How Dating Apps Have Changed Since the Pandemic

Many things have changed since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, people have changed the way they interact with one another, and they may be more cautious about the events that they attend and the number of people that they are around at any given time. Also, the way that people work has had to shift as a result of efforts to keep everyone safe. But one area of life that you might not think of is dating. Has it changed since the pandemic? Of course! In fact, even dating apps now operate a little differently in order to accommodate changes to everyone’s way of life. 


Vaccination Status Can Be Displayed on a Dating Profile

Because some individuals are very concerned about the vaccination status of the people that they will be around, some dating apps have developed ways of letting you know if the person you are interested in has been vaccinated. For example, some apps let you add a simple badge to your profile in order to let others know that you have already received the vaccine. 

Of course, even if you are not using a dating app that displays this type of information for everyone to see, you can certainly ask others about their vaccination status. For example, if you are using a site like for chatting, you can ask questions when interacting with others, and you can use that information to gauge whether or not you want to take the next step in your relationship. 


Using Video Chats More Often

Another way that dating apps have shifted a bit in the way that they do things is by letting people interact via video chats. Some users prefer being able to talk to one another on video in order to get to know each other better. So, depending on the app you choose to use, you might be able to get to know someone by connecting with them on video chat, rather than just by using a traditional chat room. 

The great thing about a video chat is you get the chance to see the other person face-to-face while still maintaining your distance and remaining safe at home. Because of social distancing rules that were imposed during the pandemic, people are accustomed to chatting online, and being able to get on a video chat can even be a great way to have your first date without needing to meet in person. 


Dating Apps Have Become a Lot More Popular

Finally, the COVID-19 pandemic affected people all over the world and caused individuals, from teen lesbians to seniors, to change the way they meet for dates. Nowadays, people are more willing to turn to a dating app, especially if they live in an area where a lot of restrictions are still in place or they aren’t able to do all of the same things that they used to do, like go to a club or a bar to meet new people. As a result, dating apps have become increasingly more popular, with more and more people jumping on board to look for love. 

As you can see, dating apps have changed a bit since the pandemic started. And those who are looking for love in a safe way are more willing to give these apps a try.  



4 Reasons To Try Online Dating & How To Choose The Right Platform

If you’ve been pondering on the idea of joining an online dating platform, but you aren’t quite sure whether it is the right thing for you, then I only have one thing to say. You’re not alone in those thoughts. People all over the world are wondering the same thing and those who have long been using these platforms were also wondering the same thing at some point in the past. It’s just the natural way of things, since people will spend a lot of time thinking about something before they actually decide to do it.

This is a good thing, actually – this practice of thinking everything through before taking a plunge, and I am in no way blaming you for it. Yet, I believe that the time has come for you to get your facts straight and clear up any of those confusions that you might have. In other words, the time has come for you to find some amazing online dating websites, join them and have some fun. After all, fun has never done anybody any harm.

Before you start the process of finding the right platform for you, though, it’s perfectly normal that you will want to hear a few reasons why you should do this in the first place. You have spent so much time wondering if this is a good idea and if there’s a reason for you to try it out, meaning that you cannot exactly just jump on board without getting at least some answers to those questions. Well, I got your back!

Reasons To Try It

What did you think I was going to do when I said I got your back? If you were expecting to hear some reasons why you should try online dating out, then you were definitely right in your assumptions. That is precisely what I am going to do – get you familiar with a few reasons why dating online could be the perfect thing for you. Once we’re done with that, we will proceed to helping you choose your platform. One thing at a time, though.

1. Finding Like Minded People Is Easier

How many times have you met someone and hoped that you would hit it off and share at least some of the same interests in life, only to realize after a short while that you don’t really have much in common and that your relationship would actually be doomed from the start. Perhaps you have even spent some time dating people like those in hope that you would fall in love eventually, that the other person would change, or simply because you were bored? Been there, done that!

Although this can sometimes be fun, there comes a point in life when it becomes straight out frustrating and nerve wrecking. You don’t want to waste any more time on people that you won’t click with and traditional dating is bound to lead to that. Online dating, on the other hand, allows you to immediately filter out those people that you don’t click with, without even having to go out on a first date with them. Plus, creating a profile that represents you well and introduced the main points of your interests will help you attract like-minded people much faster and much more successfully.

