4 Tips For Promoting Faster Hair Growth

Have you recently chopped off your hair and now you are not sure about the style and would love to have your longer strands back? It happens to everyone. We all love to experiment at some point, until we start hating it, after taking a look at what we have actually done to our perfectly good, long hair. Yet, experimenting is a part of our nature and I have absolutely nothing against it. After all, you might stumble upon the look you very much like and even if not, the simple truth is that you can just let your hair grow back.

This, however, takes time. Some people even argue that they were never actually able to get back to their usual style after cutting their strands, because those just refused to grow the right amount. While that can definitely happen, there are reasons for it, just like there are methods you can use, such as those found on this page, to promote hair growth. Usually, the fact that it won’t grow is an indicator that it isn’t healthy, but that’s not what we are here to talk about right now.

Instead of talking about those situations in which your strands won’t actually grow, let us take a different approach and give you a few tips on what you should do in order to promote faster hair growth. You will find those tips below and I am quite sure that they will turn out to be rather useful, especially if you have only recently chopped off those strands and now you want them back. Of course, you cannot expect a miracle, since it definitely won’t grow over night, but the point is that there are ways to speed up the process.

1. Trim It Regularly

Probably the biggest mistake that people make when trying to grow their hair is the fact that they start thinking they should never cut it again, until they have achieved the desired length. This, however, couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, if you don’t trim the ends and cut off split ones on a regular basis, that can end up being one of the reasons why you might feel that your hair isn’t growing in the first place.

This is because you will keep unhealthy strands on your head, which will lead to breakage and return you to a shorter look once again. Now, don’t get me wrong here. I am not trying to confirm the myth that hair grows faster once you cut it, because that’s not exactly true. It actually has the same growth rate regardless of whether you trim it or not, but the fact that you have split ends that lead to breakage make it appear as if it weren’t growing at all. So, do yourself a favor and trim regularly.

Here are some more tips you could use: https://www.wikihow.com/Encourage-Hair-Growth

2. Don’t Over-wash It

I know that you want your curls to be clean every single day and that you want to look amazing, but here’s the thing. If you wash your hair every day, the shampoo that you’ll be using will actually strip your scalp off certain natural oils that your strands need in order to be healthy. This is why I don’t recommend washing it more often than every second, or even third if you can make it, day. And, of course, make sure to use a conditioner in the process, since it will hydrate your scalp, as well as encourage new growth.

3. Care For Your Scalp

Since I have mentioned scalp already, there is one rather significant thing that you need to understand. The health of this part of your head definitely influences the overall health of your hair, as well as is growth. So, in short, this means that you will need to care for your scalp if you want to make sure that your strands will grow once again. By ensuring you have a healthy scalp, you are also ensuring that blood and nutrients flow to the follicle the way they actually should. Now, the only thing is, you might not be sure how to care for your scalp precisely.

First things first, you might want to develop a weekly scalp mask routine. These masks are usually oil-based or cream-based and they can be made out of various ingredients, such as peppermint and similar. They are created specifically to improve circulation and thus ensure your scalp’s health. In addition to masks, you should also think about massaging your scalp on a regular basis, since that can be of great help as well.

4. Use Regrowth Products

In case you have tried all of the tricks mentioned above, and possibly a few more, and realized that they aren’t quite working, that can only mean one thing. You need a more aggressive approach. Don’t get worried about the word “aggressive”, since the method I am going to suggest right now is still gentle on your scalp and your strands. It’s just that it is specifically created to promote growth. Basically, you might want to try a hair growth system or two, i.e. products made to help you achieve this particular goal.

If you have heard about these products already, then you also must have heard various stories about them. Some people believe that they work perfectly, while others are not so convinced. Let me tell you the truth. In simple words, if you find the right products and if you are persistent in using them, they will most certainly work. On the other hand, if you get some poor quality products, they are definitely not going to help you.

This simply means that you will have to be rather careful about the products that you are actually using in this process. The best thing to do is thoroughly research more of them and find the one that people were happy with. So, read product reviews and talk to other people about these, with the aim of finding the best possible solution for you.

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