Much of the stuff that goes viral does so because of some sort of outrage factor. People are not shy about being absolutely horrible on camera or in text conversations. Every day there’s a new story about people leaving mean notes on each other’s cars, acting like racist fools in videos, and saying ignorant stuff online.
Continue reading Woman’s Text Convo With Mom Who Wants To Buy Her Car Goes Viral For All The Right Reasons
Author: Woke Sloth
27-Year-Old Nutritionist Leaves Heartbreaking Final Letter Before Hanging Herself
Depression and mental illness can take over just about anyone when it’s severe enough. No matter how many people look as though they’re doing well on the outside, you never truly know what’s going on inside someone else’s mind—especially when they’re suffering from depression and other mental health disorders. Recently, a 27-year-old blogger and nutritionist committed suicide and left behind a touching, heartfelt note on her website.
Tara Condell of San Francisco shared a letter on her website saying goodbye to her friends, family, and to all of her hobbies she will miss. The foodie had traveled the world for quite some time—as she claims, on other’s dimes—and experienced all wonderful things. However, her illness did take her, like many others who also suffer from mental disorders.
In her letter titled: I Hate The Word “Bye”, But See You Later Maybe? she wrote:
I have written this note several times in my head for over a decade, and this one finally feels right. No edits, no overthinking. I have accepted hope is nothing more than delayed disappointment, and I am just plain old-fashioned tired of feeling tired.
I realize I am undeserving of thinking this way because I truly have a great life on paper. I’m fortunate to eat meals most only imagine. I often travel freely without restriction. I live alone in the second greatest American city (San Francisco, you’ll always have my heart). However, all these facets seem trivial to me. It’s the ultimate first world problem, I get it. I often felt detached while in a room full of my favorite people; I also felt absolutely nothing during what should have been the happiest and darkest times in my life. No single conversation or situation has led me to make this decision, so at what point do you metaphorically pull the trigger?
I’m going to miss doing NYT crosswords (I was getting really good). That one charcuterie board with taleggio AND ‘nduja. Anything Sichuan ma la, but that goes without saying. A perfect plate of carbonara (no cream!). Real true authentic street tacos. Cal-Italian cuisine. Hunan Bistro’s fried rice. The pork belly and grape mini from State Bird Provisions circa 2013. Popeye’s of course. Bambas too.
I’m also going to miss unexpected hugs. Al Green’s Simply Beautiful. Cherries in July. Tracing a sleeping eyebrow. Smoking cigarettes. The Golden Gate Bridge at sunset. That first sip of iced cold brew in sticky August. Making eye contact with people walking down the street. When songs feel like they’re speaking to your soul. Jeopardy. Saying I love you. Late night junk food binges. Shooting the shit. And especially the no-destination-in-sight long walks.
No GoFundMes, no funeral, no tributes, no doing-too-much please. All I ask now is for you to have one delicious (I mean a really really great) meal in my honor and let me go, no exceptions.
It’s selfishly time for me to be happy and I know you can get down with that. Please try to remember me as a whole human you shared memories with and not just my final act. This is not your fault. It’s not exactly easy for me either, I’m here for you. I love you. I always have and I always will, I promise. Shikata ga’nai.
I’m coming home, Dad. Make some room up on that cloud and turn the Motown up.
I’m really sorry mama.
Tara was found dead by police, with a strap around her neck, having hung herself. Our heartfelt condolences to Tara’s friends and family during this difficult time.
If you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.
Woman Brutally Turns Down Job Offer After CEO Bullied Her During Interview
Going on a job interview can be an incredibly stressful and anxiety-triggering situation. For many people, we need a job to survive. Therefore, when you find a position that is “perfect” for you, you get extra nervous, hoping you ace the interview. But, what do you do when a potential boss completely bullies and belittles you during your interview process? Honestly, I’d have no idea how to react. Olivia Bland, a marketing professional from Manchester, England, however, knew exactly how to handle herself when this recently happened to her during an interview.
Bland shared on Twitter that she received a job offer from a company, after she had a horrible interview with the company’s CEO. She shared on Twitter:
Yesterday morning I had a job interview for a position at a company called Web Applications UK. After a brutal 2 hour interview, in which the CEO Craig Dean tore both me and my writing to shreds (and called me an underachiever), I was offered the job. This was my response today.
Her response, however, was one that was well put together and well thought out. Bland declined the job offer, and explained in grave detail how humiliating and uncomfortable it was for her to sit in an interview where the CEO tore apart “her and her writing entirely.”
She also said she understands that by sending this email and declining the offer, she fell into the CEO’s “test” trap that he was clearly trying to present.
Bland also said that the way in which the CEO spoke to her reminded her far too much of the abusive relationship that she recently got out of. She believes that taking the job will be traumatic for her. Additionally, she added that she is not the only one who feels this way—as there are many other reviews online that say similar things.
After her tweet went viral, the company’s board of directors issued a response to the claims that their CEO was conducting himself inappropriately during the interview process. However, Bland was not interested in their excuses, stating:
Excuse me
@WebAppUK but this isn’t good enough. I haven’t even received a direct apology from your company. Fix up.
Many on Twitter applauded Bland for standing up for herself, and countless others, and sticking to her guns.
Having been in this position multiple times but unable to do what you just did here, I feel so thankful to see an example of how to handle a situation like this. Thank you! 💜 We need more vulnerability and kindness in this world.
— ☁️ (@circularkoo) January 29, 2019
Unlike you I took the job where I felt like this in the interview and it was the worst 3 months of my life, where my mental health took a massive hit. Over three years ago and I still get anxious thinking about it. Good on you for sticking up for yourself.
— Kelly (@Kelly_QPR) January 30, 2019
This is such a clear, courageous and dignified response to appalling behaviour. All power to you for seeing the value in yourself and declining a job offer from a workplace that will not respect you. Very best of luck with your other interviews!
— Dr Kat Gupta (@mixosaurus) January 29, 2019
It's such a disgrace that the CEO from a reputable company @WebAppUK who talks a lot about supporting mental health, gender issues, menopause issues and feels strongly about education (on their YouTube videos) should act in such a loathsome, disrespectful manner! Appalling!!!!
— Gini Bland (@GiniBland) January 29, 2019
Perfect response, I hope it hits a nerve with someone there. I also hope you can feel the empowerment from realising that past experience has enabled you to impose a hard limit on what you’ll tolerate. I’ve been there, and it was a relief to see my self-preservation in action
— Carly Minsky (@carlyminsky) January 30, 2019
Doctor’s Viral Thread About Late Term Abortions Explains Why They Should Be Legal
Abortion is one of the most divisive issues in the country, and that’s saying a lot because we have plenty of divisive issues. So when New York state passed a bill allowing late-term abortions in cases where the health of the mother is endangered or strongly compromised, the backlash was quick and strong.
Continue reading Doctor’s Viral Thread About Late Term Abortions Explains Why They Should Be Legal