Speaking of creating a profile, you might need a few tips on that:

2. It Can Boost Your Confidence

Regardless of what anyone says, traditional dating can be a nightmare for people who are shy or lack a little bit in the confidence department. Things are, however, pretty different when trying your luck out online. There is no reason to be shy while approaching people this way, because you already know that everyone is there for the same reasons as you are, i.e. to meet someone. Plus, rejections are not nearly as heartbreaking and unpleasant as in real life. On top of all that, connecting to people this way can gradually boost your confidence which will help you secure a second date once you go out on that first one.

3. It Can Save You Time

Perhaps one of the biggest reasons why people decide to join online dating platforms is this. They simply no longer have the patience for bad blind dates and bad dates in general. Like I said above, people no longer want to waste their time doing this dance. Well, joining these platforms can save you some time, because you will actually avoid going out and meeting for drinks with people before you get to know them at least a little bit and before you assess whether you two would hit it off or not.

4. It’s A Great Adventure That Can Lead To Love

Now, here is another reason that you should keep in mind when trying to decide if you want to try this out or not. To put it simply, online dating can be a great and fun adventure that will lead to some amazing and interesting stories. Most importantly, it can lead to love, which might be just what you are looking for right now. If it is what you’re looking for, then you might want to read this and get some tips from people who’ve met their spouses online.

How To Choose Your Platform

After you decide to join this world, and you will, without a doubt, make that decision at one point or another, you will need to start thinking about something else. In simple words, you’ll need to learn how to find and choose the best dating platform for you, i.e. a site that will connect you to the right people and help you boost your chances at finding a person that you’ll click with and possibly get romantically involved with. Let me share some tips on how to make this choice.

1. Go For Well-Known & Reputable Ones

You certainly want to play it safe when dating online, and you should start playing it safe right from the very beginning. This is why you should always choose the well-known and reputable dating platforms, instead of joining the one that nobody’s heard of and that could potentially be dangerous. A great thing to do is find some guides and reviews written about these platforms, so that you can determine their safety and legitimacy.

2. Check The Demographics

Yet, not all of those reputable platforms will be perfect for you. One of the things you should do if you’re striving for perfection is check the demographics. This will help you understand what kinds of people you would be able to meet on particular sites – younger, older, from specific areas etc. Check whatever it is that you want to know.

3. Decide If You Want To Pay Or Not

Another significant thing that you’ll need to decide is whether you want to pay for using these platforms or not. Most usually, the paid ones offer a lot of much better features and thus increase your overall chances of actually meeting someone. Yet, there might also be some great free ones out there and those reviews that I’ve mentioned previously could help you find them.

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5 Fun Ways to Test Your Relationship Compatibility


Before you can succeed in a new relationship, you need to know whether you are compatible with the other person. Compatibility means that you share the same interests, hobbies, and goals. The following are five fun tips that will help you to test your relationship compatibility with this other person. Try them and see what happens.

Take a Love Compatibility Quiz

One fun way to test your compatibility is to visit the internet and take one of the many love compatibility tests out there. The internet has a lot of interesting tests you can take to check and see if you are compatible with someone else. All you have to do is enter your names and then answer some compatibility-specific questions. When you’re done answering all the questions, you’ll receive a compatibility score. You can take that score with a grain of salt, or you can use it to decide whether you should stay or leave this new relationship. It’s up to you.


Have Your Horoscopes Read

Another thing you can do to test your compatibility is to have your Gemini horoscope read. You can choose one of several ways to have your horoscope read. You can visit a person who does it as a profession. You’ll have to pay a small fee to have your and your potential mate’s horoscopes read by this person. However, he or she may have more details to share with you than you would receive using other methods. Alternatively, you could join a site that gives regular horoscope updates and discusses factors such as compatibility. Either way might be an excellent way to find out if you match up with another person.

Play a Fun 20-Questions Game

You could find out if you’re compatible with another person without using any outside sources at all. You can find a quiet place where the two of you can converse with each other. Take a trip to a park and have a picnic, for example. Ask each other a series of questions that pertain to your compatibility as you sit together in the sunlight and enjoy an amazing meal. You might find out that you’re more compatible than either of you ever imagined.

