People Are Sharing The Pettiest Reasons They Swipe Left On Tinder And Honestly, Same

A few days ago, writer Beth McColl asked the Twitter community to list the pettiest reasons they swipe left on dating apps.

She also shared a couple of her own pet peeves, which included “loving job too much” and “sharing a name with a family member”—both undoubtedly petty but also fully understandable. McColl’s tweet brought forth dozens of responses from folks disgusted by everything from flip-flops to hiking pics to words like “doggo” and phrases like “fluent in sarcasm” in bio. Here are 31 of the most relatable:

1. Sharing a name with a family member:

2. Tongue-out selfies:

3. Loving ‘The Office’ as a personality trait:

4. Or working out as a personality trait:

5. Any mention of sarcasm:

6. Playing sports:

7. Fishing:

8. Hiking:

9. Rock climbing:

10. Having a Snapchat:

11. Spelling their name a certain way:

12. Sharing a name with an enemy:

13. Having a too-exciting life:

14. Having attending the School Of Hard Knocks:

15. Or the University Of Life:

16. Cowboy boots and hats:

17. Bad sunglasses:


18. Bad words:

19. Camo:


20. Burying the lede:

21. Any of this:

22. Former college athletes:

23. Harry Potter:

24. Star Wars:

25. Taking ones self not seriously enough:

26. “Too much makeup”

27. Any of these phrases:

28. Or these:

29. Orrrrr these:

30. Wacky faces in profile pics:


h/t BuzzFeed

Men Are Sharing All The Hilarious ‘Secrets’ Women Probably Don’t Know

Just as there are many things that men have trouble understanding about women, there are also several male habits that confuse the hell out of us.

Fortunately, someone recently asked the dudes of Reddit about their “guy secrets” they think girls don’t know about. The responses have been enlightening, to say the least. See for yourselves…













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17 People Share The Most Hilarious Life Advice They Got From Their Dads

    Every dad has his own true and tried life advice that he one day passes on to younger generations. Whether it’s about maintaining relationships or his secrets to success at work or even how to get out of a speeding ticket, father’s are notorious for sharing their words of wisdom.

    But in my opinion, the best guidance is the kind that seems most ridiculous. Just take it from these people who are sharing the funniest life advice they ever received from their dads.

    1. Keep to yourself.

    2. It’s just a scratch.

    3. Write this one down.

    4. Embrace your demons.

    5. Self-preservation is key.

    6. A solid piece of dad advice.

    7. He knows from experience.

    8. Follow your heart.

    9. You’ll always be a kid in his eyes.

    10. Work hard.

    11. Keep those boys away.

    12. Never be afraid to ask.

    13. Play to your strengths.

    14. Watch those allergies.

    15. He was a boy once.

    16. Don’t get sloppy.

    17. He’ll always be there to protect you.

19 Couples Share The Unspoken Rules That Keep Their Marriages Alive

Marriage is no walk in the park, as any married couple will attest. Choosing to spend the rest of your life with the same person is a decision you continue making every single day and it requires plenty of patience, sacrifice, and mutual respect. Not to mention, an unfailing sense of humor.

Reddit recently asked the married couples in its audience about the unspoken rules that help keep their marriage alive and their responses might just save your relationship—or at least, provide you with some pointers.

1. There’s no winning when it comes to arguments.

There’s no “winning” an argument when you’re married. You either come to an agreement somehow or you’ve both lost. A situation where one person walks away feeling discouraged, unheard, and disrespected is not a victory when you’re married.


2. Honesty is key.

Everybody always says to be honest and to communicate with each other. The extra step that is left out is to not punish your spouse for being honest. Sometimes you might hear things you don’t like, but if you punish this honesty, the communication line will close.


23 People Share The One Thing That Immediately Makes Them Distrust Someone

We talk about red flags in relationships all the time—things we wish we had noticed earlier on that have become tell-tale signs we now avoid like the plague.

However, it isn’t just potential significant others that have the ability to send off silent alarms in our minds. It could be anyone and once you’ve noticed their unpleasant trait, it’s time to get the heck outta dodge.

Redditors are no strangers to these red flags and are sharing some of their most blatant encounters that will make you say ‘hell naw’.


When they put a lot of energy into manipulating people instead of just living their lives.



When they openly brag about f**king someone over.



I don’t trust physicians who never say “I don’t know.”

The most dangerous physicians are the ones who make a bad call and then defend it with all their might. Those who answer a question incorrectly with supreme confidence.

If a doc occasionally says “I don’t know, let’s look it up” then I know I can trust her/him.



When they judge others for the very things they’re guilty of themselves.



They constantly talk sh*t about others but all the stories are skewed to their favor. I watch my mouth around people like that and try to only say things I don’t mind getting out.



People who can’t keep something to themselves and talk about another person’s private matters. I’m very private about myself, as trust takes years to build up but seconds to shatter.



“They told me not to tell anyone but…”

Never will trust someone like that. If they tell me other people’s secrets they’ll no doubt tell other people mine.



“I’m having some people over this weekend, I’m gonna have drinks and some food. You should come by.”

Weekend comes.

“Thanks for coming everyone, so today I’d like to talk about an amazing business opportunity..”

Hell na, to the na na na.



When they tell you all their exes are crazy.



When they flat out ignore what you say to talk about themselves. I don’t trust you, I know you’re only there for your own benefit and f**k anyone else around you.


14 Groupies Who Fucked Musicians And Told Us Everything About It
















Continue reading 14 Groupies Who Fucked Musicians And Told Us Everything About It

20 Things That Make You Look Selfish Even If You’re Not

It’s important not to worry too much about what other people might say about you. It’s really easy to get called “selfish” just for taking the time to make sure your own personal needs are met. But we’d never be able to take care of others without taking care of ourselves first.

And honestly, we’re not always up for taking care of others anyway. There is no rule that says other people are always supposed to come before yourself.

Here are some behaviors that might get you labeled “selfish” when you really, truly aren’t.


Putting your mental health first.



Being judicious with your time and energy, when people ask you to do things.



Telling your family “no” when you feel you have maxed out your contribution to whatever cause they are campaigning. Especially when their methods of negotiation include applying guilt.



Limiting contact with a friend whose issues are now affecting your own happiness. You have to look out for yourself, too.



Healthy firm relationship boundaries.



saying no to people. you dont have to always help people if it will spread you too thin. self preservation is a thing.



Thinking about yourself first. You’re no good to others if you aren’t good to yourself.




Sometimes it’s insanely healthy to be with yourself.

Sometimes the timing doesn’t mesh with others’ lives.



Cutting off toxic family members/in-laws. I have cut my narcissistic abusive sister out of my life and I am in the process of cutting off my mother-in-law. Life is too short to allow abuse into your life because your abuser is a family member.



You are told when on a flight that if the oxygen masks come down, put yours on first before you try to put them on your child.

You can get yours on relatively quickly, but if you’re spending all your oxygen trying to fight your kid first, that’s asking for trouble and it might not be enough time to do both that way.


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