
Being Yourself Is Your Superpower:12 Things About My Authentic Gypsy Soul

In a world that often expects us to be something that we’re not, it can be difficult to find our true selves. We are constantly getting messages from the media and society telling us what is acceptable and what is not. In the end, most of us try fitting into a mold that simply does not fit.

Thankfully, more and more women are starting to break free from societal expectations and embrace who they truly are. They are learning to love themselves for who they are, quirks and all. And that is something truly amazing.

For me, I am a gypsy soul. Learning what a gypsy soul is made me realize I’m not crazy or weird but just being my authentic self – doing what comes naturally to me. Don’t make yourself nuts trying to fit into a societal norm. Figure out your own norm. What makes you feel alive, excited, and comfortable? After being conditioned by expectations for so many years, you might go through a trial-and-error period learning what feels authentic, but it’s a self-discovery that profoundly impacts how you live your life and how you experience joy in this world.

Here are the twelve things that feel authentic for me and my gypsy soul:

1. I am an old soul in a modern world. Sometimes it feels like I was born in the wrong time period. 
2. I am self-sufficientunpredictable, and fiercely independent. I work hard to make my own wishes and dreams come true. 
3. I am not scared of life, and life doesn’t scare me. While life can be scary at times, I know that’s when I learn and grow the most. I can be the hero of my own life.
4. I am a collector of moments; material things are not important. I rather have a barrel full of memories than a barrel full of things!
5. I am a passionate person who asks deep questions and thinks about deeper aspects of life. Self-discovery is always on my mind, and I want to know all the things about all the things. Don’t give me small talk; give me a deep, meaningful conversation.
6. love nature and art, being imaginative and creative, and music runs through my veins. Being in nature makes me feel alive. I want rocks covered in moss with a small stream running nearby.  
7. I let my emotions guide me, am empathetic, and trust my intuition. I tend to think and feel things way too much. 
8. believe in magic and miracles. I’m optimistic and know that something good is always around the corner. There is a silver lining in every cloud and magic in every day; sometimes you just have to find it.
9. dance to the beat of my own drum and live an unconventional lifestyle. I’m constantly looking for something new and exciting. I’m creating my own path and finding my own joy. You may not always agree with my choices, but I’m making those choices for me and not you!
10. I am a free-spiritedadventurous wanderer who loves my freedom. I want new places and new faces. I want to experience all there is to experience! It’s not about checking off boxes; it’s about experiencing it all!
11. I am full of energy and want to live life on my own terms, always open to change and embracing chaos. I have fire in my soul. There is beauty in imperfection, no need for rose-colored glasses. An authentic life doesn’t pretend to be perfect. Perfect is an illusion I quit chasing.
12. I am afraid to fall in love, but I love unconditionally. I have a big heart and every time I have loved, I have gotten hurt, but it hasn’t stopped me from trying. I hope to find someone who can match my depth.

We are all unique and amazing in our own way, and there’s no need to apologize for being who we are. So go out and be your beautiful self, unapologetically. Let society try and put us in a box – we’ll always find a way to break out and fly free.

If you’re feeling down because you don’t fit into the “norm,” remember that you are not alone. There are billions of other women out there who are also fighting against societal expectations. And together, we can make a difference.

Check out my book, Discovering My Gypsy Soul, to learn more about me and my journey of self-discovery.

About The Author

Catina Borgmann is a free-spirited, adventurous woman who has discovered and subsequently embraced her authentic gypsy soul. She was born and raised in Nebraska and lived there until 2018, when she followed her dream to live in a tiny house community in North Carolina. 

Catina is a catalyst for self-love, self-discovery, and living an authentic life. Along the way, she has made mistakes, learned lessons, fought battles, won victories, survived traumas, become an author, and started a blog. She’s managed to always find joy within her journeys.

Through her company, GypsyWander, she hopes to inspire and encourage free-spirited women around the world to live authentically and find joy in their own journeys. You can find her at, on Facebook, and on Pinterest.