Talk to a Relationship Coach

A relationship coach can also help you test your compatibility and see if it’s worth it to stay together. A coach is a cross between a friendly advisor and a counselor. Many people prefer to see coaches than counselors or therapists because they seem as if they’re more down-to-earth. These individuals don’t necessarily have training in psychology. However, they enjoy helping people live their best lives. Checking to see if you’re compatible with another person is a great way to live your best life with or without that person. Scheduling some coaching sessions might be affordable for you since coaches have varying levels of experience.

Go on a Trip Together

Finally, one of the best ways to find out if you’re compatible with another person is to take a plunge with that person. You could go on a trip together to see if you hit it off and are made for each other. Take your mate kayaking if that’s what you enjoy doing. See if that person enjoys the experience as much as you do. You can also do something adventurous such as rock climbing, bungee jumping, or car racing. It’s a good way to have a blast together and find out if your activities match up.


It’s better to know sooner than later if you are compatible with another person. That way, you can decide to stay together if you are compatible or part ways if you just don’t have too much in common. Life is short, and you have to make the best decisions for yourself in this life. You can have a heap of fun testing your compatibility with this other person right away.

Test Your Compatibility Today

Now you know of some effective ways to test your compatibility. Try these tests so that you don’t waste any time if you’re not compatible with your love interest. You’ll be glad you took the time to find out first.

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About The Author

Sheryl Wright is a freelance writer who specializes in digital marketing, inclusive business, and interior design. If she is not at home reading, she is at a farmers market or climbing in the Rockies. She currently lives in Nashville, TN, with her cat, Saturn.

To The Man Who Took A Piece Of My Heart

You have a piece of me, and no, I don’t want it back. I actually want you to keep it… Yes, please… And I don’t say that with any attitude, sarcasm, or anger but truly and genuinely I want you to keep it. I want you to know that with that “piece” you will always have a piece of me and that piece of me will always care, will always love, and will always be there for you. Even though we didn’t work together… We had first’s together. You were my first REAL true love, the first person who I actually saw a future with. The first man I pictured having kids with.

I saw it all.

You were my firsts with a lot of things. You may not have had many firsts with me. But you had some. And honestly, I’m going to take those as wins. I was the first girl who challenged you and kept you on your toes. Yes, you were constantly always doing work but so was I. I understood “business” and could “keep up” – I know I surprised you quite a bit with that. I was also the first who had goals, dreams, and ambition and could match your determination and ambition. (You found that attractive and that was also a first for me too because typically that intimidates guys…) The first that I am most proud of is that I was the girl who showed you that it was ok to love again. I know about the things women before me have done to you, and I know how you couldn’t trust. That you were afraid to get your heart broken again. I was dedicated to changing that and I put so much time and effort into that…

I love you, I still do, I may always, and knowing that we won’t have a future together hurts more than you know.

Break-ups are supposed to be bitter, I don’t want this one to be that though. I have lost you as my lover but losing you as one of my best friends and losing you as a person in my life hurts 10 times more. With that being said, I want you to know that I will always be there for you and I will always care about you.

I hope you find happiness, and I hope your career skyrockets and reachest the stars. You are already almost there and I know it’s all going to be a success. I hope you end up finding your match and I hope she is your true love, she will be a lucky woman because you are honestly a great guy.

I hope you two have a happy and healthy family, I know you always wanted that.

It kills me to say that, knowing that it won’t be me. But… You deserve to find someone who makes you happier than I could.

I hope our paths can cross again but until then…

I’ll see you later old friend.

Online Dating During the Pandemic – What’s Changed?


Are you single and looking? If you were hoping for a new love connection at the start of the year, the pandemic might have flipped your plans upside down. Even daters who say they avoid long-distance relationships like the plague…well, ended up having to cope with the barrier of sheltering in place and social distancing due to the pandemic.


In short, COVID-19 halted our love lives. Or did it? To find this out, the team at Sitejabber analyzed thousands of online dating reviews and published a study on the current state of online dating. Here are a few of their top findings you should know.

1. Online dating takes it to the next level

At the onset of the pandemic, online dating activity took a downturn. However, the drop in the number of online daters was short-lived, and by July 2020, people flocked to online dating. Not only were previous users hopping on dating platforms, but new users too. Sitejabber found a 27% overall increase in online dating reports compared to pre-pandemic 2019.


