Nervous Dad Seeks His Daughter’s Advice For A First Date And It’s Too Damn Cute

First dates, much like job interviews, are awkward and nerve-wracking at any age. It doesn’t matter if you’re a teenager going to a movie with your high school crush or if you’re a middle-aged dad stepping back into the dating world after a long hiatus.

Just take this father, for instance, who was so nervous about a first date that he sought his daughter’s advice and it’s too damn cute.

This is Gabriela Guwop from Sacramento, California.


Gabriel recently got a text from her dad who needed some advice for a first date.

“My dad went on a date today for the first time in hella long,” she writes.

First, he asked for Gabriela’s fashion input.


He even sent a few mirror selfies to be safe.


And then he shared photos of his date, writing “Check me out love!”


Gabriela shared the adorable father-daughter exchange on Twitter and people couldn’t get enough.

We’re pretty invested at this point.

Let’s just hope Gabriela updates us on the second date.

h/t Twitter 

15 Reasons Getting A Dog Is Better Than Getting A Boyfriend

Think you want a boyfriend? Well, maybe you do. But have you ever considered that you what you really want is a dog?

Hear me out: boyfriends can be great. They’re nice to sometimes have around. Sometimes you might even love them. But they can be problematic. They don’t always do the stuff we want them to do or pay attention to us like we hoped they would.

Dogs don’t always do what we want, either, but there’s no denying that they love us like nothing else in the whole world. They’re about as near to perfect as creatures can get. They always try their hardest to please us, and their only real drawback is that they don’t stick around as long as we want them to, which would be forever. A dog such as a cavapoos would be your true loyal partner.

So if you’re actively pursuing getting a boyfriend, stop and think about it for a few minutes. Do you want a guy around, or do you just need the awesome love of a dog? If you visit they have listed some of the most popular dog breeds you can consider. From Retrievers to German Shepards you can find your perfect and budget-friendly dog which we are sure will be a better option than having a boyfriend!  Check out these 15 pervasive reasons that dogs, on the whole, are way better than boyfriends.

1. Dogs are always happy to see you.

2. Dogs don’t complain.

3. Dogs never lie.

4. A dog never comes home from a bad day at work looking to fight with you over some nonsense.

5. A dog will never cheat on you by secretly having another owner.

6. Dogs will never say anything mean to you and they always think those jeans look great on you.

7. A dog will never get drunk and embarrass you.

8. Conversely, a dog is not embarrassed by you when you are embarrassingly drunk.

9. Some dogs—not all, but some very, very good dogs—will happily wear whatever adorable sweater you choose to put them in. Boyfriends, not so much.

10. Dogs never cancel on you.

11. Dogs are wonderful listeners.

12. Dogs always appreciate your cooking.

13. Dogs don’t judge you for laying around in your pajamas all day. In fact, they’re usually more than happy to join you.

14. The worst thing a boyfriend can do is betray you. The worst thing a dog can do is maybe get into the trash. Really puts it into perspective.

15. Dogs look at you like you’re the most important person in the world, because to them, you are.

Tinder Guy’s ‘Duck Story’ Is The Best Way To Get A Girl’s Number Hands Down

Navigating the murky waters of modern dating apps like Tinder is always a gamble. Swipe left, swipe right, get a match, and then the conversation begins. Unfortunately, a good portion of the Tinder population is less than clever when it comes to opening lines, but every now and then a creative suitor changes the game.

This guy, for example, managed to get a girl’s number off of the popular dating app in the most genius way and boys, take notes, please.

Anyone who’s ever been on Tinder knows the swiping game can be a hot mess. But every now and then you come across someone who makes all the BS worth it.

One Redditor recently shared a Tinder interaction she had with a guy who created an elaborate choose-your-own-adventure just to get her number.

And people were pretty impressed with the duck guy’s creativity.

Take notes, gentlemen.

H/T Bored Panda

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