Flexible Working: A Win-Win for Employers and Employees

Flexible working refers to a work arrangement that allows you to work for however long, where, when, and/or what time you want, as opposed to your traditional 9 to 5 job. Flexible working can take many forms, from remote work to job sharing, and is highly adaptable to the individual.

But what advantages does flexible working have for both employers and employees? Let us find out now.

What Effect Does Flexible Work Have on the Workplace Culture?

Going To The Office Is Expensive

You can review your costs and realize significant savings by downsizing your real estate footprint by implementing flexible working. This will not only save you money on rent, but also on IT, furniture, and utilities. You can also save money by working with a flexible service provider that provides short-term flexible leases. 

Having a flexible workplace is extremely beneficial to both the employer and the employee. One of the most rewarding aspects is having a welcoming environment at the workplace when employees return from remote work or working from home. Finding these types of offices is difficult for most businesses, and changing the environment should be the responsibility of the employer. 

Depending on the location that would be best for your team, you can find these kinds of office spaces in New York, San Francisco, or Los Angeles.

According to an Owl Labs survey, employees who work in the office spend twice as much money on things like their commute and meals as those who work remotely. In an era of unprecedented inflation rates and price gouging, remote workers continue to demand competitive compensation. In fact, 57% of employees surveyed agreed that they should be paid the same regardless of where they work.

Flexible Working Has Advantages For Businesses

It is not enough for employees to want flexible working hours; companies must also see the business benefits. Fortunately, the evidence suggests that flexible work has a financial advantage over traditional work.

For one thing, remote workers are happier and thus more productive than their office-bound counterparts. Furthermore, flexible working can significantly increase company loyalty, resulting in lower staff turnover and easier recruitment. An openness to change broadens your talent pool. You can hire the best person for the job rather than simply hiring someone because they live in a convenient location. Technology has allowed many businesses to have access to many resumes of people beyond borders and to find the right people for the position they are looking to fill. A lot of businesses work with hiring professionals to go through this high number of resumes and find the right international employee

Flexibility and telecommuting promote results-oriented work, which directly impacts productivity. Working from home can boost engagement, performance, and motivation while lowering overhead costs.


Flexibility fosters creativity and, as a result, inspires employee productivity. Over the last year, employers discovered that flexible working (working from home) did not reduce productivity, and in fact, increased productivity in some cases. According to a CIPD survey, 71% of employers found that working from home either increased or had no effect on productivity.

Employee Retention and Morale

By offering flexible working options to your employees, you will gain company loyalty from employees who will be less likely to switch jobs. Employees have a wide range of personal responsibilities and allowing them the flexibility to maintain a good work/life balance will boost morale and attract new talent. Employers who provide flexible working arrangements have a significant advantage in the recruiting process and access to a larger talent pool.

Sometimes It’s Better To Work Alone

When working from home, employers feel more creative, focused, and capable of meeting deadlines. Workers, on the other hand, prefer that activities like meeting new people and team collaborations take place in person.

Set Precise, Smart Goals

Flexible working works best when you focus on goal completion rather than hours worked. This will save management time while producing tangible results.

As a result, employees and managers must collaborate on SMART objectives, and employees must be completely clear on what they are expected to do, how they are expected to do it, and when their objectives must be completed.


All of this shows that flexible work leads to better future outcomes for everyone. Employees get to define their own working model, fit it into their lives, and feel empowered as a result. Employers benefit from a happier, more loyal, and more productive workforce, and they distinguish themselves as job market leaders. Therefore switching to flexible working is an opportunity to effect long-term positive change for everyone.

About The Author

Freya is a Math teacher, Yoga enthusiast, and a beloved mother of three lovely daughters. She is always looking for ways to grow and help others around her thrive through self-learning, meditation, and physical fitness. When she is not teaching or spending time with her family, Freya regularly writes on topics related to self-improvement and women’s empowerment

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