firework. 

Maybe everyone is a firework. For example, your ex-boyfriend that we really freaking hate is one of those ones that shoots up really really high into the sky, and then….. boom! Nothing happens. 

It's simply a dud that sadly and embarrassingly falls back down to Earth. Idiot.

But girl, you are the kind of a firework that even though you've probably seen it a lot, it never gets old. 

It never stops inspiring ooh's and ahh's from the crowd. It is bright and colorful, and its shape is so cool you think, "How is that possible?" 

Yeah, you're that firework!

Katy Perry song lyrics aside, you're pretty special. I know some days you don't feel like it. I know some days you want to lay in bed all day and you don't feel good enough. 

But it is my job as your best friend to tell you otherwise– just like you have done for me. 

You are funny without trying to be. No matter what mood you're in, if you're trying to be serious or not, you always make people laugh. That is something everyone wishes they could do, but it's something that just comes so naturally to you.

Sure, you will complain a lot, but you always get the task done, and I admire you for that. You are so driven and motivated that I will listen to your complaints any day all day because I know the beauty you can create.

You are such a lovable and admirable person, and I hope you never forget that. Your heart is pure; even when you make fun of someone you do it in a way where you are laughing with them instead of at them, it's a real Ellen Degeneres like quality that is so rare. 

Your only faults may be your taste in men and your tendency to overthink, but that's why I'm here to provide you with much need advice and blunt opinions. 

I know sometimes when you're sad and at times my words may fail me. I don't always know what to say, or I think of something too late, and then the moment has passed and we're already on to Netflix-binging so I just let it go. But know this: I will always listen to you, even if I can't form a quality supportive sentence at the moment. 

Everyone needs a reminder that they are loved and appreciated by those closest to them. This is your reminder from me; because without you, my life would be boring and missing adventure. 

Always remember you are bright, special and worthy of oohs and ahhs just like a firework!

You Let Me Go, But Now You're Mad I'm Running Free

I think it's funny how you were worried that you were missing out on life's adventures with me. You were worried there was something out there better for you. You thought a future with me in it, meant boredom, stability and the things that propel you into an adulthood you aren't ready for. 

Well now you're alone, but you still look at my Instagram. You still talk about me to your friends. I don't think you've gone on any fun vacations or met anyone new. You still have to work at your job. You are still aging. You still have responsibilities. The only thing missing is me. 

However in an interesting twist of events, my life has changed for the better. 

You really gave me a sweet gift when you left me to be a man-child. You made me realize that my future could still be fulfilling and exciting even when I took you out of it. You made me realize that other people are out there, on dating apps, in coffee shops, or even at the vet where I take my dog. 

I realized it's ok for me to be selfish. I can put myself above other people sometimes, I don't have to plan my dreams around someone's life. I have the freedom to go after all my deep seeded desires. 

Now I go on girl's trips, I let guys buy me drinks at bars. I dance all night, never looking at my phone waiting for your text. I buy clothes that I know you would hate, not out of spite, but because I let your thoughts become my own, and I'm now learning to differentiate me from you. 

You have given me so much freedom, and even though I was sad for awhile, and still am sometimes when our favorite movie comes or I remember one of our inside jokes– I'm doing better. 

I lost you but in the end, I'm gaining so much more. 

I didn't realize you were holding me back, until the day you told me that you thought I was holding you back. 

I hope that your life will become everything you thought it would be without me because my life without you is everything I could have never imagined, and so much more in the best ways possible. 

I'm on a new adventure, and you're not invited anymore.

"Stay up off my Instagram, pure temptation." – Rihanna

The Long Dark Road Releases New Self-Titled EP

Now, I know Middle School was somewhat of an awkward and strange time for us, but this group certainly takes me back to my middle school days. 

Not because they are a boppy teenage band, they are in fact the exact opposite of that. But, in my middle school days, I was listening to music my parents hated, that I could blast in my room while applying the darkest heaviest eyeliner possible. Music that made me angry, made me feel and made me feel like I was understood and a part of something. 

For those of us who grew older and slightly older and (sold out) *ahem* found other musical interests: this is a band that will help you get back to your roots. The kind of music that built you, made you and let you release all your anger, all while having fun headbanging in the process.

My only issue with this genre of music is sometimes I have trouble hearing the lyrics over the booming guitar and heavy music, but I suspect that is more of a 'me problem.' If this is your genre of choice, you can probably understand every single word.