Another interesting stat occurs late into the year – online dating surged in September, when dating reports spiked by 118% compared to the beginning of 2020. Despite social distancing orders and sheltering in place, the loneliness of the pandemic sure motivated many singles!

2. International dating takes a break

Those looking for love internationally put their plans on hold last year. Reports of dating out of the country decreased by 21%. Perhaps travel bans and quarantine had something to do with it?

3. Sliding in the DM’s

Are you the type to text first?

If you’ve ever used a dating app, you know that most platforms allow you to match with potential connections by liking different profiles. Typically, you can only text each other once you’ve matched. And during the pandemic, women are taking the initiative.

According to Sitejabber and AI dating platform Hily, women are 5x more likely to text first. That’s an increase from 7% before the pandemic, to 40% now!

4.The loneliest states

If you live in California, you likely know someone who found their partner online (or maybe it’s you!). California is the number one state in the U.S. to report online dating. And even though international dating dropped during the pandemic, Californians actually ramped it up, reporting dating internationally 77% more.


While most of the U.S.’s online daters live in California, other states saw significant surges of online dating during COVID-19. Reports of online dating skyrocketed by 167% in the state of Washington, followed by Massachusetts, Arizona, Georgia and New Jersey. For these states, the pandemic contributed to a new culture of online dating.

5. Finding love in a hopeless place

How is the modern dater feeling during these unprecedented times? Unfortunately, negative online dating experiences increased by 12%. States like Massachusetts, Georgia, Nevada, Missouri and Michigan reported the highest frequency of negative experiences.


Despite all that, several states made the best of it. Many satisfied daters live in Washington, Illinois, Arizona, New York and New Jersey, sharing the highest frequency of positive online experiences.


How do you feel about dating during the pandemic? If you want to learn more about the latest dating trends, things to watch out for and how scammers are targeting online daters, check out the full study on Sitejabber.

A Valentine’s Day Date with Me, Myself, and I

Listen. I just don’t understand all the bitterness that surrounds Valentine’s Day for people that aren’t in relationships. I’ve been single for eight years, and it’s one of my favorite holidays. I’m serious. Everything in stores are bright pinks and reds, the chocolate selection is top-notch, and it’s just a day to spread love… So, why the hate?

This year, we’re all approaching a year of quarantine, and while I have my moments of desperation to go out to dinner and a Broadway show, I must say I’ve really started to take to this shelter in place lifestyle. The 14th will be no different for moi; I’ll be home alone, but I have more plans than Macaulay Culkin on Christmas Eve.

Allow me to explain.

First and foremost, it’s the perfect time for me to make an excuse to spend money on myself, being that it’s nestled right in between Christmas and my birthday. Do I need an excuse? No, not at all.  There have been so many Zara boxes delivered to my building; I feel like my neighbors are starting to judge. Regardless, it’s impeccable timing for me to just check-in and make sure I’m not neglecting myself in any way… Ya know?

This year, for Valentine’s Day, I’ll be receiving a spin bike for the last unoccupied corner of my tiny NYC apartment, and it’ll be brought to me by my one and only true love: the Amazon Prime delivery man.

I will also be trudging through the mountains of snow to the local cookie shop called Chip NYC, which I frequent. Their V-Day selection includes Red Velvet Cheesecake, Strawberries and Cream, XOXO Funfetti, and, of course, traditional Chocolate Chip. Yes, I looked up their cookie schedule ahead of time and I have to say… I’m so jazzed.

Next, despite all the bodega guys doubling their flower prices on Valentine’s Day, there’s nothing I love more than buying myself flowers.

As our girl Lizzo says, “I get flowers every Sunday; I’mma marry me one day.” Since the holiday falls on a Sunday this year, I can’t possibly defy Saint Valentine AND Lizzo, so I shall sleep easy knowing my $20 bill got $10 worth of roses; inflation be damned.

Now, if you’re thinking the plan is to eat cookies while putting together my new workout equipment: stop. I’m not a monster! I would never do manual labor without cookies AND wine… A nice, full-bodied, Napa Cab to be precise. I will tread cautiously, though. Last year, I bought myself a desk and got a little too carried away with the wine, super-glued it backward, and had to throw it out and order a new one.

I nailed it the second time, though – literally.

