If You’re A Girl Who Doesn’t Masturbate, Here’s 5 Reasons You Need To Start, Like, Tonight

Are we all done pretending that girls don’t masturbate? Okay, cool. Unfortunately, we have gone a long time telling girls to keep their legs closed, and if they don’t, to keep their mouth closed about it. If you’re one of those ladies, it isn’t too late to Marvin Gaye and Get It On with yourself. I suggest tonight, and here’s why.

1. It feels good. Like, really good.

Getting eaten out is great. Having sex rocks. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But trust me, giving yourself the big O doesn’t feel so bad, either. Sometimes, a partner just doesn’t hit the spot EXACTLY how it is begging to be hit. You know who can? You.

2. It can help you in the bedroom with other partners.

Knowing how you like it, the speeds and pressures you prefer or even the positions you like can help to better guide sexual partners. You can never know yourself too well. Also, practicing it alone can make you feel more comfortable doing it around a partner. From touching yourself during sex to just allowing him to watch, it certainly won’t hurt anything.

3. It relieves stress and other physical stuff.

I have headaches that disappeared after an orgasm. You can’t call your booty call to come to relieve a headache. You can pull your hand out and do it yourself. You can also feel less anxious or stressed after orgasming. Trust me, it is in the best interest of your health as a whole to try it. (And, it can help you fall asleep.)

4. It can help maintain (or improve) your sex drive.

Being sexual with yourself can help you want to be sexual in other situations. Watching porn, or pulling material from the old spank bank, can keep sex on your mind and help your all-around sex drive. Or, if your sex drive is already too high, it can help keep it at a bay by allowing yourself pleasure more regularly.

5. It isn’t bad, shameful, dirty, weird or anything else negative.

If you’re not masturbating, you probably think something is bad about it. Well, there isn’t. It doesn’t make your dirty or less pure or gross or weird. It is totally normal. Give it a try! I promise you’ll love it.

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