There's so much artistry present in this black metal, dark band. The lyrics, when I listen closely, come from a real place of pain, and longing in extreme ways, but that's what makes it relatable and unique.

The world isn't always pop princesses singing bubbly hits, sometimes you need a rough sound, and sick guitar solo to make you feel alive again. That's what The Long Road gives you. It makes me remember middle school, but not because it's a band for children, but because in middle school I loved this type of music so deeply, and listening to it, is like my younger self, remembering what it's like to have such a visceral outlet for my emotions.

It's alarming how much music can affect you and make you think. Sometimes it hits you in ways you would never expect. 

Give this band a listen, even if heavy rock music isn't necessarily your thing, we can all relate to the frustrations, wanting to belong, sorrow, and feeling out of control. 

This band will make you think, it will make you jam, and if you're like me, it might make you completely rediscover a genre that you foolishly left behind.  

To listen to their track Tragedy of the Commons and pre-order via Bandcamp, you can visit the link right here: https://thelongdarkroad.bandcamp.com/releases 

I Didn't Think I'd Love Anyone As Much As I Love Pizza, But Here We Are

I was totally cool being single. I ate what I wanted, I drank what I wanted, and fashion sweats became my daily wardrobe. I was content. 

Then you came along, looking all handsome and stuff, and *poof* my life was changed.

Luckily it changed for the better. 

I still eat pizza on my couch, but now you're next to me and we split a large, so now I don't eat a medium all by myself, which is probably healthier for me. 

Plus, you are super chill about how anal I am about my toppings and that is TRULY appreciated. 

I still drink wine as much as I want, but now sometimes it's with you at restaurants, surrounded by actual real people, and the pizza is fancy flatbread that is artisanal and fuckin' delicious. 

I still wear my fashion sweats, but now when I spend the night at your place or on Sunday mornings when we're drinking coffee in my kitchen. Now, I have someone to get dressed up with, to have adventures with, and jeans are starting to make a reappearance in my life. 

You are the Mark Darcy, to my Bridget Jones, I was a loveable, hot weirdo than you came along and loved me "just the way I am" and I became a better version of me, but still me! I will forever be the Pizza loving, wine drinking, comfy babe, but you make me that and so much more. 

Don't mean to be cheesy (teehee), but you are more delicious than pizza.

You turned this selfish, hermit, into an actual human, and I'm forever grateful that your pizza order is now saved with mine on our dominos profile, that's love to me. 

You are my pizza soulmate. If I had to choose, I'd choose you. 🙂 and that's the most romantic thing I've ever said. 

I didn't think my life needing changing, I didn't think I'd ever change from being the single girl who LOVES pizza cliche, but here we are.

Single ladies, there's hope!

Dugo Releases "Lingua Franca," The Music You Didn't Know You Love

I don't typically listen to music without lyrics, mostly because I can be kind of generic in music tastes, but I'm constantly fighting against that, because I know there's much more out there than what's played on the radio. 

This artist Dugo's work sounds so beautifully complicated to me, like I picture him not being able to sleep as this plays in his head, and he knows he MUST create this masterpiece. So, it doesn't surprise me that this work of musical art was ten years in the making. It sounds like so much thought, detail and excuse me for being cheesy, love went into this creation.

There are no words, no gripping love lyrics, no painful stories about goodbyes– but it doesn't need it. And to be honest with you, that is something I never thought I would say, but I truly mean it. 

This music, although different from what I normally listen to, feels like what I have been missing. Music that plays softly while I write, or the uptempo background to my workout, or when I need to pensively think in silence, but also want to feel like this is a sequence in a movie about my life, so I put this on for background music to show the intensity of my thinking.

The freedom of this kind of music lets you decide what it means to you. Now, I understand why my best friend insists on choreographing her ballet dances to non-lyrical music. 

If the songs sound familiar to you, then you might be a gamer, because apparently, this music has been featured in video games, which seems cool and honestly appropriate.

The sound is electronic and vibey, it's unique, but somehow familiar. It's the kind of music that makes you think about how amazingly talented some people are in this world. 

Give Dugo's new full- length CD, Lingua Franca, a listen, if you want to be amazed or feel like your in the world's coolest elevator. 

Link to album: http://store.bravewave.net/album/lingua-franca

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