While 22-year-old me might have been a little bummed about not having a “Valentine’s date,” 28-year-old me couldn’t be happier scrubbing my bathtub for a deep soak and a face mask. I’ve actually been saving one for the occasion. I got this $1200 set of face masks for $40 on GILT (I highly recommend for skincare savings). They’re made with 24k gold and snail eggs or something crazy. I expect to take it off and have the plump skin of an eight-year-old, but, like, without the baby fat.

I guess what I’m trying to say is there’s no need for the Valentine’s Day blues!

Bottom line: it’s a day to celebrate love, and whether that love is for your friends, your family, your dog, or yourself; it’s worth celebrating. So, while I look forward to future Valentine’s Days spent with a significant other in a California king bed at the Plaza Hotel drinking mimosas and eating pancakes in robes with their logo on them (Macaulay Culkin style), that’s just simply not my narrative right now. I do have one, and only one concern: I hope all my red lipsticks last to see another V-day, post KN95s. *Googles expiry time on lipstick*

*Disclaimer: You should throw out lipsticks after a year and lip glosses after only six months!  Apparently, the wax has the tendency to trap bacteria. Ew. Will I follow this advice? TBD.

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About the Author

Kaitlyn-Renee Urban is an actor and writer with a passion for highlighting feminism in the arts. She hosts an IGTV show (coming January 2021) called “What We Know Now” centered around supporting local, women-run businesses while picking their brains for advice they’d give their younger selves. She lives in New York City, but it’s easier to find her on Instagram.

Husband Thought It Was A Great Idea To Send His Wife Spreadsheet Of Her Excuses Not To Have Sex

This husband might just be the bravest, stupidest person in the whole wide world. While there are plenty of sagging relationships in need of a sensual resurgence, perhaps it’s not the best idea to send your wife an Excel spreadsheet of you cataloging every single spurned sexual advance made by you over seven weeks.

The wife  in question described the entire situation on the r/relationships subreddit:

Yesterday morning, while in a taxi on the way to the airport, Husband sends a message to my work email which is connected to my phone. He’s never done this, we always communicate in person or by text. I open it up, and it’s a sarcastic diatribe basically saying he won’t miss me for the 10 days I’m gone. Attached is a SPREADSHEET of all the times he has tried to initiate sex since June 1st, with a column for my “excuses”, using verbatim quotes of why I didn’t feel like having sex at that very moment. According to his ‘document’, we’ve only had sex 3 times in the last 7 weeks, out of 27 “attempts” on his part.

And for those pining to get a look at this guy’s Excel madness, she provided a glimpse at the spreadsheet.


With a success rate of about 10%, it’s clear that this guy is pretty demoralized by his marriage’s dearth of hanky pank. That being said, using the organizational prowess of Microsoft Office probably isn’t the way to light that fire in her loins, pal.

While the couple are young (both 26), they sound like a sitcom duo from the 60’s, with her cooking, cleaning, and generally taking care of things around the house while he does little to help. (Hot Tip: doing the laundry from time to time is the hottest thing you can do for your wife.) She goes on to explain her side of the story:

This is a side of him I have never seen before – bitter, immature, full of hatred. In person, he’d been acting normal the whole time, maybe a little standoff-ish in the last week. Completely out of left field. Our sex life HAS tapered in the last few months, but isn’t that allowed? We are adults leading busy, stressful lives. I cook for him, I do his laundry, I keep our house clean and tidy. It’s not like our sex life was going to be this way FOREVER, it was a temporary slow-down due to extenuating circumstances.

She went on to explain that she tried calling him but to no response. It seemed like he had cut off contact completely, again, a really dumb move on his part.

Users of the subreddit immediately jumped in to take sides.



Here’s to hoping she claps back with a passive-aggressive “per your email” response, though that might not be what’s best for the relationship. And fellas, take this guy’s misfortune as a deeply-engrained lesson: don’t send your wife spreadsheets.

More sex memes and funny texts:

22 Painfully Accurate Tweets For Anyone Who’s Just Trying To Survive ‘Cuffing Season’

Cuffing season is upon us, people. Whether you acknowledge it or not, it’s officially the neediest time of year. Those of us who are single will be looking for someone to snuggle up and hibernate with until the spring.

Anyone who truly understands the struggle of cuffing season will appreciate all of these tweets. Don’t judge, it gets lonely out there.












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