
20 Books Written By, For and About Women in Leadership

According to statistics, the number of women in senior management roles in business grew by 29% worldwide. It is the highest number ever recorded. Yet, there are still significant challenges and a huge  leadership gap . But don’t be discouraged; women can master any profession, starting from  software engineer and up to running a publishing house. And this list of women leadership books can help you with it.

Best Leadership Books for Women

Leadership and the Sexes by Barbara Annis and Michael Gurian

This is one of the top women books that use a scientific approach to gender representation in business. Its main goal is to make any business successful. There is not only exciting data and research, but also real-life examples, and practical applications.

Brotopia by Emily Chang

This is one of the empowering women books on working in a male-dominated environment. It analyzes the bro culture of Silicon Valley and gender discrimination in the world of technology, and the challenges a female professional faces in such a community.

Leading From the Front by Angie Morgan and Courtney Lynch

It stands out from great reads for women as it offers 10 leadership principles that can be applied in career, family, and social life. And it is practical and engaging. It is written by two former Marine Corps captains and founders of Lead Star. And it is about taking risks and not being afraid to change.

Girl Code by Cara Alwill Leyba

The list of top leadership books for women wouldn’t e complete without this one. It is about combating stereotypes, fears, and mistakes and truly succeeding even when nothing is perfect. It also encourages support to other females in business.

The Next Generation Of Women Leaders by Selena Rezvani

This is one of the best books about women in leading positions. It is based on 30 interviews of top female business leaders who offer their advice on what you won’t hear in any business school. It is about gender dynamics, ambition, and success – truly inspiring!

Mumboss by Vicki Psarias

This is one of the excellent female empowerment books that it is perfectly possible to be successful in every sphere of your life. It is a personal story of a freelance blogger and mother that started her career just in a few weeks after giving birth. It is quite useful for those who are interested in blogging, vlogging, and marketing.

Leading Women by Nancy D. O’Reilly

It is a women and leadership book that shares stories of 20 successful female leaders and it encourages to claim the respect, recognition, and combat internal barriers. It teaches us to be powerful and achieve any business goals.

Old in Art School by Nell Painter

It might not be one of the traditional female leadership books, but it is enjoyable, inspiring, and has a very powerful message. Nell started her journey to become an artist at 64 and shares her story of achievements. It is a book about finding your goal and pursuing it. And it teaches that it is never too late to start something great.

Nice Girls Don’t Get The Corner Office by Lois Frankel

This is one of the best self-help books for young women as it analyzes typical and unconscious mistakes that hold female leaders back. It describes and helps to beat behavioral patterns that provoke career self-sabotage in females.

Leading Gracefully by Monique Svazlian Tallon

What makes this one of the best books for women about women is its practicality. There are many quizzes and questions that it feels almost like a workshop. It is about leadership style, collaboration, and an authentic approach to management.

A Good Time to be a Girl by Helena Morrissey

If you are interested in books about powerful females, check this one. It is written by the founder of the 30% Club initiative for gender equality. And it is about reinventing the system and power dynamics rather than trying to fit in. It includes a personal story, examples, and important research.

Daring Greatly by Brené Brown

This book women will find inspiring as it covers the topic of embracing vulnerability and using it for success in all life aspects. It motivates us to be courageous and victorious. And it is based on scientific findings on the power of vulnerability.    

Female Innovators at Work by Danielle Newnham 

It is one of the most useful women in management books as it features stories of CEOs, founders, and tech inventors from different countries. And it is written by a female entrepreneur and startup founder to help others.

Radical Candor by Kim Scott

This is a great leadership guidance book. It is about being successful in business without being too harsh. It is well-written and offers a new approach to management, that’s why it is in the list of the best leadership books for women.

Fifty Million Rising by Saadia Zahidi

This book covers the modern Muslim women of the world challenging taboos, stereotypes, and prejudice to make the world a better place. It is very inspiring and promotes independence and self-actualization. 

Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg

It is one of the classic women in leadership books. And it is quite popular as it offers a comprehensive guide into professional success for any career. It shows how to reclaim the power and become a true leader.

The Multi-Hyphen Life by Emma Gannon

If you are more into the books about women being flexible with their time and combining several roles, this is a good one. It is not about concentrating on one professional path, but rather putting effort in various activities – multi-hyphen career.  It is not a typical “how-to-be-a-millionaire” thing, it is the concept of success and fulfillment.

The Working Woman’s Handbook by Phoebe Lovatt

This is an enjoyable everyday read that covers everything from work style, pitching, time management, and up to managing a budget. So you can find advice on money as well as endorse your productivity.

What Will It Take To Make A Woman President? By Marianne Schnall

The list of the best books for females leaders wouldn’t be full without the question of the presidency. It is a research on women in politics and activism, interview with them to understand what holds women back in this regard and what can be done. The message is positive and encouraging and Beyoncé recommended it.

New Rules of the Game by Susan Packard

This book is written by the co-founder of HGTV and integrates gamesmanship into business management. It offers ten strategies to bring more focus, teamwork, optimism, and creativity into any company. It is a lighter yet more effective approach to the workplace.

Author’s bio:

Anastasia K. is a CFO at Writing Metier. She is interested in education, business strategies, and technology. Anastasia loves to share her experience with other women to possibly help or inspire them.